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Box Stalker Weight Belt

15 min running workout - Quick Cardio Blast - Shape Magazine: Sprint for 1 minute Walk/jog for 1 minute Sprint on an incline for 1 minute Walk/jog for 1 minute Repeat the circuit. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a Wide Open Sandbox First-Person Shooter/Immersive Sim by Ukrainian video game studio GSC Game World.

This is a catch-all category for anything that isn't a ring, staff, rod, weapon, et cetera. Anyone can use a wondrous item (unless specified otherwise in the description).

Physical Description: Varies.

Activation: Usually uses activated or command word, but details vary from item to item.

Wondrous items can be configured to do just about anything from create a breeze to improve ability scores. Many standard (and non-standard) wondrous items are described below.


Amulet of Fortune Prevailing

Blessed by ancient gods of luck, this amulet allows its wearer to change his fortune. Once per day, after the amulet's wearer attempts a saving throw (but before it's determined whether the save succeeded), he may choose to reroll the saving throw. He must use the second result even if it's lower. The wearer can't use this ability if he has already rerolled the saving throw because of another ability he possesses nor can he use another ability he possesses to reroll the saving throw a second time. The amulet can be used only after it is worn continuously for 24 hours. If it is taken off, it becomes inactive until it is again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Moderate divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, augury; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Amulet of Health

This amulet is a golden disk on a chain. It usually bears the image of a lion or other powerful animal. The amulet grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Constitution of +2, +4, or +6.
Moderate transmutation, CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance; Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Amulet of Light

Long ago, these simple sunburst pendants were given to the order's front-line soldiers to aid in the destruction of their undead foes and to prevent their comrades from rising as undead even as they fell. Each of these pendants radiates a continual consecrate effect, as the spell.
Moderate evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Amulet of Mighty Fists

This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic fang, greater, creator's caster level must be at least three times the amulet's bonus; Price: 6,000 gp (+1), 24,000 gp (+2), 54,000 gp (+3), 96,000 gp (+4), 150,000 gp (+5).
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Amulet of Natural Armor

This amulet, usually crafted from bone or beast scales, roughens the wearer's body and flesh, giving him a natural armor bonus to his AC of from +1 to +5, depending on the type of amulet.
Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, creator's caster level must be at least three times the amulet's bonus; Market Price: 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), or 50,000 gp (+5); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

This silver amulet protects the wearer from scrying and magical location just as a nondetection spell does. If a divination is attempted against the wearer, the caster of the divination must succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 19 (as if the caster had cast nondetection on herself).
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection; Market Price: 35,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Amulet of the Planes

This strange device usually appears to be a black circular amulet, although any character looking closely at it sees a dark, moving swirl of color. The amulet allows its wearer to utilize plane shift. However this is a difficult item to master. The user must make an Intelligence check (DC 15) in order to get the amulet to take her to the plane (and the specific location on that plane) that she wants. If she fails, the amulet transports her and all those traveling with her to a random location on that plane (a 01-60 result on d%) or to a random plane (61-100).
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift, Market Price: 80,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Amulet of the Planes, Lesser

A lesser amulet of the planes functions as an amulet of the planes, save that it can be used only once per day.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Price: 24,000 gp.
Source: Dungeon #107

Amulet of The Silent Word

Spells such as alarm, fire trap, and glyph of warding, respond to verbal passwords. But how can a guard speak the password without revealing it to her prisoners? The amulet of the silent word allows the wearer to affect these wards without speaking. As a free action, the wearer thinks of the password and the amulet causes the thought to have the same effect as if she had spoken it. The wearer must know the location of the ensorcelled object or area. The amulet has a range of 110 feet, provided the wearer has a clear line of sight to the target.
Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, message; Price 500 gp, Weight -.
Source: Dragon #344

Amulet of the Twelve Moons (Eberron)

A complete version of this potent artifact bears twelve precious or semiprecious stones - one corresponding to each of Eberron's moons. The origin of these enigmatic items of power remain steeped in debate. Many claim the first amulet was created during the War of the Mark as a means of uniting the fractured dragonmarked races. Shifter sages insist that Zev Jhaxos or one of his disciples received the first such amulet as a gift from the gods. Regardless of the amulets' true origin, none of the few known examples today bear all twelve stones. Each specific magic stone grants you a different magical power, and all stones act concurrently upon you when you wear the amulet. In addition to its gems' many gifts, the amulet of the twelve moons grants a +2 enhancement bonus on all attack and damage rolls made by unarmed strikes and natural weapons. With all twelve stones attached, this bonus increases to +5. The stones of power and the moons they represent are as follows.

  • Zaranthyr: A white opal represents the midwinter moon indicative of powerful storms. This stone grants you immunity to effects of winds and precipitation of all kinds.
  • Olarune: A clean white diamond symbolizes the late winter moon of Olarune. It grants a +4 enhancement bonus to your Wisdom score.
  • Therendor: A turquoise stone corresponds to the early spring moon. You gain the ability to cast either cure serious wounds three times per day or mass cure light wounds once per day (CL 20th).
  • Lyre: The mid-spring moon is represented by a malachite stone. It grants a +4 enhancement bonus on all Craft checks.
  • Dravago: An aquamarine symbolizes the late spring moon. You gain a +5 bonus on Search and Survival checks. If you have druid or ranger levels, you gain a +5 bonus on your wild empathy checks as well.
  • Nymm: A smoky rose quartz corresponds to the early summer moon. This stone prevents you from needing to eat or drink and you need only sleep 2 hours per day in order to gain the restful benefits of a normal 8 hours of sleep. You must wear the amulet a week before you gain the abilities of this stone.
  • Lharvion: A golden yellow topaz represents the midsummer moon. It grants you a +4 insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks. You may cast see invisible three times per day (CL 20th).
  • Barrakas: As symbolized by a glistening ruby, this late summer moon grants you the ability to cast discern location once per day (CL 20th).
  • Rhaan: An amber stone corresponds to the early autumn moon. It grants you the ability to cast sending three times per day (CL 20th).
  • Sypheros: The mid autumn moon is represented by a moon-shaped piece of obsidian. This stone lets you cast displacement on yourself three times per day (CL 20th).
  • Aryth: A rosy pearl symbolizes this late autumn moon. It grants you the ability to dimension door once per day (CL 20th).
  • Vult: A creamy white piece of jade corresponds to the early winter moon. It grants a +4 natural armor bonus to your AC.

Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dragon #355

Amulet of Undead Turning

This holy item allows a cleric or paladin to turn undead as if she were four levels higher than her actual class level.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Market Price: 11,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.0

Apparatus of Kwalish

This item appears to be a large, sealed iron barrel, but it has a secret catch (Search DC 20 to locate) that opens a hatch in one end. Anyone who crawls inside finds ten (unlabeled) levers:

Lever (1d10)Lever Function
1Extend/retract legs and tail
2Uncover/cover forward porthole
3Uncover/cover side portholes
4Extend/retract pincers and feelers
5Snap pincers
6Move forward/backward
7Turn left/right
8Open 'eyes' with continual flame inside/close 'eyes'
9Rise/sink in water
10Open/close hatch

The device has the following characteristics:

Speed:Forward 10 ft., backward 20 ft.
AC20 (-1 size, 11 natural)
Hit Points:200
Attacks:2 pincers, +12 melee
Damage:2d8 each
Special Qualities:Hardness 15

Operating a lever is a full-round action, and no lever maybe operated more than once per round. However, since two Medium-size characters can fit inside, the apparatus can move and attack in the same round. The device can function in water up to 900 feet deep. It holds enough air for a crew of two to survive 1d4+1 hours (twice as long for a single occupant). When activated, the apparatus looks something like a giant lobster.
CL 19th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, 8 ranks of Knowledge (architecture and engineering); Market Price: 130,000 gp; Weight: 500 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Ark of Forced Return

This 200-pound gilded box has a fiery glyph suspended a few feet above its surface. An ark of forced return is generally carried by four bearers - one at each comer, with the ark itself taking up a square. The ark is sturdy and can be dropped as a free action, but it only functions when activated by four creatures in contact with it at the same time. Activating the ark is a standard action for these four creatures, who must all be divine spellcasters.
If creatures with the extraplanar subtype are within 30 feet of an ark of forced return when it is activated, they must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or be sent back to their home plane.
Strong Abjuration; CL 16; Craft Wondrous Item, dismissal; Price 115,000 gp; Weight 200 lb.
Source: Dungeon #119

Armband of Reduction

This metal armband allows its wearer to reduce his height to one-half normal, as if a reduce spell had been cast upon him. This effect functions once per day, lasts for 2 hours, and may be dismissed at will by the wearer.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, reduce person; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Aroma of Curdled Death

This dark, viscous fluid is usually stored in a small stoppered bottle and applied like a perfume. One round after exposure to air, it creates an invisible cloud of poison gas in a 10-foot radius that lasts for 1 minute. The creature wearing the aroma of curdled death is protected from the cloud's effect, but all other exposed creatures with 3 Hit Dice or less die with no save. Creatures with 4 to 6 Hit Dice must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save each round they are exposed to the effect or die (taking 1d4 points of Constitution damage on a successful save), and creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice take 1d4 points of Constitution damage (Fortitude DC 17 half). The cloud moves as the creature does.
If the bottle is opened but the liquid within not immediately applied to a creature, the cloud of poison gas that forms spreads to fill only a 5-foot radius, centered on the opened bottle or the place the liquid was poured out. This cloud also lasts for 1 minute.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, cloudkill, character must have 4 ranks in Craft (alchemy); Price 4,500 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Aroma of Dreams

This silvery liquid is usually kept in a small bottle and applied like a perfume. One round after exposure to air, it creates an invisible cloud of magical poison gas in a 10-foot radius that lasts for 1 minute. The creature wearing the aroma is not subject to its effect, but other creatures exposed to the gas must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or fall asleep for 1 minute. One round later, exposed creatures (whether already asleep or nor) must make a second DC 14 Fortitude save or fall asleep for 1 hour. Sleeping creatures are helpless. The cloud moves as the creature does.
If the aroma is opened but not immediately applied to a creature, the cloud of poison gas that forms spreads to fill only a 5-foot radius, centered on the opened bottle or the place the liquid was poured out. This cloud also lasts for 1 minute.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, deep slumber, character must have 4 ranks in Craft (alchemy); Price 1,500 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Bag of Endless Caltrops

This nondescript leather pouch creates an endless supply of caltrops. The owner can reach into the pouch and pull out handful after handful. It takes one standard action to fill a 5-foot square by hand. If the pouch is dumped out (as a partial action), it produces the equivalent of a 2-pound unit, but does not produce any more caltrops at all for 2 whole rounds.
The caltrops produced are not magical and follow all the rules for normal caltrops.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Market Price: 2,300 gp; Weight:
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Bag of Holding

This appears to be a common cloth sack about 2 feet by 4 feet in size. The bag of holding opens into a nondimensional space: Its inside is larger than its outside dimensions. Regardless of what is put into the bag, it weighs a fixed amount. This weight, and the limits in weight and volume of the bag's contents, depend on the bag's type, as shown on the table below:

Bag TypeBag WeightContents Weight LimitContents Volume LimitMarket Price
Bag 115 lb.250 lb.30 cu. ft.2,500 gp
Bag 225 lb.500 lb.70 cu. ft.5,000 gp
Bag 335 lb.1,000 lb.150 cu. ft.7,400 gp
Bag 460 lb.1,500 lb.250 cu. ft.10,000 gp

If the bag is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag ruptures and is ruined. All contents are lost forever. If a bag of holding is turned inside our, its contents spill out, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. If living creatures are placed within the bag, they can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time they suffocate. Retrieving a specific item from a bag of holding is a move-equivalent action - unless the bag contains more than an ordinary backpack would hold, in which case retrieving a specific item is a full-round action.
If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space: Bag and hole alike are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a gate to the Astral Plane: The hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, destroying the portable hole and bag of holding in the process.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bag of Tricks

This small sack appears normal and empty. However, anyone reaching into the bag feels a small, fuzzy ball. If the ball is removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns into an animal. The animal serves the character who drew it from the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered back into the bag), at which point it disappears. There are three drab colors of bags, each producing a different set of animals. Use the following tables to determine what animals can be drawn out of each.

- Gray -- Rust -- Tan -
01-30Bat01-30Wolverine01-30Brown bear
76-90Weasel86-100Black bear81-90Tiger

Animals produced are always random, and only one may exist at a time. Up to ten animals can be drawn from the bag each week.
CL 3rd (gray), 5th (rust), or 9th (tan); Craft Wondrous Item; summon nature's ally II(gray), summon nature's ally III (rust), or summon nature's ally V(tan); Market Price: 900 gp (gray); 3,000 gp (rust); 6,300 gp (tan); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Banner of Valor

Made from bright silks, gold thread, and other flashy materials, the banner of valor bolsters the spirits of all friendly troops that gaze upon it. The banner holder can remove fear at will on chosen creatures within a 20-foot radius. In addition, the holder can produce a healing circle three times a day. All these effects are as the spells from a 9th-level caster.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, mass cure light wounds, remove fear; Market Price: 61,000 gp; Weight: 10 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Bead of Force

This small black sphere appears to be a lusterless pearl. Upon sharp impact, however, the bead explodes, sending forth a burst of force that deals 5d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius. Each victim is allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 16). Those who fail are then encapsulated in a sphere of force with a radius of 10 feet. Those trapped inside cannot escape except by those methods that can bypass or destroy a wall of force. The sphere persists for 3d6 minutes and then disappears. The explosion completely consumes the bead, making this a one-use item.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of force; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Beastfriend Collar

This wide brown leather choker features crude images of an eagle, wolf, cat, and toad. Upon placing the beastfriend collar around your neck, the item grants a +4 competence bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks. If you have an animal companion or familiar, the range of your share spells ability extends to 5 feet per two character levels. Also, as an immediate action, you can exchange places with your animal companion or familiar so long as the creature is within range of your share spell ability. You must wait %7E rounds between each use of this ability.
Strong; (DC 22) conjuration and transmutation, CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, benign transposition, animal companion or summon familiar ability; 8,750 gp, 700 XP. Weight: 1 lb. Market Price: 17,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Belt, Monk's

This simple rope belt, when wrapped around a character's waist, confers great ability in unarmed combat. Any time the wearer engages in unarmed combat, the belt grants him the ability to use both hands as though he possessed the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. He may also make a stunning attack (as a monk) once per day. If donned by a monk, the belt grants one additional stunning attack per day and allows the monk to haste herself once per day for up to 10 consecutive rounds.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste, righteous might or Tenser's transformation; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Belt of Dwarvenkind

This belt gives the wearer a +4 competence bonus on all Charisma checks (such as Charisma checks for NPC attitude) and Charisma-keyed skill checks such as Bluff; Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate and Perform as they relate to dealing with dwarves, a +2 competence bonus on similar checks when dealing with gnomes and halflings, and a -2 competence penalty on similar checks when dealing with anyone else. The wearer can understand, speak, and read Dwarven. If the wearer is not a dwarf, he gains darkvision (range 60 feet), dwarven stonecunning, a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and +2 resistance bonuses against poison, spells, and spell-like effects.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, tongues, and either polymorph or the creator must be a dwarf; Market Price: 14,900 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Belt of Endurance

This belt is made of numerous thin but solid chains and a large iron buckle. The belt of endurance grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Constitution score, and she gains the Great Fortitude feat while she wears the belt.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Belt of Giant Strength

This wide belt is made of thick leather and studded with iron. The belt adds to the wearer's Strength score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +4 or +6.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength; Market Price: 16,000 gp (+4) or 36,000 gp (+6); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Belt of Magnificence

This sparkling metal belt projects power and authority. The belt adds a +2, +4 or +6 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores.
Strong transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom; Price 25,000 gp (+2), 100,000 gp (+4) or 200,000 gp (+6).
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Belt of Many Pockets

This broad belt seems to be nothing more than a well-made article of clothing, but closer examination reveals eight small pouches along its inner front. In fact, a total of sixty-four extradimensional pouches exist in the belt, with seven more 'behind' each of the eight readily apparent ones. Each pouch is similar to a miniature bag of holding, able to contain up to 1 cubic foot of material weighing as much as 10 pounds. In addition, if the wearer has a familiar, any pouch can hold it no matter what its size or weight. The familiar has no need for food, water, or air while inside the pouch, but any other living creature of suitable size placed within a pocket has enough air for only 1 minute, after which it suffocates.
Anything stored in the belt's pockets is effectively weightless and doesn't affect the wearer's carrying capacity so long as the belt is worn around the waist. If removed, the belt weighs one-tenth of the total weight of all the items stored within it.
While worn around the waist, the belt responds to its wearer's desire to extract something (by opening the correct pouch) or store something (by opening an empty pouch). Retrieving a specific item from the pouch is a move action, but doesn't provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, familiar pocket, Leomund's secret chest, locate object; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Belt of One Mighty Blow

Once per day, as a swift action, the wearer of this belt can activate the belt to gain extra damage on her next melee attack. A light weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of damage, a one-handed weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage, and a two-handed weapon deals an extra 3d6 points of damage. The belt can be used only after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If it is taken off, it becomes inactive until it is again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength; Price 1,500 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Belt of Spell Resistance

When worn around the waist, this intricately embroidered sash grants the wearer spell resistance 21.
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Price 90,000 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Blackstone Rune

This rune is a complex sigil drawn on a small, glossy stone. On command, a blackstone rune allows its bearer to plane shift between the Plane of Shadow and the Material Plane (in either direction), along with up to 50 pounds of objects. A blackstone rune can be used three times before its magic fades.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Market Price: 3,300 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Dungeon #115

Blindfold of True Darkness

This black, silky blindfold grants the blindsight ability with a range of 60 feet (see Special Qualities in the Monster Manual). Because the wearer's eyes are protected, he is also immune to gaze attacks, spells, or effects that rely on sight. Wearing the blindfold takes up the same space as goggles. The wearer cannot use vision in any way while wearing the blindfold.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, see invisibility; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Blood Rock

Blood rock suffuses an area in which it is placed with the pure essence of war and violence. Sacred to war gods and priests of many evil gods, blood rock causes weapons to strike harder, claws to tear deeper, and blood to flow more freely. Five pounds of blood rock spread over a 1-foot area increases the lethality of any attack made by a creature standing in the area. Larger quantities of blood rock can affect larger areas. Double the threat range of all attacks made within an area affected by blood rock. A creature must be touching the ground in the blood-rock-enhanced area in order to gain this benefit. This increase in threat range does not stack with the increased threat range from the Improved Critical feat, the keen edge spell, or from the keen weapon quality. Simply carrying 5 pounds of blood rock around is not enough to gain the benefits of its presence. Blood rock must be placed in an area for a period of at least 48 hours before its presence is powerful enough to affect the area. Once placed, blood rock can be gathered up and placed in a new area. The new area still requires 48 hours for the effects of the blood rock to take hold.
Source: Dragon #313

Boat, Folding

A folding boat looks like a small wooden box about 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. It can be used to store items like any other box. If a command word is given, however, the box unfolds itself to form a boat 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet in depth. A second (different) command word causes it to unfold to a ship 24 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest in the bottom of the boat or ship.
In its smaller form, the boat has one pair of oars, an anchor, a mast, and a lateen sail. In its larger form, the boat has a deck, single rowing seats, five sets of oars, a steering oar, an anchor, a deck cabin, and a mast with a square sail. The boat can hold three or four people comfortably, while the ship carries fifteen with ease.
A third word of command causes the boat or ship to fold itself into a box once again. The words of command may be inscribed visibly or invisibly on the box, or they may be written elsewhere - perhaps on an item within the box.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, 2 ranks of Craft (shipmaking); Market Price: 10,500 gp; Weight: 4 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boccob's Blessed Book

This well-made tome is always of small size, typically no more than 12 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. All such books are durable, waterproof, bound with iron overlaid with silver, and locked.
The pages of a Boccob's blessed book freely accept spells scribed upon them, and any such book can contain up to forty-five spells of any level. The book is thus highly prized by wizards as a spellbook. This book is never found as randomly generated treasure with spells already inscribed in it.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret page; Market Price: 9,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Book of Blood

Bound in blood-red leather and bearing a bronze clasp, this vellum spellbook is waterproof, fireproof, and lockable, and can contain up to forty-five spells of any level. In addition, once per day, its owner can use the book to cast summon monster IV to summon a yeth hound. The book can also be used to cast finger of death once per day, but each such use permanently drains 1 hit point from the wielder. The book must be held to utilize its powers.
Strong conjuration, strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, finger of death, summon monster IV; Price 21,300 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Boots, Steadfast

These thick and heavy iron-toed boots help keep the wearer from getting knocked down. Someone wearing steadfast boots cannot be tripped or pushed back by a bull rush. As long as the wearer carries a melee weapon that is Medium-size or larger, she also counts as being set against a charge. The weapon does not have to have reach.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Boots, Winged

These boots appear to be ordinary footgear. On command, the boots sprout wings at the heel and let the wearer fly, without having to maintain concentration, as if affected by a fly spell. He can fly for a total of up to 2 hours each day
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Big Stepping

The spirit of the blink dog has been harnessed within these wolfhide boots. Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can use dimension door. The boots can be used only after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If they are taken off, they becomes inactive until they are again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Price 11,200 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Boots of Charging

These boots give the wearer the Powerful Charge feat as long as they are worn.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, longstrider; Price 5,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Boots of Elvenkind

These soft boots enable the wearer to move quietly in virtually any surroundings, granting a +10 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must he an elf: Market Price: 2.000 gp: Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Fire Walking

While wearing the boots of fire walking, you can climb a conflagration without feeling the heat of the flame. Crafted from the skin of a salamander, these comfortable boots, covered in red scales, adjust to fit the size of your feet. Wearing these boots activates their abilities. When worn, the boots of fire walking grant you the ability to walk on lava as if it were solid ground and to climb flames as though they were solid rock (requiring a DC 15 Climb check). While wearing boots of fire walking, you and your equipment are immune to environmental heat damage, although the boots of fire walking offer no protection from attacks that deal fire damage (magical or otherwise). Thus, you could attempt to climb a slow-moving lava fall or climb to the top of a bonfire, but you are not protected from a scorching ray or a fireball.
Faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th. Craft Wondrous Item, protection from energy (fire), spider climb, 18,750 gp, 1,500 XP, 38 days. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 37,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Boots of Levitation

These leather boots allow the wearer to levitate as if she had cast levitate on herself.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, levitate; Market Price: 7,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Speed

On command, these boots enable the wearer to act as though hasted for up to 10 rounds each day. The duration of the haste need not be consecutive rounds.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Striding and Springing

The wearer of these boots moves at double her normal speed. In addition to this striding ability, these boots allow the wearer to make great leaps. She can jump with a +10 competence bonus to Jump checks, and the wearer's jumping distance is not limited by her height.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, expeditious retreat, jump; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Teleportation

Any character wearing this footwear may teleport three times per day, exactly as if he had cast the spell of the same name
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, teleport; Price 49,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of the Mountain King

These rugged and worn iron-shod boots allow full movement in rocky, rugged, or mountain terrain, including bad or very bad surfaces. The wearer can also cast stoneskin on herself twice per day, as the spell from a 12th-level caster.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, stoneskin; Market Price: 48,810 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Boots of the Sea

These are knee-high boots made from fine sharkskin. The wearer can water walk and cast water breathing on himself at will. The wearer also gains a +10 competence bonus on Swim checks.
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing, water walk; Market Price: 56,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Boots of the Winterlands

This footgear bestows many powers upon the wearer. First, he is able to travel across snow at his normal speed, leaving no tracks. The boots also enable him to travel at half normal speed across the most slippery ice (horizontal surfaces only not vertical or sharply slanted ones) without falling or slipping. Finally boots of the winterlands warm the wearer, as if he were affected by an endure elements (cold) spell.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, pass without trace, cat's grace; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Boots of Tracklessness

These pale green boots are slim and elegant, with perfectly smooth soles. They grant pass without trace to the wearer and can cast improved invisibility (wearer only) three times per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, improved invisibility, pass without trace; Market Price: 33,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Boots of Woodland Striding

These durable boots feel amazingly light when picked up. The boots allow full movement in forest or jungle terrain, including moderate or heavy obstruction. In addition, the wearer can detect snares and pits at will and tree stride once per day, as the spells from a 12th-level caster.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect snares and pits, tree stride; Market Price: 23,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Bottle of Air

This item appears to be a normal glass bottle with a cork. When taken to any airless environment (such as underwater or in a vacuum), it retains air within it at all times, continually renewing its contents. This means that a character can draw air out of the bottle in order to breathe. The bottle can even be shared by multiple characters who pass it around. Breathing out of the bottle requires a standard action, but a character so doing can then act for as long as she can hold her breath.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, control wind; Market Price: 14,500 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals

This large container is usually fashioned from blue or green semiprecious stone (malachite, lapis lazuli, azurite, turquoise, or peridot, or sometimes jade). It is about 1 foot in diameter, half that deep, and relatively fragile. When the bowl is filled with fresh water, and certain words are spoken, a Large water elemental appears. The summoning words require 1 full round to speak. In all ways the bowl functions as the summon monster VI spell. Only one elemental can be called at a time. A new elemental requires the bowl to be filled with new water, which cannot happen until after the first elemental disappears (is dispelled, dismissed, or slain).
If salt water is used, the elemental is Huge rather than Large (as if summon monster VII had been cast). See the Monster Manual for details on water elementals.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI, summon monster VII; Market Price: 100,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bracelet of Friends

This silver charm bracelet has seven charms upon it. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to one charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (another standard action) along with his or her gear. Unwilling characters are allowed a Will saving throw (DC 19). Once a charm is activated, it disappears, so such bracelets discovered as treasure may have fewer than a full complement of charms when found.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, refuge; Market Price: 4,550 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bracers of Archery

These wristbands look like normal protective wear. The bracers empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if she were proficient in its use. If she already has proficiency with any type of bow, she gains a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus to damage dealt whenever using that type of bow. The bonus to damage only applies if the target is within 30 feet. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Market Price: 5,100 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bracers of Archery, Lesser

These wristbands function as greater bracers of archery, except that they grant a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and no bonus on damage rolls
Faint transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bracers of Armor

These items appear to be wrist or arm guards. They surround the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +1 to +8, just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, creator's class level must be twice that of the bonus placed in the bracers; Market Price: 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5), 36,000 gp (+6), 39,000 gp (+7), or 64,000 gp (+8); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Bracers of Dawn

These bejeweled bracers have a miniscule lens-and-dial contraption mounted on the exterior of one bracer of the pair. When the dial is turned to the left, the bracers appear normal. When the wearer turns the dial to the middle position (a move action), a beam of light emerges from the lens, illuminating the surroundings as a bullseye lantern. Four times per day, the wearer can turn the dial to the right position as a standard action and aim the lens at a target, unleashing a beam of searing light that deals 3d8 points of damage to most creatures, 6d6 points of damage to undead, and 6d8 points of damage to creatures with light sensitivity. The dial returns to the middle position after each searing light. Even though only one of the pair contains the lens-and-dial apparatus, both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Moderate evocation, CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, searing light; Price 26,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Bracers of Exit

These bracers each bear a crude design of a square bisected by an arrow. The wearer can negate one dimensional anchor effect per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor; Market Price: 11,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Bracers of Quick Strike

These bracers provide the benefit of incredible speed. Once per day, when taking a full attack action as a swift action the wearer may make one additional attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made at the wearer's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon or by the haste spell, nor does it actually grant an extra action.) The bracers can be used only after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If they are taken off, they become inactive until they are again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Price 1,200 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Bracers of Whirlwind

Bracers of whirlwind transform you into a violent storm in which you may trap your foes. This set of thin electrum bracers is engraved with images of blowing leaves and swirling clouds. The bracers, slim enough to let you easily hide them under loose clothing, adjust to fit when you don them. Once per day as a standard action, you may cross your arms at the wrists and invoke the power of the bracers of whirlwind by exhaling a deep breath. The transformation lasts for 15 minutes, although you may dismiss the power of the bracers early and return to your normal form as a move action. The bracers transform you into a violent whirlwind made of air, granting you DR 10/magic and a flight speed of 100 feet (perfect). The whirlwind form is 40 feet high and behaves in all ways as the whirlwind of a Large air elemental.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th. Craft Wondrous Item, gaseous form, 4,900 gp, 392 XP, 10 days. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 9,800 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals

This device appears to be a normal container for holding burning coals. When a fire is lit in the brazier and the proper summoning words are spoken, a Large fire elemental appears. The summoning words require 1 full round to speak. In all ways the brazier functions as the summon monster VI spell. If brimstone is added, the elemental is Huge instead of Large, and the brazier works as a summon monster VII spell. Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. A new elemental requires a new fire, which cannot be lit until after the first elemental disappears (is dispelled, dismissed, or slain). See the Monster Manual for details on fire elementals.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI, summon monster VII; Market Price: 100,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Brilliant Jewel

This diamond changes color before you eyes, drifting from red to green to blue and back to red. A character wielding a brilliant jewel gains a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. The brilliant jewel can store magical energy to augment spells and spell-like abilities cast within the radius of its light. You may cast any spell or spell-like ability into the jewel, causing it to flare with rainbow colors. It illuminates out to a 30-foot radius with bright light and 30 feet further with shadowy light. The brilliant jewel remains illuminated for a number of rounds equal to the spell or spell-like ability cast within it. Once activated, all spells and spell-like abilities you cast of a school corresponding to the spell cast into the brilliant jewel are cast at +2 caster levels.
strong; (DC 23) universal, CL 16th. Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, limited wish. 9,750 gp (plus 5,000 gp for diamond), 1,080 XP. Weight: 1 lb., Market Price: 24,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Brooch of Shielding

This appears to be a piece of silver or gold jewelry used to fasten a cloak or cape. In addition to this mundane task, it can absorb magic missiles of the sort generated by spell or spell-like ability. A brooch can absorb up to 101 points of magic missile damage before it melts and becomes useless.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, shield; Market Price: 1,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Broom of Flying

This broom is able to fly through the air as if affected by a fly spell with unlimited duration. The broom can carry 200 pounds. In addition, the broom can travel alone to any destination named by the owner as long as she has a good idea of the location and layout of that destination. It comes to its owner from as far away as 300 yards when she speaks the command word.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, permanency; Market Price: 15,100 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cadgraydian's Welcome Embrace

(Cursed Item) This fine cloak is made of a deep-hued fine wool that, on close inspection has the vague figures of snakes woven within. When donned, this cloak changes to become a trio of viper swarms that instantly attack the wearer. The cloak is destroyed when the swarms are summoned.
Moderate conjuration, CL 5th, Create Wondrous Item, summon swarm. 250 gp, 10 XP, 1 day. Weight 3 lb., Price 500 gp.
Source: Dragon #355

Candle of Icy Death

This black candle is 1 foot tall, 12 inches thick, and icy to the touch. When lit, the flame burns a pale blue, gives off no smoke or heat, and doesn't melt down. If examined with detect magic, the candle radiates a necromantic aura. Every minute that the candle burns reduces the temperature by 1° in a 20-foot-diameter area until 0° Fahrenheit is reached.
In addition, the candle prevents any healing, natural or magical, from occurring in its range. A wounded creature inside the area does not regain any lost hit points, and cure spells targeting a creature inside the area automatically fail (but are considered cast). Once lit, the candle can be snuffed only by a bless spell. The temperature of the area returns to the regular temperature at a normal rate.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, enervation, fire shield; Market Price: 34,800 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Candle of Invocation

Each of these specially blessed tapers is dedicated to one of the nine alignments. Simply burning the candle generates a favorable aura for the individual so doing if the candle's alignment matches that of the character. Characters of the same alignment as the burning candle add a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks while within 30 feet of the flame.
A cleric whose alignment matches the candle's operates as if 2 levels higher for purposes of determining spells per day if he burns the candle during or just prior to his spell preparation time. He can even cast spells normally unavailable to him, as if he were of that higher level, but only so long as the candle continues to burn. Except in special cases (see below), the candle burns for 4 hours.
In addition, burning the candle also allows the owner to cast a gate spell, the respondent being of the same alignment as the candle, but the taper is immediately consumed in the process. It is possible to extinguish the candle simply by blowing it out so users often place it in a lantern to protect it from drafts and the like. Doing this doesn't interfere with its magical properties.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate, creator must be same alignment as candle created; Market Price: 7,800 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Candle of Sweet Breezes

The candle of sweet breezes fills the area around you with clean, breathable air. White swirls decorate a slim blue candle held within a relatively plain silver candleholder. Lighting the candle of sweet breezes as a standard action activates its abilities. When lit, a candle of sweet breezes creates a faint gust that forms a bubble of pure air in a radius of 60 feet that eliminates scents as well as airborne diseases and poisons. Other air is displaced by the bubble. The air within this bubble is safe to breathe 1 round after lighting the candle, regardless of any vapors or previous lack of air. The breeze created by the candle is very slight and does not disturb anything heavier than dust. Characters gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist breath weapons that enter the area of the candle. The candle bums for 1 hour, after which time its magic fades and any previous environmental effects reestablish themselves normally. Once lit, the candle cannot be reused. Due to the magic of the candle, lighting the wick cannot result in an explosion, even if the candle is ignited within a flammable gas.
Faint evocation; CL 3rd. Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind, 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days. Weight: 1/2 lb. Price: 1,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Candle of Truth

This white tallow candle, when burned, calls into place a zone of truth spell in a 30-foot radius centered on the candle. The zone lasts for 1 hour, as the candle burns. If the candle is snuffed before that rime, the effect is canceled and the candle ruined.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, zone of truth; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cape of the Mountebank

On command, this bright red and gold cape allows the wearer to use the magic of the dimension door spell once per day When he disappears, he leaves behind a cloud of smoke, appearing in a similar fashion at his destination.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Market Price: 12,960 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Carpet of Flying

This rug is able to fly through the air as if affected by a fly spell of unlimited duration. The size, carrying capacity, and speed of the different carpets of flying are shown on the table below. Beautifully and intricately made, each carpet has its own command word to activate it - if the device is within voice range, the command word activates it, whether the speaker is on the rug or nor. The carpet is then controlled by spoken directions.

SizeCapacitySpeedWeightMarket Price
3 ft. by 5 ft.300 lb.210 ft.5 lb.18,000 gp
4 ft. by 6 ft.600 lb.180 ft.8 lb.29,000 gp
5 ft. by 7 ft.900 lb.150 ft.10 lb.41,000 gp
6 ft. by 9 ft.1200 lb.120 ft.15 lb.53,000 gp

CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, permanency.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Censer of Controlling Air Elementals

This 6-inch-wide, 1-inch-high perforated golden vessel resembles thuribles found in places of worship. If it is filled with incense and lit, summoning words spoken over it summon forth a Large air elemental. The summoning words require 1 full round to speak. In all ways the censor functions as the summon monster VII spell. If incense of meditation is burned within the censer, the air elemental is an elder air elemental instead (as if summon monster IX had just been cast). Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. A new elemental requires a new piece of incense, which cannot be lit until after the first elemental disappears (is dispelled, dismissed, or slain). See the Monster Manual for details on air elementals.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI, summon monster IX; Market Price: 100,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Chaos Diamond

This lustrous gemstone is uncut and about the size of a human fist. The gem grants its possessor the following powers:

  • Random action
  • Magic circle against law
  • Word of chaos
  • Cloak of chaos

Each power is usable 1d4 times per day (The DM rolls secretly each day for each power separately). A nonchaotic character who possesses a chaos diamond gains one negative level. Although this level never results in actual level loss, it remains as long as the diamond is in the character's possession and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells).
CL 19th; Craft Wondrous Item, random action, magic circle against law, word of chaos, cloak of chaos, creator must be chaotic; Market Price: 93,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Chasuble of Fell Power

This long, embroidered strip of scarlet cloth is covered with arcane sigils and mystic designs. Worn over the neck (occupying space on the body as an amulet), a chasuble of fell power adds 1d6 points of damage (lesser) or 2d6 points of damage (greater) to any eldritch blast the wearer invokes, or to any spell the wearer casts that deals hit point damage and has the chaotic descriptor.
Moderate evocation; CL 6th (lesser) or 9th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be able to invoke an eldritch blast or cast chaos hammer; Price 8,000 gp (lesser), 18,000 gp (greater).
Source: Complete Arcane

Chime of Interruption

This instrument can be struck once every 10 minutes, and its resonant tone lasts for 3 full minutes. While the chime is resonating, no spell requiring a verbal component can be cast within a 30-foot radius of it unless the caster can make a Concentration check (DC = 15 + the spell's level).
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shout; Market Price: 15,800 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Chime of Opening

A chime of opening is a hollow mithral tube about 1 foot long. When struck, it sends forth magic vibrations that cause locks, lids, doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. The chime of opening also automatically dispels a hold portal spell or even an arcane lock cast by a wizard of less than 15th level.
The chime must be pointed at the item or gate to be loosed or opened (which must be visible and known to the user). The chime is then struck, a clear tone rings forth, and in 1 round the target lock is unlocked, the shackle is loosed, the secret door is opened, or the lid of the chest is lifted. Each sounding only opens one form of locking, so if a chest is chained, padlocked, locked, and arcane locked, it takes four uses of the chime of opening to get it open. A silence spell negates the power of the device. A brand-new chime can be used a total of 50 times before it cracks and becomes useless.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Choker of Eloquence

Coveted by bards, singers, and public speakers, this beautiful piece of jewelry is carved from ivory and jade. There are two versions of these chokers. The lesser choker of eloquence grants a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform (vocal only) checks. The greater choker of eloquence increases the bonus to +10.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a spellcaster of 6th level; Market Price: 1,500 gp (lesser), 6,000 gp (greater); Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Choker of the Sirens

This choker grants you several qualities of a siren, including a captivating song and the ability to breathe water. The choker of the sirens is a black leather choker edged in lace with two pearls set at its center. In addition to the two obvious pearls, the choker possesses an empty setting for a third stone. It occupies the same slot as an amulet.
The ability to breathe water functions regardless of the owner's gender, but the captivating song functions only for females. The ability to breathe water functions as long as the choker is worn and does not require any activation. Once per day, you can captivate others by singing. You do not need ranks in Perform (sing) to use the captivation ability. A male character cannot use the captivating song feature of the choker of the sirens.
While worn, the choker of the sirens enables you to breathe water in addition to breathing air, as the spell water breathing. Only a female character can call forth the true power of the choker of the sirens. Once per day, when you sing, all creatures within 90 feet of you must make a Will save (DC 12 + your Charisma modifier) or become captivated. This is a sonic, mind-affecting, charm effect. A captivated victim moves toward you in the most direct way possible. The creature can avoid hazards and moves to avoid attacks of opportunity when able. A creature that takes damage is granted a second saving throw with a +2 bonus. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to move toward you. A victim within 5 feet of you becomes fascinated and helpless, and it doesn't break free of the fascination effect unless it takes at least 1 point of damage (which grants it a saving throw with a +2 bonus). The effect continues for as long as you sing, to a maximum number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (minimum round). A bard's countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save. Attaching a pearl of the sirens to the empty setting of the choker of the sirens increases the choker's DC by +2.
Moderate enchantment and transmutation; CL 6th. Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing, enthrall, 21,800 gp, 1744 XP, 22 days. Weight: 1/2 lb. Price: 43,600 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Cinders of the Inferno

This tiny iron box contains a small bit of ash and cinders. When dumped into a flame at least as big as an average campfire, the cinders cause the fire to flare and sputter dramatically.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of Small fire elementals leap from the fire. The elementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic. They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Circlet of Blasting, Major

On command, this elaborate golden headband projects a blast of searing light (5d8 maximized for 40 points of damage) once per day.
CL 17th Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, searing light; Market Price: 23,760 gp; Weight: -
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Circlet of Blasting, Minor

On command, this simple golden headband projects a blast of searing light (3d8 points of damage) once per day.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, searing light; Market Price: 6,480 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Circlet of Persuasion

This silver headband grants a 2 competence bonus to the wearer's Charisma checks and Charisma based skill checks.
CL 5th; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, charm person; Market Price: 4,500 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Clasp of the Elder

Forged by dwarven artisans, this clasp is meant to be worn around a beard. It is carved from pure gold and studded with brilliant gems. If the wearer is a nondwarf, the clasp only grants a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks. If a dwarf wears the clasp around the beard, it grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom score, and a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a dwarf, creator must be a spellcaster of 10th level; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Cloak of Arachnida

This black garment, embroidered with a weblike pattern in silk, gives the wearer the ability to climb as if a spider climb spell had been placed upon her. In addition, the cloak grants her immunity to entrapment by web spells or webs of any sort - she can actually move in webs at half her normal speed.
Once per day, the wearer of this cloak can cast web. She also gains a +2 luck bonus to all Fortitude saves against poison from spiders.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, web; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Charisma

This lightweight and fashionable cloak has a highly decorative silver trim. When in a character's possession, it adds a +2, +4, or +6 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster; Market Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Displacement, Major

This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when worn by a character its magic properties distort and warp light waves. This displacement works just like the displacement spell and functions continually.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, displacement; Market Price: 50,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Displacement, Minor

This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when worn by a character its magic properties distort and warp light waves. This displacement works similar to the displacement spell except that it only grants a 20% miss chance (the same as one-half concealment). It functions continually.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, displacement; Market Price: 25,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Elemental Protection

This cloak, woven with threads of various colors, protects the wearer from energy attacks. Once per day, as a swift action, the wearer can activate the cloak and gain resistance 10 against a type of energy of the wearer's choice (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The wearer can activate the cloak when it is not his turn. The wearer therefore can respond to an energy attack by immediately activating the cloak and choosing the attack's energy type.
The cloak can be used only after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If it is taken off, it becomes inactive until it is again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy; Price 1,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Cloak of Elvenkind

This cloak of neutral gray cloth is indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same color. However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the head, it gives the wearer a +10 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, creator must be an elf; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Etherealness

This silvery-gray cloak seems to absorb light rather than be illuminated by it. On command, the cloak makes its wearer ethereal (as the spell ethereal jaunt). The effect is dismissible. The cloak works for a total of up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be continuous.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, ethereal jaunt; Market Price: 52,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Resistance

These garments offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus for all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will).
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, caster level must be three times that of the cloak's bonus; Market Price: 1, 000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), or 25,000 gp (+5); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of Shelter

This plain but sturdy-looking cloak provides excellent protection against wind, cold, sun, and rain. On command, the cloak turns itself into a 4-person tent. This tent includes an alarm spell (as if cast by a 7th-level sorcerer) but is otherwise normal. Once per day, the cloak can turn into a small lodge, as Leomund's secure shelter.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, Leomund's secure shelter; Market Price: 12,080 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Cloak of the Bat

Fashioned of dark brown or black cloth, this cloak bestows a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks. The wearer is also able to hang upside down from the ceiling, like a bat.
By holding the edges of the garment, the wearer is able to fly as per the spell. If he desires, the wearer can actually polymorph himself into an ordinary bat and fly accordingly (All possessions worn or carried are part of the transformation.) Flying, either with the cloak or in bar form, can be accomplished only in darkness (either under the night sky or in a lightless or near-lightless environment underground). Either of the flying powers is usable for up to 1 hour at a time, but after a flight of any duration the cloak cannot bestow any flying power for a like period of time.
Finally the cloak also provides a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This benefit extends to the wearer even when he is in bat form.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, polymorph; Market Price: 24,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of the Manta Ray

This cloak appears to be made of leather until the wearer enters salt water. At that time the cloak of the manta ray adheres to the individual, and he appears nearly identical to a manta ray (A Spot check against DC 20 is needed to determine otherwise.) He gains a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a speed of 60 feet, exactly like a real manta ray.
Although the cloak does not enable the wearer to bite opponents as a manta ray does, it does have a tail spine that can be used to strike at opponents behind him, dealing 1d6 points of damage. This attack can be used in addition to any other attack the character has, using his highest melee attack bonus. The wearer can release his arms from the cloak without sacrificing underwater movement if so desired.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing, freedom of movement; Market Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cloak of the Salamander

This cloak, made of scales from a reptilian creature, wraps its wearer in a deep blue flame. Any creature striking the cloak's wearer with a natural attack or a melee weapon deals normal damage but also takes 1d6+7 points of fire damage.
Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fire shield; Price 56,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Cloak of The Sorcerer-King

Like the ripples of sunlight off a pool of water, the brilliant colors of this full-length cloak seem to dance and swirl as its wearer moves. Woven from hundreds of tiny scales taken from each of the five chromatic dragons, this cloak has the ability to imbue the wearer with some of their power. The cloak of the sorcerer-king grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma. In addition, it allows the wearer to take on the aspect of each of the chromatic dragons once per day, gaining some of the abilities of that dragon. Activating an aspect is a standard action for the wearer, and each aspect lasts for 1 minute. No other aspect may be assumed for the duration of the effect. The following describes the aspects and their effects.

  • Black: The cloak becomes jet black and drinks in the surrounding light like a bottomless pit. The wearer's features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a grayish cast and his eyes become an acidic shade of green. The wearer gains acid resistance 30 and may cast darkness once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the acid or water descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell's level or casting time.
  • Blue: The cloak becomes dark blue and faint sparks of electricity dance over it. The wearer's features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a bluish cast and his eyes fade to pure white. The wearer gains electricity resistance 30 and may cast ventriloquism once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the electricity or earth descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell's level or casting time.
  • Green: The cloak becomes deep, forest green, and seems to fade into natural vegetation. The wearer's features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a greenish cast and his eyes become a sickly shade of yellow. The wearer gains acid resistance 30 and may cast suggestion once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the acid or air descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell's level or casting time.
  • Red: The cloak becomes bright red and seems to smoke and smolder. The wearer's features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a reddish cast, and his eyes glow with a golden light. The wearer gains a fire resistance 30 and may cast locate object once as a spell-like ability with the aspects lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the fire descriptor is automatically extended and empowered as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell's level or casting time.
  • White: The cloak becomes snow white and a chill hangs over it. The wearer's features shift subtly, his skin and hair fade to a bleached white and his eyes darken to pure black. The wearer gains cold resistance 30 and may cast fog cloud once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the cold descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell's level or casting time.

Strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, resist energy, creator must be a sorcerer; Price 102,000 gp, Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Cloak of Thorns

This brown cloak seems to be composed entirely of long thorns. The cloak grants its wearer a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Any creature striking the cloak's wearer with a natural attack or a melee weapon deals normal damage but also takes 1d4+3 points of piercing damage.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; barkskin, command plants; Price 40,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Cloud Giant Harp

You can play a soothing melody on this harp that puts creatures to sleep. The harp is of particular use against giants. A cloud giant harp is wrought of fine golden wood, inset with brilliant jewels, and etched with intricate designs. The column of the harp is crafted to resemble the face of a regal cloud giantess face. The harp stands about 4 feet tall and makes for a wonderful handheld instrument for giants. Smaller folk are typically surprised that, despite its thick wood construction, the harp is as light as a feather. The harp emits beautiful angelic music when played, and in the case of sentient versions, the giant effigy even sings in glorious harmony along with the plucked strings.
You can play the harp as a standard action, but must succeed at either a DC 15 or a DC 20 Perform (string instruments) check for its magic to function. This check can be made once per day, whether or not it succeeds. When you succeed at a DC 15 Perform (string instruments) check, you play a soothing melody that puts up to 10 HD of humanoids within 30 feet of you to sleep (as per deep slumber) unless they succeed at DC 14 Will saves. You can affect up to 20 HD of giants with this harp, but you must succeed at a DC 20 Perform (string instruments) check to do so. If you fail to make a DC 20 check but succeed at a DC 15 check, you may still affect up to 10 HD of creatures.
Faint enchantment, CL 5th. Craft Wondrous Item, deep slumber, 2,430 gp, 194 XP, 5 days. Weight: - ; Price: 4,860 gp.
Variants: Sentient versions of cloud giant harps exist that are said to be elegant speakers and singers. Extremely fond of their original cloud giant creators, these harps consider giants the greatest of all beings and superior to those of lesser stature. These harps still obey most of their masters' commands but only after voicing their displeasure and embarrassment at being 'used by such an inferior creature.'
Source: Dragon #345

Coin of Eternal Rest

A raised skull adorns both sides of this otherwise featureless copper coin. When placed in the mouth of a corpse, the coin prevents it from being raised, resurrected, or turned into undead of any sort. Vermin and undead avoid a corpse bearing this coin, but they can overcome the aversion with a successful Will check (DC 20). The coin does not work in the mouth of a living or undead being.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Collar of Command

When this collar is put on an animal, the animal is subject to the control of the collar's owner as if it is under a dominate animal effect. The animal obeys the owner's silent mental commands. Usually, the collar is placed on an animal that has been rendered unconscious, staggered by means of nonlethal damage, or grappled and pinned. When using the skirmish or mass battle rules, this collar removes the animal's Difficult special ability.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, dominate animal; Price 30,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Contract of Nepthas

Easily mistaken for a scroll if found as treasure, this item is actually a magical contract, usually contained in an ivory tube and scribed in black ink on golden-brown vellum. The details of the contract are blank, and the user can fill it in with any instructions, agreement, or conditions he cares to create. When the contract is signed, though, the item's true power is revealed to both parties, and any signatory who breaks the contract is subject to a curse that strikes it blinded, deafened, and mute (no saving throw, though spell resistance applies). The curse of a contract of Nepthas can be removed only by means of remove curse cast by an 8th-level spellcaster or a break enchantment spell (DC 25).
Because a contract typically involves two parties agreeing on a set of conditions, nonspecific terms might allow a clever signatory to escape them without suffering the contract's curse. For example, if an adventurer signs a contract with a king stating that she will slay a dragon in the Northern Hills by the eve of the new moon, the contract is effectively open-ended by virtue of its not specifying 'the next new moon,' even if that was both parties' meaning and intent.
Contracts signed by creatures under the influence of charm or compulsion effects are null and void.
Moderate enchantment; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, lesser geas; Price 1,400 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Corporeal Lodestone

This powerful ward resembles nothing more than an unremarkable 1-inch-diameter sphere of polished steel. The lodestone's power, however, is a great blessing to those who battle incorporeal undead and creatures who can travel ethereally. The lodestone strengthens the boundary between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane, preventing any incorporeal undead from manifesting within a 20-foot radius. It also prevents any travel to and from the Ethereal Plane within that radius, negating the effects of spells such as blink, ethereal jaunt, and etherealness. Because the lodestone is so tightly bound to the Material Plane, it may not be taken to another plane. Any time its possessor is transported across planes, the lodestone remains behind.
Strong abjuration; CL 15th, Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional lock, Price 39,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Crown of White Ravens

A crown of White Ravens is one of several items that grants its wearer the use of a maneuver. The crown's wearer need not be a martial adept, but knowledge of other maneuvers and ranks in the discipline's key skill give the wearer access to more powerful maneuvers.
Lore: Elf scholars insist that members of their race were the first to create crowns of White Ravens, and all other similar items, such as Desert Wind cloaks and slippers of the Setting Sun, are copies of the concept created by martial adepts of other races. This assessment seems plausible not only because all crowns of White Ravens seem to be fashioned in the elven style, but also because the crowns have the longest recorded history.
Description: Three types of crowns of White Ravens exist: novice, scholar, and master. Each looks like a crown of white alabaster, carved with delicate fluting and spindles that rise from it like castle towers. Novice crowns of White Ravens have the simplest appearance and the fewest spires, while a master crown of White Ravens bears more than a dozen towers and some highly ornate carvings.
Anyone can wear a crown of White Ravens, but to gain any benefit from it, a wearer must meet the prerequisite of the desired maneuver.
Activation: A crown of White Ravens requires a day to attune to its wearer once it is donned. After wearing it continually for 24 hours, the wearer must choose one of the White Raven maneuvers that the item can grant for which he meets the prerequisite. He then gains knowledge of that maneuver and can use it as long as the crown is worn. Should the crown be removed and then replaced, it requires another day to attune itself to the wearer before it can grant knowledge of any maneuvers.
Effect: A person who has worn a crown of White Ravens for 24 hours gains the use of a single White Raven maneuver for which he meets the prerequisite. The maneuver can be of a martial adept level up to the highest level the item grants. A novice crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 3rd level, a scholar crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 6th level, and a master crown of White Ravens grants a maneuver of up to 9th level.
Aura/Caster Level: Faint divination (novice), moderate divination (scholar), or strong divination (master). CL 5th (novice), 10th (scholar), or 15th (master).
Construction (Novice): Craft Wondrous Item, knowledge of a maneuver from the White Raven discipline; 1,500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days.
Construction (Scholar): Craft Wondrous Item, knowledge of a maneuver from the White Raven discipline; 7,500 gp, 600 XP, 15 days.
Construction (Master): Craft Wondrous Item, knowledge of a maneuver of the White Raven discipline; 22,500 gp, 1,800 XP, 45 days.
Variants: Eight variants of the crown of White Ravens exists, one for each of the other martial disciplines. Like the crown of White Ravens, each has a novice, scholar, and master version. In all respects, they function in the same manner as the crown of White Ravens does, except that each grants access to a maneuver from a different discipline and occupies a different place on the wearer's body.
Desert Wind Cloak: Desert Wind cloaks are the color of wind-blown sand, and they always shift and flutter as if disturbed by a breeze, even indoors and on calm days. Most bear decorative stitching around the edges in gold and red thread depicting flaming scimitars, picks that trail smoke, and maces that shine like the sun.
Devoted Spirit Amulet: The appearance of these amulets varies considerably, since each is constructed to serve a particular axis of alignment: chaos, evil, good, or law. Some even double as holy symbols. A Devoted Spirit amulet does not function for someone who doesn't share its alignment.
Iron Heart Vest: These heavy, leather vests are run through with tiny slivers of iron, which give them a dull sparkle. The iron resists rust, but Iron Heart vests can eventually take on an orange hue because the iron slivers degrade and stain the vest's material.
Ring of the Diamond Mind: Unlike similar items devoted to different disciplines, a ring of the Diamond Mind requires its creator to have the Forge Ring feat instead of Craft Wondrous Item. A ring of the Diamond Mind looks like a simple gold band set with a diamond, but anyone peering closely into the stone can see the visage of the wearer, or of the last person to wear the ring if no one currently wears it.
Shadow Hands: Shadow Hands look like hands carved of jet. The carvings are incredibly detailed, depicting every mark of a humanoid hand, down to fingerprints and every crack in the palm and knuckle. When someone places both hands over the Shadow Hands so that his shadow falls over them, the carved hands vanish, and a pair of black silk gloves appears on the person's hands. The gloves can be removed normally, whereupon they become hands carved of jet that look exactly like the wearer's hands.
Slippers of the Setting Sun: Each of these beautifully crafted red silk slippers bears an emblem of the setting sun upon the toe. The sun is stitched gold thread, and its rays are bronze and copper.
Stone Dragon Belt: A Stone Dragon belt looks like a wide belt made from expertly broken slabs of slate. Surprisingly, it weighs almost nothing and doesn't inhibit movement at all.
Tiger Claw Bracers: These bracers bear a tiger's stripes, but all in metal, with copper for orange, iron for black, and silver for white. Upon donning the bracers, the wearer hears a tiger's roar and feels the pain of sharp claws in his back for fleeting moment.
Source: Tome of Battle

Crystal Ball

This is the most common form of scrying device, a crystal sphere about 6 inches in diameter. A character can use the device to see over virtually any distance or into other planes of existence, as with the spell scrying.
Certain crystal balls have additional powers that can be used through the crystal ball at targets viewed.

Crystal Ball TypeMarket Price
Crystal ball42,000 gp
Crystal ball with see invisibility50,000 gp
Crystal ball with detect thoughts51,000 gp
Crystal ball with telepathy*70,000 gp
Crystal ball with true seeing80,000 gp
*The viewer is able to send and receive silent mental messages with the person appearing in the crystal ball. Once per day the character may attempt to implant a suggestion (as the spell, DC 14) as well.

CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, scrying (plus any additional spells put into item); weight: 7 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cube of Force

This device can be made of ivory, bone, or any hard mineral. About the size of a large die (perhaps 3/4 inch across), it enables its possessor to put up a special wall of force 10 feet per side around her person. This cubic screen moves with the character and is impervious to the attack forms shown on the table below. The cube has 36 charges, which are renewed each day. The character presses one face of the cube to activate or deactivate the field:

Cube FaceCharge Cost per MinuteMaximum SpeedEffect
1130 ft.Keeps out gases, wind, etc.
2220 ft.Keeps out nonliving matter
3315 ft.Keeps out living matter
4410 ft.Keeps out magic
5610 ft.Keeps out all things
60As normalDeactivates

When the force screen is up, attacks dealing more than 30 points of damage drain 1 charge for every 10 points of damage beyond 30 that they deal (40 points of damage drains 1 charge, 50 points drains 2 charges, and so forth). Spells that affect the integrity of the screen, such as disintegrate or passwall, also drain extra charges. These spells (in the following list) cannot be cast into or out of the cube:

Attack FormExtra Charges
Horn of blasting6
Wall of fire2
Phase door5
Prismatic spray7

CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of force; Market Price: 62,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cube of Frost Resistance

When this cube is activated, it encloses a cube-shaped area 10 feet per side. The temperature within this area is always at least 65°F. The field absorbs all cold-based attacks (such as ice storm, cone of cold, and white dragon breath). However, if the field is subjected to more than 50 points of cold damage in 1 round (from one or multiple attacks), it collapses and cannot be renewed for 1 hour. If the field receives over 100 points of damage in a 10-round period, the cube is destroyed.
Cold below 0°F deals the field 2 points of cold damage per round, +2 points per each 10° below 0 (2 points at -1° to -9°, 4 points at -10° to -19°, and so on).
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from elements; Market Price: 22,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Cubic Gate

This item is fashioned from carnelian. Each of the six sides of the cube is keyed to a plane, one of which is the Material Plane. The character creating the item should choose the planes to which the other five sides are keyed. If such a cube is found as treasure, the DM can determine the planes accessed by the device in any manner he or she chooses.
If a side of the cubic gate is pressed once, it opens a gate to the plane keyed to that side. There is a 10% chance per minute that an outsider from that plane (determine randomly) comes through it looking for food, fun, or trouble. Pressing the side a second time closes the gate. It is impossible to open more than one gate at a time.
If a side is pressed twice in quick succession, the character so doing is transported to the other plane, along with all creatures in a 5-foot radius. (Those others may avoid this fate by succeeding at Will against DC 23).
CL 18th; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Market Price: 156,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Daern's Instant Fortress

This metal cube is small, but when activated it grows to form a tower 20 feet square and 30 feet high, with arrow slits on all sides and a 4 crenellated battlement atop it. The metal walls extend 10 feet into the ground, rooting it to the spot and preventing it from being tipped over. The fortress has a small door that opens only at the command of the owner of the fortress - even knock spells can't open the door. The adamantine walls of Daern's instant fortress have 100 hit points and a hardness of 20. The fortress cannot be repaired except by a wish or a miracle, which restores 50 points of damage sustained.
The fortress springs up in just 1 round, with the door facing the device's owner. The door opens and closes instantly at his command. People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress's sudden growth. Anyone so caught sustains 10d10 points of damage (Reflex half DC 19).
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion; Market Price: 55,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5


This skull, carved from ebony, is wholly evil. Wherever the skull goes, the area around it is treated as though an unhallow spell had been cast with the skull as the touched point of origin (except that there is no additional spell effect tied or fixed to the darkskull).
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, unhallow, creator must be evil; Market Price: 60,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Decanter of Endless Water

If the stopper is removed from this ordinary-looking flask and a command word spoken, a stream of fresh or salt water pours our. Separate command words determine the type as well as the volume and velocity:

  • Stream: pours out 1 gallon per round
  • Fountain: 5-foot-long stream at 5 gallons per round
  • Geyser: 20-foot-long, 1-foot-wide stream at 30 gallons per round

The geyser causes considerable back pressure, requiring the holder to make a Strength check (DC 12) to avoid being knocked down. The force of the geyser deals 1d4 points of damage but can only affect one target per round. The command word must be spoken to stop it.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Deck of Illusions

This set of parchment cards is usually found in an ivory leather, or wooden box. A full deck consists of thirty-four cards. When a card is drawn at random and thrown to the ground, a major image of a creature is formed. The figment lasts until dispelled. The illusory creature cannot move more than 30 feet away from where the card landed, but otherwise moves and acts as if it were real. At all times it obeys the desires of the character who drew the card. When the illusion is dispelled, the card becomes blank and cannot be used again. If the card is picked up, the illusion is automatically and instantly dispelled. The cards in a deck and the illusions they bring forth are summarized here. A randomly generated deck may be discovered (a 01-10 result on d%) with 1d20 of its cards missing. (On a result of 11-100, it is complete.)
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Market Price: 9,200 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Demonhair Shirt

This filthy black garment is woven from hoarse black hair. The knots and flecks of unspeakable grime make wearing, let alone, handling the shirt unpleasant. When wearing a demonhair shirt you gain immunity to fear. If you have the rage class feature (or a similar ability), you may spend two of your daily uses of rage at once to become overcome with demonic fury, gaining a +6 profane bonus to Strength, +2 profane bonus to Armor Class, and a +10 profane bonus to speed. While under the effects of demonic fury, your natural weapons and weapons you wield count as chaotic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In exchange for these benefits, you take 2 points of nonlethal damage each round. Once activated, the demonic fury lasts for a number of rounds equal to your improved Constitution bonus (minimum 1 round). This benefit stacks with rage (and frenzy). At the end of this time, you become fatigued for 1 hour.
Good characters take no penalty for wearing this shirt unless they abide by a code of conduct. Wearing this item violates codes of conduct for both good and lawful characters.
strong; (DC 21) conjuration and enchantment, CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, rage, summon monster IV, caster must have 16 ranks in Craft (weaving), caster must not be good. 13,000 gp, 1,040 XP. Weight: 3 lb. Market Price: 26,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Dimensional Chalk Holder

This small, elaborately carved silver tube is designed to hold a single piece of normal chalk. On mental command, the user can 'draw' in the air, which leaves behind a vibrant blue line of crackling energy. Once a complete circle has been formed, the enclosed space suddenly disappears, creating a gate to wherever the user wishes. It only allows the planar travel aspect of the gate spell, not the ability to call forth creatures.
The item allows its user to draw only a circle. The user can feel it resisting anything but a curved line. There is no size limit to the circle, but it must be completely drawn in 1 full round to create the gate.
The dimensional chalk holder can draw 1d4+1 gates before crumbling into dust. Drawing a line counts as one use, regardless of whether a complete circle was made or not.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Market Price: 22,950 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Dimensional Prism

This translucent and oddly shaped prism seems to fade in and out of existence when seen in daylight. The prism grants see invisibility when looked through. When shattered (requiring a DC 15 Strength check), the crystal releases a greenish burst of energy. Any creatures within 30 feet that are on nearby transitive planes such as the Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, or Plane of Shadow (including those using spells such as blink, maze, or shadow walk), must succeed on a Will save (DC 30) or be forced onto the Material Plane. Creatures that are made tangible in this way cannot leave the Material Plane for 1d6 rounds.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor, see invisibility; Market Price: 17,600 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Dimensional Shackles

These shackles have golden runes traced across their cold iron surface. Any creature bound within them is affected as if a dimensional anchor spell were cast upon her (no save). They fit any Small to Large creature. The DC to break or slip our of the shackles is 30.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor; Market Price: 26,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dragonfly Medallion

This silver dragonfly-shaped medallion is covered with precious gems. It grants the Improved Initiative feat while worn. If the wearer already has this feat, it grants an additional +1 competence bonus on Initiative rolls.
Once per day, the medallion can transform into a Large dragonfly to attack at the command of its owner. The owner can give mental commands to the dragonfly from up to 200 feet away. If the dragonfly is slain in its vermin form, then the medallion is destroyed as well. If the owner is killed, knocked unconscious, or taken out of range while the medallion is in dragonfly form, it converts back into a medallion immediately.Giant Dragonfly.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, cat's grace; Market Price: 29,760 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Droplets of the Storm

This tiny blue vial contains a small amount of constantly moving water. When poured into a pool of water at least a foot deep, the droplets cause the pool to bubble and froth furiously. In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of Small water elementals emerge from the pool. The elementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic. They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight:
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Drums of Panic

These drums are kettle drums (hemispheres about 1 1/2 feet in diameter on stands). They come in pairs and are unremarkable in appearance. If both of the pair are sounded, all creatures within 120 feet (with the exception of those within a 20-foot-radius safe zone around the drums) are affected as by a fear spell (Will negates DC 16).
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 10 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dust of Appearance

This fine powder appears to be a very fine, very light metallic dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air coats surrounding objects, making them visible even if they are invisible - just like the glitterdust spell. (The dust of appearance, however, doesn't blind creatures.) The dust also reveals figments, mirror images, and projected images for what they are. It likewise negates the effects of blur and displacement. (In this, it works just like the faerie fire spell). A creature coated with the dust cannot hide. The dust's effect lasts for 2d% minutes.
Dust of appearance is typically stored in small silk packets or hollow bone blow-tubes.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust; Market Price: 2,100 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dust of Disappearance

This dust looks just like dust of appearance and is typically stored in the same manner. A creature or object touched by it becomes invisible (as improved invisibility). Normal vision can't see dusted creatures or objects, nor can they be detected by magical means, including see invisibility or invisibility purge. Dust of appearance, however, does reveal people and objects made invisible by dust of disappearance. Other factors, such as sound and smell, also allow possible detection.
The greater invisibility bestowed by the dust lasts for 2d% minutes (1d10+10 if sprinkled carefully upon an object).
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater invisibility; Market Price: 3,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dust of Dispersion

This fine powder resembles other types of magic dust, and a single handful flung into the air creates a translucent cloud 10 feet high, 10 feet long, and 10 feet wide. Creatures outside the cloud can see into it and through it (though their sight is slightly blurred), but any ranged attacks entering or passing through the cloud have a 50% miss chance. Creatures within the cloud make ranged attack rolls normally.
The cloud persists for 3 minutes, but a moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses it in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the cloud in 1 round, and any spell that deals fire damage burns away any part of the cloud in its area. The dust cannot be used underwater.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, glitterdust; Price 2,100 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Dust of Dryness

This special dust has many uses. If it is thrown into water, up to a cubic yard of the water is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was thrown. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. The dust affects only water (fresh, salt, alkaline), not other liquids.
If the dust is employed against a water creature, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or be destroyed. The dust deals 5d6 points of damage to the water creature even if its saving throw succeeds.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water; Market Price: 850 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dust of Dullness

A single dose of this dust can either be poured on a single target or hurled to cascade into a 10-foot-long cone. If used against a single target, the saving throw to resist the dust's effects is made at a -4 penalty. Any living creature touched by the dust must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 13). Those who fail to save roll 1d6 and consult the table below to determine which of their senses are dulled. The effects of this roll are cumulative; someone who rolls a 6 has all six senses dulled. The effects of dust of dullness last for 1d6 hours.

1Taste: Victim suffers a -4 penalty on saving throws made to resist ingested toxins.
2Smell: Victim loses the scent ability, if possessed.
3Hearing: Victim is deafened.
4Touch: Victim suffers -2 penalty on attack rolls and Dexterity-based skill checks.
5Sight: Victim is blinded.
6Sixth Sense: Victim cannot cast divination spells, and suffers a -4 penalty to Will saves.

Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, contagion; Price 1,500 gp.
Source: Dungeon #112

Dust of Illusion

This unremarkable powder resembles chalk dust or powdered graphite. Stare at it, however, and the dust changes color and form. Put the dust of illusion on a creature, and that creature is affected as if by a disguise self glamer, with the individual who sprinkles the dust envisioning the illusion desired. An unwilling recipient is allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 11) to escape the effect. The glamer lasts for 1d6+6 hours.
CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Market Price: 500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dust of the Zephyr

This clear vial and stopper contains a small amount of dust. When released into a breeze, the dust creates sudden bursts of wind.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of Small air elementals are created from the wind. The elementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic. They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Dust of Tracelessness

This normal-seeming dust is actually a magic powder that can conceal the passage of its possessor and his companions. Tossing a pinch of this dust into the air causes a chamber of up to 1,000 square feet of floor space to become as dusty, dirty, and cobweb-laden as if it had been abandoned and disused for a decade.
A pinch of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for a mile back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, so no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Tracking checks across an area affected by this dust are made against a DC 20 higher than normal.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, pass without trace; Market Price: 250 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Dyrr's Impervious Vestment

This black silk robe is embroidered with adamantine thread in an elegant waterfall pattern. It confers a +9 armor bonus to its wearer, and once per day can be commanded to create a blade barrier as a full-round action. The spell produces a ringed wall of whirling blades only (20 feet high, up to 90 feet in diameter, centered on the wearer's current location), which lasts for 18 minutes or until dismissed as a standard action. As long as Dyrr's impervious vestment is worn, the wearer is able to pass through the barrier without harm, though he receives no such protection against any other blade barrier.
Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, blade barrier, mage armor; Price 123,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Efreeti Bottle

This item is typically fashioned of brass or bronze, with a lead stopper bearing special seals. A thin stream of smoke is often seen issuing from it. The bottle can be opened once per day. When opened, the efreeti imprisoned within issues from the bottle instantly. There is a 10% chance that the efreeti is insane and attacks immediately upon being released. There is also a 10% chance that the efreeti of the bottle grants three wishes. In either case, the efreeti afterward disappears forever. The other 80% of the time, the inhabitant of the bottle loyally serves the character for up to 10 minutes per day (or until the efreeti's death), doing as she commands. (See the Monster Manual for efreeti statistics.) Roll each day the bottle is opened for that day's effect.
CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VII; Market Price: 150,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Elemental Elixir

This elixir infuses you with the raw power of the Elemental Planes, changing your body. Found in a metal flask, this elixir comes in four varieties - one for each element: air, earth, fire, and water. Each flask contains only one dose. Drinking the elixir grants you its power. A dose of elemental elixir transforms you into an elemental of your size and of the kind the elixir is keyed to. The transformation lasts for 30 minutes, although you can dismiss the transformation as a standard action before the duration expires. For example, a halfling drinking an air elemental elixir transforms into a Small air elemental, while an ogre drinking a fire elemental elixir becomes a Large fire elemental. For the duration of the transformation, your type becomes elemental and your subtype changes to match your new form. You gain the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new elemental form but retain your own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also gain all extraordinary and supernatural special attacks and qualities possessed by the new elemental form. Neither changing into the new elemental form nor returning to your natural form results in the healing of any hit point damage. If slain, you revert to your original form, although you remain dead.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th. Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph, 700 gp, 56 XP, 2 days. Weight: 1/2 lb. Price: 1,400 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Elemental Gem, Fire

Each of these red or orange gems contains a conjuration spell attuned to the Elemental Plane of Fire. When the gem is crushed, smashed, or broken, a fire elemental appears as if summoned by a summon monster spell. The elemental is under the control of the creature that broke the gem. Breaking the gem is a standard action.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster III (Small elemental), summon monster V (Medium-size), summon monster VI (Large), summon monster VII (Huge), summon monster VIII (greater), or summon monster IX (elder); Market Price: 750 gp (Small), 2,250 gp (Medium-size), 3,300 gp (Large), 4,550 gp (Huge), 6,000 gp (greater), or 7,650 gp (elder); Weight: -.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Elixir of Draconic Essence

This elixir comes in five varieties, one for each of the five chromatic dragons. Made from the blood of true dragons and enhanced by magic, the elixir grants powers of its associated creature to whomever drinks it. Thick scales of the appropriate color cover the drinker's skin, granting him a +4 enhancement bonus to his existing natural armor bonus. Meanwhile, his physique grows in power to match his draconic form. He gains a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. His face extends into a fierce snout, while his fingers twist into sharp claws, giving him 2 claws and a bite he can use natural attacks (damage is based on size, see the Dragon Essence table). Powerful wings burst from his shoulders, giving him a fly speed of 60-feet (average). He gains a breath weapon of the appropriate type (see the Dragon Essence Table) usable once every 1d4 rounds, dealing 6d6 points of damage. A DC 14, Reflex save halves this damage. The drinker also gains complete immunity to the energy type associated with his breath weapon. These effects remain for 10 minutes.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Price 6,550 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Dragon Essence
Dragon VarietyBreath Weapon
Black60-foot line of acid
Blue60-foot line of lightning
Green30-foot cone of corrosive (acid) gas
Red30-foot cone of fire
White30-foot cone of cold

Source: Dragon #342

Everburning Torch

This torch has a continual flame cast upon it.
CL 3rd; Prerequisite: Continual flame (no feat needed); Market Price: 90 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Everfull Mug

With a command word, this common-looking mug fills with 12 ounces of water, cheap ale, or watery wine (user's choice). It functions three times per day.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, create water; Market Price: 800 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Everlasting Feedbag

This feedbag has a small medallion on it with an embossed cornucopia symbol. When placed around the muzzle of a horse, donkey, or other equine animal, it produces an unlimited amount of suitable feed. Care must be taken that the animal does not overeat, and most creatures must still eat other plants for proper nutrition. The feedbag produces nothing when it is not placed around an animal's muzzle.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Market Price: 15,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Eversmoking Bottle

This metal urn is identical in appearance to an efreeti bottle, except that it does nothing but smoke. The amount of smoke is great if the stopper is pulled our, pouring from the bottle and totally obscuring vision across a spread of 50 feet in 1 round. If the bottle is left unstoppered, the smoke spreads another 10 feet per round until it has spread 100 feet. This area remains smoke-filled until the eversmoking bottle is stoppered. The bottle must be resealed by a command word, after which the smoke dissipates normally.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, pyrotechnics; Market Price: 5,200 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Eversoaking Sponge

This large, normal-looking sponge is capable of absorbing an enormous quantity of water. If placed in a body of water, it floats and begins soaking it up at the rate of 1,000 gallons per round. The sponge stops once it has absorbed 225,000 gallons of water - the size of a pool 100 feet long, 50 wide, and 6 feet deep. This water disappears completely, and if the sponge is squeezed afterward, it releases only as much water as a normal wet sponge. The eversoaking sponge absorbs only water, not mud or muck. Acid, oil, and other liquids affect it as they would a normal sponge.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Market Price: 26,400 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Exploding Spike

Warm to the touch, this red spike pulses with stored energy. The spike does nothing until it is planted firmly in the ground (a standard action). One round later, the spike becomes invisible. Any creature that thereafter comes within 10 feet of the spike causes it to explode in a fireball that deals 10d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 14 half) to every creature within 20 feet of the spike. This blast destroys the spike.
Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball; Price 1,500 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Eyes of Charming

These two crystal lenses fit over the user's eyes. The wearer is able to charm person (one target per round) merely by meeting a target's gaze. Those failing a Will saving throw (DC 16) are charmed as per the spell. If the wearer has only one lens, the DC of the saving throw is reduced to 10.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, charm person; Market Price: 56,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Eyes of Doom

These crystal lenses fit over the user's eyes, enabling him to cast doom upon those around him (one target per round) merely by meeting their gaze. Those failing a Will saving throw (DC 11) are doomed as per the spell. If the wearer has only one lens, the DC of the saving throw is reduced to 10. However, if the wearer has both lenses, he gains the additional power of continual deathwatch vision and can enact an eye bite (DC 19) once per week.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, doom, deathwatch, eyebite; Market Price: 24,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Eyes of Petrification

These items are made of special crystal and fit over the eyes of the wearer. They allow her to use a petrification gaze attack (DC 19), such as that of a basilisk, for 10 rounds per day (see the Monster Manual for details on the basilisk's gaze attack). Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone; Market Price: 98,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Eyes of the Eagle

These items are made of special crystal and fit over the eyes of the wearer, These lenses grant a +5 circumstance bonus to Spot checks. Wearing only one of the pair causes a character to become dizzy and, in effect, stunned for 1 round. Thereafter, the wearer can use the single lens without being stunned so long as she covers her other eye. Of course, she can remove the single lens and see normally at any time, or wear both lenses to end or avoid the dizziness.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Fan of Furious Flame

This collapsible fan is made of thin red iron and resembles licking flames when opened. Three times per day, the fan can create a cone 30 feet long that causes any open flames, including candles, torches, or lanterns, to explode in a burst of fire and deal the indicated damage (Reflex half DC 15).

Flame SizeDamageArea
Candles (1-5)1d45-ft. diameter
Candelabra (6+)1d65-ft. diameter
Lantern1d85-ft. square
Torch1d1010-ft. square
Campfire1d1210-ft. square

All fire that explodes in this way is permanently extinguished. The explosion occurs too quickly for nearby combustibles to catch on fire. The fan of furious flame has no effect on magical fires such as those created by continual flame.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball; Market Price: 18,750 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Field Provisions Box

When opened, this well-crafted wooden box produces enough basic food and water to feed up to fifteen humans or five horses, providing a full day's sustenance. It can be used once per day.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Price 2,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Figurines of Wondrous Power

Each of the several kinds of figurines of wondrous power appears to be a tiny statuette of an creature an inch or so high (with one exception). When the figurine is tossed down and the correct command word spoken, it becomes a living creature of normal size (except when noted otherwise below). The creature obeys and serves its owner.
If a figurine of wondrous power is broken or destroyed in its statuette form, it is forever ruined. All magic is lost, its power departed. If slain in animal form, the figurine simply reverts to a statuette that can be used again at a later time.

  • Bronze Griffon: When animated, the bronze griffon acts in all ways like a normal griffon under the command of its possessor. The item can be used twice per week for up to 6 hours per use. When 6 hours have passed or when the command word is spoken, the bronze griffon once again becomes a tiny statuette.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight:-.
  • Blue Quartz Eagle: A blue quartz eagle becomes an eagle on command, but with vision akin to that granted by eyes of the eagle (+5 circumstance bonus on Spot checks). Another command sends it aloft. It will not attack, even to defend itself, but it will obey the telepathic commands of its owner as long as it remains within one mile of her. If forced to move beyond that distance, a blue quartz eagle will immediately revert to statuette form (usually shattering if it falls a great distance to the ground). While the figurine is transformed, its owner can mentally view everything the eagle can see, although the owner must use a standard action to observe what the eagle sees in that round. It can maintain its nonfigurine status for only 24 hours per tenday, but the duration need not be continuous.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Weight: -
  • Coral Dolphin: Made by a water genasi mage, this finely carved dolphin of white coral can transform into a living dolphin, except that it possesses an Intelligence of 5 and the ability to speak and understand Common and Aquan. The dolphin is treated as a magical beast when in its living form. It may be used twice per tenday for up to 4 hours each use.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, water breathing; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: -.
  • Ebony Fly: When animated, the ebony fly is the size of a pony and has all the statistics of a hippogriff (Hit Dice, AC, carrying capacity, speed, and so on) but can make no attacks. The item can be used three times per week for up to 12 hours per use. When 12 hours have passed or when the command word is spoken, the ebony fly again becomes a tiny statuette.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight:-
  • Golden Lions: These come in pairs. They become normal adult male lions (see the Monster Manual). If slain in combat, the lions cannot be brought back from statuette form for one full week. Otherwise, they can be used once per day for up to 1 hour. They enlarge and shrink upon speaking the command word.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 16,500 gp; Weight:-.
  • Ivory Goats: These come in threes. Each goat of this trio looks slightly different from the others, and each has a different function:
    • The Goat of Traveling: This statuette provides a speedy and enduring mount equal to that of a draft horse in every way except appearance. The goat can travel for a maximum of one day each week - continuously or in any combination of periods totaling 24 hours. At this point, or when the command word is uttered, it returns to its statuette form for not less than one day before it can again be used.
    • The Goat of Travail: This statuette becomes an enormous creature, larger than a bull, with the statistics of a nightmare except for the addition of a pair of wicked horns of exceptional size (damage 1d8+4/1d8+4). If it is charging to attack, it may only use its horns (but add +6 points of damage to each successful attack on that round). It can be called to life just once per month for up to 12 hours at a time.
    • The Goat of Terror: When called upon with the proper command word, this statuette becomes a destrierlike mount, with the statistics of a light warhorse (but hairier). However, its rider can employ the goat's horns as weapons (one horn as a +3 lance, the other as a +5 longsword). When ridden in an attack against an opponent, the goat of terror radiates fear as the spell in a 30-foot radius (DC 16). It can be used once every two weeks for up to 3 hours per use.
    After three uses, each of the ivory goats loses its magical ability forever.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 21,000 gp; Weight:-.
  • Marble Elephant:This is the largest of the figurines, the statuette being about the size of a human hand. Upon utterance of the command word, a marble elephant grows to the size and specifications of a true elephant. The animal created from the statuette is fully obedient to the figurine's owner, serving as a beast of burden, a mount, or a combatant.
    Details of the elephant are found in the Monster Manual. The statuette can be used four times per month for up to 24 hours at a time.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 17,000 gp; Weight:-.
  • Obsidian Steed: An obsidian steed appears to be a small, nearly shapeless lump of black stone. Only careful inspection reveals that it vaguely resembles some form of quadruped. On command, the near-formless piece of obsidian becomes a fantastic mount. Treat it as a heavy warhorse with the following additional powers usable once per round at will: fly, plane shift, and etherealness. The steed allows itself to be ridden, but if the rider is of good alignment, the steed is 10% likely per use to carry him to the Lower Planes and then return to its statuette form. The statuette can be used once per week for one continuous period of up to 24 hours. Note that when the obsidian steed becomes ethereal or plane shifts, its rider and his gear follow suit. Thus, the user can travel to other planes via this means.
    CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, fly, plane shift, etherealness; Market Price: 28,500 gp; Weight:-.
  • Onyx Dog: When commanded, this statuette changes into a creature with the same properties as a war dog, except that it is endowed with an Intelligence score of 8, can communicate in Common, and has exceptional olfactory and visual abilities. (It has the scent ability and adds +4 to its Spot and Search checks.) It has darkvision (range 60 feet) and it can see invisible. An onyx dog can be used once per week for up to 6 hours. It obeys only its owner.
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 15,500 gp; Weight:-.
  • Serpentine Owl: A serpentine owl becomes either a normal-sized horned owl or a giant owl, according to the command word used. The transformation can take place once per day, with a maximum duration of 8 continuous hours. However, after three transformations into giant owl form, the statuette loses all of its magical properties. The owl communicates with its owner by telepathic means, informing her of all it sees and hears. (Remember the limitations of its Intelligence.)
    CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Market Price: 9,100 gp; Weight:-.
  • Silver Raven:This figurine turns into a raven on command (but it retains its silver consistency, which gives it a hardness of 10). Another command sends it off into the air, bearing a message just like a creature affected by an animal messenger spell. If not commanded to carry a message, the raven obeys the commands of its owner, although it has no special powers or telepathic abilities. It can maintain its nonfigurine status for only 24 hours per week, but the duration need not be continuous.
    CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, animal messenger; Market Price: 3,800 gp; Weight:-.

Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Figurine of the Ivory Champion

The figurine is a miniature statuette of an armored knight adorned with symbols of good deities. It stands two inches tall. When the figurine is tossed to the ground and the command word spoken, it expands in size, taking the form of a Large knight carved from ivory. The construct obeys and serves you. If the figurine is broken or destroyed in statuette form, it is forever ruined. If slain in construct form, it instantly reverts to a statuette and cannot be used again for 1 week. The figurine may be used once per day for up to 1 hour at a time. Ivory Champion
strong; (DC 21) transmutation, CL 13th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; 10,000 gp, 800 XP. Weight: -; Market Price: 20,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Fruit Blossom Spike

When driven or hammered into a fruit tree, this slim wooden stake causes the tree to go through an amazingly fast rejuvenation, growing extremely healthy and producing an enormous amount of fruit. It takes 1 complete round to complete this growth, at which point the fruit falls to the ground and the tree begins to wither and die. Both the tree and the spike are utterly destroyed in the process.
A single tree produces enough fresh fruit to feed eight creatures for two days, acting like a maximized good berry spell. After three days, the fruit turns into worthless mush. Fruit blossom spikes do not work on plant creatures such as treants or tendriculos.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, goodberry, plant growth; Market Price: 5,800 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

These gauntlets are made of tough leather with iron studs running across the back of the hands and fingers. They grant the wearer great strength, adding a +2 enhancement bonus to his Strength score. Both gauntlets must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Gauntlet of Lassitude

This leather glove bound in brass magically transforms to match the hand shape of its owner, and thus it can be worn on either hand. With a successful melee touch attack, the gauntlet of lassitude slows the target for 5 rounds (Will DC 14 negates).
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, slow; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Gauntlet of Rust

This single metal gauntlet looks rusted and pitted but is actually quite powerful. Once per day, it can affect an object as with the rusting grasp spell. It also completely protects the wearer and her gear from rust (magical or otherwise), including the attack of a rust monster.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, rusting grasp; Market Price: 11,500 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Gauntlet of the Dwarven Forge

This iron gauntlet extends to the elbow and is always cool to its wearer's touch. When its command word is spoken, a gauntlet of the dwarven forge glows red-hot for 10 rounds, illuminating everything within 10 feet as if by torchlight. Anyone else touched by the gauntlet during this time takes 1d6+10 points of fire damage. The wearer of a gauntlet of the dwarven forge takes half damage from fire-based attacks while the gauntlet is glowing. Fire attacks that allow Reflex saves for half damage deal the wearer no damage if he makes his save.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, fire shield; Price 24,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Gauntlet of Utterdeath

This spiked gauntlet of jet-black steel smells faintly of brimstone. If the wearer succeeds on a melee touch attack, the target must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be reduced to a pile of smoldering cinders. If the Fortitude save succeeds, the target instead takes 10d6 points of damage. A gauntlet of utterdeath is usable three times per day.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, destruction; Price 96,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Gem of Brightness

This crystal appears to be a long, rough prism. Upon utterance of a command word, the crystal emits bright light of one of three sorts.

  • One command word causes the gem to shed a pale light in a cone 10 feet long. This use of the gem does not expend any charges.
  • Another command word causes the gem of brightness to send out a very bright ray 1 foot in diameter and 50 feet long. This strikes as a ranged touch attack, and any creature struck by this beam is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 14). This use of the gem expends 1 charge.
  • The third command word causes the gem to flare in a blinding flash of light in a cone 30 feet long. Although this glare lasts but a moment, all creatures within its area must make a Reflex save (DC 14) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds and thereafter suffer a penalty of -1 to attack rolls, Spot checks, and Search checks due to permanent eye damage. This use expends 5 charges.

Eye damage can be cured by a remove blindness or a heal spell. A newly created gem of brightness has 50 charges. When all its charges are expended, the gem becomes nonmagical.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, blindness/deafness; Market Price: 15,200 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Gem of Seeing

This finely cut and polished stone is indistinguishable from an ordinary jewel in appearance. When gazed through, the gem of seeing enables the user to see as though she were affected by a true seeing spell.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Market Price: 75,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Ghoul-Light Lantern

These eldritch lanterns are used by true ghouls to light their cities and to augment their undead minds. Although they can see in the dark, they find the necromantic green glow of the ghoul-light comforting. A ghoul-light lantern can be command to shed its sickly green glow as a move action. Once activated, the glow illuminates a 20-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius. Living flesh illuminated by ghoul-light feels strangely cold and clammy, while undead within the light feel more energetic. Any living creature within 20 feet of a source of ghoul-light takes a -1 penalty on Will saves and all Charisma checks (including turn undead checks and all Charisma-based skills). Undead within 20 feet of a source of ghoul-light gain a +1 profane bonus on Will saves and Charisma checks.
Ghoul-light is treated as bright illumination against creatures with light sensitivity (such as drow).
All creatures exposed to ghoul-light begin to glow softly themselves with the nasty green light. This glow does not provide additional illumination, but it does affect all creatures within 20 feet of the source as if by faerie fire, thus reducing the effectiveness of invisibility, displacement, and similar effects.
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a true ghoul; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon #129

Gloves of Arrow Snaring

Once snugly worn, these gloves seem to meld with the hands, becoming almost invisible. (They are undetectable unless the viewer is within 5 feet of the wearer.) The wearer can act as if he had the Deflect Arrows feat, except that he catches the thrown weapons and projectiles instead of deflecting them. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective. At least one hand must be free to take advantage of the magic.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, shield; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Gloves of Brachiation

These tight leather gloves allow the wearer to travel from branch to branch using only her arms, as a monkey or gibbon would. As long as she is at medium encumbrance or less, the wearer can move at her full speed through the tree canopy. The wearer also gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Jump checks as long as she is aboveground (leaping from tree branch to tree branch, for example).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight:-
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Gloves of Dexterity

These right-fitting, thin leather gloves are very flexible and allow for delicate manipulation. They add to the wearer's Dexterity score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace; Market Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Gloves of Fortunate Striking

Best worn by the cleverest of warmakers, these gloves allow their wearer to attempt to change an unfortunate strike at the enemy to a more accurate one. Once per day, after the wearer of the gloves has made an attack roll (but before it's determined whether the roll succeeded), he may choose to make the attack roll again. He must use the second result even if it's lower. The wearer can't use this ability if he has already made the attack roll again because of another ability he possesses, nor can he use another ability he possesses to make the attack roll again as he uses the gloves. The gloves can be used only after they are worn continuously for 24 hours. If they are taken off, they become inactive until they are again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, true strike; Price 2,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing

These apparently normal lightweight gloves grant a +10 competence bonus to Swim and Climb checks. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Glove of Burrowing

Gloves of burrowing allow you to tunnel through the ground. Appearing as flexible cracked rock, a pair of gloves of burrowing are made from the stony hide of a xorn or similar elemental creature with the ability to burrow through earth. Simply putting on the gloves grants you the ability to move through earth and stone. In addition, once per day, you can make a sudden chopping motion to grant you the ability to mold stone as clay, but doing so causes the gloves of burrowing to lose all power for 1 hour afterward. While worn, the gloves of burrowing grant you the ability to push through earth or stone with a burrow speed equal to one half your base land speed. Your passage is like that of an earth elemental, leaving no tunnel behind for others to follow and indeed no signs of your passage at all. In addition to the ability to move through the ground, gloves of burrowing grant you the ability to use stone shape once per day as a 9th-level sorcerer.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th. Craft Wondrous Item, passwall, 40,500 gp, 3,240 XP, 81 days. Weight: 1/2 lb. Price: 81,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #347

Glove of Storing

This device is a simple leather glove. On command, one item held in the hand wearing the glove disappears. The item can weigh no more than 20 pounds and must be able to be held in one hand. With a snap of the fingers wearing the glove, the item reappears. A glove can only store one item at a time. The item is held in stasis and shrunk down so small within the palm of the glove that it cannot be seen. Many owners of gloves of storing find them to be useful and dramatic ways to store weapons, wands, and - because the item is stored in stasis - even lit torches. If the effect is suppressed or dispelled, the stored item appears instantly. Although it is handy to have two of these gloves, the creation process yields only one.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Market Price: 2,200 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Goggles of Day

The lenses of this item are made of silvered crystal. When they are placed over the eyes, the wearer can operate without penalty in preternaturally bright light, such as might result from a flare, sunbeam, or sunburst spell. Vampires wearing goggles of day have a full-round action before dissolution when confronted with sunlight, as opposed to just a partial action.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight:
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Goggles of Minute Seeing

The lenses of this item are made of special crystal. When placed over the eyes of the wearer, they enable her to see much better than normal at distances of 1 foot or less, granting her a +5 bonus to Search checks to locate or identify features such as tiny seams, marks, cracks, or imperfections. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Goggles of Night

The lenses of this item are made of dark crystal. Even though the lenses are opaque, when placed over the eyes of the wearer they enable him to see normally and also grant him darkvision (range 60 feet). Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5


This magic sphere is 4 inches in diameter, made of silver, and covered in small rubies. Etched into it in four places is the hammer-and-anvil symbol of the deity Moradin. When held aloft and activated with a command word, the sphere conjures forth a giant hammer. This hammer functions as a spiritual weapon except that it deals 3d6 points of damage per hit. The user of the hammersphere does not have to concentrate on the hammer or keep the sphere aloft while the hammer attacks. The hammersphere is usable once per day
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, spiritual weapon, greater magic weapon; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight:
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Hand of Glory

This mummified human hand hangs by a leather cord around a character's neck (taking up space as a magic necklace would). If a magic ring is placed on one of the fingers of the hand, the wearer benefits from the ring as if wearing it herself, and it does not count against her two-ring limit. The hand can wear only one ring at a time.
Even without a ring, the hand itself allows its wearer to use daylight and see invisibility each once per day.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, see invisibility, animate dead; Market Price: 7,200 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Hand of the Mage

This mummified elven hand hangs by a golden chain around a character's neck (taking up space as a magic necklace would). It allows the wearer to utilize the spell mage hand at will.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Harp of Charming

This instrument is a golden, intricately carved harp. When played, it enables the performer to cast one suggestion (Will negates DC 14) for each 10 minutes of playing if he can succeed at a Perform check (DC 15). On a die roll of a natural 1, the harpist has played so poorly that he enrages all those within earshot.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, suggestion; Market Price: 7,500 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Hat of Anonymity

This broad-brimmed black hat obscures the wearer from being detected, allowing him to blend into a crowd with ease. The wearer is under a continuous nondetection effect and has a +10 bonus on Hide checks while the hat is worn.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection; Market Price: 34,050 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Hat of Disguise

This apparently normal hat allows its wearer to alter her appearance as with a alter self spell. As part of the disguise, the hat can be changed to appear as a comb, ribbon, headband, cap, coif, hood, helmet, and so on.
CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Headband of Intellect

This device is a light cord with a small gem set so that it rests upon the forehead of the wearer. The headband adds to the wearer's Intelligence score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item; commune or legend lore; Market Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Helm of Brilliance

This normal-looking helm takes its true form and manifests its powers when the user dons it and speaks the command word. Made of brilliant silver and polished steel, a newly created helm is set with ten diamonds, twenty rubies, thirty fire opals, and forty opals, each of large size and enchanted. When struck by bright light, the helm scintillates and sends forth reflective rays in all directions from its crownlike, gem-tipped spikes. The jewels' functions are as follows:

DiamondPrismatic spray (DC 17)
RubyWall of fire
Fire opalFireball (10d6)

The helm may be used once per round, but each gem can perform its spell-like power just once. Until all of its jewels are depleted, a helm of brilliance also has the following magical properties when activated:

  • It emanates a bluish light when undead are within 30 feet. This light causes pain and 1d6 points of damage per round to all such creatures within that range.
  • The wearer may command any weapon he wields to become a flaming weapon. This is in addition to whatever abilities the weapon may already have (unless the weapon already is a flaming weapon). The command takes 1 round to take effect.
  • Each round, the helm absorbs the first 30 points of fire damage the wearer would otherwise take. This protection does not stack with similar protection from other sources, such as endure elements.

Once all of its jewels have lost their magic, the helm loses all its powers and the gems turn to worthless powder. Removing a jewel destroys it.
If a creature wearing the helm is damaged by magic fire (after the fire protection is taken into account) and fails an additional Will saving throw (DC 15), the remaining gems on the helm overload and detonate.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, light, fireball, prismatic spray, wall of fire, flame blade, detect undead, protection from elements; Market Price: 157,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic

Appearing as a normal helmet, a helmet of comprehending languages and reading magic grants its wearer a 90% chance to understand any strange tongue or writing she encounters and an 80% chance to understand any magic writings. Note that understanding does not necessarily imply spell use.
CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, comprehend languages, read magic; Market Price: 2,600 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Helm of Glorious Recovery

Once per day, the wearer of this helm can activate it by uttering the command word. The helm instantaneously cures the wearer of 4d8+7 points of damage. The helm can only be activated after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If it is taken off, it becomes inactive until it is again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure critical wounds; Price 5,600 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Helm of Telepathy

The wearer can use detect thoughts at will. Furthermore, he can send a telepathic message to anyone whose surface thoughts he is reading (allowing two-way communication). Once per day the wearer of the helm can implant a suggestion (as the spell, Will negates, DC 14) along with his telepathic message.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, suggestion; Market Price: 31,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Helm of Teleportation

Any character wearing this device may teleport three times per day, exactly as if he had cast the spell of the same name.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, teleport; Market Price: 48,600 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Helm of Underwater Action

The wearer of this helmet can see underwater. Drawing the small lenses in compartments on either side into position before the wearer's eyes activates the visual properties of the helm, allowing her to see five times farther than water and light conditions would allow for normal human vision. (Weeds, obstructions, and the like block vision in the usual manner.) If the command word is spoken, the helm of underwater action creates a globe of air around the wearer's head and maintains it until the command word is spoken again, enabling her to breathe freely.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, water breathing; Market Price: 24,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Heward's Handy Haversack

A backpack of this sort appears to be well made, well used, and quite ordinary. It is constructed of finely tanned leather, and the straps have brass hardware and buckles. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a bag of holding and can actually hold material equal to as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power in addition. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a move-equivalent action. Heward's handy haversack and whatever it contains gain a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horned Helm

This dark leather helm has an open face and sports a pair of impressive deer antlers that rise from the forehead. When worn, the antlers join solidly with the wearer's skull. The wearer's base speed is doubled, and the horned helm grants a +2 enhancement bonus on melee attacks with the horns, which deal 1d8 points of damage.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste, magic fang; Market Price: 38,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Horn of Blasting

This horn appears robe a normal trumpet. It can be sounded as a normal horn, but if the command word is spoken and the instrument is then played, it has the following effects, both of which happen at once:

  • A 100-foot cone of sound issues forth from the horn. All within this area must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 16). Those who succeed are stunned for 1 round and deafened for 2 rounds. Those failing the saving throw take 1d10 points of damage, are stunned for 2 rounds, and are deafened for 4 rounds.
  • An ultrasonic wave 1 foot wide and 100 feet long issues from the horn. The wave weakens such materials as metal, stone, and wood. This effect deals 1d10 points of damage to objects within the area, ignoring their hardness.

If a horn of blasting is used magically more than once in a given day there is a 10% cumulative chance with each extra use that it explodes and deals 5d10 points of damage to the person sounding it.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shout; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of Blasting, Greater

This horn functions as a horn of blasting, except that it deals 10d6 points of sonic damage stuns creatures for 1 round, and deafens them for 4d6 rounds (a DC 19 Fortitude reduces the damage by half and negates the stunning and deafening). Crystalline objects take 16d6 points of sonic damage as described for the horn of blasting. A greater horn of blasting also has a 20% cumulative chance of exploding.
Strong evocation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater shout; Price 70,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of Fog

This small bugle allows its possessor to blow forth a thick cloud of heavy fog similar to that of an obscuring mist spell. The fog spreads 10 feet each round that the user continues to blow the horn. The device makes a deep, foghorn-like noise, with the note dropping abruptly to a lower register at the end of each blast.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, obscuring mist; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of Goodness/Evil

This trumpet adapts itself to its owner, so it produces either a good or an evil effect depending on the owner's alignment. If the owner is neither good nor evil, the horn has no power whatsoever. If he is good, then blowing the horn has the effect of a magic circle against evil. If he is evil, then blowing the horn has the effect of a magic circle against good. In either case, this ward lasts for 10 rounds. The horn can be blown once per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic circle against good or magic circle against evil; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of the Tritons

This device is a conch shell that can be blown once per day (except by a triton, who can sound it three times per day). A horn of the tritons can do any one of the following functions when blown:

  • Calm rough waters in a one-mile radius. This dispels a summoned water elemental if it fails its Will saving throw (DC 16).
  • Attract 5d4 Large sharks (a 01-30 result on d%), 5d6 Medium-size sharks (31-80), or 1d10 sea lions (81-100) if the character is in a body of water in which such creatures dwell. The creatures are friendly and obey, to the best of their ability, the one who sounded the horn.
  • Panic and demoralize aquatic creatures with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 within 500 feet as if they had been targeted by a fear spell (DC 16). Those who do save are shaken for 3d6 rounds.

Any sounding of a horn of the tritons can be heard by all tritons within a three-mile radius.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear, summon monster V, control water, creator must be a triton or get construction aid from a triton; Market Price: 15,100 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of Valhalla

This magic instrument come in four varieties. Each appears to be normal until someone speaks its command word and blows the horn. Then the horn summons a number of human barbarians to fight for the character who summoned them. Each horn can be blown just once every seven days. Roll d% to see what type of horn is found. The horn's type determines what barbarians are summoned and what prerequisite is needed to use the horn. Any character who uses a horn of Valhalla but doesn't have the prerequisite is attacked by the barbarians she herself summoned.

d%Type of HornBarbarians SummonedPrerequisites
01-40Silver2d4+2, 2nd levelNone
41-75Brass2d4+1, 3rd levelSpellcaster level 1st+
76-90Bronze2d4, 4th levelProficiency with all martial weapons or bardic music ability
91-100Iron1d4+1, 5th levelProficiency with all martial weapons or bardic music ability

Summoned barbarians are magic constructs, not actual people (though they seem to be), and they arrive with the starting equipment for barbarians. They gladly attack anyone the possessor of the horn commands them to fight until they or their opponents are slain or until 1 hour has elapsed, whichever comes first.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI; Market Price: 50,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horn of Volume

This horn lets the user be heard up to twice as far as she normally would be when speaking, singing, or using an ability that affects creatures that can hear the user.
When using the skirmish or mass battle rules, the bearer can command creatures not in line of sight up to 12 squares away, instead of the normal 6. This benefit does not increase the range of Commander Effects.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost sound; Price 1,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Horseshoes of a Zephyr

These four iron shoes are affixed like normal horseshoes. They allow a horse to travel without actually touching the ground. The horse must still run above (always around 4 inches above) a roughly horizontal surface. This means that nonsolid or unstable surfaces, such as water or lava, can be crossed, and that movement is possible without leaving tracks on any sort of ground. The horse moves at normal speed. All four shoes must be worn by the same animal for the magic to be effective.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, levitate; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. each.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Horseshoes of Speed

These iron shoes come in sets of four, like ordinary horseshoes. When affixed to a horse's hooves, they double the animal's speed. All four shoes must be worn by the same animal for the magic to be effective.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Market Price: 1,900 gp; Weight: 3 lb. each.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Idol of False Vision

This large statue automatically detects any attempts to scry (including scrying and similar spells, such as arcane eye and clairaudience/clairvoyance) any individuals or locations within 50 feet of it. Any such effect triggers a false vision spell that masks any creature attuned to the idol from being scried (such attempts automatically fail). Attunement may be performed during the idol's creation or at any time later by touching the idol and speaking a command word chosen during creation. The idol can cast false vision three times per day.
CL: 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect scrying, false vision; Market Price: 54,500 gp; Cost to Create: 33,500 gp and 1,680 XP; Weight: 400 lb.
Source: Lord of the Iron Fortress

Idol of False Vision

This large statue automatically detects any attempt to scry (including scrying and similar spells such as arcane eye and clairaudience/clairvoyance) any individuals or locations within 50 feet of it. Any such effect triggers a false vision spell that masks any creature attuned to the idol from being scried. Attunement may be performed during the idol's creation or at any later time by touching the idol and speaking a command word chosen during creation. The idol can cast false vision three times per day.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect scrying, false vision; Market Price: 54,500 gp; Cost to Create: 33,500 gp + 1,680 XP; Weight: 400 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Incense of Meditation

This small rectangular block of sweet-smelling incense is visually indistinguishable from nonmagical Incense until lit. When it is burning, the special fragrance and pearly-hued smoke of this special incense are recognizable by anyone making a Spellcraft check (DC 15).
When a divine spellcaster lights a block of incense of meditation and then spends 8 hours praying and meditating nearby, the incense enables him to prepare all of his spells as though affected by the Maximize Spell metamagic feat. However, all the spells prepared in this way are at their normal level, not at three levels higher (as with the regular metamagic feat). Each block of incense burns for 8 hours, and the effects remain for 24 hours.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, bless; Market Price: 4,900 gp; weight: 1 lb. each.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Incense of the Gorgon

This foul-smelling incense is typically found in a dark green vial with the embossed image of a gorgon. When burned, however, it creates a truly overwhelming smoke that fills a 10-foot cube. The incense is consumed after 1 round and the smoke dissipates naturally. Those in the area and not holding their breath must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be turned to stone as if affected by the flesh to stone spell.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone; Market Price: 6,600 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Insatiable Locust

Banned in almost every civilized society, this 1-foot-long statue of a locust is capable of incredible destruction to crops and agricultural areas. It is carved from a single piece of brilliant jade and has two large rubies for eyes.
On command, the insatiable locust can animate. It then goes on an eating rampage, devouring up to ten tons of grain, crops, and fruits per day for up to seven days, over a diameter of fifty miles. It never attacks people or livestock and attempts to fly away when confronted with violence. The locust first eats planted crops, such as corn, wheat, and rye, followed by fruit and finally wild vegetation. The locust attacks and consumes plant creatures, but only after all other vegetation has been destroyed first.
Once the locust has eaten for seven days (or there is no more food), it unerringly returns to its owner and reverts to its statue form. It cannot be reactivated again for another full seven days. The eaten crops are utterly destroyed. Jade Locust
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, disintegrate; Market Price: 29,975 gp; Weight: 10 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Insidious Seaweed

This brittle strand of dried seaweed bears a rough texture and a slight briny smell. Once per day, when you activate the insidious seaweed, it quickly grows to many times its size, duplicating the effects of an entangle spell for 3 minutes, centered on you (DC 11). You are not affected by the entangling plants created by your own insidious seaweed as long as you hold it. If you let go of the insidious seaweed you are affected by its entangling plants as normal. Insidious seaweed does not need nearby plants to work, as it creates its own. You can end the effect prematurely by uttering the command word a second time.
Faint transmutation, CL 3rd, Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, 1,600 gp, 128 XP, 3 days. Weight: -, Price: 32,00 gp.
Source: Dragon #355

Instruments of the Bards

A wise and powerful bard named Falataer reportedly created the first of these instruments, using them to test and reward the students of the seven levels of his bardic college. Others have since copied the designs, honoring Falataer by keeping the names he gave them. Each instrument has its own set of unique powers that can be activated automatically by anyone with sufficient ranks in the appropriate Perform skill, but for a character without the requisite skill, some instruments bestow one negative level as long as the instrument is carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the instrument is held.

  • Fochluchan Bandore: This three-stringed masterwork lute grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +1 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. The instrument can be played by anyone to produce light once per day. Any character with 2 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can also use the bandore to cast flare, mending, and message each once per day.
    Faint transmutation, faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, flare, light, mending, message, creator must be a bard; Price 1,900 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern: This pear-shaped masterwork lute grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +2 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. The cithern can be played by anyone with 4 ranks in Perform (string instruments) to cast cure light wounds, mage armor, and sleep each once per day.
    Faint various; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; cure light wounds, mage armor, sleep, creator must be a bard; Price 2,900 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Doss Lute: This masterwork lute grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +3 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. A character with 6 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the instrument to cast delay poison, hold person, and mirror image each once per day. When held, a doss lute bestows one negative level on any creature that doesn't have at least 6 ranks in Perform (string instruments).
    Faint various; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, delay poison, hold person, mirror image, creator must be a bard; Price 9,800 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Canaith Mandolin: This eight-stringed masterwork mandolin grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +4 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. A character with 8 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the instrument to cast cure serious wounds, dispel magic, or summon monster III each once per day. When held, the instrument bestows one negative level on any creature that doesn't have at least 8 ranks in Perform (string instruments).
    Moderate various; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, summon monster III, creator must be a bard; Price 23,400 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Cli Lyre: This masterwork lyre grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +5 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. A character with 10 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the instrument to cast break enchantment, dimension door, and shout each once per day. When held, a cli lyre bestows one negative level on any creature that doesn't have at least 10 ranks in Perform (string instruments).
    Moderate various; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment, dimension door, shout, creator must be a bard; Price 37,600 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Anstruth Harp: This masterwork harp grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +6 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. A character with 12 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the instrument to cast control water, mass cure light wounds, and mind fog each once per day. An anstruth harp bestows one negative level on any creature that doesn't have at least 12 ranks in Perform (string instruments).
    Strong various; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water, mass cure light wounds, mind fog, creator must be a bard; Price 60,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
  • Ollamh Harp: This masterwork harp grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks and a +7 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. A character with 14 ranks in Perform (string instruments) can use the instrument to cast control weather, eyebite, and repulsion each once per day. The instrument bestows one negative level on any creature that doesn't have at least 14 ranks in Perform (string instruments).
    Strong various; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, eyebite, repulsion, creator must be a bard; Price 83,600 gp; Weight 3 lb.

Source: Complete Arcane

Ioun Stones

These stones always float in the air and must be within 3 feet of their owner to be of any use. When a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it, whereupon it takes up a circling orbit 1d3 feet from her head. Thereafter, a stone must be grasped or netted to separate it from its owner. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow a stone (while sleeping, for example) to keep it safe, but she loses the benefits of the stone during that time. Ioun stones have an AC of 24, 10 hit points, and a hardness of 5.
Regeneration from the pearly white Ioun stone works like a ring of regeneration. (It only cures damage taken while the character is using the stone.) The pale lavender and lavender and green stones work like a rod of absorption, but absorbing a spell requires a readied action, and these stones cannot be used to empower spells. Stored spells in the vibrant purple stone must be placed by a spellcaster but can be used by anyone (see ring of spell storing).
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Ioun Stone of Resistance

These ioun stones (usually burnt orange in color) possess all the features of a standard ioun stone. Ioun stones of resistance offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, caster level must be three times that of the ioun stone's bonus; Market Price: 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5); Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Iron Bands of Bilarro

When initially discovered, this very potent item appears to be a rusty iron sphere. Close examination reveals that there are bandings on the 3-inch-diameter globe.
When the proper command word is spoken and the spherical iron device is hurled at an opponent, rho bands expand and tightly constrict the target creature on a successful ranged touch attack. A single creature of large size or smaller can be captured thus and held immobile until the command word is spoken to bring the bands into globular form again. The creature can break (and ruin) the bands with a successful Strength check (DC 30) or escape them with a successful Escape Artist check (also DC 30).
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Bigby's grasping hand; Market Price: 26,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Iron Flask

These special containers are typically inlaid with runes of silver and stoppered by a brass plug bearing a seal engraved with sigils, glyphs, and special symbols. When the user speaks the command word, he can force any creature from another plane into the container, provided that creature fails a Will saving throw (DC 19). The range of this effect is 60 feet. Only one creature at a time can be so contained. Loosing the stopper frees the captured creature.
If the individual freeing the captured creature speaks the command word, the creature can be forced to serve for 1 hour. If freed without the command word, the creature acts according to its natural inclinations. (It usually attacks the user, unless it perceives a good reason not to.) Any attempt to force the same creature into the flask a second time allows it a +2 bonus on its saving throw and makes it very angry and totally hostile. A newly discovered bottle might contain any of the following:

01-50Empty89Demon (glabrezu)
51-54Large air elemental90Demon (succubus)
55-58Arrowhawk91Devil (osyluth)
59-62Large earth elemental92Devil (barbazu)
63-66Xorn93Devil (erinyes)
67-70Large fire elemental94Devil (cornugon)
71-74Salamander95Celestial (avoral)
75-78Large water elemental96Celestial (ghaele)
79-82Adult tojanida97Formian myrmarch
83-84Red slaad98Blue slaad
85-86Formian taskmaster (alone)99Rakshasa
87Demon (vrock)100Demon (balor) or devil (pit fiend) - equal chance for either
88Demon (hezrou)

CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, trap the soul; Market Price: 170,000 gp (empty); weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Keoghtom's Ointment

A jar of this unguent is small - 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep - but contains five applications. Placed upon a poisoned wound or swallowed, the ointment detoxifies any poison (as neutralize poison). Applied to a diseased area, it removes disease (as remove disease). Rubbed on a wound, the ointment cures 1d8+5 points of damage (as cure light wounds).
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Keoghtom's Spidery Map

This large, weathered bit of cloth appears covered in intermeshing spider's silk. It has been folded many times over and bears an ever-changing nonsensical mass of blurred lines, shapes, and symbols. Those who study the exploits of the Company of Seven often describe Keoghtom as the most inventive and assiduous of the group. The demigod Zagyg only confides in Keoghtom and respects his judgment greatly. In addition, save only Nolzur, Keoghtom enjoys good terms with the rest of the company and is even accorded a friend of the mage Mordenkainen. Keoghtom's many discoveries have benefited the cultures of the Flanaess significantly - especially his balms and curatives. The map that bears his name is no exception. Fharlanghn, whose friendship with the bard Reward is long and deep, facilitated its creation by allowing Keoghtom a perusal of the famed Oerthdisc. The resulting map proved so useful that cartographers and sages suggest dozens of copies exist across the Flanaess.
In order to use it, you need only concentrate upon the map, searching your mind for a location, creature, or object. The map then acts as a find the path spell, showing in great detail the shortest, most direct physical route to the specified destination. You can only use the map once per day, and all other paths or locations on the map appear as an ever-changing blurred mass of webs.
The map refuses to locate Keoghtom, the path to his extradimensional home, nor indeed the location of any being who carries the rank of deity. It cannot see beyond the bounds of the current plane of existence.
strong; (DC 20) divination, CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, find the path. Cost to Create: 13,200 gp, 1,056 XP. Weight: -; Market Price: 26,400 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Lantern of Brightness

This ornate bullseye lantern is adorned with gold filigree and sun patterns. It is illuminated with a permanent light spell. Twice per day, the lantern can emit a sunbeam (as the spell from a 13th-level caster).
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, light, sunbeam; Market Price: 66,520 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Lantern of Revealing

This lantern operates as a normal hooded lantern. While it is lit, it also reveals all invisible creatures and objects within 25 feet of it, just like the spell invisibility purge.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility purge; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Lascit's Aquatic Earring

This piece of fine jewelry allows you to understand the creatures of the sea. This earring bears a small sapphire carved in the shape of a leaping fish hanging inside a golden hoop. Almost imperceptible, the words 'Ear of the Sea' are engraved upon the hoop in Aquan. Wearing the earring allows you to understand and speak Aquan. In addition, once per day you may purposefully rub the sapphire with a drop of seawater, as a standard action, in order to activate the speak with animals power of the earring. Lascit's aquatic earring doesn't take up any magic item slot. Lascit's aquatic earring grants you the ability to understand and speak Aquan as a constant effect. In addition, once per day, the wearer can speak with animals as a 5th-level druid, but with aquatic animals only.
Faint divination; CL 5th. Craft Wondrous Item, speak with animals, comprehend languages, 9,750 gp, 780 XP, 10 days. Weight: - Price: 19,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #346

Lenses of Darkness

These two dark glass lenses fit over the user's eyes, granting a +4 bonus on saving throws against illusion (pattern) spells, spells with the light descriptor, and any light effects that cause blindness (such as a prismatic wall).
Faint abjuration, faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness, resistance; Price 7,700 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Lens of Detection

This circular prism enables its user to detect minute details, granting a +10 bonus to Search checks. It also aids in following tracks, adding a +10 bonus to Survival checks when tracking. The lens is about 6 inches in diameter and set in a frame with a handle.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Market Price: 3,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Libram of Flesh

This weighty tome details the creation of flesh golems. Additionally, the magical inscriptions of the libram allow the reader to create a flesh golem even if not a 14th-level arcane spellcaster. The reader gains a +2 bonus to effective caster level for the purpose of making golems and can emulate knowledge of the requisite spells necessary to create a flesh golem. Thus, an 11th-level arcane spellcaster still couldn't create a golem using the libram, though a 12th-level spellcaster could, because 14th level is the minimum to create a flesh golem.
Flesh golems created using the libram of flesh retain up to five abilities from one of the donor bodies used in the golem's creation, which are layered on the flesh golem as if using a template. The DM determines which abilities of a donor body are appropriate, and which are inappropriate, which abilities stack, and which do not.
Each time a flesh golem is created using the libram, enchantment visibly drains from the book as inscriptions fade. When first created, a libram of flesh has enough magical power to create seven golems. After this time, the book falls into ruin.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish; Market Price: 178,500 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Lyre of Building

If the proper chords are struck, a single use of this lyre negates any attacks made against all inanimate construction (walls, roof, floor, and so on) within 300 feet. This includes the effects of a horn of blasting, a disintegrate spell, or an attack from a ram or similar siege weapon. The lyre can be used in this way once per day, with the protection lasting for 30 minutes.
The lyre is also useful with respect to building. Once a week its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, or whatever. The effect produced in but 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans laboring for three days. Each hour after the first, a character playing the lyre must make a Perform check (DC 18). If it fails, she must stop and cannot play it again for this purpose until a week has passed.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Market Price: 13,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Magebane Manacles

These sturdy masterwork manacles have an antimagic field that extends around anyone locked in them, including any magic items the captive might be carrying. Although expensive, they are commonly found in the prisons of metropolitan cities that are used to dealing with high-level troublemakers.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field; Market Price: 132,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Magic Sleeping Bag

This woolen sleeping bag grants the user a comfortable and peaceful night's sleep. While the user lies within, it provides the benefit of endure elements. With a night's rest, the user also recovers 1 hit point per character level (in addition to hit points recovered normally). Getting into or out of a magic sleeping bag is a full-round action.
Faint conjuration and enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, cure light wounds; Price 1,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Mantle of Faith

This holy garment, worn over normal clothing, grants damage reduction 5/evil to the character wearing it.
Strong abjuration (good); CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Mantle of Spell Resistance

This embroidered garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. It grants the wearer spell resistance of 21.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Market Price: 90,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Manual of Bodily Health

This thick tome contains tips on health and fitness, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to his Constitution score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+5); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Manual of Gainful Exercise

This thick tome contains exercise descriptions and diet suggestions, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to her Strength score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+5); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp + 5,100XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Manual of Quickness of Action

This thick tome contains tips on coordination exercises and balance, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of manual) to his Dexterity score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+5); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp - 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Mask of Lies

This black, featureless mask only has slits for the eyes and mouth. The wearer can cast disguise self on himself at will and is continually under the effect of undetectable alignment. In addition, he or she gains a +5 bonus on Bluff checks.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, undetectable alignment; Market Price: 17,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Mask of the Feather Queen

This vibrantly colored mask is made from the feathers of a variety of rare and beautiful songbirds. The wearer can levitate and charm birds by uttering a command word. Once per day, the wearer can cast fly (on herself or another person), as the spell from a 12th-level caster.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, charm animal, fly, levitate; Market Price: 27,120 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Mask of the Skull

This ivory mask has been fashioned into the likeness of a human skull. Once per day, after it has been worn for at least 1 hour, the mask can be loosed to fly from the wearer's face. It travels up to 50 feet away from the wearer and attacks a target assigned to it. The grinning skull mask makes a touch attack against the target. If it succeeds, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or be struck dead, as if affected by a finger of death spell. If the target succeeds at his saving throw, he nevertheless takes 3d6+13 points of damage. After attacking (whether successful or not), the mask flies back to its user.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, finger of death, animate objects, fly; Market Price: 25,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Master of the East Wind Carpet

Carpet of flying (5 ft. x 5 ft.; AL LN; Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13; empathy; 60 ft. vision and hearing; Ego score 3.)
Lesser Power: Item has 10 ranks in Spot (total modifier *11).Personality: The carpet is content to soar high above the earth with its master atop it. It asks nothing more than the chance to cavort among the clouds every few days. When it bears its master into combat, the carpet generally makes two move actions, leaving the master of the east wind free to cast full-round spells, retrieve various wands and potions, and do other things he couldn't do if he had to direct the carpet as a move action.
Moderate transmutation: CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, overland flight, permanency: Price 27,000 gp; Weight 8 lb.
Source: Dragon #314

Mattock of the Titans

This digging tool is 10 feet long. Any creature of at least Huge size can use it to loosen or tumble earth or earthen ramparts (a 10-foot cube every 10 minutes). It also smashes rock (a 10-foot cube per hour). If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a +3 Gargantuan morningstar, dealing 4d6 points of base damage.
CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, move earth; Market Price: 23,000 gp; weight: 120 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Maul of the Titans

This mallet is 8 feet long. If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a +3 greatclub and deals triple damage against inanimate objects. However, the wielder must have a Strength score of at least 18 to wield it properly. Otherwise, she suffers a -4 attack penalty.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Bigby's clenched fist; Market Price: 25,000 gp, Weight: 160 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Medallion of Contact

Once per day, the wearer of this silver disk can speak a command word and forge a telepathic bond (as Rary's telepathic bond) with one person lasting for 1 minute. Range is one mile.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Rary's telepathic bond; Market Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Medallion of the Lycanthrope

Found in lands where lycanthropy is an epidemic, these medallions grant powerful protection. Once per day, the medallion can cast antipathy against lycanthropes as the spell from a 15th-level caster. In addition, any melee weapons carried by the wearer damage lycanthropes as though they were made of silver. Ranged weapons are not affected.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, antipathy, magic weapon; Market Price: 44,200 gp; Weight:
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Medallion of Thoughts

This appears to be a normal pendant disk hung from a neck chain. Usually fashioned from bronze, copper, or nickel-silver, the medallion allows the wearer to read the thoughts of others, as with the spell detect thoughts.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Might Stone

This smooth gray stone features a round black depression on its surface. You gain a +2 luck bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects. A spontaneous caster (bard, sorcerer, favored soul, and so on), a character who uses invocation (dragonfire adept or warlock), or a psionic character can invest a known spell, invocation, or power into the might stone, temporarily removing it from his knowledge for 1 day. For a number of times per day equal to the spell level invested, you may, as a swift action, activate the might stone, gaining any one of the following features.

  • Increase the save DC of a spell or power of the same school or discipline by +2.
  • Add an extra 1d6 points of damage (of the same type) to an eldritch blast or breath weapon.
  • Gain a +2 bonus on checks made to overcome the spell or power resistance of a target creature.

Imbuing the spell takes a minute of concentration You may imbue just one spell into the might stone per day.
strong; (DC 22) transmutation, CL 15th; Craft Universal Item, Craft Wondrous Item, bestow power, spell matrix; 14,400 gp, 1,152 XP. Weight: 1 lb., 28,800 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Mirror of Life Trapping

This crystal device is usually about 4 feet square and framed in metal or wood. It can be affixed to a surface and activated by giving a command word. The same command word deactivates the mirror. A mirror of life trapping has from thirteen to eighteen non-spatial extradimensional compartments within it. Any creature coming within 30 feet of the device and looking at its reflection must make a Will save (DC 19) or be trapped within the mirror in one of the cells. A creature not aware of the nature of the device always sees its reflection. The probability of a creature seeing its reflection, and thus needing to make the saving throw, drops to 50% if the creature is aware that the mirror traps life and seeks to avoid looking at it (treat as a gaze attack).
When a creature is trapped, it is taken bodily into the mirror. Size is not a factor, but constructs and undead are not trapped, nor are inanimate objects and other nonliving matter. A victim's equipment (including clothing and anything being carried) remains behind. If the mirror's owner knows the right command word, he can call the reflection of any creature trapped within to its surface and engage his powerless prisoner in conversation. Another command word frees the trapped creature. Each pair of command words is specific to each prisoner.
If the mirror's capacity is exceeded, one victim (determined randomly) is set free in order to accommodate the latest one. If the mirror is broken, all victims currently trapped in it are freed and usually promptly attack the possessor of the device in revenge for their imprisonment.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, imprisonment; Market Price: 152,000 gp; Weight: 50 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Mirror of Mental Prowess

This mirror resembles an ordinary looking glass 5 feet tall by 2 feet wide. The possessor who knows the proper commands can cause it to perform as follows:

  • Read the thoughts of any creature reflected therein, as long as the owner is within 25 feet of the mirror, even if those thoughts are in an unknown language.
  • Scry with it as if it were a crystal ball, able to view even into other planes if the viewer is sufficiently familiar with them.
  • Use it as a portal to visit other places. The user first scries the place normally and then steps through the mirror to the place pictured. An invisible portal remains on the other side where she arrives, and she can return through that portal. Once she returns, the portal closes. The portal closes on its own after 24 hours (trapping the user if he is still in the other place), and the user can also close it with a command word. Creatures with Intelligence scores of 12 or greater might notice the portal just as they might notice a magical sensor or a scrying spell. Any creature who steps through the portal appears in front of the mirror.
  • Once per week the mirror accurately answers one short question regarding a creature whose image is shown on its surface.

CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, scrying, clairaudience/clairvoyance, gate, commune; Market Price: 175,000 gp; Weight: 40 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Mirror of Opposition

This item resembles a normal mirror about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. It can be affixed to a surface and activated by speaking a command word. The same command word deactivates the mirror. If a creature sees its reflection in the mirror's surface, an exact duplicate of that creature comes into being. This opposite immediately attacks the original. The duplicate has all the possessions and powers of its original (including magic). Upon the defeat or destruction of either the duplicate or the original, the duplicate and her items disappear completely The mirror functions up to four times per day.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, clone; Market Price: 92,000 gp; weight: 45 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Mirror of Secrets Revealed

This ornate silver mirror reveals hidden objects and auras when viewed in the reflection. The wielder can cast analyze dweomer once per day and true seeing twice per day. Each of these abilities functions like the spells from an 11th-level caster.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, analyze dweomer, detect magic, true seeing; Market Price: 95,000 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Murlynd's Hat

This wide-brimmed leather hat has a tall crown with a crease down the middle. A trio of small, gold rings pierces the hat's brim along one side. Murlynd is perhaps the Company of Seven's most unusual personality, which in a group that includes Zagig Yragerne is quite a boast! Once a mortal paladin of Heironeous, Murlynd has grown into a celebrated personage with a following of paladins of his own. Few scholars of the company know Murlynd is a formidable mage and inventor in his own right. His travels to other worlds have won him knowledge of unique magic items unseen on Oerth, including the leather chapeaux he made famous. Rarely seen without one, on occasion he loses one of his hats to expedience and must craft another. His enemies span many worlds and he always keeps them guessing as to what astonishment might come out of one of his many hats. The following example details only one of the hats he wears. The abilities of the others are not widely known.
This hat affords you a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class and on all Will saves made against charms or mind-affecting enchantments. It also allows you to cast fabricate three times per day.
moderate; (DC 19) transmutation, CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, foresight, creator must have 10 ranks in Craft (alchemy). 36,000 gp, 2,880 XP. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 72,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Murlynd's Rattlesnake Whip

This rattlesnake-skin whip is tipped with the filed-down fangs of several snakes. Murlynd did not fashion this weapon, but rather he discovered it on a distant world desperately in need of heroes that he frequents. The whip is a marvel, but because of the six-shooters and fabulous dancing sword he carries it often goes unnoticed. It has, however, saved Murlynd's life on more than one occasion.
The prehensile whip extends at your command to grasp items, operate levers, or pull door handles. It can even lower you as a rope and pulley, but it also has use as an offensive weapon. This +3 disarming sweeping whip grants you a +2 competence bonus on disarm attempts and a +2 competence bonus on Strength checks made to trip an opponent with it. Opponents cannot disarm you of this weapon. In addition, the whip grants you the ability to grapple any target at a range of 10 feet with a successful grapple check.
moderate; (DC 19) conjuration and transmutation; CL 9th, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, web. 36,301 gp, 2,880 XP. Weight 1 lb. Price 72,301 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Murlynd's Spoon

This unremarkable eating utensil is typically fashioned from horn. If the spoon is placed in an empty container - a bowl, a cup, or a dish, for example - the vessel fills with a thick, pasty gruel. Although this substance has a flavor similar to that of warm, wet cardboard, it is highly nourishing and contains everything necessary to sustain any herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous creature. The spoon can produce sufficient gruel each day to feed up to four humans.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Market Price: 5,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Necklace of Adaptation

This necklace is a heavy chain with a platinum medallion. The magic of the necklace wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all gases and allowing him to breathe, even underwater or in a vacuum.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing; Market Price: 19,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Necklace of Fireballs

This device appears to be nothing but a cheap medallion or piece of valueless jewelry. If a character places it about her neck, however, all can see the necklace as it really is - a golden chain from which hang a number of golden spheres. The spheres are detachable by the wearer (and only by the wearer), who can easily hurl them up to a 70-foot distance. When a sphere arrives at the end of its trajectory, it bursts as a magic fireball (DC 14). The number of spheres on each type of necklace, and their respective Hit Dice of fireball damage, are as follows:

Necklace10d69d68d67d66d65d64d63d62d6Market Price
Type I-----1-2-1,650 gp
Type II----1-2-22,700 gp
Type III---1-2-4-4,350 gp
Type IV--1-2-2-45,400 gp
Type V-1-2-2-2-6,150 gp
Type VI1-2-2-4- -8,100 gp
Type VII12-2-2-2-9,150 gp

For example, a Type III necklace has seven spheres - one 7-dice, two 5-dice, and four 3-dice fireballs.
The more dice of damage a sphere deals, the bigger it is. If the necklace is being worn or carried by a character who fails her saving throw against a magic fire attack, the item must make a saving throw as well (with a bonus of +7). If the necklace fails to save, all of its remaining spheres detonate simultaneously, often with regrettable consequences for the wearer.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Necklace of Prayer Beads

See strand of Prayer Beads
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.0

Necklace of the Marauding Beast

There are three different versions of these necklaces, commonly found among primitive tribesfolk. Each necklace incorporates parts from a different, dangerous predator.
Raging Bear Necklace: This crudely made leather necklace is adorned with uncut precious stones and claws from an enormous bear. The wearer gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. In addition, if the wearer has the ability to rage, each rage lasts 1 round longer than normal.
Frenzied Shark Necklace: Crafted from tough seaweed and sharks' teeth, this necklace grants the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and a +4 circumstance bonus on Swim checks. In addition, if the character has the ability to rage, each rage lasts 1 round longer than normal.
Rampaging Boar Necklace: This necklace is crafted from the two tusks of a boar, clasping together in the middle. The wearer gains the Sunder feat (Great Sunder if she already possesses this feat) and a +1 enhancement bonus to Constitution. In addition, if the character has the ability to rage, each rage lasts 1 round longer than normal.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, rage; Market Price: 11,840 gp (raging bear), 12,160 gp (frenzied shark), 12,440 gp (rampaging boar); Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Necklace of the Wild Beast

A necklace of this sort appears to be a normal piece of nonvaluable jewelry until it is placed about the neck of a character capable of casting charm animal. The necklace of the wild beast has one or more special beads.

Special Bead TypeSpecial Bead Ability
Bead of calmingWearer can cast calm animals.
Bead of servitudeWearer can cast dominate animal.
Bead of the fangWearer can cast greater magic fang.
Bead of beckoningWearer can cast summon nature's ally IV.
Bead of the great beastWearer can cast animal growth.
Bead of awakeningWearer can cast awaken.

Each special bead can be used only once, and then becomes forever inert. The power of a special bead is lost if removed from the necklace.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm animal, and one or more of the following spells: animal growth, awaken, calm animals, dominate animal, greater magic fang, summon nature's ally IV (as appropriate); Market Price: 500 gp (bead of calming), 1,500 gp (bead of servitude), 1,500 gp (bead of the fang), 2,000 gp (bead of beckoning), 2,500 gp (bead of the great beast), 3,750 gp (bead of awakening); Cost to Create: As normal except 1,250 gp plus 250 XP (bead of awakening); Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments

These magic emulsions enable their possessor to create actual, permanent objects simply by depicting their form in two dimensions. The pigments are applied by a stick tipped with bristles, hair, or fur. The emulsion flows from the application to form the desired object as the artist concentrates on the desired image. One pot of Nolzur's marvelous pigments is sufficient to create a 1,000-cubic-foot object by depicting it two-dimensionally over a 100-square-foot surface. Thus, a 10-foot-by-10-foot rendition of a pit would result in an actual 10-foot-by-10-foot-by-10-foot pit; a 10-foot-by-10-foot depiction of a room would result in a 10-foot-by-10-foot-by-10-foot room; and so on.
Only normal, inanimate objects can be created - doors, pits, flowers, trees, cells, and so on. Creatures can't be created. The pigments must be applied to a surface (a floor, wall, ceiling, door, etc.). It takes 10 minutes to depict an object with the pigments. Nolzur's marvelous pigments cannot create magic items. Objects of value depicted by the pigments-precious metals, gems, jewelry, ivory, and so on - appear to be valuable but are really made of tin, lead, paste, brass, bone, and other such inexpensive materials. The user can create normal weapons, armor, and other mundane items whose value does not exceed 2,000 gp.
Items created are not magical; the effect is instantaneous.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, major creation; Market Price: 5,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Nolzur's Orb

This crystal orb, awash with a swirl of colors at its center, bears a crack along one side. The colors within seem to leak out, like paint. Nolzur of Radigast City became a famed illusionist and alchemist as a member of the Company of Seven, but his legacy is often overshadowed by those of his compatriots. Nolzur and Keoghtom fell out more than a century ago, as the latter reputedly borrowed one of Nolzur's formulas to aid in his creation of the celebrated ointment that bears his name. Nolzur has yet to forgive him and his reclusion has caused his fame to fade over time. Few know that he began life as a thief or that his early travels took him far and wide, including to Blackmoor and the Pirate Isles of the Densac Gulf. He is most famous for the magical pigments that he developed, but he has numerous creations to his name, including this silvery sphere.
Nolzur's orb continually seeps oily paints that act as Nolzur's marvelous pigments 1/day. The paints issuing from the orb may also be used in creating elaborate guises, granting you a +10 competence bonus on all Disguise checks for up to 30 minutes, so long as the paints remain dry. Finally, you can fling the paints 1/day to create a prismatic spray with a range of 60 feet. If the paints are stored in any other device or container they lose all properties except those normally bestowed by Nolzur's marvelous pigments.
strong; (DC 22) conjuration and illusion CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, major creation, prismatic spray. 30,200 gp, 2,416 XP. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 60,400 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Oracle Beads

Made from perfectly clear crystal beads, this necklace assists in receiving visions and oracles. The wearer gains a +5 bonus against Will saves against scrying. In addition, the wearer can cast divination once per day. If the wearer is able to cast divine spells, then divination can be cast twice per day
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, divination; Market Price: 19,192 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Orb of Storms

This glass sphere is 8 inches in diameter. The possessor can call forth all manner of weather, even supernaturally destructive storms. Once per day she can call upon the orb to access a control weather spell, Once per month, she can bring upon a storm of vengeance. The owner of the orb gains a +2 luck bonus to all saves and checks concerning the weather (including surviving in great heat or cold, but not including walking through fire, cones of cold, and other such conditions).
CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, storm of vengeance; Market Price: 38,000 gp; weight: 6 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pearl of Power

This seemingly normal pearl of average size and luster is a potent aid to all spellcasters who prepare spells (clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and wizards). Once per day on command, a pearl of power enables the possessor to recall any one spell that she had prepared and then cast. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it hadn't been cast. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the pearl. Different pearls exist for recalling one spell per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two spells per day (each of a different level, up to 6th).
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be able to cast spells of the spell level to be recalled; Market Price: 1,000 gp (1st), 4,000 gp (2nd), 9,000 gp (3rd), 16,000 gp (4th), 25,000 gp (5th), 36,000 gp (6th), 49,000 gp (7th), 64,000 gp (8th), 81,000 gp (9th), or 70,000 gp (two spells); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pearl of the Sirines

This normal-seeming pearl is beautiful and worth at least 1,000 gp on that basis alone. If it is clasped firmly in hand or held to the breast while the possessor attempts actions related to the pearl's powers, she understands and is able to employ the item. The pearl enables its possessor to breathe in water as if she were in clean, fresh air. Her underwater swim speed is 60 feet, and she can cast spells and act underwater without hindrance.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing, freedom of movement; Market Price: 15,300 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pelt of Animal Senses

This pelt, worn like a cloak, is made from large predator: a wolf, bear, or great cat. When worn, it grants low-light vision, scent, and a +2 circumstance bonus on Listen checks. Animals react poorly to the wearer while it is worn; herbivores in general become nervous and try to flee, while carnivores generally become aggressive.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, see invisibility; Market Price: 30,080 gp; 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Pendant of Invisibility

A pendant of invisibility consists of a diamond set on a silver chain and is meant to be worn around the neck. Up to three times a day, a creature can activate this item to benefit from invisibility, as the spell.
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; Price 7,200 gp.
Source: Dungeon #112

Periapt of Health

The wearer of this blue gem on a silver chain is immune to disease, including supernatural diseases (see Diseases).
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove disease; Market Price: 7,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Periapt of Proof against Poison

This item is a brilliant-cut black gem on a delicate silver chain. The wearer gains a +4 luck saving throw bonus against any type of poison.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, neutralize poison; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Periapt of Wisdom

Although it appears to be a normal pearl on a light chain, a periapt of wisdom actually increases the possessor's Wisdom score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6 (depending on the individual item).
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, commune or legend lore; Market Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Periapt of Wound Closure

This stone is bright red and dangles on a gold chain. The wearer does not lose hit points when brought to negative hit points. The periapt doubles the normal rate of healing or allows normal healing of wounds that would not do so normally. Bleeding damage, such as that from a weapon of wounding, is negated, but the periapt doesn't prevent active blood drain (such as that caused by a stirge).
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, heal; Market Price: 15,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Phoenix Helm

This helm is forged of copper and inlaid with silver and gold, stylized in the shape of a phoenix with wings unfurled, legs guarding the temples, and its head adorning the brow. When worn, the helmet grants its wearer low-light vision and the ability to use feather fall, flame arrow, fly, resist energy, and speak with animals (birds only) each once per day.
Moderate various; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, feather fall, flame arrow, fly, low-light vision, resist energy, speak with animals; Price 53,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Phylactery of Undead Turning

This item is a boon to any character able to turn undead, allowing him to do so as if his class level were four levels higher than it actually is.
Moderate necromancy (good); CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Price 11,000 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Phylactery of Change

The wearer of this item can invoke a polymorph ability with an indefinite duration (or until the phylactery is removed, destroyed, or dispelled). A new form can be adopted once per day. The wearer can assume his natural form without limitation, however.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Market Price: 11,200 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Phylactery of Faithfulness

This item is a small box containing holy scripture affixed to a leather cord. There is no mundane way to determine what function this religious item performs until it is worn. The wearer of a phylactery of faithfulness is aware of any action or item that could adversely affect his alignment and standing with his deity, including magical effects. He acquires this information prior to performing the action or becoming associated with such an item if he takes a moment to contemplate the action.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item plus either detect evil, detect good, detect chaos, or detect law; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Phylactery of Protection From Evil

This phylactery continuously grants the wearer the effects of the protection from evil spell. While this type of protection is the most common version of this item, phylacteries for the other protection from alignment spells also exist.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic circle against evil; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Pipes of Haunting

This magic item appears to be a small set of pan pipes. When played by a person who has the Perform (pan pipes) skill, the pipes create an eerie, spellbinding tune. A listener thinks the source of the music is somewhere within 30 feet of the musician. Those hearing the tune but not aware of the piper must make a Will saving throw (DC 13). Those who fail become shaken for 10 minutes.
CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, scare; Market Price: 6,500 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pipes of Pain

These appear to be like any other standard set of pipes with nothing to reveal their true nature. When played by a person who has the Perform (pan pipes) skill, the pipes create a wondrous melody. All within 30 feet, including the piper, must make a Will save (DC 14) or be enchanted by the sound. (This is a mind-affecting sonic enchantment.) So long as the pipes are played, none of the creatures so enchanted attack or attempt any action (as if they are dazed). If the piper is enchanted, however, he plays on for 1d10 rounds.
As soon as the piping stops, all those affected are stricken by intense pain at even the slightest noise. Unless a character is in a totally silent area, she takes 1d4 points of damage per round for 2d4 rounds. During this time, damage from sonic attacks, such as sound burst, is doubled. Thereafter, the least noise causes an affected character to wince, giving her a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws (except when she is in a totally silent area). This hypersensitivity is a curse and therefore hard to remove (see the bestow curse spell).
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, sound burst; Market Price: 12,000 gp; weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pipes of Sounding

When played by a character who has the Perform (pan pipes) skill, these pipes create a variety of sounds. The figment sounds are the equivalent of ghost sound (caster level 2).
CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost sound; Market Price: 1,800 gp; weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pipes of the Sewers

These wooden pipes appear ordinary, but if the possessor learns the proper tune, he can attract 1d6x10 dire rats (01-80 result on d%) or 3d6x10 normal rats (81-100) if either or both are within 400 feet. For each 50-foot distance the rats have to travel, there is a 1-round delay The piper must continue playing until the rats appear, and when they do so, the piper must make a Perform (pan pipes) check (DC 10). Success means that they obey the piper's telepathic commands so long as he continues to play. Failure indicates that they turn on the piper. If for any reason the piper ceases playing, the rats leave immediately. If they are called again within a day, the Perform check is against DC 15. If the rats are under the control of another creature, add the HD of the controller to the Perform check DC. Once control is assumed, another check is required each round to maintain it if the other creature is actively seeking to reassert its control.
CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally I; Market Price: 1,150 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Pitons, Burrowing

Covered with various runes and sigils meaning 'earth,' these pitons burrow into earth, rock, and stone, providing a secure support for ropes and other climbing gear. It requires a partial action to burrow into solid, cut stone and other masonry. The pitons grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Climb checks while using climbing equipment. They are single-use items.
A burrowing piton used in melee deals 1d8 points of damage (x3 critical) against stone golems, clay golems, earth elementals, and any other creature composed of earth or stone. It has no special effect against other types of creatures.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, soften earth and stone; Market Price: 380 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Pixie Dust

This sparkling, silvery dust is created by several different fey but primarily used by pixies. It comes in long, thin, silvery tubes. A single tube's contents finely coat a 5-foot square, and any passage through the area stirs up the dust for 1d6 rounds. Alternatively, the contents of a tube can be blown at a target creature as a ranged touch attack (maximum range 5 feet). A creature that stirs up the dust or is targeted by someone wielding a tube of the dust must make a successful Fortitude save (DC is) or begin shrinking to the size of a grig (Tiny). In addition, the creature acts as though under the effect of a charm person spell from a 9th-level caster, obeying the person who spread the dust. Both effects last for 9 hours before restoring the person to normal.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, reduce person, charm person or creator must be a fey; Market Price: 2,700 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Portable Bridge

Once per day on command, this tiny statue of a bridge can turn into a fully functioning bridge. The bridge is always 5 feet wide and can extend in length from 5 feet to 50 feet. It takes a full round for the bridge to extend, regardless of the length of the bridge. The owner can choose which side the bridge retracts to, making it ideal for crossing chasms and leaving pursuers behind.
The statue must be placed on solid rock or earth to work. Ideally, there should be equally solid rock or earth on the other side. If there is not stable ground on the other side (it reaches maximum range and doesn't touch anything, there is loose sand, and so on), the bridge spends another round retracting to its statue form.
The bridge can be destroyed through disintegrate or by normal means such as breaking and chipping. Each 5-foot square has 75 hit points and a hardness of 8.
CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of stone; Market Price: 36,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Portable Hole

A portable hole is a circle of cloth spun from the webs of a phase spider interwoven with strands of ether and beams of starlight. When opened fully, a portable hole is 6 feet in diameter, but it can be folded up to be as small as a pocket handkerchief. When spread upon any surface, it causes an extradimensional space 10 feet deep to come into being. This hole can be picked up from inside or our by simply taking hold of the edges of the cloth and folding it up. Either way, the entrance disappears, but anything inside the hole remains.
The only air in the hole is that which enters when the hole is opened. It contains enough air to supply one Medium-size creature or two Small creatures for 10 minutes. The cloth does not accumulate weight even if its hole is filled (with gold, for example). Each portable hole opens on its own particular nondimensional space. If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in that place. Both the bag and the cloth are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, the portable hole and bag of holding being destroyed in the process.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Market Price: 14,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Powder of the Black Veil

A pinch of this sooty, black powder cast into an area creates a 10-foot-high cloud in a 10-foot spread centered on the user. The cloud remains in place for 2d4 rounds, and any creature caught in the area (or one that enters it) is blinded for as long as it stays in the cloud and for 1d4 rounds after it leaves unless it succeeds on a DC 13 Will save.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness; Price 750 gp.
Source: Complete Arcane

Preserving Jar

This large glass jar has been magically treated to preserve any organic material placed in it. The jar can hold the equivalent of 2 gallons of liquid. Anything small enough to fit in the jar does not rot, age, or wilt. The lid must be placed securely on the top for the effect to work.
A Tiny or smaller creature can be placed in the jar, but without a supply of air and food it eventually dies, although the corpse never rots.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Quaal's Cloak

This snow-white feathered half-cloak appears to be losing the feathers that cover its leathery underlayer. Quaal is a ranger of Flan descent who originated in the north with the woodsmen of the Vesve Forest. He fought alongside the paladin Murlynd as an early member of the Company of Seven, but he soon tired of the company's travels and esoteric self-indulgences and returned to Oerth to defend the Wolf Nomads and Rovers from the depredations of Blackmoor. Re eventually returned to his homeland, where he organized a society of rangers and constructed the town of Quaalsten.
Quaal devised this cloak for himself. As he withdrew from active life, he granted copies of it to rangers and swanmays who earned his favor through their efforts against the tide of darkness that has swept over the north in the last two centuries. This cloak continually protects its wearer with a feather fall spell. In addition, any feather removed from the cloak acts as a Quaal's feather token. Each feather removed in this fashion drains one charge from the cloak. The cloak begins with 50 charges.
strong; (DC 21) conjuration, CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, feather fall, major creation. 14,600 gp, 1,168 XP. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 29,200 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Quaal's Feather Token

Each of these items is a small feather that has a power to suit a special need. The types of tokens are described below. Each token is usable but once.
Anchor: A token useful to moor a craft in water so as to tender it immobile for up to one day.
Bird: A token that can be used to deliver a small written message unerringly to a designated target as would a carrier pigeon. The token lasts as long as it takes to carry the message.
Fan: A token that forms a huge flapping fan, causing a breeze of sufficient strength to propel one ship (about 25 mph). This wind is not cumulative with existing wind speed - if a severe wind is already blowing, this wind cannot be added to it to create a windstorm. The token can, however, be used to lessen existing winds, creating an area of relative calm or lighter winds (but wave size in a storm is not affected). The fan can be used up to 8 hours. It does not function on land.
Swan Boat: A token that forms a huge swanlike boat capable of moving on water at a speed of 60 feet. It can carry eight horses and gear or thirty-two Medium-size characters or any equivalent combination. The boat lasts for one day.
Tree: A token that causes a great oak to spring into being (6-foot-diameter trunk, 60-foot height, 40-foot top diameter). This is an instantaneous effect.
Whip: A token that forms into a huge leather whip and wields itself against any opponent desired just like a dancing weapon (see Dancing weapon). The weapon has a +10 base attack bonus, does 1d6+1 points of base damage, has a +1 enhancement bonus to attacks and damage, and a makes a free grapple attack (at a +15 attack bonus) if it hits. The whip lasts no longer than 1 hour.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, major creation; Market Price: 50 gp (anchor), 300 gp (bird), 200 gp (fan), 450 gp (swan boat), 100 gp (tree), or 500 gp (whip); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Quicksilver Cloak

This shimmering silver cloak seems to be spun from quicksilver. Its form constantly ripples and flows around the wearer and light dances across its surface. It grants the wearer complete immunity to paralysis and a +10 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement; Price 25,000 gp; Weight a lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Quiver of Ehlonna

This appears robe a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. Examination shows that it has three distinct portions, each with an extradimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 18 objects of the same general size and shape as a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as six objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, etc.). Once the owner has filled it, she can command the quiver each round to produce any stored items she wishes.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Market Price: 1,800 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Restricting Band

This plain, 1-foot diameter, 1-inch-thick steel band grows and shrinks on verbal command. Its maximum size is 5 feet in diameter but retains the same thickness. It can shrink to the size of a ring, reducing in thickness accordingly. If placed around a person, say to bind their arms to their sides, it can be sized to fit snugly around them. The band never shrinks to the point where it deals damage; it's simply uncomfortably tight. It requires an Escape Artist check (DC 30) to wiggle out of a restricting band placed around the body and arms (DC 25 when the band is placed around arms or legs only).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Ring Gates

These always come in pairs - two iron rings, each about 14 inches in diameter. The rings must be within 100 miles of each other to function. Whatever is put through one ring comes out the other, and up to 100 pounds of material can be transferred each day (Objects only partially pushed through do not count.) This useful device allows for instantaneous transport of items, messages, and even attacks. A character can reach through to grab things near the other ring, or even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a character could stick his head through to look around. A spellcaster could even cast a spell through a ring gate. A Small character can make an Escape Artist check (DC 13) to slip through. Creatures of Tiny, Diminutive, or Fine size can pass through easily. Each ring has a 'entry side' and an 'exit side,' both marked with appropriate symbols.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Market Price: 40,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. each.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of Bones

This handy item functions much like a robe of useful items for the serious necromancer. It appears to be an unremarkable robe, but a character who dons it notes that it is adorned with small embroidered figures representing undead creatures. Only the wearer of the robe can see the embroidery and recognize them for the creatures they become, and detach them. One figure can be detached each round. Detaching a figure causes it to become an actual undead creature (see the list below). The skeleton or zombie is not under the control of the wearer of the robe, but may be subsequently commanded, rebuked, turned, or destroyed. A newly created robe of bones always has two embroidered figures of each of the following undead:

  • Small goblin skeleton
  • Medium human commoner skeleton
  • Medium wolf skeleton
  • Small goblin zombie
  • Medium human commoner zombie
  • Medium wolf zombie

Moderate necromancy (evil); CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Price 2,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of Blending

When this robe is put on, the wearer intuitively knows that the garment has very special properties. A robe of blending enables its wearer to appear to be part of his surroundings. This allows her to add a +15 circumstance bonus to her Hide check.
Further, the wearer can adopt the appearance of another creature as in the spell change self at will. All creatures acquainted with and friendly to the wearer see him normally.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.0

Robe of Eyes

This valuable garment appears to be a normal robe until it is put on. Its wearer is able to see in all directions at the same moment due to scores of visible, magical eyelike patterns that adorn the robe. She also gains darkvision (range 120 feet). The robe of eyes sees all forms of invisible or ethereal things within 120 feet. The robe of eyes grants its wearer a +15 circumstance bonus to Search and Spot checks. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed and can't be flanked. The wearer can't avert her eyes from or close her eyes to a creature with a gaze attack.
A light or continual flame spell thrown directly on a robe of eyes blinds it for 1d3 minutes. A daylight spell blinds it for 2d4 minutes.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Market Price: 90,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of Scintillating Colors

The wearer can cause the garment to become a shifting pattern of incredible hues, color after color cascading from the upper part of the robe to the hem in sparkling rainbows of dazzling light. The colors daze those near the wearer, conceal the wearer, and illuminate the surroundings. It takes 1 full round after the wearer speaks the command word for the colors to start flowing on the robe.
The colors create the equivalent of a gaze attack with a 30-foot range. Those who look at the wearer are dazed for 1d4+1 rounds (Will negates DC 14). This is a mind-affecting pattern.
Every round of continuous scintillation of the robe gives the wearer better concealment. Miss chances start at 10% (one-quarter concealment) and increase another 10% each round until they reach 50% (full concealment).
The robe illuminates a 30-foot radius. The effect can last no longer than a total of 10 rounds per day.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotism, color spray; Market Price: 27,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of Stars

This garment is typically black or dark blue and embroidered with small white or silver stars. The robe has three magical powers.

  • The robe enables its wearer to travel physically to the Astral Plane, along with all that she is wearing or carrying.
  • The robe gives its wearer a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
  • The robe's wearer can use up to six of the embroidered stars of the chest portion of the robe as +5 shuriken. The robe grants its wearer proficiency with such weapons. Each shuriken disappears after it is used.

CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, astral projection or plane shift, magic missile; Market Price: 58,000 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of the Archmagi

This normal-appearing garment can be white (a 01-45 result on d%, good alignment), gray (46-75, neither good nor evil alignment), or black (76-100, evil alignment). Its wearer, if an arcane spellcaster, gains the following powers:

  • +5 armor bonus to AC.
  • Spell resistance 17.
  • +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws.
  • Ability to overcome the spell resistance of others as if she had the feat Spell Penetration.

If a white robe is donned by an evil character, she immediately gains three negative levels. The reverse is true with respect to a black robe donned by a good character. An evil or good character who puts on a gray robe, or a neutral character who dons either a white or black robe, gains two negative levels. While negative levels never result in lost levels, they remain as long as the garment is worn and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells).
CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, bless, spell resistance, creator must be same alignment as robe; Market Price: 75,000 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Robe of the Mad Archmage

This plain dark gray robe, trimmed in silver embroidered sigils, bears no other decoration or imagery. This robe was once the possession of the Grey Savant, reputedly a mystic theurge of Boccob who supervised the Academy of Art and Science of Greyhawk. Upon his death, the school was renamed the Grey College in his honor and his magical robe passed to his star pupil, Zagig Yragerne. The robe of the mad archmage is an intelligent robe of blending that also grants a +2 bonus on rolls to defeat a creature's spell resistance and a insight bonus to your Armor Class and on all saving throws. Three times per day, you may cast a quickened spell of up to 9th level without increasing the spell level or your casting time. Spells already prepared or affected by a metamagic feat may not be quickened in this fashion. Finally, you may store up to 10 spell levels of spells in the robe, as a ring of spell storing.
The robe of the mad archmage's ability scores are Intelligence 18, Wisdom 10, and Charisma 18. It can speak Abyssal, Ancient Suloise, Celestial, Common, Draconic, and Flan, and it can also communicate telepathically. It can see (with darkvision) and hear up to 120 feet; it also has blindsense with a range of 120 feet. A personality conflict occurs any time you attempt to remove the robe to don another magical garment. The robe of the mad archmage's alignment is chaotic neutral, and its primary emotion is a curious longing, typically directed at magical treasure or arcane lore.
Strong; (DC 25) divination, transmutation; CL 20th (Minor artifact) Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dragon #359

Robe of Transmutation

This finely made green silk robe has a pattern of purple star bursts upon it. When worn the robe confers the following powers:

  • The robe increases the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells that change a target's shape (such as baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, or polymorph any object) cast by the wearer by +1.
  • Immunity to baleful polymorph, polymorph any object, and any other spell or supernatural effect that changes the wearer's form against her will.
  • Polymorph 1/day.
  • Baleful polymorph 1/day.
  • Prime Transformation: Once per day, this supernatural power allows the wearer to transform herself into any creature that she consumes a tiny piece of. This transformation is treated like shapechange, save that only one form can be assumed.

The powers granted by a robe of transmutation remain available to the wearer even when she assumes a new form and the robe is absorbed into the wearer's new form.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, baleful polymorph, polymorph, shapechange. Price 140,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon #124

Robe of Useful Items

This appears to be an unremarkable robe, but a character who dons it notes that it is adorned with small cloth patches of various shapes. Only the wearer of the robe can see these patches, recognize them for what items they become, and detach them. One patch can be detached each round. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item, as indicated below A newly created robe of useful items always has two each of the following patches:

  • dagger
  • bullseye lantern (filled and lit)
  • mirror (a highly polished 2-foot-by-4-foot steel mirror)
  • pole (10-foot length)
  • hemp rope (50-foot coil)
  • sack

In addition, the robe has 4d4 other items:

01-08Bag of 100 gold pieces
09-15Coffer, silver (6 in. by 6 in. by 1 ft.), 500 gp value
16-22Door, iron (up to 10 ft, wide and 10 ft, high and barred on one side must be placed upright, attaches and hinges itself)
23-30Gems, 10 (100 gp value each)
31-44Ladder, wooden (24 ft. long)
45-51Mule (with saddle bags)
52-59Pit, open (10 cubic ft.)
60-68Potion of cure serious wounds
69-75Rowboat (12 ft. long)
76-83Minor scroll of one randomly determined spell
84-90War dogs, pair (treat as riding dogs)
91-96Window (2 ft. by 4 ft., up to 2 ft. deep)
97-100Roll twice more

Multiple items of the same kind are permissible. Once removed, items cannot be replaced.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Market Price: 7,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Rope of Climbing

A 60-foot-long rope of climbing is no thicker than a slender wand, but it is strong enough to support 3,000 pounds. Upon command, the rope snakes forward, upward, downward, or in any other direction at 10 feet per round, attaching itself securely wherever its owner desires. It can unfasten itself and return in the same manner.
A rope of climbing can be commanded to knot or unknot itself. This causes large knots to appear at 1-foot intervals along the rope. Knotting shortens the rope to a 50-foot length until the knots are untied but lowers the DC of Climb checks while using it by 10. A creature must hold one end of the rope when its magic is invoked.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope; Market Price: 3,000 gp; weight: 3 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Rope of Entanglement

A rope of entanglement looks just like any other hemp rope about 30 feet long. Upon command, the rope lashes forward 20 feet or upward 10 feet to entangle a victim, using a grapple attack with a +15 attack bonus (including +4 for being large and +6 for its Strength score of 22).
The rope cannot be broken by sheer strength. It must be severed by an edged weapon. The rope has an AC of 22, 12 hit points, and a hardness of 10. Damage repairs itself at a rate of 1 point per 5 minutes, but if a rope of entanglement is severed (all 12 hit points lost to damage), it is destroyed.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, animate rope, animate objects; Market Price: 21,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Rope of Stone

This normal-looking silk rope can be become as hard as stone (8 hardness, 15 hp) when a command word is spoken. The rope retains its exact shape when hardened. If it is ever broken in either form, it becomes normal rope.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone; Market Price: 11,800 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Ruby Robe of Spellwarding

Sacred to the faith of Wee Jas, this robe of sparkling red looks even more impressive under close examination, when it becomes apparent that the 'fabric' it's made of is in fact powdered rubies that cling to each other in soft, smooth sheets. When donned, a ruby robe of spellwarding grants a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws. In addition, it functions as a ring of counterspells, save that it can hold (and thus counter) a single spell of 1st through 9th level.
Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability, resistance; Price 40,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon #124

Rug of Welcome

This finely crafted rug looks like a normal floor covering, 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. When commanded to guard an area, it animates and attempts to grab, then grapple any large or smaller creature that steps on it. The owner can set a password to allow creatures to pass without causing the rug to attack, and can command the rug from up to 30 feet away (though the owner need not be present for the rug to attack). The rug can attack one creature at a time; unless it is destroyed, it continues to attempt to grapple or hold its target until commanded to release.
Moderate transmutation, moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, Bigby's grasping hand; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 15 lb.

Animated Rug of Welcome CR 5; large construct; HD 13d10; hp 71; Init +0; Spd 0 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +9; Grp +23; Atk +22 melee touch (no damage, grab); Full Atk +22 melee touch (no damage, grab); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA improved grab; SQ construct traits; Al N; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 31, Dex 10, Con-, Int-, Wis 11, Cha 1
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a rug of welcome must hit a creature of its size category or smaller with its grab attack. (The rug has a +4 racial bonus on its grab attacks, already figured into the statistics above.) It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold.

Source: Complete Arcane

Sacred Scabbard

This item has a variable appearance. When first found, there is a 25% chance it looks like a dagger sheath, a 25% chance it looks like an axe case, and a 50% chance it looks like some sort of sword sheath. A user quickly discovers, however, that a sacred scabbard can change shape to fit whatever dagger, sword, or axe is touched to it, even making allowances for double weapons. This scabbard keeps any weapon carried in it clean and sharp. In addition, up to three times per day, the user may place a weapon in the scabbard, utter a command word, and invoke bless weapon on the weapon inside.
Faint transmutation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, bless weapon; Price 4,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Saddle of Growth

When a command word is uttered, this saddle causes a horse, mule, or donkey to increase by one size category For example, a horse, which is normally Large (long), would increase to Huge (long) while wearing the saddle. Another command word causes the steed to shrink back to its normal size. This effect can be done three times a day
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, animal growth; Market Price: 48,600 gp; Weight: 25 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Saddle of the Pegasus

This exquisitely crafted saddle is heavily adorned with the feathers from pegasi wings. The saddle adjusts to fit any normal-sized horse, donkey, or mule. When securely placed, it allows the steed and rider to fly (as the fly spell from a 5th-level caster, except maneuverability is clumsy) three times per day upon command. The saddle acts as an exotic military saddle for the rider.
The first time someone uses this saddle on a steed untrained in flying, the rider must make a DC 15 Ride check to keep the steed from panicking.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly; Market Price: 16,875 gp; Weight: 25 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Saddle of Weather Protection

A boon to travelers, this highly polished saddle protects the steed and rider from the elements. The steed and rider are completely immune to 'normal' temperature from 0° to 110° Fahrenheit and remain perfectly dry unless completely immersed in a body of water. In addition, the rider can cast protection from elements on himself and his mount once per day
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection From elements; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Weight 25 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Salve of Slipperiness

This substance provides a +20 competence bonus on all Escape Artist checks, meaning that it is almost impossible to grapple such a character or to tie or chain him. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise) do not affect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against this salve. If it is smeared on a floor or on steps, it should be treated as a long-lasting grease spell. The salve requires 8 hours to wear off normally, or it can be wiped off with an alcohol solution (even wine).
Salve of slipperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container that is meant to hold sovereign glue (see below).
Faint conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, grease; Price: 1,000 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Sandals of Sprinting

The fleeting speed of the cheetah has been imbued in these light sandals. Once per day, as a swift action, the sandals' wearer can activate them to increase her land movement by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice her normal speed, until the start of her next turn. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the wearer's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. The sandals can be used only after being worn continuously for 24 hours. If they are taken off, they become inactive until they are again donned and worn for a full 24 hours.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, longstrider; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Saw of Prodigious Cutting

This one-person, steel-and-brass band saw is etched with leaf patterns. Its razor-sharp blade easily cuts through most normal wood and trees. The saw ignores the hardness of any wooden object that it cuts into and deals 4d6 damage to it. The saw can be used in melee against plant creatures with a similar effect, although the wielder takes a -4 penalty on attacks for using such an unwieldy weapon. The saw automatically avoids other living creatures and twists out of a person's hand if used as a weapon against them.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon; Market Price: 2,000 gp; weight: 3 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Scabbard of Keen Edges

This scabbard is fashioned from cured leather and fine silver. It can shrink or enlarge to accommodate any knife, dagger, sword, or similar weapon up to and including a greatsword. Up to three times per day on command, the scabbard casts keen edge on any blade placed within it.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, keen edge; Market Price: 15,000 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Scarab, Golembane

This beetle-shaped pin enables its wearer to detect any golem within 60 feet, although he must concentrate in order for the detection to take place. Furthermore, the scarab enables its possessor to combat a golem with weapons or unarmed attacks as if the golem had no damage reduction. Each scarab has this effect with regard to a different sort of golem.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, and keen edge or holy smite; Market Price: 800 gp (flesh), 1,000 gp (clay), 1,200 gp (stone), 1,600 gp (iron), 1,800 gp (flesh and clay), or 2,500 gp (any golem); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Scarab of Protection

This device appears to be a silver medallion in the shape of a beetle. It gives off a faint magical aura. If it is held for 1 round, an inscription appears on its surface letting the holder know that it is a protective device. The scarab's possessor gains spell resistance 15. The scarab can also absorb up to twelve energy-draining attacks or death effects (such as finger of death). (An attack that would bestow two negative levels counts as two attacks.) However, upon absorbing twelve such attacks, the scarab turns to powder and is destroyed.
CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, bless, death ward, negative energy protection, and wish or miracle; Market Price: 28,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Seeds of the Treant

This pouch made from tightly interwoven leaves contains 1d4 large acorns. When one or more of these are planted in soil, a treant begins to grow from that spot. It takes two full rounds for the treant to be completely summoned. If two seeds are planted next to each other, then the summoned treant is increased by one size (8 HD, Huge). If three seeds are planted next to each other, then the summoned treant is two sizes bigger (17 HD, Gargantuan).
The treant is not controlled at the time of summoning, although it can be charmed, dominated, or made friendly through Diplomacy. The treant's initial attitude is indifferent. The treant remains indefinitely, although it could perish if summoned in terrain that is not suitable for its survival (desert, for example). The treant takes a dim view of being summoned in this manner and more than likely will attack the summoner.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally IX; Market Price: 15,300 gp per acorn; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Sending Stones

These items usually resemble two lumps of unworked stone. Once per day, each stone in a pair can send a message (as the sending spell) to the bearer of the other stone. If the stone's mate is not in a creature's possession, no message is sent and the user knows the message did not go through. If either stone in a pair is destroyed, its mate becomes useless.
Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, sending; Price 15,000 gp (pair); Weight 1 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Serpent's Eye

This 2-inch-diameter spherical black orb has a golden slitlike band, giving it the appearance of a reptilian eye. When grasped, the serpent's eye allows the owner to use foresight (as the spell) once per day. The serpent's eye has 50 charges when created.
Strong divination; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, foresight; Price 30,000 gp.
Source: Dungeon #115

Shadowstealer's Cloak

This long black cloak absorbs any light that falls upon it. A shadowstealer's cloak grants a +10 competence bonus on your Hide checks. Creatures with the see in darkness ability gain no special benefit to perceive you, allowing you to make Hide checks normally. If you are using a magic item that increases your Dexterity score (such as gloves of dexterity), you may spend an immediate action to gain concealment (20% miss chance) for 1 round. You must wait 5 rounds between each use of this ability.
moderate; (DC 20) illusion, CL 11th, Craft Wondrous Item, blur; 9,000 gp, 720 XP. Weight: 2 lb., Market Price: 18,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Shards of the Fissure

This handful of sharp gray flint chips is usually found inside a tattered brown pouch. When emptied onto solid earth or stone, the shards burrow into the earth, causing a slight tremor.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of Small earth elementals claw to the surface. The elementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster, dominate monster, and so on. They attack the nearest creature or creatures, then continue their rampage until destroyed or banished.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Shirt of Bone

This shirt grants the wearer damage reduction 5/bludgeoning.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item; stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 58,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of Chains

This shirt grants the wearer damage reduction 5/piercing.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 58,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of Demonskin

This shirt, composed of bits of demon skin sewed together, grants the wearer damage reduction 5/good.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of Ironskin

This shirt is made of plates of iron grants the wearer damage reduction 5/adamantine.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 90,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of Resilience

This sturdy leather shirt grants wearer damage reduction 5/magic.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price: 58,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of Slaadskin

This shirt of scaly slaad skin grants the wearer damage reduction 5/lawful.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of the Angels

This shirt seems durable despite being composed entirely of feathers (said to be taken from a living angel). The shirt grants the wearer damage reduction 5/evil.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of the Fey

This light blue shirt fades, becoming almost impossible to see once worn, leaving only the faint scent of grass behind. The item grants the wearer damage reduction 5/cold iron.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of the Inevitable

This item is actually the metallic chestplate from a noble of the inevitable constructs of Mechanus, which grants the wearer damage reduction 5/chaos.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of the Moon

This gleaming silvery shirt grants the wearer damage reduction 5/silver.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, miracle or wish; Price: 76,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shirt of the Treant

This leafy vest grants the wearer damage reduction 5/slashing.
Strong abjuration and perhaps evocation (if miracle is used); CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin,miracle or wish; Price 58,000 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Shoes of Farstriding

The church of Fharlanghn holds these shoes in particularly high regard, although they are also popular among many adventuring circles. They increase the wearer's base land speed by 10 feet. In addition to this ability (considered an enhancement bonus), these boots grant the wearer a +4 bonus on checks made to resist being bull-rushed, tripped, or otherwise moved against his will. Finally, they grant a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance, longstrider, Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon !24

Shrouds of Disintegration

These burial wrappings look to be made of fine, embroidered materials, When a body is placed inside, a command word will turn it to dust. The magic of the shrouds is usable only once, after which the wrappings become ordinary, fine cloth.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Price 6,600 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Shroud of Undeath

This mantle is made from plain gray silk, embroidered with delicate white tracings of powerful runes of death and warding. Worn over normal clothing or armor, it continuously give the wearer the benefits of the hide from undead spell (Will save DC 15).
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hide from undead; Price 7,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragon #342


This substance can be applied to a weapon as a standard action. It will give the weapon the properties of alchemical silver for 1 hour, replacing the properties of any other special material it might have. For example, a +1 holy adamantine longsword becomes a +1 holy silver longsword for the duration of the effect. One vial will coat a single melee weapon or 20 units of ammunition.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price: 250 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Singing Bowl

Carved from a single piece of flawless crystal (10 hardness, 10 hp), this bowl comes with a smooth, thick wooden stick. Running the stick slowly along the edge of the bowl produces a clear, vibrating hum. The volume can range from barely audible to intensely loud. While the bowl is being played, spells in a 30-foot radius with a verbal component are prevented as though under the effect of a silence spell. Spells cast with the Silent Spell feat still work, however. The bowl's effect can be activated with any stick - the one provided has no special abilities. It requires at least 1 rank of Performance (any percussion instrument).
In addition, the bowl can cast shatter and blindness/deafness (deafness only) once per day as a 12th-level bard.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, shatter, silence; Market Price: 19,440 gp; Weight: 4 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Skeleton Key

This unusual object has two distinct parts: a small metal handle and a thin blade about 4 inches long. The blade is made of a shiny blue material whose surface ripples and shifts like the surface of water. The skeleton key is an unusual item commonly found in the possession of doppelgangers and their ilk, who have an affinity with its shapeshifting properties. When inserted into a common door lock, the blade ripples and writhes into the precise shape of the key needed to open the lock, even if the lock is much bigger or much smaller than the blade. Any lock that can be unlocked with a physical key can also be unlocked with a skeleton key.
faint; (DC 17) transmutation, DC 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, knock, creator must have the shapechanger subtype. Cost to create: 2,250 gp, 180 XP. Weight: 1 lb. Market Price: 4,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Skull of Dragonform

Crafted from the skulls of the mightiest dragons, magically resized to fit over a humanoid-sized head, these items are among the most sought-after of the order's creations - for who has not wished to be a dragon? This item comes in five varieties, each crafted from the skull of a different-colored chromatic dragon. Once per day, the wearer may transform into a juvenile dragon of the appropriate kind. This effect lasts for 1 hour, although it may be dismissed at any time as a standard action. The effect functions as the polymorph spell (caster level 17th, without the HD restriction), except that the wearer gains the breath weapon of the dragon he becomes, as well as its sensory abilities (darkvision, keen senses, blindsense, and so on).
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, shapechange; Price 86,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source: Dragon #342

Sleeping Spike

This twisted ashen spike displays no magical properties until activated. The spike does nothing until it is planted firmly in the ground (a standard action). One round later, the spike becomes invisible. Any creature that thereafter comes within 10 feet of the spike causes it to emit a sleep effect (Will DC 17 negates) in a 20-foot-radius burst, affecting all creatures with 10 Hit Dice or fewer. This effect destroys the spike.
Moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, symbol of sleep; Price 3,250 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Slippers of Spider Climbing

When worn, a pair of these slippers enable movement on vertical surfaces or even upside down along ceilings, leaving the wearer's hands free. Her speed is 15 feet. Extremely slippery surfaces - icy, oiled, or greased surfaces - make these slippers useless.
CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Sovereign Glue

This pale amber substance is thick and viscous. Because of its particular powers, it can be contained only in a flask whose inside has been coated with 1 ounce of oil of slipperiness, and each time any of the bonding agent is poured from the flask, a new application of the oil of slipperiness must be put in the flask within 1 round so prevent the remaining glue from adhering to the side of the container. A flask of sovereign glue, when found, holds anywhere from 1 to 7 ounces of the stuff (1d8-1, minimum 1), with the other ounce of the flask's capacity taken up by the oil of slipperiness.
One ounce of this adhesive covers 1 square foot of surface, bonding virtually any two substances together in a permanent union. The glue takes 1 round to set. If the objects are pulled apart before that time has elapsed, that application of the glue loses its stickiness and is worthless. If the glue is allowed to set, then attempting to separate the two bonded objects only results in the rending of one or the other, except when universal solvent is applied to the bond. (Sovereign glue is dissolved by universal solvent.)
CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, make whole; Market Price: 2,400 gp (per ounce); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Sparring Dummy of the Master

This battered wooden dummy is designed for monks to practice their striking and blocking techniques. It consists of a plain round wooden post that stands 6 feet high and 1 foot thick. Six smaller posts stick out horizontally from the post, roughly representing a defending enemy's limbs.
To gain the benefit of its magic, a person with at least one level in monk must train with the dummy 8 hours a day for four weeks. If the training is ever interrupted for more than a 24 hours, she must begin again. If this training is interrupted twice, the monk can never gain the benefit of the sparring dummy.
Once she has completed the required training, the monk is allowed to make a 10-foot adjustment whenever she can normally make a 5 foot adjustment.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 40 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Stalwart Eye

This Tiny birdlike item allows its owner to speak a command word and see through its eyes. The stalwart eye has AC 18, hardness 8, 5 hp, and cannot move on its own except to turn its head as the owner desires. No range limitation exists on the power except that the owner must be on the same plane as the stalwart eye.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, animal messenger; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Starry Score

This scroll is made from soft white vellum. When unrolled, it reveals dense silver writing in an unknown language. The starry score is a portion of a great opera performed by the eladrin to please their mistress, the Queen of Stars. A good-aligned bard who spends a use of bardic music can discern the words and notes recorded and perform them as a full-round action by making a Perform check. All evil outsiders who can clearly hear the bard perform and are within 30 feet must succeed on Will saves (DC equals the bard's perform check result) or be physically pained, taking a -5 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and checks. Conversely, all good outsiders gain a +5 sacred bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and checks. Both effects last for as long as you continue to perform and for 3 rounds thereafter.
Strong; (DC 23) enchantment, CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, crushing despair, good hope, caster must have 16 ranks of Perform (sing), caster must be good.; 8,000 gp, 680 XP. Weight: -; Market Price: 17,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #356

Steadfast Stone

This dwarven item is commonly given out to dwarven defenders and other tunnel guards who require instant fortifications. The steadfast stone is a granite cube, 1 inch on each side, with runes indicating 'growth' written on all sides. When thrown upon the ground and the command word uttered, the cube grows as a wall of stone cast by a 9th-level cleric. The stone can grow up to two times per day. The wall lasts for up to 24 hours or until the command word is uttered, causing it to shrink back into cube form.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of stone; Market Price: 32,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Stone Horse

Each item of this nature appears to be a full-sized, roughly hewn statue of a horse, carved from some type of hard stone. A command word brings the steed to life, enabling it to carry a burden and even to attack as if it were a real horse of the appropriate type.
A stone horse can carry 1,000 pounds tirelessly and never needs to rest or feed. Damage dealt to it can be repaired by first using a stone to flesh spell, thus causing the stone horse to become a normal horse that can be healed normally. When fully healed, it automatically reverts to its stone form. While in its stone form, it can be fed gemstones, healing 1 point of damage for each 50 gp worth of mineral it is given.
There are two sorts of stone horses:

  • Courser: This stone horse has all the same statistics as a heavy horse, as well as having a hardness of 10.
  • Destrier: This stone horse has all the same statistics as a heavy warhorse, as well as having a hardness of 10.

CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, animate objects; Market Price: 10,000 gp (courser) or 14,800 gp (destrier); Weight: 6,000 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stone of Alarm

This stone cube, when given the command word, affixes itself to any object. If that object is touched thereafter by anyone who does not first speak that same command word, the stone emits a piercing screech for 1 hour that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away (assuming no intervening barriers).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm; Market Price: 1,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals

A stone of this nature is typically an oddly shaped bit of roughly polished rock. The possessor of such a stone need but utter a few words of summoning, and a Huge earth elemental comes to the summoner if earth, mud, or clay is available. The summoning words require 1 full round to speak, and in all ways the stone functions as the summon monster VII spell. (If sand or rough, unhewn stone is the summoning medium, the elemental that comes is Large instead, and the stone functions as the summon monster VI spell.) The area of summoning for an earth elemental must be at least 4 feet square and have a volume of 4 cubic yards. The elemental appears in 1d4 rounds. For detailed information about elementals, see the Monster Manual. Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. A new elemental requires a new patch of earth or stone, which cannot be accessed until after the first elemental disappears (is dispelled, dismissed, or slain).
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI, summon monster VII; Market Price: 100,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

This stone is typically a bit of rough polished agate or some similar mineral. Its possessor gains a +1 luck bonus on saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stone Salve

This strange ointment has two uses. If an ounce of it is applied to the flesh of a petrified creature, it returns the creature to flesh (as the spell stone to flesh). If an ounce of it is applied to the flesh of a nonpetrified creature, it protects the creature as a stoneskin spell.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, stoneskin; Market Price: 4,000 gp per ounce; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stove of Everlasting Flame

Tired of hearing adventurers complain about not being able to start a fire in the middle of rainstorms or underground, an enterprising mage created the first of these handy devices for cooking food.
This enclosed metal box easily fits in the palm of someone's hand. It has two metal flaps on one end that pop open to reveal a continuously burning flame. The heat of the flame is equivalent to a torch, although the flame's size (and the light it produces) is the same as a candle. The metal of the box remains slightly warm to the touch, whether the flaps are open or not.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, produce flame; Market Price: 2,400 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Strand of Prayer Beads

This item appears to be a normal string of prayer beads until, the owner casts a divine spell. Once that occurs, the owner instantly knows the powers of the prayer beads and how to activate them.
Each strand includes two on more special beads, each with a different magic power.

Special Bead TypeSpecial Bead Ability
Bead of blessingWearer can cast bless.
Bead of healingWearer can cast his choice of cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, or remove disease.
Bead of karmaWearer casts his spells at +4 caster level. Effect lasts 10 minutes.
Bead of smitingWearer can cast chaos hammer, holy smite, order's wrath, or unholy blight (Will DC 17 partial).
Bead of summonsSummons a powerful creature of appropriate alignment from the Outer Planes (an angel, devil, etc.) to aid the wearer for one day. (If the wearer uses the bead of summons to summon a deity's emissary frivolously, the deity takes that character's items and places a geas upon him as punishment in the very least.)
Bead of wind walkingWearer can cast wind walk.

A lesser strand of prayer beads has a bead of blessing and a bead of healing. A strand of prayer beads has a bead of healing, a bead of karma, and a bead of smiting. A greater strand of prayer beads has a bead of healing, a bead of karma, a bead of summons, and a bead of wind walking.
Each special bead can be used once per day, except for the bead of summons, which works only once and then becomes nonmagical. The beads of blessing, smiting, and wind walking function as spell trigger items; the beads of karma and summons can be activated by any character capable of casting divine spells. The owner need not hold or wear the strand of prayer beads in any specific location, as long as he carries it somewhere on his person.
The power of a special bead is lost if it is removed from the strand. Reduce the price of a strand of prayer beads that is missing one or more beads by the following amount: bead of blessing -600 gp, bead of healing -9,000 gp, bead of karma -20,000 gp, bead of smiting -16,800 gp, bead of summons -20,000 gp, bead of wind walking -46,800 gp. Faint, moderate or strong (many schools); CL 1st (blessing), 5th (healing), 7th (smiting), 9th (karma), 11th (wind walking), 17th (summons); Craft Wondrous Item and one of the following spells per bead, as appropriate: bless (blessing); cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, or remove disease (healing); righteous might (karma); gate (summons); chaos hammer, holy smite, order's wrath, or unholy blight (smiting); wind walk (wind walking);
Price 9,600 gp (lesser), 25,800 gp (standard), 95,800 gp (greater).
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Stunning Spike

This bronze spike tingles the fingers with static electricity but demonstrates no magical properties until activated. The spike does nothing until it is planted firmly in the ground (a standard action). One round later, the spike becomes invisible. Any creature that thereafter comes within 10 feet of the spike causes it to burst, stunning all creatures in a 20-foot radius for 1 round (Will DC 20 negates). This effect destroys the spike.
Strong enchantment; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, symbol of stunning, guards and wards; Price 9,550 gp.
Source: Miniatures Handbook

Stylus of the Masterful Hand

This elegant but sturdy metal stylus grants +5 competence bonus on Forgery checks. On command, the stylus can also 'remember' up to three different types of handwriting, which allows another Forgery attempt without having to make a roll - the DC of that handwriting is 'fixed' at whatever was rolled during the attempt.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll, read magic; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Suspension Sphere

Each of these 6-inch-diameter glass globes holds a shimmering bundle of acid, cold, fire, or electricity within it. A suspension sphere bursts on impact, allowing the energy it contains to blast out. Any creature can use one of these items, but beholders use their telekinesis rays to fling these items at their enemies. A suspension sphere deals 10d6 points of damage of the appropriate energy type in a 30-foot-radius spread. A successful DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, acid fog, cone of cold, fireball, or lightning bolt; Price 1,500 gp.
Source: Dragon #313

Talisman of the Sphere

This small adamantine loop and handle are useless to those unable to cast arcane spells. Characters who cannot cast arcane spells take 5d6 points of damage merely from picking up and holding a talisman of this sort. However, when held by an arcane spellcaster who is concentrating on control of a sphere of annihilation, a talisman of the sphere doubles the bonus for Intelligence and level for determining control.
If the wielder of a talisman establishes control, he need check for continual control only every other round thereafter. If control is not established, the sphere moves toward him. Note that while many spells and effects of cancellation have no effect upon a sphere of annihilation, the talisman's power of control can be suppressed or canceled.
CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, telekinesis; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.0

Tasha's Grinning Idol

This plain gray idol attached to a platinum chain bears the likeness of a human woman with a disarming smirk painted red. Little is known about the most mysterious member of the Company of Seven. Also the only female member, Tasha was rumored to be a beautiful but somewhat capricious woman who, for a brief time, might have even been the Mad Archmage's protége. This was certainly her gateway into the Company of Seven, and while only Heward and Zagig appreciated her morbid sense of humor, she was nonetheless a skilled mage who created numerous spells and items, such as the idol that bears her name. The idol grants you a +10 competence bonus on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the DC of all enchantment spells you cast.
moderate; (DC 19) enchantment, CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), charm person, creator must have 10 ranks in Diplomacy. 14,000 gp, 1,120 XP. Weight: - Market Price: 28,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Testing Chalice

Made from tough clear glass, this chalice immediately discerns the properties of any liquid poured into it. The color of the chalice varies depending on the liquid poured into it. The opacity of the chalice also varies, depending on the strength of the liquid.

Chalice ColorLiquid (example)
RedPotion (magical, not alchemical)
BlueAlchemical liquid (antitoxin, alchemist's fire)
Silver, shiny*Holy water
Silver, tarnished*Unholy water
PurpleAny other liquid (oil, blood)
Chalice OpacityStrength/purity (example)
ClearVery weak/very impure (filthy water)
TranslucentAverage/slightly impure (pond water)
SmokyStrong/very pure (well water)
SolidExtremely strong/completely pure (distilled water)
*The stronger the holy water, the more reflective the glass. The stronger the unholy water, the more tarnished it becomes.

CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, Detect poison; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Thought Bottle

A flask of thick green glass, a thought bottle can be used to store thoughts, memories, experience, or spells. A single bottle can hold five thoughts or memories at a time, or a single creature's current experience, or a single spellcaster's collection of prepared spells. Any individual that touches the bottle and speaks the command word instantly gains a general knowledge of the bottle's contents, but doesn't actually access the thoughts, memories, or spells within until she consciously decides to do so. Storing or retrieving anything from a thought bottle requires a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Thoughts: The bottle can store specific ideas, communications, or conclusions. Once a memory is stored, it disappears from the user's mind, but she remembers the general nature of the stored thought. For example, if the user stored the name of a murderer, that name would disappear from her memory and be unrecoverable from her own mind by any means, though she would know that the thought bottle now contains the murderer's name. Similarly, secret messages and intelligence can be hidden in a thought bottle to pass them to someone else.
Memories: The user's recollection of a single day's events can be stored in the bottle. Once stored, the user remembers the general nature of the memory ('the day we performed the Ritual of Binding') but loses all details of the event itself.
Experience: A thought bottle can be used to offset level loss as a restoration spell can, but is effective against level loss that even restoration can't undo (including levels lost due to death, but not the negative levels bestowed by magic items such as a holy weapon). When a user's experience has been stored within the bottle, he can subsequently access the bottle to restore his XP total to exactly what it was when it was last stored, negating any levels lost in the interim. Storing experience in the bottle is difficult, and the user must pay 500 XP (deducted before storing) to do so. Only the creature that stored experience can retrieve it, but if the bottle is destroyed or lost, the user suffers no ill effects.
Spells: An owner who prepares spells can store some or all of her memorized spells in a thought bottle. Any spell she puts into the thought bottle is expended as if she had cast it, but the spells in the bottle can then be retrieved at any later date to be prepared as normal. Wizards often use this function of the bottle to create a kind of backup spellbook, concealing thought bottles in well hidden boltholes against the eventuality of their grimoires being stolen or destroyed. Only the character who stored the spells can retrieve them, and if the bottle is destroyed, the stored spells are lost with no effect.
Strong enchantment; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, demand, modify memory; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Thurible of Divining

This perforated metal vessel usually comes in the shape of a deity's holy symbol or some totem creature associated with a deity or cult. If it is filled with incense and lighted, the thurible produces the effect of a prayer spell for as long as the incense burns. A character wielding the lighted thurible can also trigger the following spells:

  • Three times per day: detect magic, detect good, or detect law. The user can use one effect three times, each effect once, or any other combination of effects totaling three uses per day. Some thuribles may detect other alignments.
  • Once per day: augury or locate object.
  • Once per week: divination or true seeing.
  • Once per month: commune.

CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, commune, detect good, detect law, detect magic, divination, prayer, true seeing; Market Price: 77,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Thurible of Retribution

This item is similar to a thurible of divining. It produces a prayer effect when lighted and allows the following spell effects:

  • Three times per day: command, doom, or inflict light wounds.
  • Once per day: spiritual weapon or searing light.
  • Once per week: inflict critical wounds or mass inflict light wounds.
  • Once per month: geas/quest.

CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, mass inflict light wounds, command, doom, geas/quest, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, prayer; Market Price: 77,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Thurible of Warding

This item is similar to a thurible of divining. It produces a prayer effect when lighted and allows the wielder to use the following spell effects:

  • Three times per day: entropic shield, endure elements, or sanctuary.
  • Once per day: silence or dispel magic.
  • Once per week: spell immunity or spell resistance.
  • Once per month: blade barrier.

CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, blade barrier, dispel magic, endure elements, entropic shield, sanctuary, silence, spell immunity, spell resistance, prayer; Market Price: 77,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Tome of Clear Thought

This heavy book contains instruction on improving memory and logic, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to her Intelligence score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+5); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Tome of Leadership and Influence

This ponderous book details suggestions for persuading and inspiring others, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, he gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to his Charisma score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+5); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + 15,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Tome of Understanding

This thick book contains tips for improving instinct and perception, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of six days, she gains an inherent bonus of from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to her Wisdom score. Once the book is read, the magic disappears from the pages and it becomes a normal book.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item,wish or miracle; Market Price: 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3), 110,000 gp (+4), or 137,500 gp (+S); Cost to Create: 1,250 gp + 5,100 XP (+1), 2,500 gp + 10,200 XP (+2), 3,750 gp + IS,300 XP (+3), 5,000 gp + 20,400 XP (+4), or 6,250 gp + 25,500 XP (+5); weight: 5 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Triton Shell

Created by tritons, these backpacks are made from single giant shells. They have been magically treated to keep anything placed inside perfectly dry and protected from pressures of the ocean. Due to the shape and composition of the shell, it does not hinder the wearer's ability to swim underwater.
Some versions of this magical device are enchanted with gust of wind, allowing Tiny or smaller air-breathing creatures to survive inside the shell.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy, gust of wind; Market Price: 3,000 gp (without air), 18,000 gp (with air); Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Trumpeter's Gift

This shiny mouthpiece fits any brass instrument such as trumpets and horns. It grants a +5 competence bonus on Performance checks using the instrument. Once per day, the trumpeter can use the horn to cast a shout spell. Unless the horn is at least masterwork quality, however, it is destroyed once the spell is complete.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shout; Market Price: 12,200 gp; Weight: -
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Unguent of Timelessness

When applied to any matter that was once alive (leather, leaves, paper, wood, dead flesh, and so on), this ointment allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object gains a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The unguent never wears off, although it can be magically removed (by dispelling the effect, for instance). One flask contains enough material to coat eight Medium or smaller objects. A Large object counts as two Medium objects, and a Huge object counts as two Large objects.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item; Price 150 gp.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Universal Solvent

This strange liquid appears to be some sort of minor oil or potion and always comes in containers of 1 ounce. Upon first examination, it seems to have the properties of oil of slipperiness. However, if it is applied to any form of adhesive or sticky material, the solution immediately dissolves the other material. It immediately negates the effect of sovereign glue, as well as any other form of cement, glue, or adhesive. An ounce affects 1 cubic foot.
If the liquid is carefully distilled to bring it down to one-third of its original volume, each dose (1/3 ounce, having been a full ounce before distillation) dissolves 1 cubic foot of organic or inorganic material, just as if a disintegrate spell had been employed. To find out if a resisting target is affected by this concentrated solution, a touch attack roll is required, and the subject is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw (DC 19).
CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Market Price: 2,000 gp (per ounce); Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Vestments of Faith

This holy garment, worn over normal clothing, grants a special protection (damage reduction 5/+5) to the character wearing it.
CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin; Market Price: 76,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.0

Vestment, Druid's

This light garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. Most such vestments are green, embroidered with plant or animal motifs. When worn by a druid with the wild shape ability, the character can use that ability one additional time each day
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or creator must be at least a 10th-level druid; Market Price: 5,800 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Vest of Escape

Hidden within secret pockets of this simple silk vest are lockpicks that add a +4 competence bonus to Open Lock checks. If the lockpicks are separated by more than 15 feet from the vest, they lose their competence bonus, but the bonus returns when they are returned to the pockets of the vest. Further, the vest grants the wearer a +6 competence bonus to Escape Artist checks.
CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock, grease; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Vest of Resistance

These garments offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, creator's caster level must be at least three times the vest's bonus; Price 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
Source: Complete Arcane

Weightless Scabbard

This magical scabbard grows and shrinks in size to accommodate any Large to Tiny bladed weapon. This includes greatsword, falchion, scimitar, rapier, longsword, short sword, and dagger. While the weapon is in the scabbard, its weight is reduced to zero, although the scabbard retains its own weight.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Market Price: 1,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Well of Many Worlds

This strange, interdimensional device looks just like a portable hole. Anything placed within it is immediately cast to another world-a parallel world, another planet, or a different plane, at the DM's option or by random determination. If the well is moved, the random factor again comes into play. It can be picked up, folded, or rolled, just like a portable hole. Objects from the world the well touches can come through the opening just as easily as from the initiating place. (It is a two-way portal.)
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Market Price: 82,000 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Wind Fan

A wind fan appears robe nothing more than a wood and papyrus or cloth instrument with which to create a cooling breeze. By uttering the command word, its possessor causes the fan to generate air movement duplicating a gust of wind spell. The fan can be used once per day with no risk. If it is used more frequently there is a 20% cumulative chance per usage that the device tears into useless, nonmagical tatters.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind; Market Price: 5,500 gp; Weight:-.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Wings of Flying

A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers. When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of gigantic wings (bat or bird, 20-foot span) and empower her to fly as with a fly spell.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly; Market Price: 5,500 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5

Yondalla's Wagon Wheel

Created by adepts of Yondalla, one of these small amulets is in the shape of a wagon wheel. Throwing it upon the ground and uttering a command word causes the wheel to grow into a normal-sized covered wagon. It can remain in that form indefinitely, until the command word is uttered again. Once per day, the amulet (in wagon form only) can create Leomund's secure shelter as the spell from a 9th-level caster. The shelter's outside appearance blends in perfectly with the exterior of the wagon, so it is not possible to tell that the spell is in effect until someone steps inside. When the spell effect ends, the wagon remains.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secure shelter, major creation, shrink item; Market Price: 92,880 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide

Yragerne Signet

This oversized ancient golden ring bears the silver hawk crest of the Yragerne family line on its large flat top. Following the death of his father, Ganz, this ring supposedly passed on to Zagig when he became Landgraf of the Selintan. At the time, though, he had such an unheralded reputation that only his subsequent fame and fortune won him mayoralty of the city. Zagig wore the signet for a considerable time, but legends record that it was buried with his father after Zagig achieved godhood. When Castle Greyhawk unexpectedly became open to adventurers in the mid 550s CY, the ring was shortly thereafter lost or stolen. Local legends hold that it remains lost in the Mistmarsh to this day. Lord Robilar placed a bounty of 50,000 gold orbs on the retrieval of this ring.
By rights, the wearer of this ring could be recognized as the highest-ranking noble in the Free City, perhaps answering only to the Directing Oligarchy itself. Certain ancient stone portals sprinkled around various old building in the Free City appear to have locks shaped exactly like the carving on this signet and have proved otherwise impossible to open.
The Yragerne signet provides continuous protection from evil and protection from good effects. Further, once per day you can spin the ring facedown to activate a death ward effect.
strong; (DC 21) abjuration and necromancy, CL 7th; Forge Ring, death ward, protection from evil, protection from good. 7,600 gp, 608 XP. Weight:-; Price: 15,200 gp.
Source: Dragon #359

Wondrous Items of Faerûn

Amber Acorns of the Moonwood Circle

The amber acorns of the Moonwood Circle are the legacy of a now-vanished circle of druids once active in the woodlands west of Silverymoon.
The amber acorns look like a necklace of four acorns strung on a cord of woven roots. As with a necklace of prayer beads, once the wearer casts a divine spell, this item's true nature becomes apparent. Each acorn is actually made of amber and contains a small piece of elemental matter (air, earth, fire, or water) encased within. Each day, the wearer of a necklace can use summon nature's ally VI once for each kind of elemental, summoning a creature appropriate to that element. (Each acorn essentially has 1 charge per day.) This item takes up space on the body as a necklace or amulet.
Moderate conjuration; CL 11th, Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally VI; Price 95,040 gp; Cost 47,520 gp + 3,802 XP.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Amber Amulet of Vermin

This amber nugget on a gold chain holds a normal-size vermin within its yellow depths. When broken, it releases the vermin, which instantly grows to enormous size (as noted below) as if you had cast giant vermin upon it. Each amulet works only once.
Roll 1d8 to determine which type of amulet is found:

RollVerminCaster LevelMarket Price
1Giant bee7th500 gp
2Giant ant, queen10th700 gp
3Giant praying mantis10th700 gp
4Huge monstrous centipede10th700 gp
5Large monstrous scorpion10th700 gp
6Large monstrous spider10th700 gp
7Giant wasp13th800 gp
8Giant stag beetle19th1,200 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, giant vermin; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Amulet of Laeral's Tears

Named for the famous sorcerer Laeral, these soft, brittle, colorless fancy stone crystals tend to be large and to keep a glossy, magnificent finish. The witches of Rashemen use these stones to create amulets that bestow 24 temporary hit points on the wearer. The amulet must be worn next to the skin.
When the 24 temporary hit points are expended, the amulet crumbles into worthless dust.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, aid, shield other, spellcaster 12th level; Market Price: 1,200 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Ankh of Ascension

The bearer of this magic item can cast her divine spells at +4 caster level (with respect to range, duration, and other numeric effects). The ankh does not grant a +4 bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance, however, nor otherwise increase the caster's effective level.
CL 17th; Prerequisites. Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Market Price: 60,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Aoxar's Helm

Aoxar, the great dwarf hero of Ammarindar, crafted this open-faced, metal helmet to identify compatriots in dire need on the battlefield so that he could come to their aid. It also enabled him to pass along the dying wishes of the fallen to their families.
The wearer of Aoxar's helm can use deathwatch at will and speak with dead once per day.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; deathwatch, speak with dead; Price 15,400 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Aquamarine of Spell Extending

This blue stone is mounted in the center of a gold and silver hourglass. Once per day the owner can use the Extend Spell feat on any spell of 6th level or lower he casts. The spell being extended uses its normal spell slot (not a slot one level higher as using the feat normally would require). A bard or sorcerer still must pay the penalty of an extended casting time when using this item. The item must be held in hand while the spell is cast to get this effect.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell; Market Price: 7,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Armband of Maximized Healing

This silver armband is set with many small diamonds. It counts as a bracer for the purpose of wearing magic items. Once per day the wearer of this item can use the Maximize Spell feat on any conjuration (healing) spell of 6th level or lower he casts. The spell being maximized uses its normal spell slot (not a slot three levels higher as using the feat normally would require). A bard or sorcerer still must pay the penalty of an extended casting time when using this item.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell feat; Market Price: 7,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Arvoreen's Amulet of Aid

This item is a three-inch-diameter gold disk with the holy symbol of Arvoreen inlaid in platinum. It is a use-activated item, has six charges, and by command the wearer can use the following spells:

  • Aid (1 charge)
  • Dimension door (3 charges)

Any evil creature wearing the amulet receives a negative level. The negative level remains as long as the amulet is worn and disappears when it is no longer worn. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the amulet is worn. If the wearer ever attacks a nonevil halfling, the amulet crumbles into dust.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, aid, dimension door, creator must be a good halfling; Market Price: 4,320 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Azlaer's Harp

When played, the harp acts as a calm emotions spell on all creatures within 100 feet. Any charm effects upon creatures within this area are suppressed while the harp is played, and no new charm effects can be used on creatures in the area during the playing. The strings of the harp glow with light equal to a light spell when played. Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, light, protection from evil; Market Price: 16,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Badge of the Svirfneblin

This brooch is made of gray stone and studded with uncut dull gems and wrapped in tarnished metal wire. The wearer is granted 60-foot darkvision and can use blur and change self (both self only) by command once per day. The wearer gets a +10 circumstance bonus on all Hide checks in areas of stone.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, disguise self, darkvision, invisibility, creator must be a svirfneblin; Market Price: 17,480 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Bag of Boulders

When found, this pouch holds 1d4 stones the size of sling bullets. (A newly created bag has four stones.) When thrown (range increment 10 feet), a stone from the bag of boulders instantly grows to the size of a light catapult stone and inflicts 3d6 points of damage. If the attack misses, treat it as a grenadelike weapon attack. Once all four stones are thrown, the magic of the bag is gone.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Market Price: 1,200 gp (new) or 300 gp per stone (partial bag); Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Battlecloak of Vycaena

This voluminous, emerald-green cloak is trimmed with an intricate design done in gold thread. Each of its two clasps is a golden disk engraved with the crest of a long-extinct Calishite noble family and set with a small emerald.
A battlecloak of Vycaena grants its wearer a +4 armor bonus to Armor Class and a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws, but its most spectacular power comes from its clasps. On command, each clasp can store one item in the same manner as a glove of storing. By touching the clasps (a free action), the wearer can call the items to her hands instantly.
Faint transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, resistance, shrink item; Price 38,000 gp.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Battle Bridle

This fine leather bridle aids a rider and mount, giving the rider using the bridle a +10 competence bonus on all Ride checks and allowing him to fight as if he bad the Mounted Combat feat. If the rider already has the mounted Combat, he can act as if he had the Ride-By-Attack.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Mounted Combat feat, Ride-By Attack feat, calm animals; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Beholder Crown

This bizarre item is a crown of tarnished bronze with ten metal eyestalks sprouting upward, each eyestalk bearing a gem. It counts as a headband for the purpose of determining what items can be worn together. The crown has ten different powers that each function only once, each use burning out one of the gems. The powers are charm person, charm monster, disintegrate, eyebite(sleep), fear (one creature only), finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds (20-foot range), slow, and telekinesis (violent thrust). Effects that require a touch attack always use a ranged touch attack. The crown's powers are not limited to a certain arc as a beholder's are. When the last power is used, the crown crumbles to dust.
These items are greatly valued by members of beholder cults, and some sages believe that powerful beholders have their servants construct such items to reward valuable servants and slaves.
CL 13th; - Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, charm monster, disintegrate, eyebite, fear, finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, slow, telekinesis; Market Price: 22,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Belt of Lions

This leather belt allows its wearer to communicate with feline animals as the speak with animals spell. The wearer gets low-light vision, a +4 competence bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks related to dealing with felines, and a +10 competence bonus on Move Silently and Tumble checks.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, low-light vision, speak with animals; Market Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Belt of Priestly Might

These items first appeared in Halruaa at the end of the Time of Troubles, which the wizards took as a sign that Mystra had returned. Each broad leather belt has a stamp of the holy symbol of a deity in the front, and followers of that deity or any of that deity's alignment can wear the belt safely. (If this item is generated as part of a random treasure, select or randomly determine the deity to whom it is dedicated.) Any other creature receives one negative level for wearing the belt. The negative level remains as long as the belt is worn and disappears when it is no longer carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the belt is worn.
Three varieties of this sort of belt exist. The belt of priestly might grants its wearer a +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class and a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. The belt of priestly might and warding grants all the powers of a belt of priestly might, and once per day with a command the wearer can create a magic circle against evil (or good, if the belt is devoted to an evil deity). The belt of holy might has all the powers of the belt of priestly might and warding, and its wearer may use a word of recall once per day (affecting only the wearer and his equipment) that transports him to the nearest temple devoted to the belt's deity.
CL 6th (belt of priestly might), 6th (belt of priestly might and warding), 11th (belt of holy might); Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, bull's strength, creator must be at least 6th level (belt of priestly might), as belt of priestly might plus magic circle against evil or good (belt of priestly might and warding), as belt of priestly might and warding plus word of recall (belt of holy might); Market Price: 40,000 gp (belt of priestly might), 52,800 gp; (belt of priestly might and warding), or 104,000 gp (belt of holy might). Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Bird Feather Headdress

This gaudy headdress has six large plumes and many smaller ones. The large plumes have magical powers if plucked from the headdress and thrown into the air. The two green plumes each summon 1d3 hawks, the two blue ones each summon 1d3 eagles, and the two gold ones each summon a giant eagle or a giant owl (wearer's choice). The summoned creatures serve you as if you had summoned them with a summon nature's ally spell. Once used, a feather's power is expended. The headdress uses the headband, hat, or helmet location on a character.
CL 7th; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally II, summon nature's ally III, summon nature's ally IV; Market Price: 2,900 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Blast Globes

Although the secret to making these globes was known only to powerful members of the Zhentarim, the recent turmoil in that organization has allowed the process to become known to those outside the Black Network. Rumors abound that Sememmon sold the secret to get sanctuary from his enemies, which is not unlikely given that he rose quickly through the ranks of the Zhentarim by trading information on the process.
A blast globe looks like a dozen transparent glass spheres clustered into an irregular mass. Speaking the command word makes them glow, then separate and orbit each other One full round after they are activated, they can be directed by the person who spoke the command word as a free action to strike (as a group) any target or location within 400 feet. Any target struck by the blast globe must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be disintegrated. The globes then explode in a blast of sound and fire in a 20-foot-radius spread. Any creature in the area takes 10d6 points of fire damage and 2d6 points of sonic damage, is deafened for 2d6 rounds, and is knocked 1d6x5- feet directly away from the center of the blast. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the fire damage (but not the sonic damage) and negates the knockback, while a successful Fortitude save (DC 15) negates the deafening.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, battering ram, disintegrate, fireball, shout; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Bone Bracers of the Death Deity

These bracers of armor +3 are carved from the bones of good dragons, each inlaid with flat onyx tiles forming a mosaic in the shape of a skull. They allow the wearer to use death ward, desecrate, and unholy blight each once per day. They bestow one negative level on any good creature that wears them. The negative level remains as long as the bracers are worn and disappears when they are no longer carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the bracers are worn.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, death ward, desecrate, unholy blight, mage armor, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 58,300 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Book of Blood

This vellum spellbook is bound in blood-red leather and bears a bronze clasp. Once per day its wielder can use it to summon a yeth hound. The wielder can also cast finger of death once per day, but each use in this manner permanently drains one hit point from the wielder. The book must be held to utilize its powers. The book is otherwise waterproof, fireproof, locked, and can contain up to forty-five spells of any level.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, finger of death, summon monster V; Market Price: 21,300 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Camellia of the Black Lady

A beautiful flower that beguiles - then punishes. A character who makes a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check knows that the Black Lady was a notorious assassin and servant of Shar. She used subversion with beauty and poise, and the scent of sweet flowers. A camellia of the Black Lady is a creamy-white blossom worn in the hair, taking up space on the body as a headband or helmet. On close inspection, the inner whorls of the flower suggest unsettling, depraved forms. The item has a sweet, overpowering odor that carries a considerable distance. The flower remains perpetually fragrant and perfectly preserved. The wearer activates the blossom's dominate person power by choosing a humanoid target and pressing the stem (a standard action). The poison effect activates automatically once the dominate person effect ends.
When the designated target comes within 20 feet of the wearer, he must make a DC 19 Will save (DC 21 if Selûne is his patron deity) or be captivated by a dominate person effect. In addition, he is subjected to a remorseless charm effect (no save) that stills his moral conscience. The victim must follow the instructions of the wearer, no matter how dreadful those orders might be. The subject remains in the thrall of the wearer for nine days, until the dominate person effect is dispelled, or until the camellia of the Black Lady is destroyed. When the dominate person effect ends (either through the duration elapsing, a dispel magic effect freeing the victim, or the destruction of the flower), Shar's vengeance manifests finally as a poison spell, dealing 1d10 points of Constitution damage immediately and another 1d10 points of Constitution damage 1 minute later. Each instance of damage can be negated with a DC 19 Fortitude save (DC 21 if Selûne is the victim's patron deity). A camellia can be used only once.
Strong enchantment and necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, dominate person, poison, remorseless charm, 3,500 gp, 280 XP, 7 days.
Variants: A used camellia of the Black Lady still retains its freshness, fragrance, and interesting appearance; it has a price of 200 gp; Weight: - ; Price: 7,000 gp.
Source: Champions of Ruin

Cape of the Fire Bath

This cloak of resistance +2 is brilliant red and embroidered with images of flames. The wearer withstands warm weather and fire damage as if he had endure elements (fire) cast upon him.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, resistance, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 6,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Cape of Winter

This cloak of resistance +2 is white and trimmed with white fur. The wearer withstands cold weather and cold damage as if she had endure elements (cold) cast upon her.
CL 5th; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, resistance, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 6,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Catseye Brooch

Fashioned from silver set with a green chrysoberyl, a catseye brooch is a good luck charm that provides a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws versus disease.
Caster Level: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, remove disease; Market Price: 9,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Chylnoth's Coronet

Created in the early days of Cormanthyr by an aquatic elf wizard as a gift for his moon elf lover, this narrow circlet of silver is studded with small aquamarines. Mounted at the center is a tiny platinum sea cat with a mane of pure gold.
Chylnoth's coronet functions as a helm of underwater action and allows the wearer to use freedom of movement for up to 1 hour per day, though this time need not be used consecutively. In addition, the sea cat figurine animates on command as though it were a figurine of wondrous power. The sea cat can be summoned twice a week and remains for up to 6 hours per use.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, freedom of movement, water breathing; Price 100,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Cloak of Battle

This sturdy cloak is woven through with steel fibers that give it a subtle sheen. The cloak of battle has three powers. First, it provides a +4 armor bonus when worn. Second, on command it can be transformed into an iron staff that functions as a +1 quarterstaff or back into cloak form. Third, the wielder can command the cloak to make a disarm attempt against an adjacent opponent as a standard action, using the wielder's base attack bonus and as if it had the Improved Disarm feat (the cloak is considered to be the same size category as the wearer). If the cloak succeeds at the disarm, it can fling the weapon up to 10 feet in any direction as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity (the weapon cannot be thrown at a creature as an attack).
CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace, mage armor, magic weapon, creator must be at least 8th level; Market Price: 22,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Cloak of Blackflame

This cloak resembles a tangle of thick, black cobwebs when not worn, but smooths into woven black cloak of coarse threads when donned. It absorbs up to fourteen energy drain attacks (an attack that would bestow two negative levels counts as two attacks) before losing its magical properties.
CL 14th; Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, negative energy protection; Market Price: 11,800 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Cowl of Warding

This headpiece of fine black cloth covers the wearer's upper face with a half-mask and hangs to the shoulders in the back. It counts as a hat for the purpose of determining what items can be worn together. The wearer of the cowl is protected by a mind blank spell. and acts as if wearing a ring of freedom of movement. It also turns six levels of spells per day as the spell turning spell.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, mind blank, spell turning, Market Price: 200,800 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Crownring of Tchazzar

The crownring of Tchazzar is the primary component of the royal regalia of Chessenta. It occupies space on the body as a headband, hat, helmet, or phylactery for a Large or smaller creatures. It occupies space on the body as a ring for Huge or larger creature. Although only one of these items exists, it is theoretically possible to create other crownrings that have a similar function.
This simple mithral circlet is engraved with draconic characters that read: 'Through worship ascended, by fire consumed, a god-king is reborn.'
Once per day, upon command, the wearer of the crownring can summon 1d4+1 red abishai, as the spell summon monster VIII.
Strong conjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VIII;Price 43,200 gp; Cost 21,600 gp + 1,728 XP.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Crown of the Death Dragon

Priests of Tiamat that were also members of the Cult of the Dragon created these crowns. They grant the wearer a semblance of the power of a dracolich, at the expense of spellcasting ability.
When inactive, one of these crowns looks like the skull of a Large metallic dragon. When it is donned, the wearer appears to have the head of a skeletal dragon. The wearer of a crown of the death dragon must spend 1 round exulting in the power and negative energy of the death dragon (an imagined paragon of dracoliches). At the end of this round, the wearer must proclaim, 'By the prophecy of Maglas and the might of Sammaster, I command the power of the dragon of death.'
Once per day, after embracing the power of the dragon of death, the wearer of a crown summons the might of the dracolich. For the following 13 rounds, he receives a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor, a +4 deflection bonus to Armor Class, and 13 temporary hit points. He is treated as armed when making unarmed attacks, and his limbs deal damage as if they were short swords of an appropriate size. The wearer of a crown can use his off hand to attack this way, but still incurs the two-weapon fighting penalties.
The power of the death dragon prevents the wearer from casting spells with somatic, material, or focus (but not divine focus) components, but does not otherwise hinder actions or movement.
While under the, effect of the crown, the wearer can, as a standard action, project a cone of fear (Will DC 20 partial) or make a melee touch attack to use inflict critical wounds (Will DC 20 half).
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, death dragon; Price 32,760 gp; Cost 16,380 gp + 1,310 XP; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Crown of the North Wind

A crown of the north wind is the traditional headgear of a humanoid servitor of Bahamut. In the past year (1373 DR), individual dragonborn have begun to receive visions leading them to the lair of a chromatic dragon whose hoard contains one of these ancient relics.
A crown of the north wind is an elegant platinum crown with five spires, each one shaped like a different metallic dragon (brass, copper, bronze, gold, and silver).
A crown of the north wind provides a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and radiates a continuous cloak of bravery effect when worn. (The latter effect can be consciously dismissed or resumed as a standard action.) If the crown-wearer has an energy breath weapon (acid, cold, fire, or lightning), the crown allows the wearer to substitute the secondary breath weapon of a metallic dragon, as follows:

Cone or Line of:Becomes a Cone of:
AcidSlow gas (as copper)
ColdParalyzing as (as silver)
FireSleep (as brass) or weakening (as gold)
LightningRepulsion gas (as bronze)

For effects that depend on the age category of the breather, use the wearer's age category (if he or she has one) or assume an age category of young, whichever is more favorable to the wearer. If a creature can choose among energy types for his breath weapon, then he can also choose among substitution effects.
Moderate enchantment and transmutation (good) CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, eagle's splendor; Price: 70,000 gp; Cost 31,000 gp + 2,800 XP.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Crystal Sphere of Singing Waters

This crystalline sphere was inspired by the Crystrum of Tranquility, a holy text of Eldath. To use any of its powers, a flask of holy water must be poured over it. Once activated, the sphere functions for 24 hours. The activated sphere can glow with faerie fire and can cast purify food and drink as often as desired. Once per day it can cast neutralize poison and scrying, with itself as the scrying device.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, faerie fire, neutralize poison, purify food and drink, scrying; Market Price: 28,300 gp; Weight: 7 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Dove's Harp

This type of item's original name has been lost, and its current name derives from Dove Falconhand, who owns such a harp. This harp is a masterwork harp (grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform checks) that is triangular in shape and has from twenty to thirty-six strings. When it is played, all within a 20-foot spread are temporarily cured of any insanity (as if a greater restoration were in effect) and are protected by a calm emotions spell. Those who listen to it for 2 rounds or more receive a cure light wounds spell, although this power can only affect a being once per tenday. While its magic is being invoked, the harp and harpist radiate light. Use of the harp requires at least 1 rank of the Perform (harp) skill.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, greater restoration, mass cure light wounds, light; Market Price: 45,100 gp; Cost to Create: 22,600 gp + 2,300 XP; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Dragonskull Talisman

This metal amulet is shaped like a dragon's skull. If the wearer speaks the command word, she and up to two other creatures touching the talisman are protected by an invisibility to undead spell for the next 30 minutes. (The protection only lasts as long as the creatures are in contact with the amulet.) The Cult of the Dragon creates these amulets to allow nonspellcasting members to bypass minor undead guardians within their strongholds.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hide from undead; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Dragonskull Talisman

This metal amulet is shaped like a dragon's skull. If the wearer speaks the command word, she and up to two other creatures touching the talisman are protected by a hide from undead spell for the next 30 minutes. (The protection only lasts as long as the creatures are in contact with the amulet.) The Cult of the Dragon creates these amulets to allow nonspellcasting members to bypass minor undead guardians within their strongholds.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hide from undead; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Dragonspectre Flute

The half-shadow dragon members of the Jaezred Chaulssin created these flutes to aid them in tapping into their inner reserves of shadow magic. The flutes allow them to summon forth the essence of their dragon ancestors in the form of a dragon-shaped shadow mass.
This elegant yet simple flute is carved from a single piece of ebony wood.
The user must spend 1 full round playing the flute. At the end of that round, she must sacrifice 6 hit points. These hit points cannot be healed magically; only time will repair the damage to the wielder's spirit. The wielder can use the flute up to three times per day - though this can prove draining on her life force since each time the instrument is used, there is a 5% chance that the hit point loss is permanent. After the flute is played, it summons a spectral dragon (as the spell). The player of the flute can concentrate on the dragon for up to 13 rounds. Only shadow creatures and Shadow Weave casters can use dragonspectre flutes.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, spectral dragon; Price 75,000 gp; Cost 37,500 gp + 3,000 XP; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Dragon Blight Bomb

When thrown, this bomb explodes into a magical cloud that inflicts grievous harm on dragons in its area.
Dragon blight bombs appear to be small, silvered glass globes, filled with a green liquid.
The user must throw the bomb so that it lands near a suitable target. Wherever the bomb lands, it produces a dragon blight effect. The thrower must make a ranged touch attack against the target. If the attack misses, use the rules for splash weapons (PH 13S). Dragons in the area take 10d6 points of damage and are stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful DC 18 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun effect. Dragonblood creatures take 1d8 points of damage and are stunned for 1d4 rounds unless they make a successful save.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, dragon blight; Price 2,010 gp; Cost 1,021 gp + 82 XP; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Dragon's Draught

This elixir comes in ten, different varieties, one for each of the major subspecies of dragons.

d%PotionMarket Price
01-10Black (80-foot line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 23)2,300 gp
11-20Blue (100-foot line of lightning, 12d8 damage, DC 25)4,500 gp
21-30Green (50-foot cone of acid, 12d6 damage, DC 25)3,500 gp
31-40Red (50-foot cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 25)50,500 gp
41-50White (40-foot cone of cold, 6d6 damage, DC 23)1,200 gp
51-60Brass (80-foot line of fire, 6d6 damage, DC 23)1,200 gp
61-70Bronze (100-foot line of lightning, 12d6 damage, DC 25)3,500 gp
71-80Copper (80-foot line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 24)2,400 gp
81-90Gold (5-0-foot cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 26)5,600 gp
91-100Silver (50-foot cone of cold, 12d8 damage, DC 26)4,600 gp

Any dragon who drinks a potion gets one use of the given type of breath weapon. This breath weapon can be used any time between the drinker's next turn and 1 hour after the drinking. If a second dragon's draught is consumed before the first is used, the effect of the first is lost.
Nondragons find the potion useless and horrible-tasting, but harmless.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, spellcaster level 12th+; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Dragon's Draught

This elixir comes in fifteen different varieties, correlating to the major dragon varieties in Faerûn.
Any dragon or dragonblood creature who drinks a potion gets one use of the given type of breath weapon. This breath weapon can be used on the drinker's next turn or at any time up to 1 hour after the drinking. If a second dragon's draught is consumed before the first is used, the effect of the first is lost. Nondragons find the potion useless and horrible-tasting, but harmless.

d%PotionMarket Price
01-08Black (80-foot line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 23)2,300 gp
09-16Blue (100-foot line of lightning, 12d8 damage, DC 21)4,100 gp.
17-24Green (50-foot cone of acid, 12d6 damage, DC 25)3,500 gp.
25-32Red (10-foot cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 26)5,500 gp.
33-40White (40-foot cone of cold, 6d6 damage, DC 23)1,200 gp.
41-44Brown (100-foot line of acid, 12d6 damage, DC 21)3,500 gp.
45-52Brass (80-foot line of fire, 6d6 damage, DC 23)1,200 gp.
53-60Bronze (100-foot line of lightning, 12d6 damage, DC 21)3,100 gp.
61-68Copper (80-foot line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 24)2,400 gp.
69-76Gold (10-foot cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 26)1,600 gp.
77-84Silver (50-foot line of acid, 12d8 damage, DC 26)4,600 gp.
85-88Steel (80-foot line of acid, 6d6 damage, DC 22)1,100 gp
89-92Mercury (80-foot line of intense light, 6d8 damage, DC 23)1,800 gp.
93-96Deep (40-foot cone of flesh-corrosive gas, 12d8 damage, DC 24)4,200 gp.
97-100Song (40-foot cone of electrically charged gas, 12d6 damage, DC 23)3,100 gp.

Strong evocation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, spellcaster level 12th; Price as given above.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Drow House Insignia

These metal tokens are normally worn on a chain or in a pouch tied around the neck. Each bears a symbol of a noble house from a particular drow city and requires a secret command word to activate. An insignia has a single minor magical ability that can be used once per day, usually a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-level spell. Those of powerful drow often have multiple abilities of various power levels. Typical spells for a house insignia are blur, cat's grace, cloak of dark power, comprehend languages, feather fall, jump, levitate, read magic, scatterspray, shield, spider climb, unseen servant, and water breathing.
Each insignia is slightly different, even those of the same noble house, so it is possible that a person aware of the unique shape of a person's insignia can magically locate that person.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate spell; Market Price: 360 gp (1st-level ability), 2,160 (2nd-level ability), or 5,400 (3rd-level ability); Weight 1 lb.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Dust of Dispersion

This fine powder resembles other types of magical dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air creates a cloud 10 feet high, 10 feet long, and 10 feet wide. Ray attacks entering or passing through the cloud have a 50% miss chance. The dust settles and becomes useless fairly quickly. For each full round the dust has been in the air, the miss chance drops by 10% until it goes away after 5 full rounds.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, glitterdust; Market Price: 2,100 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Elixir of Horus-Re

When consumed, this elixir causes the imbiber to glow with a daylight spell. At any time before the daylight expires, the imbiber can release this light as a single sunbeam, which ends the daylight.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, sunbeam; Market Price: 6,500 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Enemy Spirit Pouch

This leather pouch is worn around the neck like a necklace and contains token items keyed to a single type of creature (aberration, animal, beast, and so on). A pouch keyed to humanoids or outsiders must follow the more narrow definition as described in the favored enemy ability for rangers in the Player's Handbook. A creature wearing an enemy spirit pouch gains a +1 competence bonus to hit creatures of that type. A ranger whose favored enemy matches that of the enemy spirit pouch is treated as five levels higher for purposes of determining his damage and skill check bonuses against that favored enemy (in effect, it increases those bonuses by +1).
If a creature of the type keyed to a pouch wears that pouch, it receives one negative level. The negative level remains as long as the pouch is worn and disappears when it is no longer carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the pouch is worn.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect animals or plants, creator must be a ranger whose favored enemy matches that of the pouch; Market Price: 2,100 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Esheen's Harp

This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform checks) can be played so that it causes all glass and metal items within 30 feet to resonate with the harp's tones. This does not harm the items but provides an interesting accompaniment to the harp itself. Anyone attempting to locate a creature in the area gets a +5 circumstance bonus on Listen checks against targets carrying metal or glass items. Three times per day, anyone playing the harp may cast a shatter spell. Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost sound, shatter; Market Price: 6,800 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Eye of the Druuthbane

This yellow crystal is the size of a human fist. Originally created by a wizard who opposed a powerful druuth (a cabal of doppelgangers led by a mind flayer), but since then widely copied, it glows with a red light when a doppelganger is within 60 feet, blue when an illithid is within 60 feet, and violet if both are within that range. If held in hand, the eye provides a +4 resistance bonus on all Will saves: Once per day the crystal can fire a red ray (as a ranged touched attack) that forces a doppelganger back into its true shape for 1d4+1 rounds if it fails a Fortitude saving throw (DC 16).
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, baleful polymorph, resistance; Market Price: 18,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Eye of Winking

This coin-sized piece of polished bone can be worn around the neck as an amulet or pinned to clothing as a brooch.
The wearer is immune to detect thoughts and other forms of mind reading. Charms and compulsions do not affect the wearer and instead are turned back on the caster as with the spell turning spell but with an unlimited number of spell levels that can be turned. The eye can be commanded to wink once per tenday. The wink releases an instantaneous flash of white light as bright as a daylight spell. The wink renders the wearer immune to all spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural effects for 1 round, as if the wearer were protected by a personal antimagic field for 1 round. The wearer effectively has unbeatable spell resistance against spells and spell-like effects and a similar immunity. to supernatural effects.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, mind blank, spell turning; Market Price: 120,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Fanged Mask

This half-mask is like one worn to a masquerade party, but the bottom edge has numerous sharp-looking catlike teeth. The mask is effectively a +1 weapon that allows the wearer to make a bite attack for 1d4 points of damage (this damage doesn't stack with existing bite damage). A bitten creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be stunned for 1 round.
A mask counts as a pair of lenses for the limitations on wearing multiple magic items of the same type.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic fang or magic weapon; Market Price: 8,302 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcane

These heavy leather-and-silver gauntlets cover the wearer's hands and lower forearms. Ornate silver stitching decorates the leather armguards and fingers, and each link of the silver chainmail that reinforces the palms is etched with intricate runes. Any weapon (even a nonmetallic one such as a quarterstaff) that the wearer grasps while wearing the gauntlets overcomes damage reduction as if it were a magic silver weapon. If the weapon is already magic and silver, the gauntlets have no additional effect.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Gauntlet of Fury

This single wrought iron gauntlet grants its wearer the following benefits:

  • An invisible but tangible field of force continuously surrounds the wearer, providing a +2 armor bonus to AC. This defense is otherwise similar to a mage armor spell.
  • Once every three days, the wearer can cast a magic missile spell (as a 1st-level caster).
  • Also once every three days, the wearer can make a battleblow. This melee touch attack deals 2d8+2 points of force damage to the target. The target must make as Reflex save (DC 22) to avoid being thrown to the ground and a Fortitude save (DC 22) to avoid being stunned for 1d4 rounds.

The wearer also can use the gauntlet once to automatically get a result of 50 on a single Strength check. Using this power makes the gauntlet crumble to dust.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, magic missile, Bigby's clenched fist; Market Price: 22,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


These ivory cameos were popular among the wealthy citizens of Myth Drannor at the city's height. Giiraegisirs vary considerably in appearance based on the house of the original owner and the aesthetics of the creator. Each is basically an oval, ivory cameo with a metal pin on the back to secure it to the wearer's clothing. The ivory surface is engraved with some sign or glyph (a house insignia, a portrait of a loved one, or the like), and hidden within the setting (Search DC 20) is a small compartment that can hold an item of up to 2 cubic inches in size.
The cameo is affixed to the setting via a small, sliding track. Pulling the ivory cameo down on its track (a free action) grants the wearer a +5 deflection bonus to AC for 1 minute. This ability can be used once per day for the typical giiraegisir, but a few have a superior version of the effect that allows three uses per day of this function.
Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith; Price 10,600 gp (1/day) or 21,600 gp (3/day).
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Gloves of Lightning

These flexible leather gloves are covered with small copper rivets. Three times per day the wearer may make a ranged touch attack (range 30 feet) that deals 1d8+5- points of electrical damage. The wearer gains a +3 bonus on the attack if the target is wearing metal armor (or made out of metal, carrying a lot of metal, and so on).
CL 5-th; Craft Wondrous Item, shocking grasp; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Gloves of the Balanced Hands

These fine leather gloves allow the wearer to fight as if she had the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. If the wearer already has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, she can make an additional attack with her off hand as if using the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might or Tenser's transformation; Market Price: 18,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant

This chainmail gauntlet allows the wielder to hurl any melee weapon he carries as though it had the throwing and returning special abilities.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic stone, telekinesis; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn


This ruby wine, fermented by the deep gnomes, gives visions to those who drink it. Anyone who consumes a glass of Gogondy should roll on the following table:

d%ResultSide Effect
01-15Nothing happens1d3 temp Dex, 1d3 temp Int
16-30Divination spell (10th-lvl caster)1d6 temp Dex, 1d3 temp Int
31-60Vision spell on tangential topic1d6 temp Dex, 1d6 temp Int
61-80Contact other plane (elemental plane of earth, 10th-lvl caster)as spell
81-90Vision spell on specified topic2d6 temp Dex, 2d6 temp Int
91-00Contact other plane (outer plane/intermediate; 10th-lvl caster)as spell

A full bottle of Gogondy holds enough wine for six glasses.
CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, divination, contact other plane, creator must be a deep gnome; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Golden Chalice of Lathander

This pure gold chalice is finely worked and bears the symbol of a sun rising upon a blooming rose. On command, it sheds light equal to a daylight spell. The chalice can be commanded to create a healing circle, which uses one charge. When all three of its charges have been used, the chalice retains its daylight ability.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, mass cure light wounds; Market Price: 29,500 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Golden Orb of Siluvanede

During the heady days of Siluvanede, sun elves from the greater noble houses crafted arcane orbs that offered protection against an enemy's initial magical assault. These items, called golden orbs of Siluvanede, could be carried by their owners or suspended from delicate chains and worn like pendants; Some were even enspelled to float around their owners in a manner similar to that of ioun stones.
Each orb is a 1-inch-diameter sphere of purest gold imprinted with the house symbol of a noble Siluvanedenn family. These orbs were so expensive to make that each noble house possessed only one, which was traditionally carried by its eldest member.
A golden orb of Siluvanede contains a Siluvanedenn abjuration spell very similar to Elminster's effulgent epuration. The protection offered is continuous, although the orb can absorb and negate only one spell or spell-like ability that targets its owner each day. The wearer can choose whether or not to let the orb absorb a particular effect, although he gains no special knowledge or insight that allows him to identify an incoming spell before making this decision.
When Eaerlann and Sharrven conquered Siluvanede most of the golden orbs were confiscated and placed within secure vaults. Many of the newly released Siluvanedenn fey'ri now seek to reclaim their stolen ancestral treasures.
Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, effulgent epuration; Price 30,600 gp.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Gorothir's Girdle

The inside of this black leather corset contains the sacred tale of how the mythical Shar worshiper Gowothir felled an empire with only a lie and a secret. The text also contains a spellbook entry for the false sending spell.
The corset grants its wearer a +5 deflection bonus and grants her the following spell-like abilities: 1/day - aberrate, damning darkness, fiendish clarity, slow consumption. A creature of good alignment takes 3d6 points of damage for each round that it remains in contact with the girdle.
Moderate transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, armor of darkness; Price 120,500 gp; Weight 3 pounds. -
Source: Underdark

Gwaeron's Belt

This belt is made of long white human hair braided into a rope. The wearer may use wind walk once per day and once per day can command his melee weapon to become a +1 flaming weapon for 12 rounds.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, weapon of the deity, wind walk; Market Price: 60,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Gwaeron's Boots

These boots make it nearly impossible to track the wearer. They grant a continual pass without trace effect to the character wearing them. In addition, the character leaves no scent whatsoever, so tracking by scent is also impossible.
These boots are sturdy and comfortable. They have a hardness of 3 and 15 hit points.
CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, pass without trace; Market Price: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Hair Shirt of Ilmater

This thick shirt of coarse brown horsehair gives its wearer a -2 penalty to Dexterity while worn but provides a +3 natural armor bonus. The wearer can invoke cure serious wounds once per day, but the spell can only be used on another creature, not the wearer of the hair shirt.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, cure serious wounds, creator must be at least 9th level; Market Price: 17,400 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Halruaan Skyship

Of all the wonders of Halruaa, the most famous is the skyship: a sailing vessel that floats on air instead of water. The wizards of Halruaa guarded their secrets to creating these devices for centuries, leaving others to experiment (and fail) with various other methods. Recently a renegade Halruaan wizard revealed the process to another spellcaster, and a couple of wealthy governments have commissioned their own skyships.
The magic of a skyship comes in multiple parts. First is the control rod, a bar of silver with a cylinder of gold slid over each end. The rod is linked to the ten levitation plates (theoretically a larger ship would require more) affixed to the underside of the ship, which are traditionally made from the shells of Halruaan sea turtles. The plates allow the ship to rise into the air and prevent it. from entering water as a normal ship would, and the broad beam allows it to land on large flat surfaces without listing. The magic that suspends the vessel grows weaker with altitude, greatly decreasing its cargo capacity, so a skyship normally stays within 100 feet of the ground (at which point its cargo capacity is 15 tons, much less than a conventional sailing ship). The ship's horizontal movement is at the mercy of the wind, although its sails and supplemental magic from the plates allow it to turn with clumsy maneuverability. The vertical movement of the ship is controlled by the rod and allows it to rise or fall at a speed of 45 feet. A skyship is in all other respects like a standard sailing ship with respect to crew and dimensions.
CL 15; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, levitate; Market Price: 700,000 gp; Cost to Create: 355,000 gp + 27,600 XP. Weight: 20 tons.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Hammer of the Weaponsmith

This masterwork tool gives the user a +10 circumstance bonus on Craft (weaponsmithing) checks.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 2,055 gp; Cost to Create: 1,055 gp + 80 XP; Weight: 8 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


These small harps are very popular among the Harpers, and not just because of the name. A handharp is a crescent-shaped wooden instrument, about the size of a human hand, with metal strings. Anyone who can play a tune on a stringed instrument can use the harp. Various tunes and chords produce the following sonic effects. (A musician can discover all the powers in about 10 minutes of playing.) The user can generate only one effect each round. The effects are sonic effects.

  • Dancing lights as the spell.
  • Undead creatures within 10 feet* suffer a -2 luck penalty on their attack and damage rolls.
  • All creatures within 10 feet* receive a +2 luck bonus on saving throws against necromantic and compulsion effects for 1 round.
  • Creatures within 10 feet* are not subject to, new charm effects. Charmed creatures become dazed when within 10 feet. Both effects last for 1 round.
  • Once a day, the user can use dimension door.

*Effects marked with an asterisk increase their range to 20 feet when a character with bardic music plays the harp.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights, magic circle against evil, dimension door; Market Price: 25,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Hand of the Oakfather

This piece of oak bark is carved in the shape of a human hand and magically hardened (hardness 10). Worn as a necklace on a cord of twine, it has the following abilities, each usable once per day: barkskin, entangle, goodberry, plant growth, speak with plants, and tree shape. The hand (but not the wearer) is protected by resist elements.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, endure elements, entangle, goodberry, plant growth, speak with plants, and tree shape; Market Price: 41,400 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Harness of Armor

Created by wizards from the sweltering desert land of Calimshan, these simple crossed baldrics of leather and chainmail provide all the benefits of wearing armor with none of the problems that a metal shell can cause in the scorching sun. A harness of armor functions like bracers of armor but occupies the same space on the body as a vest, thus freeing the wearer to use other types of magic bracers.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, creator's caster level must be at least two times the bonus placed in the harness; Price 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000 gp (+2), 12,500 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5), 54,000 (+6), 73,500 gp (+7), 96,000 gp (+8);- Weight 1 lb.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Harper Pin

Two kinds of Harper pins exist, the lesser pin and the greater pin. These pins act as brooches for the purposes' of limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
The lesser Harper pin is normally fashioned of silver and given to new members of the Harpers. It functions identically to a ring of mind shielding.
Greater Harper pins are fashioned from silver magically treated to give it the hardness of steel. The following constant effects protect the wearer:

  • immune to magic missile
  • nondetection
  • resist elements (electricity)
  • undetectable alignment
  • +5 resistance bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects

When worn by an evil being, a greater Harper pin turns black and, makes discordant jangling sounds (a -10 penalty on Move Silently checks).
CL 3rd (lesser), 5th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection (lesser), Craft Wondrous Item, detect evil, ghost sound, nondetection, protection from elements, resistance, shield, undetectable alignment (greater); Market Price: 8,000 gp (lesser), 79,000 gp (greater); Cost to Create: Standard (lesser), 39,625 gp + 3,150 XP (greater); Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Headband of Idiocy

A headband of idiocy appears to be a headband of another sort, and detection spells reveal nothing more than the fact that it has a magical aura. Upon donning this item, the wearer takes an immediate -10 penalty (to a minimum of 3) to her Intelligence and Wisdom scores, forgetting all spells and magical knowledge derived from either ability score: The headband can be removed only through a remove curse spell.
Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, permanency; Price 5,500 gp.
Source: Underdark

Headband of the Binder

This circlet of blue-green metal is stamped with the blank-scroll symbol of Oghma. In addition to allowing the wearer to use read magic three times per day, a bard who wears the headband gains a +4 sacred bonus on his bardic knowledge rolls.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 2,600 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn


Heart of the Beast

Normally created by clerics of Malar, this item has begun to appear in the hands of others. This item is the heart of a predatory animal, smoked and magically cured. The heart confers the effects of a divine power spell upon the creature that eats it. If the creature also has a base attack bonus of +10 or higher, it gains a +1 bonus on attacks.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine power; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Helm of Darkness

This shadow magic item looks like a normal helmet. Even when new, it seems worn or a little battered. It takes its true form and manifests its powers when, the user dons it. Made of blackened silver and steel, a newly created helm of darkness is set with thirty-six black opals along its lower edge and a great black sapphire in the front. The helm is self-identifying, though it does not reveal that it is a shadow item. It has the following powers.

  • With a command word, the wearer can bring forth a deeper darkness effect. (The helm imparts the command word to the wearer.) The power issues from the sapphire, which can generate ninety-nine such effects before crumpling to useless dust.
  • Whenever the wearer fails a saving throw against any death effect, one black opal crumbles and the effect is negated. In addition, the helm negates energy drain attacks. Each time the wearer would receive one or more negative levels, a black opal crumbles to dust, negating the negative level. (An attack that bestows two negative levels consumes two opals.)
  • Each round, the helm absorbs the first 30 points of cold damage the wearer would otherwise take. This protection does not stack with similar protection from other sources, such as endure elements.

As long as the helm contains at least one intact gem, the wearer is immune to fear effects and can see through any form of darkness as though it were daylight. The wearer can use the following spell-like effects on command: speak with dead once per day, chill metal three times per day, and pass without trace at will. (The helm provides the command words.)
Once all its jewels have lost their magic, the helm loses its powers and the gems turn to worthless powder. Removing a jewel destroys it.
CL 13th; - Craft Wondrous Item, chill metal, deeper darkness, negative energy protection, pass without trace, protection from elements, speak with dead, spell immunity; Market Price: 157,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Helm of Gazes

This mirror-bright steel cap is set with five catseye gems. The helmet automatically absorbs up to five gaze attacks the wearer is subjected to, rendering the wearer immune to the gaze. Once the helmet reaches its capacity, however, the wearer is susceptible to all gaze attacks even if he averts his gaze or closes his eyes. (The wearer is still allowed a saving throw against the gaze, if one is allowed.)
As a standard action, the wearer can release one stored gaze effect harmlessly (not as an attack) with a command word. A stored gaze effect fades after a tenday.
CL 12th; Forge Ring, eyebite, spell turning; Market Price: 33,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Ice Necklace of the Ulutiun

Several of these necklaces of magically hardened and preserved ice were created by a half-mad sorcerer who wandered among the Ulutiun tribes of the Great Glacier. Two of the acorn-sized ice crystals are opaque, four are transparent. The wearer can detach a crystal and hurl it up to 80 feet. When the crystal reaches the end of its trajectory, it explodes in a spell effect, either ice storm (transparent crystal) or sleet storm (opaque crystal).
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, ice storm, sleet storm; Market Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Idol of Apostasy

Idols of apostasy are tools used by evil priesthoods (especially the church of Tiamat) to shatter the faith and values of members of good churches. For good people, looking upon the seductive debauchery depicted in the idol jeopardizes all their beliefs.
This object appears to be a dual-faced alabaster idol, approximately 2 feet in height. One side depicts a scene of a seductive succubus luring a paladin to commit lascivious acts. The other side portrays a scene of graphic and excessive violence committed by a kindly goodwife or mother. The acts personalize themselves to the individual, changing form to depict loved ones and respected figures.
Looking at an idol is the only thing required to activate it. Even if initially resisted, the idol continues to try to subvert the viewer's will. The first time a character of good alignment views an idol, she must attempt a DC 19 Will save. If the save fails, the subject's normal moral inhibitions are suppressed and her conscience is silenced, such that the subject is suddenly willing to commit acts she would normally never consider. (The viewer's alignment is instantly transformed to its polar opposite.) A paladin might murder innocents mercilessly; a priestess of love might slaughter a young couple at their wedding. The suppression of the subject's morals is permanent until broken by a break enchantment spell. It is entirely likely that a religious character will require atonement before she regains the favor of her deity - if forgiveness is even possible, depending on what acts were committed.
If a viewer of an idol succeeds on the save, she is protected from that idol's effect for 24 hours, but must attempt another save if she views the item again after that time has passed.
Moderate enchantment, CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, remorseless charm; Price 66,000 gp; Cost 33,000 gp + 2,640 XP; Weight 8 lbs.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Instruments of the Bards

A wise and powerful bard in the Moonshaes named Falataer created the first of these instruments, using them to test and reward the students of his bardic college (which was divided into seven levels of skill). Others have since copied the designs, keeping the names Falataer gave them to honor him. Each instrument has its own set of unique powers that can be activated by anyone with sufficient ranks in the Perform skill without making a check. Some of the instruments bestow one negative level on a character lacking the proper number of ranks in the Perform skill. The negative level remains as long as the harp is carried and disappears when it is no longer carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the instrument is carried.

  • Fochluchan Bandore: This 3-stringed masterwork lute (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (lute) checks) can be played by anyone to produce light once per day. A character with 2 ranks in Perform (lute) can use the bandore to cast flare, mending, and message each once per day. It gives a +1 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, flare, light, mending, message, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 1,900 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern: This pear-shaped masterwork lute (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (lute) checks) can be played by a person with 4 ranks in Perform (lute) to cast cure light wounds, mage armor, and sleep each once per day. It gives a +2 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, mage armor, sleep, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 2,900 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Doss Lute: This masterwork lute (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (lute) checks) bestows one negative level on any character who does not have at least 6 ranks in Perform (lute). A character with 6 ranks in Perform (lute) can use the instrument to cast delay poison, hold person, and mirror image once per day. It gives a +3 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, delay poison, hold person, mirror image, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 9,800 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Canaith Mandolin: This eight-stringed masterwork mandolin (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (mandolin) checks) bestows one negative level on any character who does not have at least 8 ranks in Perform (mandolin). A character with 8 ranks in Perform (mandolin) can use the instrument to cast cure serious wounds, dispel magic, or summon monster III once per day. It gives a +4 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, summon monster III, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 23,400 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Cli Lyre: This masterwork lyre (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (lyre) checks) bestows one negative level on any character who does not have at least 10 ranks in Perform (lyre). A character with 10 ranks in Perform (lyre) can use the instrument to cast break enchantment, dimension door, and shout once per day. It gives a +5 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment, dimension door, shout, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 37,600 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Anstruth Harp: This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) bestows one negative level on any character who does not have at least 12 ranks in Perform (harp). A character with 12 ranks in Perform (harp) can use the instrument to cast control water, healing circle, and mind fog once per day. It gives a +6 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water, mass cure light wounds, mind fog, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 60,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
  • Ollamh Harp: This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) bestows one negative level on any character who does not have at least 14 ranks in Perform (harp). A character with 14 ranks in Perform (harp) can use the instrument to cast control weather, eyebite, and repulsion once per day. It gives a +7 competence bonus on a bard's bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate, and suggestion. CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, eyebite, repulsion, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 83,600 gp; Weight: 3 lb.

Source: Magic of Faerûn

Instrument of the Winds

This fine instrument is a masterwork lute (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks). Once per day, the user can attempt to play a certain tune on the instrument. If she succeeds on a DC 13 Perform (string instruments) check, the instrument of the winds summons a Large air elemental, as though with the summon monster VI spell.
Moderate Conjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Janthra's Harp

By playing this masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) for a full round, the harpist can envelop all creatures within 10 feet of the harp in an invisibility sphere that also allows them to pass without trace. Unlike the spell, creatures made invisible by the harp can see each other. The harpist must continue playing to maintain the effect, but the music seems distant and does not aid foes in detecting the location of the harpist. If one of the invisible creatures attacks, the magic is ended for all participants. If one creature leaves the area of the invisibility sphere, the harpist must end the song and play again for a full round to hide that creature again. The harp may be used in this manner for up to 1 hour per day. Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp).
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility sphere, pass without trace; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Joyous Star Song

Devout worshipers of Lliira and Milil created the first of these items. The object appears as a scroll made of beaten silver, stamped with the holy symbols of Milil (a harp made of leaves) and Lliira (three six-pointed stars). The scroll also bears the musical notation and lyrics for an inspiring song. When a bard sings the song, it allows him to use his bardic music one additional time per day, with a +5 sacred bonus on his Perform check for that use.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, enthrall, suggestion, creator must be a bard of at least 10th level; Market Price: 5,800 gp; Weight. -
Source: Magic of Faerûn


These smooth hemispherical precious stones are known by their elven name, which means 'lore gem.' While more powerful versions of these items known as greater kiira exist, those date to the empire of Cormanthor, can only be used by elves of particular families, and risk causing madness and feeblemindedness in those not of the proper bloodline and without the necessary intelligence. The kiira that can be found in the world are weaker but safer versions of these devices.
The kiira is worn on the forehead (it affixes itself if placed there and can be removed easily by its wearer) and counts as a hat for the purpose of determining what items can be worn together. It allows its wearer to better focus her mind and memory, allowing her to better remember information. In game terms, this results in a +2 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, though the wearer must spend a full round of contemplation to gain this bonus.
Furthermore, a kiira acts as a spellbook, allowing a wizard (or any other spellcaster who requires a spellbook) to record spells into and prepare spells from a kiira as if it were a spellbook (holding up to thirty spells of any levels), requiring the normal amount of time and expense. While a newly created kiira is empty of spells, a kiira recovered as part of a treasure hoard is likely to have spells recorded within it at the DM's option. If so, the value of the item should increase as if it were a spellbook.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, legend lore, secret page; Market Price: 7,500 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Kiira N'Vaelahr

These bright green gems, each about the size of a man's fist, were created for the most skilled spies serving the city of Myth Drannor before it fell. When placed against the skin, a kiira N'Vaelahr embeds itself painlessly into the flesh where it touches, fixing itself so firmly that it cannot be removed. Traditionally, such a gem was placed over the heart, but it may be bonded anywhere the owner desires. Once implanted, the gem may be moved along the user's body through mental concentration. A bonded kiira N'Vaelahr grants the following powers.

  • The kiira N'Vaelahr acts as a sort of recorder, storing the memories of its current owner automatically. The stored memories can be replayed as a vision. Such a review of the information is visible and audible only to the bearer of the kiira unless he uses another of its abilities (see below) to make it visible to others. These memories encompass sight and sound only, and they are somewhat hazy and difficult to focus on. (Attempts to see or hear a particular event in the vision take a -2 penalty on Spot and Listen checks.) The gem's owner may, as a standard action, will the gem to record memories in greater detail. The gem can hold up to 10 hours of such detailed memories, which impose no skill penalties on later readings. At the owner's option, these detailed memories may include his thoughts and feelings as well.
  • The owner may use detect thoughts at will. He may also send telepathic messages (including memories stored in his kiira N'Vaelahr, if desired) to anyone whose thoughts he is currently reading.
  • The bearer gains a +2 resistance bonus on Will saves.
  • The gem's owner may use major image once per day. Only memories stored in the kiira N'Vaelahr may be projected in this manner.
  • The gem's owner may use overland flight once per day.

Moderate divination, illusion, and transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, major image, overland flight, Price 73,040 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Knife of the Bowyer

This masterwork tool gives the user a +10 circumstance bonus on Craft (bowmaking) checks.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 2,055 gp; Cost to Create: 1,055 gp + 80 XP; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Lenses of Darkness

These two dark glass lenses fit over the user's eyes. The wearer gains a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against light and illusion (pattern) spells, as well as any effects that cause blindness because of light (such as a prismatic wall).
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness, resistance; Market Price: 7,700 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Mantle Stone of Vhyridaan

This small gem resembles an ioun stone in most respects. It floats in a loose orbit 1d3 feet from its user's head and can be separated from its owner only by snatching or netting it. The mantle stone of Vhyridaan has AC 26, 10 hit points, and a hardness of 3. Three times per day, the user may speak a command word to gain protection from spells. This effect functions like the spell turning spell, except that a mantle stone always absorbs five spell levels before being discharged rather than the usual 1d4+6.
Additionally, the owner of the mantle stone may imbue it with up to three spell levels each day, as if it were a vibrant purple ioun stone.
Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability, spell turning, Quicken Spell; Price 232,360 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Mask of Blood

This mask of red metal constantly weeps a bloodlike liquid when worn. Any NPC who sees a creature wearing the mask has his attitude toward the wearer shifted one category toward hostile. The liquid is normally harmless, but once per day the wearer can spit it forth as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. When used in this way, the fluid acts as a poison spell upon the creature it strikes. If a barbarian wears the mask, the character's rages last 1 round longer than normal. The mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple magic items.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, rage, poison; Market Price: 17,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Mask of the Implacable

This ceramic, painted mask makes its wearer into a dangerous, if singularly focused, warrior. The wearer of the mask has fast healing 3 as long the mask is worn. In addition, he gains a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against any foe who deals the mask-wearer more than 50% of his full normal hit point total in damage.
The bonus lasts until the mask-wearer attacks someone who hasn't dealt him more than 50% of his hit point total in damage. When that happens, the bonus ends and the fast healing aspect of the mask is suppressed for 1 hour.
A mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
Craft Wondrous Item, regenerate, mark of justice; Market Price: 65,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Methild's Harp

When played by a character with at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) for 1 full round, this masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) sends forth magical vibrations that cause locks, lids, doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. Methild's harp also automatically dispels a hold portal spell or even an arcane lock spell cast by a wizard of less than 15th level. It also unties knots and bindings and frees targets from entanglement of any kind (including web spells).
Each round of playing opens only one form, of locking or tying or frees a single target from its bonds or entanglement. The harp doesn't function in an area of silence, nor can it affect a target in such an area. Methild's harp has a range of 100 feet and may be played a maximum of 3 rounds per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock; Market Price: 4,100 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Mierest's Starlit Sphere

This item is said to have been created by the sorcerer Mierest and given to one of his visitors in reward for a great service. The shining silver metal sphere is 4 inches in diameter and feels comfortably warm to the touch. When held, it is lit with cold blue-white pinpoints of light, illuminating an area as a torch would. This ability can be turned off or on as a free action. The orb negates several spells by contact: dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire; gust of wind, light, and wind wall. Objects within the area of its light are viewed as if with a true seeing spell. If passed through an open flame, it chimes a soothing song for 4 minutes that can be heard up to 100 feet away and quiets shriekers. Intelligent undead prefer to avoid the area it illuminates but are not prevented from entering.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic, ghost sound, true seeing; Market Price: 53,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Mirror Mask

This mask is circular, with dark lines radiating outward from the point between the eyes. The wearer gains a +5 resistance bonus on all saves against gaze attacks and spells that work through sight (such as flare, illusion (pattern) spells, a vampire's charm ability, and so on). Furthermore, any creature that views the wearer's face while the mask is worn sees its own face rather than the wearer's.
A mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self, resistance; Market Price: 8,759 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Mithral Bells

This item is a series of eleven small mithral bells on a bracelet-sized chain of mithral. The wearer can detach a bell and throw it up to 40 feet. When it reaches the end of its trajectory, it explodes in a sound burst spell. As long as there are at least three bells on the chain, it provides a +2 circumstance bonus on all Perform checks.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, sound burst, creator must be a bard; Market Price: 3,700 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Monk's Tattoo

This tattoo is usually of an animal or beast considered important to the monks of a given monastery or school. Examples include tiger, dragon, snake, crane, monkey, and so on. The tattoo improves the unarmed strike damage, speed, and AC of the monk recipient by four levels. Thus, a 7th-level monk does damage, moves, and avoids being struck as would an 11th-level monk. No other abilities are improved by this tattoo, including base attack. The abilities of this tattoo do not stack with the abilities of another monk's tattoo, nor does the tattoo grant any abilities to a nonmonk character. The tattoo does not take up an equipment space.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a monk of at least 10th level; Market Price: 80,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


This silvery-gray cloak is one of the items typically created by Selûne's moonfire, but has since been duplicated by spellcasters. The cloak functions as a cloak of resistance, plus gives the wearer the ability to levitate and water walk (both self only) once per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, levitate, resistance, water walk, creator's level must be three times that of the cloak's bonus (minimum 7th level); Market Price: 9,000 gp (+1), 13,800 gp (+2), 18,800 gp (+3), 25,800 gp (+4), 34,800 gp (+5); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


This potent liquid is the equivalent of four potions of cure light wounds. It can be consumed all at once (for a total of 4d8+4) or in four separate uses (each curing 1d8+1 hit points of damage). A lycanthrope who drinks this potion automatically gets the maximum effect for whatever amount is drank.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, cure critical wounds, creator must have access to the Moon domain; Market Price: 1,500 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Moonfire Salve

Stored in a translucent white ceramic jar about the size of a flask, moonfire salve is the semisolid residue remaining after a manifestation of moonfire at a holy ritual of Selûne. Depending upon how it is used, it has different magic effects. An entire jar must be used to gain any of these benefits.

  • When poured on an item or rubbed on a creature's forehead, it acts as a targeted dispel magic.
  • When rubbed on the feet, it allows the recipient to use the fly spell.
  • When rubbed on the eyelids, it grants darkvision.
  • When rubbed on the back of a hand, it allows the use of greater mage hand spell.
  • When eaten, it acts as a cure serious wounds.

CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, darkvision, dispel magic, fly, greater mage hand; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Moonstone Mask

This silver mask is studded with many small moonstones. It gives the wearer darkvision and a +5 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
A mask counts as a pair of lenses for the limitations on wearing multiple magic items of the same type.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkvision; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Moon Bracers

Covered in mother-of-pearl, these bracers are normally created by the manifestation of Selûne's moonfire, but spellcasters have learned how to create them. They have the same abilities as bracers of armor, plus the wearer can use dimension door once per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, mage armor, creator's level must be twice that of the bonus placed in the bracers (minimum 7th level); Market Price: 12,100 gp (+1), 14,100 gp (+2), 19,100 gp (+3), 36,200 gp (+4), 45,200 gp (+5), 56,200 gp (+6), 69,160 gp (+7), 84,160 gp (+8); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Moon Mote

This round, pale stone is one of the permanent manifestations of Selûne's moonfire. Once per day it can be commanded to create dancing lights under the control of its bearer.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights; Market Price: 180 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Najjar's Cloak of Weaponry

Created by a Calishite fighter/wizard to aid him in battle against his rival Vycaena, this gauzy-looking cloak of white linen is lined with the tanned pelt of a displacer beast. Once per round, the wearer may reach into the cloak's folds and withdraw a single weapon that has been stored there. Najjar's cloak of weaponry functions like a bag of holding, except that it stores only 23 pounds of nonliving material of a volume that would reasonably fit beneath a 6-foot-long cloak. Most two-handed weapons do not fit, unless they can be coiled or folded in some way, but the cloak can easily hold light or one-handed weapons or other items of comparable size. Since the cloak was designed to hold weapons, it does not suffer the ill effects from puncturing that a bag of holding does.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Price 2,300 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Necklace of Acid Pearls

This magic item resembles a tight silver choker with a device bearing seven pale white pearls. The wearer can detach any of the pearls and hurl it up to 50 feet away, where it creates an acid storm. One of the pearls deals 9d6 points of damage, two deal 7d6, two deal 5d6, and the last two deal 3d6. A Reflex save (DC 19) halves the damage from any pearl. The more damage a pearl deals, the larger it is.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, acid storm; Market Price: 10,700 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Necklace of Copper Dragon Scales

This simple necklace consists of a copper chain with six coin-sized copper dragon scales affixed to it. If the wearer touches a scale and issues a command word, he is protected by endure elements (acid) for 24 hours. Once all six scales are used, the necklace grows dull and loses its magic.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements; Market Price: 570 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Necklace of Lightning

This necklace is a silver chain with seven brightly polished coils of copper wire. The wearer can detach a coil and hurl it up to a 50-foot distance. When the coil reaches the end of its trajectory, it explodes as a scintillating sphere spell (DC 14). One of the coils deals 7d6 points of damage, two deal 5d6, and the other four deal 3d6. The more damage a coil does, the larger it is.
If the necklace is being worn or carried by a character who fails her saving throw against a magical electricity attack, the necklace must make a saving throw as well (with a bonus of +7). If the necklace fails to save, all its remaining coils detonate simultaneously.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, scintillating sphere; Market Price: 4,350 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Necklace of Nature's Teeth

This leather cord is strung with the teeth or fangs of a wild animal. When worn by a druid with the wild shape ability, this necklace allows the druid to assume (as wild shape) the form of the animal whose teeth are on the necklace once per day.
Roll 1d10 to determine what kind of necklace is found.

1Bear, black
5Lizard, giant
6Shark, Medium-size
7Snake, constrictor
8Snake, Medium-size viper

CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or creator must be a druid of at least 7th level; Market Price: 2,900 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Nithanalor's Harp

This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) is inlaid with several glassy gray gemstones of various types. Once per day a character with at least 1 rank in Perform can play the harp to gain the benefits of a stoneskin spell.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin; Market Price: 22,300 gp; Cost to Create: 17,400 gp + 392 XP; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Orbakh's Glass Skull

Created by a Thayan inhabitant of Myth Drannor, this thick glass skull is hollow and suitable as a tankard. It can cast disrupt undead three times per day, and can cast enervation and shroud of undeath each once per day.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, disrupt undead, enervation, shroud of undeath; Market Price: 15,700 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Orb of Holiness

These glossy crystal spheres are about the size of an apple. Each is inscribed with one good-aligned deity's symbol. An orb is always neutral with respect to chaos and law.
An evil creature who touches an orb must make a Will save (DC 25). If the save fails, the creature takes 4d6 points of damage and is struck with a feeblemind effect. If the save succeeds, the creature still takes 2d6 points of damage and is dazed for 1d4 rounds.
A good-aligned creature can hold the orb and speak a command word to cast hold monster (DC 17) or purify food and drink each once per day. In addition, any good-aligned creature who is a follower of the deity whose symbol appears on the orb (any creature who has chosen the orb's deity as their patron deity, in other words) can hold it and speak a command word to cast cure serious wounds (3/day) or regenerate (1/day).
An orb of holiness continually emits a prayer effect. All good creatures are considered to be the orb's allies; all non-good creatures are its foes.
An orb automatically counters and dispels all fear effects within 60 feet of the orb (no action required). Finally, a creature holding an orb can use it to make touch attacks against undead. A successful touch deals 5d6 points of damage to an undead creature.
CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, daylight, detect evil or detect good, glyph of warding, prayer, purify food and drink, regenerate, remove fear; Market Price: 178,700 gp; Cost to Create: 89,450 gp + 7,140 XP; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Orb of Tempests

An orb of tempests is a scrying device made from a crystal sphere about 6 inches in diameter. It functions like a crystal ball, allowing the use of the spell scrying (Will DC 16 negates). In addition, the viewer can produce a control weather effect once per day. This effect is centered on the person or locale the viewer can see in the crystal ball at the time this ability is invoked.
The art of making an orb of tempests was a closely held secret of the Illuskan wizards, so only a handful of the devices exist today. An orb of tempests is an especially potent defensive tool for the defenders of a port city, since the owner can detect hostile fleets long before they approach and sink them in a fierce gale that seems to spring from nowhere.
Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, scrying, control weather; Price 85,000 gp.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Pegasus Helm of Kloeth Ironstar

This magnificent winged helmet allows its wearer to summon a celestial pegasus twice per day to serve as a mount or aid in battle. Each summoning requires a command word, and the creature summoned remains for up to 3 hours, though the wearer may cut the duration short if desired.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IV; Price 20,160 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Phoenix Helm

This helm is made of copper, gold, and electrum, stylized in the shape of a phoenix, with its wings unfurled, its legs guarding the temples, and the head adorning the brow. The wearer can use the following spells each once per day: feather fall, flame arrow, fly, resist elements, and speak with animals (birds only). The helm grants the wearer low-light vision.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, feather fall, flame arrow, fly, resist energy, speak with animals; Market Price: 53,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Phylactery of the Priesthood

Two versions of this phylactery exist (lesser and greater); each is a small ivory box that contains holy scripture. Each phylactery allows the wearer to maximize (as the Maximize Spell feat) any three divine spells he or she casts in a day, without using a higher-level spell slot. The wearer chooses to maximize a spell at the time of casting. The lesser phylactery can only affect spells of up to 3rd level, while the greater phylactery can affect spells of up to 6th level. The phylactery of the priesthood is tied to the wearer's forehead (and counts as a headband) or arm (and counts as a bracer).
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell; Market Price: 27,200 gp (lesser), 108,000 gp (greater); Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Piwafwi, Greater

These dark-colored cloaks have all the abilities of a cloak of elvenkind and also provide the benefit of endure elements (fire), negating 5 points of fire damage per round. (Lesser piwafwi are simply cloaks of elvenkind.)
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, invisibility, creator must be a drow; Market Price: 6,100 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Lords of Darkness

Rhingalade's Harp

This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) is carved with images of a multitude of harpists playing in a chorus. Once per day it can be played to invoke simultaneous blink and mirror image spells upon its wielder (both effects end after 6 rounds). Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp).
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, blink, mirror image; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Ruehar's Flute

This finely crafted silver flute resembles a rolled-up spell scroll, with its holes lining the edge of the 'parchment.' It has seldom been seen outside the possession of the descendants of Ruehar, a green elf wizard who lived during the days of Myth Drannor.
When two short notes in any key are played on the flute, it emanates light, as the spell, and automatically dispels any of the following effects within the light effect's radius: acidfog, cloudkill, fog cloud, obscuring mist, solid fog, and stinking cloud.
The flute's second ability is activated by a command word known only to Ruehar's descendants. When this word is spoken, the flute unrolls like a scroll; revealing a small spellbook capable of holding twenty spell levels. The original Ruehar's flute contains the following spells: 1st - color spray, magic missile, Tenser's floating disk, ventriloquism; 2nd - daze monster, glitterdust, lively step; 3rd - Leomund's tiny hut, phantom steed; 4th - polymorph. Ruehar's descendants may, however, have manufactured more flutes since his death, and those spellbooks may contain different spells or simply remain blank. Any wizard who has deciphered the spellbook within Ruehar's flute may study and prepare these spells normally.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind, light; Price 13,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Salve of Minor Spell Resistance

This salve is based on a drow formula. The user must take a full-round action to spread it on his skin, after which it grants spell resistance 17 for 5 minutes.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Market Price: 1,250 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Sanguine Nostrum

A powder sprinkled on the heart and mixed with the blood of an enemy. Sanguine nostrum appears as a simple magical powder. The powder must be mixed with a recently killed enemy's blood and sprinkled on its heart. Preparing and consuming the heart in this way takes 3 rounds.
The powder is used to season the fresh heart of an enemy that has been dead for no more than 1 minute. If treated with sanguine nostrum and eaten immediately, the enemy's heart grants you great insight, as through the effect of a moment of prescience spell. The more powerful the enemy, the greater the benefits; the caster level of the spell is equal to the Hit Dice of the creature whose heart you consumed with the powder. One vial of sanguine nostrum has one use.
Strong divination and necromancy; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, moment of prescience, 2,500 gp, 20 XP, 5 days; Weight: -; Price: 5,000 gp.
Source: Champions of Ruin

Scalebane Bottle

Scalebane bottles are extremely helpful tools when fighting dragons with high natural armor bonuses. When the bottle is opened, it sends forth a dull gray ray of magic, weakening the strength of a creature's scales. Although the bottles are effective against all creatures that have natural armor, they were designed to combat dragons.
Each scalebane bottle is made from Cormyrean glass, wrapped in snakeskin, and capped with a small cork. An individual who holds one can feel faint vibrations within. In order to remove the stopper from the bottle, its wielder must say the command word 'Derynax.' The wielder then points the bottle toward the target creature and removes its cork.
Once per day, the wielder can uncork the bottle and direct a ray of magic at a creature up to 60 feet away as a ranged touch attack. If the target is struck, it takes a -10 penalty to natural armor for 10 minutes. This penalty cannot reduce the creature's natural armor bonus below 0, nor does it have any effect on enhancement bonuses to natural armor (such as that granted by a barkskin spell). The target is not entitled to a saving throw, but the ray is subject to spell resistance; the wielder rolls 1d20+15 and must beat the creature's spell resistance.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, scale weakening; Price 10,800 gp; Cost 5,400 gp + 432 XP; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Scarab of Scintillating Auras

This multi-hued jewel creates a field of clashing visible auras in a 90-foot radius. The multitude of auras blocks attempts to detect magic or alignment within the area. Not even a true seeing spell can detect an alignment aura within the scarab's area unless cast at 16th level or higher.
Once a day, the wearer can become invisible on command as if using the invisibility spell (self only).
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, misdirection, invisibility; Market Price: 45,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Sending Stones

These items usually resemble lumps of unworked stone. They come in pairs. Once a day, each stone in a pair can send a message (as the sending spell) to the bearer of the other stone. If the stone's mate is not in a creature's possession, no message is sent and the user knows the communication has failed. If either stone in the pair is destroyed, the mate becomes useless.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, sending; Market Price: 15,000 gp (for a pair); Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Shaundakul's Boots

Originally a secret kept by the loyal followers of the deity of travel, the lore detailing the creation of these magical boots has recently become more widely available. These boots increase the wearer's base speed by 10 feet. Once per day the wearer may double his base speed (not counting the boots' effect) for 5 minutes. Once per tenday, she can cast find the path.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, expeditious retreat, find the path; Market Price: 6,300 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


This agate-studded bronze circlet holds considerable power over undead. The wearer of the shroudcrown can turn undead as a 10th-level cleric, and she gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities of undead creatures. Furthermore, the wearer is constantly affected as if by a hide from undead spell. Though the shroudcrown is not actually cursed in any way, its owners have an unfortunate tendency to meet messy ends at the claws of the very undead creatures against which it protects.
Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, hide from undead, resistance, creator must be a cleric of at least 10th level; Price 113,600 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Silent Portal Disk

This small disk affixes itself to (or can be removed from) any surface with but a simple command word. If that surface is a portal (door, window, box lid, curtain of beads, or any other such opening), it silences any sound of opening the portal, just as if the 0-level spell silent portal had been cast upon it. The disk operates once per day.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, silent portal; Market Price: 360 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Skull Plaque

This ivory disk is engraved with an image of a grinning skull and inlaid with black enamel to form a shield-shaped background. Worn on a necklace of human finger bones, the plaque allows the wearer to cast death knell and detect undead once per day. Undead suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls against the wearer.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, death knell, detect undead, prayer; Market Price: 9,200 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Spice Jar

This relatively mundane item is highly prized among travelers. It can produce any spice, even rare ones, as long as that spice is used immediately (within 1 round) to prepare food or drink. Any spice thus created disappears if it is not used in that time. The spice jar replenishes itself continually, so its wielder need not fear ever running out of spices.
The spices produced purify any food or drink exactly as if affected by a purify food or drink spell. In addition, any food or drink prepared with the spices produced by the spice jar bestows some minor healing and disease prevention upon up to twelve people who eat the food or drink thus prepared. Eating or drinking meals prepared with these spices cures 1 hit point per use and grants a +4 resistance bonus on saves against disease for next 4 hours.
The spice jar may produce sufficient spices to make up to three meals or drinks per day that bestow these curative and resistance properties. The spices can affect any one person once per day.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure minor wounds, purify food and drink; Market Price: 5,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Stone of Aerial Alarm

Stones of aerial alarm are useful tools to warn towns (and individual homes and buildings of the presence of draconic foes. Usually placed at intervals around the perimeter of a town, these stones give towns a short span of time to prepare for a dragon attack. Many towns have patrols circling the perimeter, watching out for alarms.
These objects appear to be stone cylinders painted with small pictures of the various dragons native to Faerûn. The cylinders constantly project a cylindrical warning area 500 feet high, with a radius of 100 feet. When a dragon passes over or touches the cylinder, it projects a loud noise for 1 round. In addition, it flashes a cylindrical image of the kind of dragon detected for 3 rounds, visible up to a mile in all directions.
Moderate abjuration and illusion; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, aerial alarm, programmed image; Price 15,000 gp; Cost 7,500 gp + 600 XP; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Dragons of Faerûn

Sunite Sash

This scarlet sash is woven of fine red thread and delicate gold wire. It adds a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +2 deflection bonus to AC, and allows the wearer to create handfire once per day.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, enthrall, handfire, shield of faith; Market Price: 19,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Symrustar's Choker

This ornate choker, sized and designed for an elf woman's throat, functions as a spellbook. As long as a wizard character wears it, she may study and prepare any spell 'scribed' in the item. Symrustar's choker may store a total of thirty-six spells, but no more than four of each level. The choker is treated like a wizard's spellbook for the purpose of deciphering spells contained therein, 'scribing' new spells, and so forth. To determine randomly how many spells are stored in a given choker, roll 1d4-1 for each spell level, then roll randomly as if generating a scroll to find the exact spells.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret page; Price 13,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn


These magical balls of tangled vines are used by the wild dwarves, particularly in their battles against the Batiri goblins of the Chultan forests. The ball is thrown at a target and has a 20 ft. range increment. Upon hitting a target or landing, it creates an entangle spell centered on the point of impact. It is good for only one use.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, entangle; Market Price: 100 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Races of Faerûn

Tasmia's Heart

This elaborate, high-necked bustier is laced and lined with black silk and adorned with sapphires and beljurils. It functions as both a helm of underwater action and a ring of freedom of movement. It also extends the wearer's life span, doubling the number of years in each remaining age category of the character's life, as well as her maximum age. For example, a human adult who dons Tasmia's heart would reach middle age at 70, old age at 106, venerable age at 140, and maximum age 2d20x2 years after that. Tasmia's heart counts as a shirt for the purpose of magic item limitations.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, water breathing, creator must be at least 10th level; Price 127,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn


Telkiiras are powerful lore-gems worn by the leaders of the mightiest elf clans. Each telkiira holds the knowledge, skills, and sometimes even a fragment of personality from each of the elves who previously wore it. Only a few of these devices survived the destruction of Myth Drannor and the other fallen elven realms, and most of those that remain are jealously guarded by their houses. At least a few have made their way into the hands of other creatures over the millennia.
When placed on the forehead of an elf, a telkiira confers the following benefits.

  • The wearer gains a +4 insight bonus on Will saves.
  • The wearer gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
  • A telkiira contains 10 ranks in each of four different Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills. Among the most common skills available from a telkiira are Decipher Script, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Spellcraft. When making a check involving one of the telkiira's skills, the wearer can use either the device's ranks in that skill or his own, whichever is higher. He uses his own ability modifier for any skill check using the telkiira's ranks.
  • A telkiira functions as a spellbook that can hold up to 200 pages of spells. A wizard can 'write' a spell into a telkiira without paying the usual material cost of 25 gp per page, although he still must take the normal time to do so. A telkiira is fully erasable, so its owner can remove spells and replace them with new ones as he sees fit.
  • A telkiira can hold up to ten distinct memories, each up to 1 hour in length, with perfect clarity. A wearer who accesses one of these memories experiences it as if she were the person who recorded it. Writing a memory requires 1 full round, regardless of its length. Telkiira often hold important or treasured memories of their previous owners.

Only an elf or a creature with elf blood (a half-elf, for example) can wear a telkiira safely. Any other creature that places the gem on its forehead gains two negative levels and cannot use any of its abilities. These negative levels remain as long as the telkiira is worn and disappear as soon as it is removed.
Telkiiras are often locked to prevent unauthorized elves from enjoying their full benefits. An elf wearing a locked telkiira gains none of the benefits described above except the bonuses to Intelligence and on Will saves. Any member of the house, clan, or family that owns a given telkiira can lock or unlock it as a free action: Any other wearer can attempt a Use Magic Device check or Charisma check (DC 20 for either) to open a locked telkiira. Failure means the wearer must wait until he attains his next level before trying again.
Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, protection from spells, limited wish, vision, creator must be an elf; Price 100,000 gp; Cost 50,000 gp + 4,100 XP.
Source: Lost Empires of Faerûn

Tongs of the Armorer

This tool gives the user a +10 competence bonus on Craft (armorsmithing) checks when creating metal armor.
CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, mending, creator must be at least 6th level; Market Price: 2,055 gp; Cost to Create: 1,055 gp + 80 XP; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Torque of the Deity

These items come from the Moonshae Isles, where clerics of Chauntea create them. Each bears the symbol of the deity. The torque of the deity bestows immunity to lycanthropy upon its wearer, and also grants a +2 sacred bonus on attack and damage against lycanthropes.
In addition, a torque grants a +1 (or +2) resistance bonus on saving throws and a deflection bonus to AC of the same value.
A torque counts as a necklace for limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, remove disease, shield of faith; Market Price: 4,500 gp (torque +1), 16,500 gp (torque + 2); Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Torque of the Titans

This thick, heavy, golden neck ring is nearly indestructible. It has a hardness of 20, 50 hit points, and a break DC of 50.
Five times per day, the torque's wearer can (as a free action) gain a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength that lasts for one round.
A torque counts as a necklace for limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, divine power; Market Price: 72,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Travel Cloak

This lightweight gray-green cloak protects the wearer against some of the hazards and discomforts of outdoor travel. The wearer resists cold as if affected by an endure elements (cold) spell. Furthermore, the cloak sheds precipitation, keeping dry the area of the body covered by the cloak (head to knees). In addition, three times per day, the wearer can reach into one of the pockets of the cloak and pull out trail rations sufficient to feed himself. From another pocket, the wearer may withdraw a stoppered 1-quart metal flask that produces either pure cool water or sugared hot tea. The flask produces up to two gallons of liquid per day. The flask only refills if placed back in the pocket of the cloak; if separated from the cloak or wearer, it has no magical properties. Finally, when the wearer utters a command word, the travel cloak expands once per day to the size of a one person tent.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, create food and water; Market Price: 1,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Troll Gut Rope

This braided 50-foot rope has a slightly pungent odor, feels rubbery, and bears a large, complex knot at one end. Once per day the rope can be commanded to grow up to 350 feet in length. Any length beyond the original 50 feet decays into nothingness after 7 hours. If the large knot is ever untied or cut open, the rope's magic is destroyed.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 7 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Unicorn Pendant

This silver pendant bears the symbol of Lurue, unicorn deity of talking beasts. The wearer can use cure moderate wounds and neutralize poison once per day. A paladin wearing the pendant treats her Charisma as 4 points higher than normal for the purpose of her lay on hands ability.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate wounds, enthrall, neutralize poison; Market Price: 28,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


Worn by most adult deep Imaskar, these magic items contain a more powerful version of the unseen servant spell. Nearly any object can be an uskura, although amulets and ioun stones are favored. A typical uskura produces an effect identical to that of an unseen servant spell. (caster level 10th), except that it has an effective Strength score of 6 and moves at a speed of 30 feet. An uskura may be activated for a total of 100 minutes per day, although this duration need not be consecutive. Many Imaskari either have multiple uskuras or create them at higher caster levels to provide them with around-the-clock service.
Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant; Price 36,000 gp. -
Source: Underdark

Valarde's Harp

This masterwork harp (+2 circumstance bonus on Perform (harp) checks) is often carved of driftwood and engraved with images of ships and clouds. Three times per day it can be played for a full round to produce a gust of wind or a wind wall effect. Use of this item requires at least 1 rank in Perform (harp).
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind, wind wall; Market Price: 8,500 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Vestments of Power

These ceremonial clerical robes are usually cut and tailored to suit a particular deity's worshipers. Two varieties exist: the lesser vestments of power and the greater vestments of power.
The lesser vestments of power grant the wearer a +3 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws. The robe also conveys a continuous protection from arrows effect (10/+1, no limit to points of damage prevented), grants fire resistance 15, and allows the wearer to use feather fall whenever he falls 10 feet or more. The greater vestments of power have all the powers of lesser vestments of power. In addition, the wearer may cast dimension door and true seeing at will.
CL 5th (lesser), 9th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door (greater only), endure elements, feather fall, protection from arrows, resistance, shield of faith, true seeing (greater only); Market Price: 88,000 gp (lesser), 200,000 gp (greater); Cost to Create: standard (lesser), 112,500 gp + 7,000 XP (greater); Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

War Wizard Cloak

This full-cut black cloak (also called a weathercloak) hangs to mid-boot. Cut to overlap on the chest and cover the wearer's arms, it has a high collar and a separate pullover hood. It is embroidered with a white upraised human palm in a circle on the right collar, a purple dragon on the left collar, and another on the center point of the hood (so that it is displayed to the rear when the hood is pulled back). The cloak constantly provides the wearer with the following benefits: endure elements (cold), darkvision, and feather fall (self only). Once per day, the wearer may use dimension door, lesser ironguard, protection from arrows, and sending.
These cloaks are normally only worn by Cormyrian war wizards, nobles, or specially chosen agents, although with the troubles in Cormyr of late, it is likely that some have been looted from corpses and can be found in other hands.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, dimension door, endure elements, feather fall, lesser ironguard, protection from arrows, sending; Market Price: 30,375 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn


These innocuous-looking, fist-sized pieces of faceted glass are among the most highly sought-after items in all of Faerûn. Mages who like their privacy and evil beings who prefer to keep their plans secret are particularly fond of these items, and they often dispatch minions or adventurers to retrieve them.
When placed upon a flat surface and activated by mental command, a weirdstone floats about 3 feet into the air, glowing and chiming softly. While active, it blocks out all of the following within a 6-mile radius (including into the air above and the ground below).

  • All astral and ethereal travel.
  • All divination (scrying) spells.
  • All conjuration (teleportation) spells.
  • Any spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary abilities, psionic powers, or the like that mimic these effects.

The weirdstone hampers only effects that manifest within its area. Spells or abilities activated within the weirdstone's area that target an area outside its 6-mile radius are unaffected. For example, a wizard standing right next to a weirdstone could cast a scrying spell to spy on a creature more than 6 miles away, but she could not teleport across the room because the weirdstone blocks teleportation magic within its radius.
Strong abjuration; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional lock, nondetection, creator must be at least 20th level; Price 230,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

White Cloak of the Spider

This white silk garment is embroidered with a large gray spider on the back and webs radiating across its surface. The wearer can use spider climb at will and use hold person once per day. She gains a +2 luck bonus on all Fortitude saves against poison from spiders and drow sleep poison.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hold person, resistance, spider climb, creator must be 6th level; Market Price: 8,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

White Skull Mask

This bone-colored mask is shaped like a skull and painted black around the eyes. When worn, it transforms the wearer's visage to look like an actual skull. The wearer gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against disease, fear, and paralysis, and is immune to energy drain attacks. The wearer immediately recognizes any creature seen as alive, dead, undead, or inanimate (never alive, such as a lifelike statue). Undead are drawn to the wearer of a skull mask, attacking that creature in preference to all others.
A mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple magic items of the same type
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, deathwatch, detect undead, negative energy protection, remove fear; Market Price: 50,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Wilding Clasp

Appearing as a 3-inch long gold chain, this item only works when attached to an amulet (or similar item) or vest (or similar item). The clasp prevents its attached item from melding into the wearer's new form when transforming magic (such as polymorph self or a druid's wild shape ability) is used, allowing the item to be used in the new form. For example, a druid with a wilding clasp attached to her periapt of wisdom could take the shape of a wolf (which normally doesn't use equipment) and have the periapt remain in its normal form, fully functional. Some forms may be harmful to certain items (such as a fire elemental form when wearing a necklace of missiles).
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or creator must have wild shape ability; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Wild Shape Amulet

This small amulet is usually shaped as a miniature version of an animal. It allows a druid to use her wild shape ability as if she were four levels higher. If she has not yet acquired that ability, the amulet allows her the wild shape ability as a 5th-level druid. The amulet does not improve a druid's wild shape ability beyond that possessed by a 20th-level druid.
CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a druid of at least 15th level; Market Price: 40,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Winged Mask

The edges of this full-face mask are made to resemble feathers or wings. The wearer can use fly at will, but glows with white light (as a light spell) whenever this ability is used. A mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple items of the same type.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, light; Market Price: 13,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Wings of Pain

This drab cloak can project a blast of gray light three times per day against a single creature. The light functions either as a doom spell or a ray of enfeeblement (wearer's choice). The cloak acts as a ring of feather falling, but can only function in this manner if it can unfurl itself to its full 15-foot span (it does so automatically if there is room).
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, doom, feather fall, ray of enfeeblement; Market Price: 17,500 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Word of Chaos's Power

This normally appears as a stone tablet graven with magical runes. Any creature that spends 1 minute or more studying the runes understands the runes' purpose. If the character studies them for an hour thereafter, the runes fade and the character has the ability to invoke the word of power as a supernatural ability. Each time the word is invoked, it functions as a rod of wonder, and the user suffers 1 point of permanent Wisdom drain. When the user reaches 0 Wisdom, he is totally insane and withdraws into a deep nightmare-filled sleep from which he cannot awaken.
A creature that knows the word cannot convey its meaning to another without investing the gp and XP to essentially create another copy of the written word. The creature could also use a wish spell (or similar magic) to create knowledge of the rune directly in the mind of another willing creature.
CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, creator must be chaotic; Market Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Xvim's Green-Eyed Gauntlet

This black gauntlet of sturdy black leather has two large green gems mounted on the back that resemble staring eyes. The wearer of the gauntlet has darkvision (60 feet), and each gem can glow with a light spell once per day. The wearer can cast phantasmal killer, but this power functions only once (at which point the gauntlet maintains its other powers). The gauntlet does not interfere with spellcasting.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, light, phantasmal killer; Market Price: 11,800 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Ynloeth's Bracer

Owned by Coronal Ynloeth of Shantel Othreier, this single silver bracer, made to fit the left arm, functions as bracers of armor +8. In addition, the wearer of this bracer is immune to the death effect of the shattering swords of Coronal Tuloeth.
Strong abjuration; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, death ward, creator must be at least 16th level; Price 70,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn

Yornar's Crescent

This piece of tooled leather appears very old and weather-worn. Named for a famous ranger of Mielikki (whose name also graces one of her legendary holy texts), the crescent has been passed through many hands, and others have made many items with its powers. By speaking the proper command word, the holder can use detect poison at will, can cause the crescent to shine with faerie fire at will, or use greater magic fang or tree stride each once per day.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect poison, faerie fire, greater magic fang, tree stride; Market Price: 27,700 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Magic of Faerûn

Wondrous Items of the East

The Thayans manufacture many standard wondrous items in their secret workshops, but some of the more unusual items found in the East appear below.


A smooth stone token carved with runes on both sides, the breachstone need only be touched to a wall or barrier to create a passwall as cast by a 10th-level sorcerer. The breachstone's tunnel is 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall, and up to 10 feet long. The tunnel remains in existence as long as the breachstone remains in the passage, and it closes 1 round after the breachstone is removed. As with passwall, the breachstone can only create an opening in stone, wood, or plaster walls, not through metal or magical walls. (A wall of stone is not magical after it has been created.) The breachstone operates five times and then crumbles into dust.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, passwall; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Unapproachable East

Circlet of the Wilderness

When placed on the head of a ranger, this band of braided strands of wood grants the wearer a number of spell-like abilities. Each function requires a different command word. At will - calm animals (DC 11), pass without trace, speak with animals; 3/day - summon nature's ally I, cure light wounds (DC 11); 1/day - summon nature's ally II, cure serious wounds (DC 16). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7th-level druid. The wearer of the circlet of the wilderness can also predict all naturally occurring weather within fifty miles of his current location for the next 24 hours, at will. He cannot predict the use of weather-altering magic by someone else. The Simbul sometimes awards these wondrous items to Aglarondan rangers who have proven their loyalty to her and their country through some great act of heroism.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm animal, cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, pass without trace, speak with animals, summon nature's ally I, summon nature's ally II; Market Price: 50,000 gp. Weight: -.
Source: Unapproachable East

Hathran Masks

The hathrans of Rashemen are known for traveling and fighting wearing elaborate masks. Often these masks are magical, and some of the more common types of hathran masks are listed here. A mask counts as a pair of lenses for limitations on wearing multiple magic items.

  • Mask of Disguise: In its normal form, this mask is usually decorated with carved wavy lines and small, plain bird feathers. It functions as a hat of disguise, although it changes only the wearer's face (the mask also adjusts to accommodate the disguise, appearing as a circlet, comb, hat, or similar item worn on the face or head).
    CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Market Price. 1,000 gp; Weight: -.
  • Mask of Flame: This mask is red with flames drawn in black or orange. The wearer is protected by endure elements (fire) and may invoke a burning hands spell (Caster Level 5, DC 11) once per day.
    CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, burning hands, endure elements; Market Price: 5,700 gp; Weight: -.
  • Mask of Mental Armor. This mask is painted with broad lines radiating from the eyes, each of which ends in a protective spiral. The wearer gains a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
    CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Market Price: 4,000 gp; Weight: -.
  • Mask of Language:This mask is covered with tiny letters in many languages and with pictures of strange creatures. A mask of language is created with three languages, and the wearer can speak, understand, read, and write those languages. The most common languages used are Chondathan, Shaaran, and Thayan Mulhorandi.
    CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, tongues; Market Price. 4,000 gp; Weight: -.
  • Mask of Nightseeing: These dark gray masks are usually decorated with owl's feathers and stylized eye markings around the eye holes. They function exactly like goggles of night, granting the wearer 60-foot darkvision.
    CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Weight. -.
  • Mask of Protection and Resistance: These powerful masks are decorated with powerful abjurative symbols and the feathers of rare birds. Each acts as a combined ring of protection and a cloak of resistance, and normally the protective bonus of each of these powers is the same.
    CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, shield of faith, Caster Level must be three times that of the mask's bonus; Market Price. 4,000 gp (mask +1), 16,000 gp (mask +2), 36,000 gp (mask +3, 64,000 gp (mask +4), 100,000 gp (mask +5); Weight: -
  • Mask of True Seeing: These masks are white with red markings under the eyes and on the forehead. They allow the wearer to view things with true seeing.
    CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Market Price: 75,000 gp; Weight: -
  • Mask of Water Breathing: This mask is decorated with blue and green waves or fish scale patterns. It allows the wearer to breathe water as if under the effects of a water breathing spell
    CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: -.

Source: Unapproachable East

Jhuild (firewine)

The dark reddish brew (not to be confused with the Old Empires drink called firewine) is made by the witches from grapes and fruits specially grown on plantations near the city of Urling, with various herbs added for increased potency. While it is not truly an enchanted item, its effects are certainly close.
Jhuild is generally considered to be the national drink of Rashemen. The land's berserkers are said to consume considerable quantities of firewine before going into battle, and it is said to both increase ferocity and bolster morale.
Each pint of jhuild consumed has the following effect: It increases morale level of NPCs by 1 (maximum increase of 5), decreases Wisdom by 1 (maximum decrease 5, to a minimum of 1), and adds +1 to all damage rolls - all for 2d4 hours after consumption. These effects may be avoided with a successful Con roll, but the roll must be made for each pint separately and is at a cumulative penalty of -1 for each pint consumed.
Once the 2d4 hour period has elapsed, the drinker immediately falls into a deep sleep for 3d4 hours and awakens with a throbbing head, thick tongue, and a miserable desire to crawl under a rock. This is all considered part of the price the Rashemaar pay for being the fiercest warriors in Faerûn, and no one complains (at least not much).
Firewine sells for 1 gp per pint within Rashemen and at least 15 gp per pint in other lands, with the price increasing the farther one goes from the land of the berserkers. A single bottle of jhuild, containing about two quarts, is said to have brought 100 gp at an auction in Waterdeep, for example.
Source: Spellbound

Robe of Rukhyon

This fine gold-trimmed robe of red brocade confers nondetection upon its wearer and also functions as a robe of resistance +3.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, resistance; Market Price: 48,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Unapproachable East

Shaporyl's Mask

This very rare Hathran mask is decorated with tiny fancy stones and painted with elaborate patterns. Its wearer can use charm person three times per day, confusion once per day, and dominate person once per day. The mask can also scintillate in a multicolored pattern for 1 round three times per day, which works like a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. Creatures that succumb to the gaze attack (Will negates DC 14) are dazed for 1d4+1 rounds. The gaze attack is a mind-affecting pattern.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, confusion, dominate person, hypnotic pattern; Market Price: 65,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Unapproachable East

Silver Skis

These items are highly prized by the Rashemaar. They allow free movement downhill in snowy or icy conditions and allow their wearer to automatically avoid all obstacles. Such items are especially useful when escaping from pursuers but are considered unsporting by the Rashemaar if used in ski racing.
XP Value: 1,500
Source: Spellbound

Snowshoes of Swiftness

The Rashemaar have developed these enchanted items that allow normal movement in snow-covered terrain. Anyone wearing snowshoes of swiftness ignores the movement penalties for snow and ice
XP Value: 1,000.
Source: Spellbound


One of these rowboat-sized wooden boats can hold three people. They move through the water effortlessly at a speed of 30 feet upstream or downstream and are guided by verbal commands from a person who knows the activation command word. A witchboat can even be ordered to return to a previous location without a pilot or passengers, and the sight of such empty boats is common in Rashemen. Crafted by the Witches and Old Ones, these boats do not work outside the boundaries of Rashemen.
A larger variety of the witchboat, called a warboat, is made by applying the same spells to a well-crafted felucca (a two-masted Rashemi sailing vessel), giving it a speed of 20 feet.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, fly, permanency; Market Price: 20,000 (witchboat), 40,000 gp (warboat); Weight: -.
Source: Unapproachable East

Magic Forges - Dwarven Items

From the mighty Moradin down to the local toolmaker, a dwarf smith's quality is tied to her forge. Without a forge, no smith can create even the simplest of tools. With the right forge, a skilled smith can create masterpieces of art and design, objects that will live through the centuries long after the smith herself has died. Given the dwarven drive for excellence, it is little wonder that the dwarves have perfected magic forges to help them in their crafts and allow them to create works that will live on beyond their deaths. All forges are built in a specific location and cannot normally he moved from that location. (A major expedition with teams of mules might be able to haul a forge to a new locale, but this would be an extraordinary event.) As immobile magic items, the sample magic forges presented here are priced at about 1/4 the cost of a comparable portable magic item. The Player's Handbook states that a character using the Craft skill can voluntarily increase the DC by 10 to craft an item more quickly. In fact, a character can increase the DC by any multiple of 10 (10, 20, 30, and so on), using the same rules. When using magic items that grant large competence bonuses to skill checks, such as many of these forges, increasing the DC by a large amount can dramatically speed the creation time for an expensive item (such as adamantine mountain plate armor).

Forge of Sustenance

A dwarf using this forge for any purpose need not eat, sleep, or even breathe while he continues to work at the forge, and he can work indefinitely without tiring. When using the forge to craft an item, the user multiplies his check result by the item's DC and then by 3 to determine his progress on a weekly (in sp) or daily (in cp) basis.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water, regenerate, creator must be a dwarf; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Races of Stone

Forge of Thautam

A dwarf using this forge can create magic weapons and armor as if he had the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat.
Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, permanency, creator must be a dwarf; Price 15,000 gp.
Source: Races of Stone

Forge of the Armorsmith

This magic forge grants a dwarf who uses it a +20 competence bonus on Craft (armorsmithing) checks made using the forge. In conjunction with voluntarily increasing the DC by 20, a smith working at this forge can craft expensive armor in a dramatically reduced time.
Strong conjuration; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, creator must be a dwarf with 20 ranks in Craft (armorsmithing); Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Races of Stone

Forge of the Weaponsmith

This magic forge grants a dwarf who uses it a +20 competence bonus on Craft (weaponsmithing) checks made using the forge. In conjunction with voluntarily increasing the DC by 20, a smith working at this forge can craft expensive weapons in a dramatically reduced time.
Strong conjuration; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, creator must be a dwarf with 20 ranks in Craft (weaponsmithing); Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Races of Stone

Furnace of Flames

This magical forge provides spell prerequisites for a dwarf who uses it to craft magic items. The forge allows its user to create magic items as if he were able to cast any spell with the fire descriptor, using his character level as the caster level. The forge does not replace any other prerequisites or costs, including item creation fears, minimum caster level, and gold and XP costs.
Strong evocation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball, flame blade, or flame strike, creator must be a dwarf; Price 20,000 gp.
Source: Races of Stone

Wondrous items for the Dungeoneer

Blankets of Security

In case of nocturnal ambush, a set of blankets of security allows you to awaken five people with a single uttered phrase.
Blankets of security are five matching wool blankets, each embroidered with sigils in orange thread along the edges. When activated, the sigils glow brightly and vibrate, emitting a low subsonic hum.
You fall asleep under a blanket of security as you would under any normal blanket. Activating the blanket's magic requires a command word, which can be spoken as a free action. The same command word or phrase activates all blankets in a set, allowing whoever is on night watch to wake the rest of the party quickly. Typical command words might be 'Rise and shine,' 'Danger lurks,' or the simple but effective 'Wake up!'
When a creature within 100 feet speaks the command word, a blanket of security automatically wakes any creature sleeping under it, even if the dozing creature is under a magical sleep effect.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd.;Craft Wondrous Item, Alarm, 1,100 gp, 88 XP, 2 days.
Variants: Sets of more than five blankets have been crafted for larger adventuring parties.
Weight: 15 lb. (set of 5) + 3 lb. per each additional blanket.
Price: 2,200 gp (set of 5) + 440 gp per each additional blanket.
Source: Dungeonscape

Boots of Sidestepping

When worn, these boots increase your ability to dodge certain incoming attacks, such as the effect of an activated trap.
Boots of sidestepping are comfortable boots of soft leather that have good traction. They are fashioned from the tanned hide of displacer beasts and tooled with mystic symbols. When the boots activate, you move in a blur of speed as you dodge an incoming attack.
Boots of sidestepping activate automatically when you are exposed to an attack that allows a Reflex save. No action on your part is necessary.
While wearing boots of sidestepping, you can move 5 feet as an immediate action whenever you are allowed to make a Reflex save against a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural effect. You move before making the Reflex save. If, after moving, you stand outside the attack's area, you avoid it completely and no longer need to attempt the save. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Strong transmutation; CL 12th.; Craft Wondrous Item, Haste, 1,500 gp, 60 XP, 2 days.
Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 3,000 gp.
Source: Dungeonscape

Clasp of Safeguarding

This tiny, decorative clasp protects your valuable magic items by drawing a harmful effect to itself instead.
A clasp of safeguarding looks like a delicate gold pin that can be affixed to clothing or armor. The pin is sculpted to resemble a tortoise, with two minuscule green gemstones for eyes. When the clasp is activated, the tortoise's head and feet animate and draw inside its shell. The clasp glows brilliant green and briefly surrounds you with a translucent ward of energy. After the light fades, the clasp does not return to its former appearance and is no longer magical.
To be effective, a clasp of safeguarding must be clipped on one of your exposed magic items. The clasp is automatically activated whenever you roll a natural 1 on a saving throw against a spell, trap, or other effect that could affect any of your items. Tor example, the clasp would activate in the case of a fireball spell or a dragon's lightning breath, but not in the case of a charm person spell, which cannot affect objects.
None of your exposed items (magical or otherwise) is harmed by the effect for which you rolled a natural 1 on your save. A clasp of safeguarding works only once. After it protects your equipment from harm, it loses its magic and becomes a mundane piece of jewelry.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th.; Craft Wondrous Item, Protection From Energy, 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days.
Weight: 1/3 lb.
Price: 1,500 gp.
Source: Dungeonscape

Dancing Lantern

This bullseye lantern levitates on command, allowing you to direct it verbally while keeping your hands free.
A dancing lantern resembles a standard bullseye lantern, except that it is crafted of mithral and its in-terior mirrors are made of polished silver rather than glass. When activated, the lantern floats in the air, darting back and forth as commanded by its owner. As it flies, it leaves a trail of golden sparks that quickly fade.
A dancing lantern is operated by two command words. The first ('illuminion') causes the lantern to light, and repeating the word extinguishes the glow. The second command word ('aviallow') causes the lamp to float, and repeating the word causes it to land gently. While it floats, a dancing lamp can be directed verbally as a free action as long as it is within 1,000 feet of its owner.
A dancing lantern provides magical light as a standard bullseye lantern, though it consumes no oil. However, it is more prized for its ability to remain aloft. When in the air, the lantern hovers within your reach, allowing you to benefit from its illumination while keeping your hands free.
If desired, you can verbally direct a dancing lantern to move away from you. On any of your turns, it can fly up to 90 feet per round with perfect maneuverability and can rotate to shine its cone of light in any direction. A dancing lantern will not stray farther than 1,000 feet from you. If you move farther away, it will attempt to move to within 1,000 feet on its next turn.
A lantern can be attacked while it is flying. It is Tiny and has AC 12, 30 hit points, and hardness 10.
Variant: Some dancing lanterns have been crafted as intelligent items. An intelligent dancing lantern can fly on its own and decide where to shine its light. It can also travel more than 1,000 feet from its owner. Like any intelligent magic item, it does not automatically obey directions, though its owner can deactivate its ability to fly with a command word, if desired. A typical intelligent dancing lantern has Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14, and Ego 7; has vision and hearing to 120 feet; can speak Common and two other languages; and can communicate telepathically with its owner if within 1,000 feet. It has 10 ranks in Search and can use faerie fire (PH 229) three times per day as a spell-like abil¬ity. It can be of any alignment, though most intelligent dancing lanterns are chaotic.
Intelligent dancing lanterns are insatiable explorers, curious to see what lurks around the next turn of the dungeon corridor. If forced to stop moving, they occasionally make Search checks on their surroundings to stave off boredom. Many adventurers have been saved from death traps because their dancing lantern was randomly searching the area.
Faint evocation and transmutation, CL 5th (standard lantern); or strong transmutation and evocation, CL 15th (intelligent lantern).; Craft Wondrous Item, Continual Flame, Levitate, 1,000 gp, 40 XP, 1 day. Weight: 3 lb.
Price: 2,000 gp (standard) or 10,300 gp (intelligent).
Source: Dungeonscape

Grasping Hook

This animated grappling hook seeks out the best place to secure a rope.
When dormant, a grasping hook appears to be a mithral grappling hook delicately sculpted to resemble the claw of a dragon, with three main claws jutting out and a fourth opposable claw curled in at the palm. When the command word is spoken, the hook springs to life. All four claws begin moving, and it can move by using the claws as tiny legs.
A single command word activates a grasping hook. Speaking the word once causes the hook to animate and immediately seek the nearest secure object that it can grasp. Speaking the word a second time causes the hook to release its grasp immediately and resume its dormant position.
When a grasping hook is tied to silk rope, you can throw it as a standard mithral grappling hook. However, you can also speak the command word (a free action) as you throw the hook to cause it to animate. The hook then tries to grab onto the nearest secure object, granting a +6 competence bonus on your Use Rope check to seat it properly. A grasping hook has a Strength of 25 and can hold 1,600 pounds when grasping a secure object or terrain feature. You can cause a hook to release its grasp by speaking the command word again.
Weak transmutation; CL 3rd. Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, Bull's Strength, 250 gp, 4 XP, 1 day.
Weight: 2 lb.
Price: 500 gp.
Source: Dungeonscape

Wondrous Items of the Serpentfolk

The Scaled Ones have created a profusion of wondrous items, but only a few are known outside their realms.

Circlet of Seven Serpents

Fashioned by a bard from a single piece of serpentine stone, a circlet of seven serpents is carved to resemble a septet of intertwined snakes, each devouring the tail of another. The serpents' eyes are tiny emeralds, and silver filigree sets off each snake's individual scales. Thought to be originally of Jhaamdathan origin, such circlets have been employed by the nagas of the Eastern Heartlands since the founding of Sembia.
A circlet of seven serpents reveals its powers to anyone who places it upon her brow. It is considered a headband, hat, or helmet for the purpose of limitations on magic items worn. The wearer of the circlet can use charm monster and true strike once per day each, and mage hand and open/close at will (range 25 feet for both).
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm monster, mage hand, open/close, true strike; Price 14,400 gp.
Source: Serpent Kingdoms

Eye of Sseth

This yuan-ti device resembles a thick, heavy gold coin about 2 inches in diameter. One side of it is usually graven with numerals and a device such as a crown, a monarch's head, or the. arms or badge of a country. The other side, however, is a jet-black, glossy serpent's eye. When handled by any Scaled One, an eye of Sseth has no effect - but any other creature that touches it is immediately dosed with poison (contact, Fortitude DC 20, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con). The poison is gone after one creature handles the coin.
If the last yuan-ti who touched that particular eye of Sseth is still alive, he instantly becomes aware when the eye is first handled by a creature other than a Scaled One, even if it is on another plane. Furthermore, he knows the approximate distance and direction to the spot where the handling occurred and receives a mental vision of the specific creature that touched the eye of Sseth (but not its companions or surroundings). If an eye of Sseth is seized by human adventurers, passed from hand to hand, and then spent in town, the yuan-ti who placed it receives impressions of only the first adventurer who touched it. Eyes of Sseth are commonly placed with scatterings of real coins as 'warning lures' inside the entrances of yuan-ti temples, to warn the inhabitants of intrusion.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1/10 lb.
Source: Serpent Kingdoms

Fang Bead

The surface of this small, lusterless black sphere is graven with a pair of fangs. The user can throw it up to 60 feet with no range penalties. If both Fangs are touched simultaneously (a free action) just before the bead is hurled, it bursts upon sharp impact, transforming into eight Tiny vipers that wriggle to attack the nearest living creatures other than the thrower. The snakes fight until slain or until no living creatures other than the thrower remain within 120 feet of the bead's impact point. Producing the vipers destroys the bead, though it can be thrown or struck any number of times without effect if the fangs aren't triggered.
Faint conjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster I; Price 300 gp.
Source: Serpent Kingdoms

Concerning Dragons

Amulet of Fearsome Might

This amulet enhances your ability to inspire terror in your enemies, making you even more frightening than you normally are.
This bronze necklace is formed in the shape of a roaring draconic head embedded with sparkling ruby eyes. Whenever the wearer's frightful presence becomes active (or when the wearer casts a fear spell), the eyes of the amulet flash with a burning red light. An amulet of fearsome might functions automatically as long as it is worn. When worn, an amulet of fearsome might doubles the radius of the wearer's innate frightful presence (to a 60-foot radius per age category, in the case of dragons) and increases its save DC by 2. if the wearer does not have a frightful presence, the amulet does not bestow that ability.
In addition, if the wearer casts any spells or spell-like abilities with the fear descriptor, the amulet increases their save DC by 2. This bonus does not stack with that from the Spell Focus or Greater Spell Focus feats. This ability functions whether or not the wearer has an innate frightful presence.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must possess the frightful presence special ability, fear, 5,500 gp, 440 XP, 11 days. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 11,000 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic

Boots of Dragonstriding

These scaled boots grant their wearer a +5 enhancement bonus on Climb and Jump checks. Once per day the wearer can cast jump on himself.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, jump, spider climb; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Cloak of Mysterious Emergence

The enemies of the Shadow's Fang cabal (see page 144, Dragon Magic) sometimes see a ghostly dragon maw appear in their peripheral vision. A heartbeat later, they see a black-cloaked figure step out of the open mouth. That's usually the last thing they see.
A cloak of mysterious emergence is fashioned from multiple layers of fine silk. Along the hem is a row of glittering red scales, molted away by Vaeratrux, the secret dragon master of the Shadow's Fangs. When the cloak is activated, a ghostly apparition of a dragon's head appears next to the wearer, and its jaws open. When the wearer steps into the jaws, he teleports to the desired location and emerges from a second insubstantial dragon maw a fraction of a second later.
Members of the Shadow's Fangs created dozens of cloaks of mysterious emergence for their top agents. Many have spread beyond the reach of the cabal, however, taken from agents who failed to complete their assigned missions. It takes a standard action to call forth the power of a cloak of mysterious emergence and step into its maw. Once the wearer arrives in his new location, he can't take any other actions until his next turn.
Stepping through the dragon maw created by a cloak of mysterious emergence functions like a dimension door spell with a range of 120 feet. A cloak of mysterious emergence has three charges per day. However, the wearer can choose to expend all three charges to have the cloak teleport him and up to 50 pounds of items up to 120 miles away.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th. Craft Wondrous Item, teleport, dimension door, 6,500 gp, 520 XP, 13 days; Weight: 1 lb. Price: 13,000 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic

Crimson Dragonhide Bracers

These bracers, crafted from the armored hide of a red dragon, grant their wearer an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 to his natural armor. They also grant resistance to fire 5.
Faint to strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 3rd (bracers +1), 6th (bracers +2), 9th (bracers +3), 12th (bracers +4), or 15th (bracers +5); Forge Ring, barkskin, resist energy, creator's caster level must be three times that of the bonus placed in the bracers; Price 5,000 gp (bracers +1), 11,000 gp (bracers +2), 21,000 gp (bracers +3), 35,000 gp (bracers +4), or 53,000 gp (bracers +5); Weight 1 lb.
Source: Draconomicon

Dracolich Brew

This ingested poison (Fortitude DC 25; 2d6 Con/2d6 Con) is created specifically for a dragon who wishes to become a dracolich. It automatically slays the dragon for which it is prepared (no save allowed).
Moderate necromancy; CL 11th; Brew Potion, Knowledge (arcana) 14 ranks; Price 5,000 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Dracolich Phylactery

A dracolich's phylactery is crafted from a solid, inanimate object of at least 2,000 gp value. Gemstones, particularly ruby, pearl, carbuncle, and jet, are commonly used for the phylactery, since they must be able to resist decay.
When a dracolich first dies, and any time its physical form is destroyed thereafter, its spirit instantly retreats to its phylactery regardless of the distance between that and its body. A dim light within the phylactery indicates the presence of the spirit. While so contained, the spirit cannot take any actions except to possess a suitable corpse; it cannot be contacted or attacked by magic. The spirit can remain in the phylactery indefinitely.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, control undead, gem or similar item of minimum value 2,000 gp; Price 50,000 gp plus value of gem; Cost 25,000 gp plus value of gem + 2,000 XP.
Source: Draconomicon

Dragonfang Gauntlets

These leather gauntlets are studded with dragon teeth and deal damage as spiked gauntlets. They grant a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Strength. Three times per day, the character may use the gauntlets to attack a weapon or shield as if she had the Improved Sunder feat (even if she doesn't have the prerequisites).
When worn by a character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, dragonfang gauntlets allow the wearer to overcome damage reduction with unarmed strikes as if she were wielding a magic weapon. In this case, the wielder deals her normal unarmed strike damage, rather than the damage for spiked gauntlets.
Moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, greater magic fang, shatter, Price: 28,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Draconomicon

Dragonslayer Claws

Perhaps the most dangerous foe a dragon can face is another dragon. With that in mind, the great creatures designed these magic claws to help them fight off dragons that try to seize their hoards. More aggressive dragons use these claws to claim the hoards of those they view as weak.
These heavy, dark metal blades fit smoothly over the wearer's claws like comfortable gloves. Dragonslayer claws occupy the same space on the body as gloves. Although dragonslayer claws are made for dragons, any creature that has a claw attack can wear them, and they resize to fit the wearer. However, dragonslayer claws bestow a negative level when worn by any creature that is not of the dragon type or the dragonblood subtype. The negative level remains as long as the claws are worn and disappear when the creature removes the dragonslayer claws. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome by any means (not even restoration or wish) while the dragonslayer claws are worn. A wearer that does not have claw attacks gains no benefit from dragonslayer claws. Activating dragonslayer claws is a free action. The wearer can use the claws once per round, up to a maximum of three times per day. Before making an attack roll, the wearer must declare to which attack the extra damage will be applied. When the wearer makes a claw attack, dragonslayer claws deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. Against a creature of the dragon type or the dragonblood subtype, the claws instead deal an extra 3d6 points of damage and are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be of the dragonblood subtype, magic weapon, 1,250 gp, 100 XP, 3 days; Weight: 6 lb. Price: 2,500 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic

Dragon's Eye Amulet

This fist-sized orb resembles the eye of a dragon and dangles from a heavy gold chain. It grants its wearer a +10 enhancement bonus on Search and Spot checks, as well as blindsense with a 30-foot range.
Strong transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dragonsight; Price 85,000 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Goggles of Draconic Vision

The wearer of these goggles gains a +10 bonus on Spot checks and enjoys low-light and 60-foot darkvision. Once per day, the wearer can command the goggles to grant him blindsense for 1 minute.
The goggles also protect the wearer from being blinded by the cloud created by a hovering dragon (though the cloud still provides concealment for all within it).
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dragonsight; Price 46,000 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Golem Manual

A golem manual contains information, incantations, and magical power that help a character craft a golem. The instructions therein grant a +5 competence bonus on skill checks made to craft the golem's body. Each manual also holds the prerequisite spells needed for a specific golem and effectively grants the builder use of the Craft Construct feat during the construction of the golem, and grants the character an increase to her caster level for the purpose of crafting a golem. Any golem built using a golem manual does not cost the creator any XP, since the requisite XP are 'contained' in the book and 'expended' by the book during the creation process.
The spells included in a golem manual require a spell trigger activation and can be activated only to assist in the construction of a golem. The cost of the book does not include the cost of constructing the golem's body. Once the golem is finished, the writing in the manual fades and the book is consumed in flames. When the book's ashes are sprinkled upon the golem, it becomes fully animated.

  • Dragonbone Golem Manual: This book contains animate dead, cause fear, and geas/quest. The reader may treat her caster level as one level higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a dragonbone golem. The book supplies 4,400 XP for the creation of a dragonbone golem.
    Strong enchantment and necromancy (evil); CL 12th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 12th, animate dead, cause fear, geas/quest; Price 28,000 gp; Cost 3,000 gp + 4,640 XP; Weight 5 lb.
  • Drakestone Golem Manual: This book contains animate objects, antimagic field, flesh to stone, and geas/quest. The reader may treat her caster level as three levels higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a drakestone golem. The book supplies 6,400 XP for the creation of a drakestone golem.
    Strong abjuration, enchantment, and transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 16th, animate objects, antimagic field, flesh to stone, geas/quest; Price 40,000 gp; Cost 4,000 gp + 6,720 XP; Weight 5 lb.
  • Ironwyrm Golem Manual: This book contains animate objects, antimagic field, geas/quest, incendiary cloud, and limited wish. The reader may treat her caster level as four levels higher than normal for the purpose of crafting a ironwyrm golem. The book supplies 8,000 XP for the creation of a ironwyrm golem.
    Strong abjuration, enchantment, evocation, and transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 18th, animate objects, antimagic field, geas/quest, incendiary cloud, limited wish; Price 50,000 gp; Cost 5,000 gp + 8,400 XP; weight 5 lb.

Source: Draconomicon

Horn of Dragons

This horn bears intricate carvings of dragons in flight. When blown (a full-round action), the horn summons an adult dragon 1 round later, to a location up to 100 feet away. The dragon remains for 1 hour and serves the user of the horn to the best of its ability. At the end of the duration, or if the dragon is slain or dispelled, the dragon disappears. The type of dragon depends on the user's alignment (see the table below). The horn may be blown once per month.

User's AlignmentDragon Summoned
LG, NG, or LNBronze
CG, N, or CNCopper
LE or NEGreen

Strong conjuration; CL: 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IX; Price 75,000 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Idol of the Dragon

Much like a figurine of wondrous power, an idol of the dragon is a miniature statuette (about 2 inches long) resembling a particular variety of dragon. The color and kind of the dragon is very apparent, even at a glance, due to the craftsmanship involved. The idol grants energy resistance (5 or 10) of the appropriate type to its owner while carried (but not while the idol is in dragon form).
Once per week, when the idol is tossed into the air and the proper command word spoken, it becomes a full-size dragon of the appropriate age (see the table below). The dragon is a living creature, not a construct, and has all the abilities and powers of an average dragon of its age. The dragon obeys and serves its owner for up to 1 hour. At the end of this duration, or if it is prematurely dismissed by its owner, the dragon returns to idol form. A targeted dispel magic on the full-size dragon can return it to idol form if successful. If the dragon is slain while at full size, the idol is destroyed.

Whitewyrmlingcold 515,000 gp
Brasswyrmlingfire 521,000 gp
Blackvery youngacid 524,000 gp
Coppervery youngacid 532,000 gp
Greenyoungacid 1042,000 gp
Bronzeyoungelectricity 1056,000 gp
Bluejuvenileelectricity 1073,000 gp
Silverjuvenilecold 1093,000 gp
Redyoung adultfire 10116,000 gp
Goldyoung adultfire 10142,000 gp

Faint to strong conjuration; CL 3rd (white), 5th (black, brass), 7th (copper, green), 9th (bronze), 11th (blue), 13th (silver), 15th (red), or 17th (gold); Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy and either summon monster II (white), summon monster III (black, brass), summon monster IV (copper, green), summon monster V (bronze), summon monster VI (blue), summon monster VII (silver), summon monster VIII(red), or summon monster IX (gold); Price as shown on table.
Source: Draconomicon

Mantle of the Silver Wyrm

This impressive cloak is fashioned from the hide of a silver dragon. It grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and resistance to cold 10. In addition, its wearer can use fly (as the spell) once per day
Faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, fly, resist energy; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Draconomicon

Tailbands of Impact

Characters who face the mightiest of dragons know to fear their tail slap more than their bite. These adamantine bands enhance the already prodigious destructive capability of a rail slap attack. Each of these three progressively larger adamantine bands is a stunning piece of jewelry in its own right, studded with gems and inscribed with draconic runes of strength. The three bands slip over the wearer's tail and are magically held in place once donned, spread equidistant up its length. Tailbands of impact occupy the same space on the body as boots.
While tailbands of impact are made for dragons, any creature that has a tail slap attack can wear them, and they resize to fit the wearer. A creature that does not have a tail slap attack gains no benefit from wearing the bands. The tailbands of impact function automatically as long as they are worn. An attack with a tail equipped with tailbands of impact is considered adamantine and magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, tailbands of impact allow the wearer to apply more of his Strength bonus on damage rolls for tail slap attacks. Consult the table below to determine the effect.

NormalWearing Tailbands of Impact
Str bonus x 1/2Str bonus
Str bonusStr bonus x 1-1/2
Str bonus x 1-1/2Str bonus x 2

Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, 3,000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days; Weight: 10 lb.; Price: 6,000 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic

Tome of the Wyrm

Favored by spellcasters who hunt dragons, a tome of the wyrm gradually increases the potency of its bearer's spells.
A tome of the wyrm describes dozens of battles between spellcasters and dragons (DC 10 Knowledge [arcana]). Wyrm wizards created the tomes to help them conduct research by overcoming the magical defenses of dragons, growing stronger over time (DC 20 Knowledge [arcana]).
A tome of the wyrm is a leather-covered grimoire with binding hinges and a back plate made of dark iron. An embossed, glowing eye with a slitted pupil adorns the cover. The eye remains heavily lidded unless a dragon attacks the tome's owner or the owner attempts a saving throw against a dragon's frightful presence. Then it opens wide until the battle is over.
Anyone can carry a tome of the wyrm, but its magic benefits only those who cast spells. A tome of the wyrm functions automatically, but only when carried in one hand. If it is left in a backpack or other container, it still records battles (as described below), but it doesn't improve its owner's caster level. A spellcaster carrying a tome of the wyrm in one band gains a +1 insight bonus to his caster level on any spell that targets an enemy dragon or includes an enemy dragon in its area. This benefit applies against all creatures affected by the spell, not just the dragon.
At the end of each of the caster's turns, determine whether he cast a spell that harmed an enemy dragon. (For the purpose of this item, this means any spell that dealt damage to the dragon, any spell against which the dragon failed a save, or any spell that overcame the dragon's spell resistance.) If so, the insight bonus of the tome of the wyrm increases by 1. If not, the insight bonus decreases by 1.
A tome of the wyrm's bonus can't drop below +1, nor can it rise above a number equal to the highest-level spell that its owner can cast. One hour after the last time the caster harms an enemy dragon with a spell, this effect fades, and the tome's bonus returns to normal. Each page of a tome of the wyrm describes one battle against a dragon - a brief narrative explaining who was present, how the fight unfolded, and how the dragon died (or how its attackers got away). After each new battle with a dragon, the tome magically adds a new page describing that battle. Once this 200-page book is full, any new entry overwrites the oldest entry.
Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect dragonblood; 7,500 gp, 600 XP, 15 days; Weight: 5 lb.; Price: 15,000 gp.
Source: Dragon Magic

Wyrmfang Amulet

This necklace of dragon teeth grants all of the wearer's natural attacks the ability to overcome damage reduction as if they were magic weapons. (The attacks don't actually gain an enhancement bonus, only the ability to ignore some creatures damage reduction.)
Moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang; Price 2,500 gp.
Source: Draconomicon

Wondrous Items of the Dragonkin

Dragons are inherently magical, and those who carry their blood enjoy a natural proficiency with the arcane. Dragonkin characters are often drawn to spellcasting classes. Even those who do not pursue such paths can still make effective use of magic items.

Dragonblood Items

Crafters that have the dragonblood subtype often create magic items that are sensitive to the user's nature. Such items are 'keyed' to the wielder's draconic heritage and must be held or touched in a specified way by the prospective user. Sometimes the item's manufacture reflects this: A sword's grip might have indentations for fingers or claws, an amulet could have a small spike to prick the wearer's skin, and so forth. Two types of dragonblood items exist - those with restricted use and those with hidden potential. Neither of these added sensitivities has an impact on the price of an item or its cost to create. It is up to the crafter to decide whether one of these traits is appropriate for the item in question.
Restricted Use Items: A crafter can make an item usable only by a creature with draconic ancestry. A user without the dragonblood subtype enjoys only the nonmagical qualities of the item: a masterwork suit of armor, a beautiful ring, and so forth. A wielder that has draconic blood can use the item in the normal way
Hidden Potential Items: A user that has the dragonblood subtype is able to activate a special ability worked into the item that is unavailable to others. For example, a +1 flaming longsword is instead a +1 flaming burst longsword in the hands of a dragonblooded wielder.

Amulet of Warmth

Amulets of warmth are personal devices designed to keep humanoids comfortable in any environment. These devices were originally crafted for kobolds whose search for new mining locations kept them away from their warm lairs. (Knowledge (geography) DC 10 or Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 20). An amulet of warmth typically takes the form of a simple amulet or brooch, though it can be fashioned into some other form of personal jewelry. As a free action, tapping an amulet of warmth turns the item on. Tapping it again turns the item off.
An amulet of warmth produces an ambient cocoon of 70°F, protecting the wearer and his equipment from both cold and heat. If an amulet takes any amount of cold damage, however, it ceases to function for 24 hours.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd.Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, 500 gp, 40 XP, 1 day. weight: 1/2 lb; Price: 1,000 gp
Source: Races of the Dragon

Angriz's Chest

This container keeps meat fresh and wholesome. Angriz Ulbargix is a half-dragon wizard, a gourmet cook, and a voracious carnivore. His monstrous nature makes it difficult for him to shop for food frequently in the normal fashion, so he crafted this box to keep large quantities of meat indefinitely. In this way, he could order an entire haunch of game once in a while and consume it at his leisure. The item has since become popular with those who can afford it, especially the proprietors of large eating establishments and the managers of nobles' kitchens. It has come to be known as Angriz's chest, though its creator simply called it a 'preserving box.' (Knowledge (arcana) DC 20)
An Angriz's chest is a box, about 4 feet on a side, made of stout wood (usually oak) and lined with oilcloth to prevent leakage. Any dead flesh kept within the box remains fresh and palatable indefinitely. Once removed, the flesh begins to decay at the normal rate. Putting partly decayed meat into the box arrests further rot but does not reverse previous effects.
Faint necromancy; CL 1st. Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, 500 gp, 40 XP, 1 day. Weight: 50 lb. Price: 1,000 gp.
Source: Races of the Dragon

Folding Trap

Folding traps were invented by a master kobold trapmaker to aid in timely retreats. These devices are usually constructed by kobolds to provide quick installation of traps, as well as to easily carry along useful traps when they are retreating from their lair. (Knowledge (arcana) DC 15 or Knowledge (history) DC 25)
A folding trap is a small wooden ball the size of a large apple, every square inch of which has been etched with symmetrical Draconic runes. These carvings contain a hidden code that reveals the folding trap's command words. (Decipher Script DC 20) As a standard action, speaking the word 'expand' in Draconic (turalisjth) causes the wooden ball to unfold into a trap that attaches itself to the available supporting framework (floor, ground, trees, walls). Speaking the word 'shrink' in Draconic (kosjth), another standard action, while within 30 feet of the trap causes it to fold into a wooden ball once again. Several varieties of folding trap exist. The known variations on this item include the scything blade folding trap (CR 1), the wall blade folding trap (CR 1), the tripping chain folding trap (CR 2), the ceiling pendulum folding trap (CR 3), and the wall scythe folding trap (CR 4). Once activated, a folding trap is indistinguishable from a normal trap of its kind except for the trap's magical aura (see below).
Faint transmutation; CL 5th. Craft Wondrous Item, create trap, shrink item, creator must have 5 ranks of Craft (trapmaking); 1,700 gp, 136 XP, 4 days (scything blade); 2,500 gp, 200 XP, 5 days (wall blade); 3,800 gp, 304 XP, 8 days (tripping chain); 14,100 gp, 1,128 XP, 29 days (ceiling pendulum); 17,200 gp, 1,376 XP, 35 days (wall scythe).
Variants: Other varieties of folding trap might also exist, but they all must involve the use of mechanical traps that have an automatic reset (no arrow traps), don't represent a significant change to the physical environment (no pits or flooding chambers), and don't incorporate poison, magic, or living organisms (no toxic blades or brown mold). Weight: 1 lb. Price: 3,400 gp (scything blade); 5,000 gp (wall blade); 7,600 gp (tripping chain); 28,200 gp (ceiling pendulum); 34,400 gp (wall scythe).
Source: Races of the Dragon

Medallions of Io

These are plain, burnished metal disks that grant some of the strength of the Concordant Dragon to their users. Io's holy symbol is a featureless metal disk with a sheen of many colors, symbolizing the common heritage of all dragons as well as the spinning disk of the Blending. In honor of that creative act, the Singers of Concordance created the medallions of Io to aid the Ninefold Dragon's children throughout the world. (Knowledge (arcana) DC 20) Each medallion of Io is an unremarkable coin-sized disk made from an alloy of precious and base metals. The exact mixture of metals produces a colored sheen that corresponds to one of the ten standard dragon varieties. As a standard action, you press a disk into the center of your brow, where it remains magically attached and active for 1 hour. It does not count as an item worn on the head for the purpose of determining which of a character's magic items are effective. At the end of the hour, the medallion loses its magic and falls to the ground.
Each of the ten disks has a different benefit according to its sheen, as given below.

  • Black: Resistance to acid 10 and a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks when dealing with reptiles.
  • Blue: Resistance to electricity 10 and a +4 bonus on Bluff checks.
  • Green: Resistance to acid 10 and the ability to make untrained Diplomacy checks to affect the attitude of plant creatures. The DC of these checks is increased by 5.
  • Red: Resistance to fire 10 and a +4 bonus on Will saves against illusion spells and effects.
  • White: Resistance to cold 10 and a +4 bonus on Balance checks.
  • Brass: Resistance to fire 10 and a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
  • Bronze: Resistance to electricity 10 and a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
  • Copper: Resistance to acid 10 and a +4 bonus on Perform checks.
  • Gold: Resistance to fire 10 and a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against effects that damage, drain, or apply a penalty to the wearer's ability scores.
  • Silver: Resistance to cold 10 and a +4 bonus on checks to resist being knocked down by wind, overrun and trip attempts, and similar effects.

Faint abjuration; CL 6th. Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy, creator must be a Singer of Concordance; 500 gp, 40 XP, 1 day. Weight:-; Price: 1,000 gp.
Source: Races of the Dragon

Memento Magica

Sorcerers, bards, and all spontaneous spellcasters of all sorts can benefit from a memento magica. A memento magica appears to be an amethyst cunningly cut into some draconic shape, often that of a dragon's scale. A memento magica is a great aid to spontaneous spellcasters such as sorcerers, bards, and favored souls, much as a pearl of power is to casters who prepare spells. Once per day on command, a memento magica enables its possessor to regain any one spell slot that she had previously used that day. The spell slot is available just as if a spell had not been cast. A memento magica can only recall a spell slot of the level it was created to hold. Different mementos magica exist for recalling one spell slot per day of each level from 1st through 9th.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th. Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be able to spontaneously cast spells of the spell level to be recalled; 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days (1st); 3,000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days (2nd); 6,750 gp, 540 XP, 14 days (3rd); 12,000 gp, 960 XP, 24 days (4th); 18,750 gp, 1,500 XP, 38 days (5th); 27,000 gp, 2,160 XP, 54 days (6th); 36,750 gp, 2,940 XP, 74 days (7th); 48,000 gp, 3,840 XP, 96 days (8th); 60,750 gp, 4,860 XP, 122 days (9th). Weight: -; Price: 1,500 gp (1st); 6,000 gp (2nd); 13,500 gp (3rd); 24,000 gp (4th); 37,500 gp (5th), 54,000 gp (6th); 73,500 gp (7th); 96,000 gp (8th); 121,500 gp (9th).
Source: Races of the Dragon

Necklace Of Dragon's Teeth

A necklace of dragon's teeth summons a troop of loyal draconic warriors to your aid. Legends say that in the early days of the world, nearly all human life was wiped out in a great catastrophe. Sphenos, the Great Wyrm of the Earth, took pity on the few survivors and gave a bag filled with his own teeth to the farmer Imguren, telling him to sow them behind him in the earth as he walked. From the scattered teeth arose new people, the children of earth. (Knowledge (religion) DC 15) Imguren saved some of the teeth against future need. Generations later, when his descendants were being threatened by barbarians, they found the sack and planted the remaining teeth. These teeth then sprang up into fierce warriors who drove back the invading horde. These strings are made in remembrance of that miracle. (Knowledge (religion) DC 20) A necklace of dragon's teeth is a simple leather cord strung with pierced fangs, each about 2 inches long. Sometimes the ends are loosely tied so that it can be worn around the neck. (It does not count as an item worn around the neck for the purpose of determining which of a character's magic items are effective.) A strand initially has twelve fangs, though it can be discovered with fewer fangs than this (reduce the price proportionately). As a standard action, you remove a fang from the string and throw it onto the ground.
A thrown fang grows into a draconic myrmidon that acts on your turn on the following round. The myrmidon remains for 10 rounds or until it is slain, and either defends you loyally or attacks a target of your choice. The myrmidon understands your spoken commands regardless of the language you speak.
Moderate conjuration; CL 10th. Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IV, 12,000 gp, 960 XP, 24 days. Weight: -; Price: 24,000 gp.
Source: Races of the Dragon

Softhands Gloves

Softhands gloves help disguise your draconic pedigree without drawing attention to you. These cloth gloves are made of a stretchy material that allows them to fit over the hands of human-shaped creatures from Small to large size. As long as you are wearing the gloves, your skin, hair, and eyes lose overtly draconic features such as scales, horns, slit pupils, and so forth. You resemble an ordinary member of your nondraconic race, negating any penalty on Disguise checks you would ordinarily take when disguising yourself as a different race. While wearing the gloves, you lose any natural claw attacks you might have. Your hands appear ordinary. The gloves themselves are no longer visible once worn but blend with the wearer's apparent skin.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd. Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days. Weight: -; Price: 2,000 gp.
Source: Races of the Dragon

Spellflinging Spear

A spellflinging spear is a potent weapon highly prized by kobold sorcerers. These spears are awarded to kobold sorcerers for consistently protecting their lair without ever needing to be protected themselves. (Knowledge (history) DC 10 or Knowledge (local) DC 20) The ore that goes into making spellflinging spears is an amalgam of red copper and steel. (Profession (miner) DC 15 or Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, or weaponsmithing) DC 25) A spellflinging spear is a Small +1 returning spell storing spear, the piercing blade of which is tinted with ruby red metal and has a shaft of light steel. As a swift action, speaking the word 'expand' in Draconic (turalisjth) elongates the weapon, speaking the word 'shrink' in Draconic (kosjth) shortens the weapon, and speaking the word 'normal' in Draconic (munth) returns a spellflinging spear to normal size.
Once elongated, a spellflinging spear has all the characteristics of a longspear. Once shortened, a spellflinging spear has all the characteristics of a shortspear. A spellflinging spear always weighs as much as a spear and has hardness 12 and 20 hit points, regardless of its shape.
Strong evocation (plus the aura of the stored spell, if not already present) and transmutation; CL 12th. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrink item, telekinesis, CL 12th, 10,802 gp, 840 XP, 11 days.
Variants: More powerful versions of the spellflinging spear often add the distance and/or the gnome bane weapon special abilities. Adding one of these abilities increases the weapon's price by 14,000 gp; adding both increases it by 32,000 gp. Weight: 3 lb.; Price: 21,300 gp
Source: Races of the Dragon

Items concerning Undead

Bagpipes of the Damned

When played, these bagpipes help bolster undead against turning. The piper must make a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check. If successful, all undead within 60 feet gain a +4 bonus on turn resistance for 10 rounds.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, able to rebuke undead as a 10th-level cleric; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Cloak of Turn Resistance

This unholy item makes it wearer more difficult to turn by adding a +4 bonus on its turn resistance.
Moderate necromancy (evil); CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, able to rebuke undead as a 10th-level cleric; Price 11,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Cloak of Turn Resistance

The cloak of turn resistance is a tattered gray cloak that seems to twitch in a breeze even if the air around it is perfectly still. This unholy item bolsters undead, making them more difficult to turn. It adds +4 turn resistance. This effect stacks with all turn resistance, except that gained from other magic items.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Market Price: 11,000 gp; Weight: --.
Source: Web

Coffin Hideaway

The clever coffin provides a safe haven for intelligent undead. The coffin hideaway appears to be a finely crafted darkwood coffin. If unoccupied, the coffin rests on the Material Plane. When occupied, the coffin anything in it shifts to the Ethereal Plane. The occupant can use a command word to return it to the Material Plane for 5 rounds. Climbing into or getting out of the coffin (including opening or closing the lid) is a move-equivalent action.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's Secret Chest; Market Price: 5,000 gp; Weight: 75 lbs.
Source: Web

Drums of the Dead

When played, this set of two crude drums can control undead. The drummer makes a Perform (drums) check (DC 15) each round. If successful, allies attempting to rebuke or command undead add a +4 bonus to the turning damage roll.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 10 lbs.
Source: Web

Ectoplasmic Ichor

When this thick, translucent paste is spread onto a corporeal object (requiring a standard action), it allows incorporeal creatures to interact with that object as if they were corporeal (much like a ghost touch weapon). A single vial coats one Medium or smaller weapon, shield, or suit of armor, or any other object of similar size. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost touch; Price 500 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Ghost Net

This gossamer-thin netting is thrown like a net, except it only affects incorporeal creatures. If the net hits an incorporeal target, the creature isn't entangled, but instead is treated as corporeal for the purpose of dealing damage to it with physical or magical attacks. It can be hit with normal weapons (though the creature's normal damage reduction, if any, still applies) and there is no 50% chance that it ignores damage from corporeal sources. A creature ensnared by a ghost net also can't turn ethereal (or, if snared on the Ethereal Plane, can't return to the Material Plane).
The creature retains all other special abilities, and can extract itself from the net with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The ghost net can't be burst by Strength.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost trap; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Ghoul Gauntlets

When worn by a living creature, these mottled gloves virtually meld with the wearer's own flesh, making his hands appear gaunt and rotting.
Once per round, the wearer can make a touch attack that paralyzes the target for 1d6+2 rounds (Fortitude DC 13 negates). Elves are immune to this paralysis. The wearer can also deliver this attack as part of an unarmed strike, slam, claw, or similar natural attack made with the hand, but in that case must attack normally (and not with a touch attack).
The ghoul gauntlets have no effect when worn by a construct or undead creature. If the wearer dies, the gauntlets revert to their normal appearance.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghoul touch; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Glass Coffin

A preservative coffin that pleases the eye, this transparent resting place preserves the body within and gives an illusion of the body as being that of a healthy individual without any signs of decomposition.
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Gentle Repose, Silent Image; Market Price: 7,000 gp; Weight: 150 lbs.
Source: Web

Globe of Sunlight

This golden fist-sized orb can be hurled up to 50 feet. When it arrives at the end of its trajectory, it detonates as a sunburst spell (Reflex DC 22 partial), except that the radius of the burst is only 40 feet.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, sunburst; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Goggles of Day

The lenses of this item are made of silvered crystal. When placed over the eyes, the wearer can operate without penalty in preternaturally bright light, such as might result from a flare, sunbeam, or sunburst spell. A bonus side effect allows vampires a full-round action prior to dissolution when confronted with sunlight, as opposed to just a partial action.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision; Price 4,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Goggles of Lifesight

The wearer of these goggles automatically knows whether any visible creature within 30 feet is alive, dead, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct).
Moderate divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; true seeing; Price 2,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Husk Globe

The bodies of humanoid creatures sacrificed according to special rituals of necromancy can be placed in globes of glass or crystal, so they remain perfectly preserved and on display indefinitely. Moreover, husk globes retain the imprinted knowledge once possessed by the corpse preserved within. Anyone who runs a hand across the surface of the globe and commands the occupant to speak by their correct name can ask questions of it. The questioner may ask up to ten questions once the corpse is activated. The corpse answers telepathically, mentally audible to all within 30 feet of the globe. The husk's knowledge is limited to what it knew during life, including the languages it spoke (if any). Answers may be brief, cryptic, or repetitive. The husk can be activated once per week. The husk can learn new information if told while active, and that information maybe retrieved later by different questioners.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, speak with dead; Price 8,500 gp; Weight 700 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Lyre of the Restful Soul

When played, this lyre weakens the ability of undead creatures to resist turning or rebuking. The performer makes a DC 15 Perform (string instruments) check. If successful, all undead within 60 feet take a -4 penalty to turn resistance (which can lower their effective HD for turning to below their normal HD, but not lower than 1) for 10 rounds.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, able to turn or rebuke undead as a 10th-level cleric; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Minions' Coffin

Powerful undead or non-good clerics that like to travel with a hidden entourage of lesser, corporeal undead favor stowing their underlings in this magic item. The minions' coffin appears to be a typical coffin for a Medium-size creature. Close examination shows that the coffin opens into an extradimensional space that allows it to store far more than would normally be possible. Up to 18 corporeal undead can be stored inside. Once the owner has filled it, she can command the coffin to produce any number of stored undead she wishes each round.
Only mindless undead, such as skeletons and zombies, generally get stored in a minions' coffin because once inside, the creature cannot release itself. An intelligent undead may choose to try to force itself out. The coffin has a hardness of 5 and 15 hp. Breaking out in this manner ruins the magic of the coffin and all its contents are spilled into the Ethereal Plane.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's Secret Chest; Market Price: 2,500 gp; Weight: 150 lbs.
Source: Web

Night Caller

This whistle is transparent but weighty as if forged of iron, not glass. The whistle resembles a small dragon curled up like a snail. When blown over a grave containing a body in darkness or at night, one corpse below animates and claws its way to the surface. The zombie serves the whistler faithfully until it is destroyed, as if it were created with animate dead. The whistle can be used once per week; however, the whistler can acquire no more than two zombie followers at any one time using night caller.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Price 7,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Nycoptic Manuscripts

These twin papyrus scrolls are inscribed with ancient tales and cryptic prophecies by an anonymous, almost-certainly insane author. Despite their dubious accuracy, the manuscripts contain many useful descriptions of spells from the school of necromancy, and grant the possessor a +5 competence bonus on any Knowledge (arcana) check she makes that deals with necromantic topics as the long as the scrolls are in her possession and the character can take 1d4 rounds to find the proper reference.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Robe of Bones

This handy item functions much like a robe of useful items. It appears to be an unremarkable robe, but a character who dons it notes that it is adorned with small embroidered figures representing undead creatures. Only the wearer of the robe can see the embroidery and recognize them for the creatures they become, and detach them. One figure can be detached each round. Detaching a figure causes it to become an actual undead creature, as indicated below. The skeleton or zombie is not under the control of the wearer of the robe, but it may be subsequently commanded, rebuked, and so on. A newly created robe of bones always has two embroidered figures of each of the following undead:

  • Tiny skeleton
  • Small skeleton
  • Medium-size skeleton
  • Tiny zombie
  • Small zombie
  • Medium-size zombie

Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Dead; Market Price: 3,600 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Web

Shrouds of the Holy

These shrouds appear to be ordinary funerary wrappings for dead bodies. They are often decorated with symbols and icons representing the dead rising. If a dead body is wrapped in the shroud, and the command word spoken, the body will return to life. Wrapping a body takes 10 minutes. The magic of the shrouds is usable only once, after which the wrapping becomes ordinary, fine cloth.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Raise Dead, Resurrection, or True Resurrection as appropriate; Market Price: 5,000 gp (raise dead), 9,600 gp (resurrection), or 20,300 gp (true resurrection); Weight: 10 lbs.
Source: Web

Shrouds of the Unholy

These shrouds, like shrouds of the holy, look like ordinary funerary wrappings for dead bodies and are often decorated with symbols and icons representing the dead rising. If a dead body is wrapped in the shroud, and the command word spoken, the body will return as undead. The type of undead it returns as is determined by the speaker of the command word. The undead creature is not under anyone's control when it rises. Wrapping a body takes 10 minutes. The magic of the shrouds is usable only once, after which the wrapping becomes ordinary, fine cloth.
Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Dead, Create Undead, or Create Greater Undead as appropriate; Market Price: 1,550 gp (animate dead), 12,250 gp (create undead), or 16,000 (create greater undead); Weight: 10 lbs.
Source: Web

Unholy Shrouds

These shrouds look like ordinary funerary wrappings for dead bodies and are often decorated with symbols and icons representing the dead rising. If a dead body is wrapped in the shrouds, and the command word spoken, it returns as an undead creature.
The kind of undead it returns as is determined by the type of shrouds - lesser shrouds animate the corpse as a ghast, while greater shrouds turn the body into a wraith. The undead creature is not under anyone's control when it rises, though it may be commanded or controlled by the normal means.
Wrapping a body takes 10 minutes. The magic of the shrouds is usable once only, after which the wrappings turn to dust.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th (lesser) or 16th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, create undead (lesser) or create greater undead (greater); Price 3,600 gp (lesser) or 6,400 gp (greater); Weight 10 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Items of the Wild

As with their armor, wondrous items crafted by elves, raptorans, or halflings focus on utility and portability.

Belt of Hidden Pouches

This item might be made of silk or soft leather, but it's always fairly wide and with a big buckle (usually brass or silver). Hidden inside the belt are ten small pockets, each of which seems big enough to hold only a few coins. Each pocket actually functions as a small bag of holding and can hold up to 1/2 cubic foot or 5 pounds of nonliving material. No object with any dimension exceeding 6 inches can be placed in a pocket. Anything placed inside a pocket effectively has only one-tenth of its normal weight, so a full pocket weighs only half a pound at most.
In addition, two secret pockets lie behind each visible one, for a total of thirty pockets in all. The hidden pockets can be accessed only through a command word. A true seeing spell reveals the presence of the hidden pockets but not the command needed to open them.
Even when a pocket is full, it never bulges, so a belt of hidden pouches stuffed with 150 pounds of items looks like an ordinary belt.
Accessing any pocket (including the hidden ones) is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. To place any object in the belt, the wearer merely presses the object into the belt. Doing so while speaking the command word places the object in one of the hidden pockets (if one of them is empty). Naming a stored object and speaking a second command word draws the named object our of the belt and places it in the wearer's hand (though he could also simply reach into one of the ten regular pockets and draw it forth, just as if retrieving a stored object (a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity).
Simply frisking the wearer won't reveal any objects placed in the belt, and searching the visible pockets cannot reveal anything stored in the hidden pockets. It is possible to use a Sleight of Hand check to pluck something out of one of the ten visible pockets, but only someone wearing or holding the belt can access the hidden pockets, and then only with the correct command word.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Races of the Wild

Safewing Emblem

This small feathered token can be worn or carried. If the owner falls at least 5 feet, the emblem becomes a set of feathery wings that allow her to use a feather fall effect to descend safely from any height up to 180 feet. The emblem requires no activation. When the owner lands, the token disappears, its magic expended.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, feather fall; Price 250 gp.
Source: Races of the Wild

Survival Pouch

This mundane-looking leather belt pouch can literally save its user's life in the wilderness. Five times per day, the user of a survival pouch can reach into the bag and retrieve his choice of one of the items listed below. The user can draw our the same item five times in one day, draw our five different items, or produce any other combination of up to five items. Drawing an item from the bag is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Each item lasts for 8 hours unless otherwise indicated.

  • Trail rations for one Medium creature for one day.
  • Two gallons of water stored in a waterskin. The bag disappears if it is emptied completely.
  • A tent and two bedrolls sized for Medium creatures.
  • A 50-foot coil of hempen rope, which disappears after 4 hours.
  • A shovel.
  • A campfire (about 2 feet square). The fire can be left to burn, or it can be pulled apart to produce eight lit torches. Each torch removed reduces the remaining burning time by 1 hour. If the fire is extinguished, any unburnt portion vanishes.
  • A composite shortbow (+1 Str bonus) and a quiver of 20 arrows. The bow disappears 1 round after the last arrow has been drawn from the quiver.
  • A mule with bit, bridle, saddle, and saddlebags. The bit, bridle, saddle, and saddlebags vanish if removed from the mule.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, major creation, mount; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Source: Races of the Wild

Items of the Wastes

Ashworm Pellet

This item is a roughly spherical bead of volcanic scoria, about 1 inch across. When thrown upon the ground, the pellet grows into an ashworm. This action consumes the pellet and takes 1 full round to fully form. Disintegrating the pellet or dealing it at least 50 points of damage during that time prevents the ashworm from appearing.
The ashworm remains for 10 minutes. It is an average specimen in all regards. It serves the user until it is slain or the duration ends (it can obey only simple commands).
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally VII; Price 6,825 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Bottle of Endless Sand

If the stopper is removed from this opaque glass bottle and a command word spoken, an amount of fine, dry sand flows out. Separate command words determine the type as well as the volume and velocity.

  • 'Heap' pours out 1 cubic foot per round.
  • 'Dune' produces a 20-cubic-foot pile at 5 cubic feet per round.
  • 'Sandblast' produces a spray of sand dealing 1d6 points of damage per round. This effect causes considerable back pressure, requiring the holder to make a DC 12 Strength check to avoid being knocked prone. A sandblast can affect only one target per round. The command word must be spoken to stop the flow of sand.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, blast of sand; Price 21,600 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Burnoose of 1,001 Thorns

Once per day, the wearer of this robe can utter a command word, causing the burnoose to harden and sprout hundreds of sharp thorns. For 70 minutes thereafter, the wearer is the subject of a skin of the cactus spell.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, skin of the cactus; Price 10,080 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Burnoose of Moonless Nights

This black burnoose seems like an ordinary desert robe. Three times per day, in darkness or shadowy illumination, the wearer can draw up, the hood to gain total concealment. Unlike ordinary invisibility, the wearer can attack without revealing her location. The burnoose does not work in bright light, and such light reveals a wearer within its area. Each use of the burnoose lasts for 10 rounds.
Moderate illusion; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater invisibility; Price 33,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Cape of the Wastes

This bizarre garment appears to be made of sand, although it is soft and light. Its wearer remains comfortably cool in hot weather up to extreme heat, making no Fortitude saves or Constitution checks to resist natural heat effects. The cape keeps its wearer comfortably warm, as the endure elements spell, similarly negating the need for saves or checks against natural cold effects. Finally, the wearer gains the benefit of the Sand Camouflage feat.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Sand Camouflage, endure elements; Price 30,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Cloak of Garden Shade

The wearer of this deep green cloak is treated as if under the effect of a cloak of shade spell.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cloak of shade; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Cloak of Sandswimming

This rust-red cloak is made of slick satin. The wearer's body becomes smooth and slick like an asherati's, granting a +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor. The wearer can also use the sandswim ability of the asheratis.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, creator must be an asherati; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Everfresh Bottle

Any water contained in this ornate glass bottle is always pure and perfectly suitable for drinking. Even poisons and holy (or unholy) water become ordinary drinking water when placed within. Magic potions are unaffected.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, purify food and drink; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Figurines of Wondrous Power

Inhabitants of the waste craft these figurines from inspiration they get from the desert and its trials.

  • Gold Beetle: When activated, a gold beetle grows, gaining the statistics of a giant stag beetle with some exceptions. Its Intelligence 16, it is able to understand Common and Terran, and it is able to move across any waste terrain at normal speed. The beetle is treated as a magical beast when in its living form. The item can be used for up to 24 hours per week, but the duration need not be continuous.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, levitate; Price 11,500 gp.
  • Ivory Camel: When commanded, this statuette changes into a creature with the same properties as a dromedary camel, except that it has an Intelligence of 8, can communicate in Common, and is exceptionally heat-tolerant. It has a +4 bonus on saves to resist heat and dehydration, and it is unaffected by sun glare. The item can be used for up to 12 hours per week, but the duration need not be continuous.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Price 8,500 gp.

Source: Sandstorm

Folding Sand Vessel

This fine, wooden box is 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. It can hold items like any other box. If a command word is spoken, the box unfolds itself to form a sand skiff over the course of 1 round. Items in the box are deposited, unharmed, on the ground. A second command word causes it to unfold into a sand schooner over the course of 5 rounds. A third word of command causes the vessel to fold itself into a box again, taking the same amount of time as unfolding.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph any object, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (shipbuilding) skill; Price 100,000; Weight 4 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Glass of Distance

This fine spyglass can be used to see up to ten miles away. While looking into the distance, a user can speak a command word to instantly transport to an adjacent square of an object or creature he can see. If the spyglass is reversed, a user looking through the large end can speak a command word to transport an adjacent creature or object to a distance of up to ten miles away. More than one object or creature can be transported, so long as each is in physical contact with another. A spyglass of distance can be used to teleport a creature only once per day, regardless of direction.
Moderate conjuration and divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, teleport, scrying; Price 52,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Gloves of Sand Shaping

These lizardskin gloves confer sand shaping ability as if the wearer possessed the Sand domain's granted power.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have access to the Sand domain; Price 15,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Glove of Choking Sands

This seemingly ordinary leather glove allows the wearer to choke a target, as with the choking sands spell, on command, once per day.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, choking sands; Price 16,200 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Goggles of the Desert

The lenses of these goggles are all black, except for thin horizontal strips just over the wearer's eyes. They protect a wearer from the effects of glare and grant a +4 bonus on saving throws against dazzling effects, such as flare. The goggles enable the wearer to see up to 60 feet without penalty in duststorm conditions.
Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cloak of shade, darkvision; Price 8,250 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Jug of Whirlwinds

This item is a beaten silver amphora, stoppered by a silver plug engraved with runes of protection. Once per day, when the user speaks a command word and opens the jug, a whirlwind (as the spell) emerges. The user directs the whirlwind, which lasts for 15 rounds unless dismissed.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, whirlwind; Price 64,800 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Lamp of Stars

This item appears to be an ordinary oil lamp, decorated with a pattern of tiny stars. Once per day, the bearer of the lamp can utter a command word, causing the flame to flicker out and be replaced by magical starlight. The lamp then sheds blue-white light in a 30-foot radius (and shadowy light for an additional 30 feet). Creatures with low-light vision can see three times as far in this light, instead of just twice as far. The starlight lasts until the lamp runs out of oil after 6 hours, at which point both the starlight and the lamplight are extinguished. Refilling the lamp with oil allows the magic to be used once again.
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, light; Price 1,100 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Lens of the Desert

This magnifying glass, its gold frame worked with a sunburst motif, can be commanded to create a beam of focused sunlight. Three times per day, on command, the lens emits a single beam like that produced by a sunbeam spell.
Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, sunbeam; Price 66,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Mask of Sweet Air

This clear crystal mask fits snugly over the mouth and nose. Its wearer can breathe freely in air fouled by smoke, dust, and fumes without fear of suffocation. The wearer gains immunity to airborne stench attacks or poisons, such as the stench of a troglodyte or the effect of cloudkill. In addition, a mask of sweet air grants continuous water breathing.
Moderate abjuration, conjuration, and transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of breath, neutralize poison, water breathing; Price 147,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Opal of Tunneling

This black opal bead is about the size of a large pearl. When thrown against a surface, the bead explodes in a red flash and melts a hole into the material, forming a lava tube 10 feet wide and up to 30 feet long. The hot tunnel walls deal 1d6 points of fire damage per round of contact. Edges of the lava tube glow with this heat for 1 minute, after which time the new tunnel is safe for unprotected creatures to enter.
An opal of tunneling works only on rock and similar materials (such as crystal, salt, and so on). It does not damage a living creature, nor does it penetrate wood.
However, a creature within the 10-foot-diameter sphere of the bead's explosion takes 2d6 points of fire damage from the blast.
Strong conjuration and transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate, wall of magma; Price 6,350 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Personal Oasis

Once per day, when this 10-foot-by-10-foot blanket is unrolled, and the command word spoken, a 5-foot-by-10-foot tent springs from the blanket, along with a campfire, a bowl of dates, and a gallon of cool water. The tent functions in all ways, aside from its dimensions, as Leomund's tiny hut. The campfire burns continuously, never needing fuel, and the dates are enough to sustain one person for a day. Upon speaking the command word again, the oasis rolls back up into blanket form.
Faint conjuration and evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water, Leomund's tiny hut, produce flame; Price 18,600 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Portable Fountain

When it is placed on the ground and a command word spoken, this palm-sized, jade chrysanthemum expands to become a fountain, gushing fresh water from its center into a spacious basin. The fountain occupies a 5-foot square. It can be used once per day, producing 10 gallons of water. The fountain reverts to its portable form when all the water has been removed from its basin.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create water; Price 1,800 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Portable Shade

This circle of black silk is 3 feet in diameter, but it can be folded up into the size of a handkerchief. When unfolded, a portable shade floats into the air and hovers over the user's head, moving as the user does but no more than 30 feet per round. It automatically tilts to block the sun's rays, providing all the benefits of a parasol, but leaving the user's hands free for combat or spellcasting. Folding up a portable shade (a move action) ends its effect.
Faint evocation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Tenser's floating disk; Price 2,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Replenishing Skin

This unremarkable waterskin is made from the hide of a camel. Whenever the skin becomes empty, it slowly refills with pure water over a period of 1d4 hours. Smaller quantities of water can be drained from the skin after a shorter time.
Faint conjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, create water; Price 1,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Sandals of the Shifting Sands

These plain sandals enable the wearer to travel across sand and sand crust at his normal speed, without breaking through sand crust and leaving no tracks. The wearer is also cooled as if protected by endure elements.
Faint abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace, endure elements, pass without trace; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Sandstorm

Sand Painting

These clear glass bottles of varying shapes contain layers of colored sand that form patterns when poured onto the ground or on a floor. A DC 15 Craft (painting) or Craft (sculpture) check is required to produce the effect successfully. Pouring the sand provokes attacks of opportunity. If the sand is disturbed while being poured, the effect is spoiled and that bottle is wasted. Once a sand painting has been poured from its bottle, it cannot be used again.

  • Mandala of Peace: This conical bottle contains swirling, rainbow-colored sand. As a full-round action, the user can pour the sand into an ornate circular pattern with a 10-foot radius, producing a lesser globe of invulnerability and an area of silence within that area. The lesser globe of invulnerability lasts for 12 rounds, and the silence lasts for 12 minutes.
    Strong abjuration and illusion; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, lesser globe of invulnerability, silence; Price 2,880 gp; Weight 2 lb.
  • Travelers' Oasis: This spherical bottle is filled with a layer of green sand on top of a layer of blue sand. It takes 5 minutes to pour out the sand, over an area of up to 400 square feet, in the shape desired. When the pattern is complete, the marked area becomes a shaded oasis containing small date palms and a spring of pure water. The oasis persists for 24 hours and supplies enough food and water for up to thirty-six Medium creatures or twelve Large creatures.
    Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water, major creation; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.

Source: Sandstorm

Slashing Sand

This handful of glittering dark sand is typically stored in a small sack. When flung on the ground, it covers an area of up to 200 square feet with razor-sharp obsidian shards that produce a spike stones effect that lasts for 10 hours.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, spike stones; Price 2,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Thirsty Sand

This sand looks like gritty volcanic ash. When sprinkled on a body of water (or a solution in water), thirsty sand soaks up the liquid and stores it. Each grain can absorb up to 1 gallon of water, thereafter covering a 1-foot cube and weighing about 24 pounds. When a command word is spoken, the water is released again and the sand becomes nonmagical.
An area of water-laden thirsty sand is a mud bog. It costs 2 squares of movement to enter a square containing the mud, and the DC of Tumble checks in that area increases by 2. If the water is not released from the sand within 4 hours, it cannot be released and the material dries into normal, sandy soil over a period of days.
Releasing the water can be hazardous, depending on the volume absorbed. It rapidly fills a depression or pit and might be deep enough to present a drowning hazard, depending on the dimensions of the volume filled. Releasing 10,000 gallons or more at once produces a flash flood effect that lasts for 1 round per 10,000 gallons.
Thirsty sand is usually packaged in a vial containing 1,000 grains.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water, transmute rock to mud; Price 3,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Tovar's Instant Well

This item is a foot-long copper pipe that, when set into the ground and activated with a command word, transforms into a well that produces potable water. The lower end of the tube widens and lengthens, probing into the ground until it finds a reliable water source. The protruding end becomes a pump. The pump springs up in just 1 round, but it might be several minutes before water begins to flow, depending on the distance of the source. Speaking a second command word deactivates the well, returning the item to its pipe form.
Strong transmutation and divination; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, locate water, polymorph any object; Price 23,SOO gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Corn Child

This high, conical mask is intricately decorated with dried corn kernels of different colors. Corn Child is the bringer of plenty, the closest of Kikanuri's children to the bhukas. When the dancer puts it on, he lets the item's Ego overwhelm him and use its powers to enrich the crops, purify the water, and provide a feast to all participants. The possession continues until the wearer has gorged himself on food and drink and has blessed all the surrounding fields, at which time he collapses unconscious.
Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 16; Speech, telepathy, read language, read magic, 120 ft. darkvision, blindsense, and hearing; Ego score 18.
Lesser Powers: Cure moderate wounds 3/day, purify food and drink 3/day. Mask has 10 ranks in Knowledge (nature) (total modifier +11).
Greater Powers: Heroes' feast 1/day, plant growth 3/day.
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle, creator must be a bhuka; Price 120,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Dance Masks of the Great Mother

The bhukas believe that the spirit children of their mother deity Kikanuti travel the world and visit her earthly children. At festival times, bhuka shamans don these ritual masks and are possessed by the intelligence that rests in them. Possession lasts until the shaman is overcome by exhaustion and loses consciousness. The mask is then removed and reverently stored away until the next festival. Generally, each bhuka village is the guardian of one mask, and they are all brought to a grand dance held by all the villages. Each mask takes the same body slot that a helmet or headband would. Some examples are given below.
Source: Sandstorm

Moon Owl

This feathered headdress resembles the head of the totemic animal after which it is named. Moon Owl represents the night sky, the cool resting time of the desert, as well as vigilance and wisdom. The mask's purpose is to defend the children of Kikanuti from their enemies. When the dancer puts it on, she allows the item's Ego to overwhelm her and use its powers to first detect then travel to and destroy the closest hostile creature. The possession continues until the wearer is slain in combat or returns victorious, at which time she collapses unconscious. If the wearer is slain, the moon owl mask teleports back to its village.
Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18; Speech, telepathy, read languages, read magic, 120 ft. darkvision, blindsense, and hearing; Ego score 23.
Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day, cure moderate wounds 3/day. Mask has 10 ranks in Listen (total modifier +14).
Greater Powers: Locate creature 3/day, teleport 2/day.
Special Purpose: Defend the bhukas.
Dedicated Power: Cast 15d6 greater shout 3/day.
Strong varies; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle, creator must be a bhuka; Price 256,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Storm Eagle

This feathered headdress resembles the head of the totemic animal after which it is named, Storm Eagle represents the day sky and the life-giving power of the thunderstorm. When the dancer puts it on, she allows the item's Ego to overwhelm her and use its powers to call a mighty rainstorm down upon the surrounding region. While the possession continues, the wearer dances in a great frenzy, faster and faster, until she collapses unconscious.
Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18; speech, telepathy, read languages, read magic, 120 ft. vision and hearing; Ego score 18.
Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day. Mask has 10 ranks in Listen (total modifier +12) and 10 ranks in Spot (total modifier +12).
Greater Powers: Control weather 1/day, quench 3/day.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, miracle, creator must be a bhuka; Price 86,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Veil of Allure

This diaphanous veil has two effects. The DC to resist the wearer's enchantment spells increases by 2. Also, the DC to resist Charisma-based supernatural abilities used by the wearer also increases by 2.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor; Price 14,000 gp.
Source: Sandstorm

Waterskin of Deluge

Once per week, the bearer of this blue leather waterskin can remove the stopper and squeeze the container, releasing a deluge of water identical to a flashflood spell. Removing the stopper at any other time produces no effect at all, though the skin can be used to store water. If a waterskin of deluge is destroyed, it releases one last flash flood , in the direction from which the damage that destroyed it came.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, flashflood; Price 12,350 gp.
Source: Sandstorm


Standards (sometimes called banners) fly in the companies of an army. This type of wondrous item provides benefits to the unit that bears it. Unless otherwise noted, all allies of the standard-bearer within 30 feet of the standard receive the indicated benefit for as long as they can see the standard.
A standard requires two hands to use, so a two-armed holder is unable to use a weapon or shield while carrying the banner. In some cases the standard is mounted on a weapon, and that weapon can be used normally in combat.
A standard is an important part of a military force. Even those that are not magical provide a sense of pride and loyalty to those marching under them. They also can have important strategic value.
If a standard-bearer falls during combat, any magical benefits granted by the standard cease. If the standard is not raised again by an ally within 1 round, all those who were benefiting from it must make a morale check. If the morale rules are not being used, then followers of a fallen banner become shaken if it is not raised by an ally within 1 round (Will DC 20 negates).

Banner of Law

Order reigns supreme under this banner, and all nonchaotic allies within 30 feet are protected as if by a protection from chaos spell. Similar banners protect against law, evil, or good.
Moderate abjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic circle against chaos; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Banner of the Goblin's Bane

Those with a mutual loathing of goblins march under this banner, which usually depicts the hated foe in some manner of death or dire injury. Allies within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against goblinoids.
Other banners exist that designate foes of a different type or subtype. Common foes include orcs, giants, and undead.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster I; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Banner of the Unliving

Depicting a bone-white skeleton on a field of midnight blue, this flag provides +2 turn resistance to any undead allies within 30 feet. This turn resistance stacks with any turn resistance the undead might already have.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, desecrate; Price 12,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Forgehome Standard

Dwarves are the typical followers of this banner-particularly when they march to war against giantkind - but its benefits apply to all allies within 30 feet. This banner grants a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks made by giants; this bonus stacks with the dodge bonus all dwarves gain when fighting giants. The banner also gives a +2 bonus to morale checks made when at least one enemy giant is visible.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a dwarf; Price 4,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Healer's Standard

This flag denotes the noncombative nature of its bearer and her comrades, typically healers or combat medics. The bearer and any unarmed allies within 30 feet receive the effects of a sanctuary spell; any opponent that attempts to attack them must make a DC 16 Will save or be unable to attack.
Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, sanctuary; Price 14,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Sign of the Favored

This banner is of relatively simple design, usually in the colors of the nation or entity it represents and adorned with symbols for the gods of luck, valor, or war. Three times per day, the standard-bearer can invoke a prayer to the depicted gods. The prayer grants allies within 30 feet a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks for 5 rounds.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, prayer; Price 16,200 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Standard of Courage

For a standard of courage to be effective, it must be affixed to a two-handed hafted weapon such as a halberd or a lance. The bearer of the standard and any allies within 30 feet of the item gain a +4 morale bonus against fear effects.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Standard of Heroism

This standard functions as a standard of courage, except that the standard bearer and any allies within 30 feet of the item gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Faint enchantment and abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, heroism, remove fear; Price 40,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Standard of No Retreat

This standard functions as a standard of courage, except that it also prevents outward extradimensional travel within 30 feet, just as if creatures were subjected to a dimensional anchor spell. Creatures trying to flee from the standard's area must succeed on a DC 19 Will save, or their attempt to flee fails. A standard of no retreat doesn't prevent creatures from using extradimensional travel to enter the area, just to leave it. Summoned creatures within the standard's area still disappear when the spell that brought them here ends.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor, remove fear; Price 145,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Compete Warrior

Standard of the Galloping Steed

Box Stalker Weight Belt

This banner, emblazoned with the mark of a charging horse, is typically mounted on the end of a spear or lance; colorful streamers unfurl during a charge. When charging, the bearer and any charging allies within 30 feet receive a +2 bonus on their attack rolls.
Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, mount; Price 8,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Battle Items

Blast Disk

This item, resembling a jet-black plate with an 8-inch diameter, can be set to explode via proximity or a timer. In either function, when the disk activates it explodes, dealing 5d6 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects within 10 feet of the disk (Reflex DC 14 half).
If set to explode via proximity, a blast disk must be set down in a square on the battlefield. The next creature of Small or larger size to enter that square (either on the ground or airborne within 5 feet) sets off the blast disk. That creature receives a -2 penalty on the save against the blast.
A blast disk can also be set to automatically explode up to 10 rounds after placement.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fireball; Price 900 gp.
Source: Magic Item Compendium

Blessed Bandage

This piece of first aid equipment can be applied to a dying creature. Applying a blessed bandage is a standard action that immediately stabilizes the target (but heals no damage).
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cure minor wounds Price 10 gp.
Source: Magic Item Compendium

Camouflage Paint

This jelly-like substance comes in a jar 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep. Each jar has enough material for five applications. To apply, the user spreads globs of the substance across her face as a standard action. Once applied, camouflage paint changes the color of the user's skin, clothing, and gear to that of her surroundings. This effect provides a +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks, but only when the user is stationary. The effects of camouflage paint last for 2 hours.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Daern's Instant Tent

This item appears to be a strip of canvas, folded into a small triangle. When activated by speaking the command word, it grows to become a 20-foot-square tent. The inside of the tent is kept temperate, as the spell Leomund's tiny hut. There are cots for up to eight Medium creatures inside, and a lit firepit with a smokehole. The tent itself has resistance 10 to electricity, fire, and acid, as well as immunity to cold.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's tiny hut; Price 9,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Drums of Marching

This pair of drums includes a harness that allows them to be strapped to the front of a humanoid creature. A character who plays these drums during overland movement and succeeds on a DC 15 Perform (percussion instruments) check grants those within 120 feet a +4 bonus on the Constitution check to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march. Using the drums doesn't affect the performer's speed.
Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, longstrider; Price 1,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Everlasting Rations

This small leather pouch contains enough trail rations to feed a Medium creature for one day. Every morning at sunrise the pouch magically creates another day's worth of rations.
Faint conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Price 350 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Healing Salve

This greasy, yellow, jellylike substance comes in a jar 3 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep. A single application smeared across a wound will cure 1d8+1 points of damage (as cure light wounds). A double application will cure 2d8+3 points of damage (as cure moderate wounds). A triple application will cure 3d8+5 points of damage (as cure serious wounds). No matter how much salve is used, each application takes a standard action to apply. A single jar has enough gel for ten single applications.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds; Price 2,250 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Horn, Rallying

Twice per day, this horn can be sounded in an attempt to rally troops. Anyone wielding one of these horns gets a +10 bonus on any rally check he attempts.
Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear; Price 3,600 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Horn of Plenty

This horn can be blown once per week to create a heroes' feast, as the spell, for twelve participants.
Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, heroes' feast; Price 12,960 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Horn of the Rider

This curved horn bears engravings of armed men on horseback, charging into battle. Three times per day, the user can attempt a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check to create one or more riders made of force energy. If the check fails, no riders are created, but it still counts as one of the horn's daily uses.
A lesser horn of the rider summons a single rider of force (as the spiritual charger spell). Each rider has a +5 attack bonus and deals 2d8+2 points of damage.
A greater horn of the rider summons three horsemen (as the spiritual cavalry spell). Each rider has a +11 attack bonus and deals 2d8+4 points of damage.
Moderate evocation (lesser) or strong evocation (greater); CL 6th (lesser) or 12th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, spiritual cavalry (greater) or spiritual charger (lesser); Price 18,000 gp (lesser) or 60,000 gp (greater).
Source: Heroes of Battle

Orb of Showers

This 8-inch-diameter glass sphere is similar to, but much weaker than, the orb of storms. Once per week, the possessor can call upon the orb to create a rain shower in a two-mile-radius circle around him.
The rain shower lasts for 24 hours. The orb has no effect indoors or underground. In cold climates, the orb creates sleet instead of rain.
Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather; Price 15,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Philosopher's Wool

This thick, milky cream protects the wearer from the dangers of hot weather and from fire-based attacks. To apply, the user spreads the cream over her face, neck, and any exposed flesh. Philosopher's wool completely protects creatures from the ill effects of very hot weather (temperatures between 90° and 110° F) and provides a +5 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves made when exposed to severe heat (temperatures above 110° F). In addition, these saving throws need only be made once per hour instead of every 10 minutes. Finally, philosopher's wool protects a creature from up to 60 points of damage from fire-based attacks. The effects of philosopher's wool wear off after 24 hours, or after the substance absorbs 60 points of damage from fire-based attacks. A 3-inch diameter, 1-inch deep jar of philosopher's wool has enough cream for five applications.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, protection from energy; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Portable Foxhole

When placed on a flat surface, this circular piece of canvas creates a shallow pit 5 feet square and 3 feet deep. The foxhole provides cover against ranged attacks. Items left in the foxhole when it is closed end up on top of the flat surface, since the portable foxhole is not an extradimensional storage item.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, move earth; Price 5,000 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Scrying Beacon

This button-sized item is usually crafted of ebony or jet. If a spellcaster spends 1 minute attuning himself to the beacon, he can choose for the next clairaudience/clairvoyance spell he casts to be centered on the beacon, as long as he is within one mile of it. Once this power has been used, the beacon becomes dormant until the caster attunes himself to it again.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Price 750 gp.
Source: Heroes of Battle

Items of the Planes

The vast array of wondrous items becomes even more diverse when these planar-related items are made available to characters and creatures in a campaign.

Boots of Gravity

These leather boots allow the wearer to choose the direction of gravity's pull on him and his equipment. The character can move normally on any solid surface by imagining 'down' as being whatever is below the boots. A character can make this decision once per round, as a free action. If the wearer of the boots drops an item, it falls toward the ground as normal.
The wearer of the boots can carry another living being, and so long as the wearer does not let go of the second character, that character's gravity is the same as the wearer's. However, as soon as the wearer releases the character, normal gravity takes over.
Technically, a character wearing boots of gravity can fly by choosing a solid surface and letting himself fall through the air toward it. A character 'flying' in this fashion moves at 60 feet per round. He can turn once per round thereafter by choosing a new 'down' and falling in that direction. A falling character loses all 'downward' momentum when he redefines his gravity.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; false gravity; Price 50,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Cloak of Shadow

This dark gray cloak appears to be made of diaphanous cloth that always seems to be fluttering slightly, as though in a breeze. When worn with the hood up, a cloak of shadow gives the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks in areas of shadowy illumination bus applies a -5 penalty in brightly lit areas. In addition, when the wearer is in complete darkness, he can become incorporeal once per day for up to 1 minute.
The cloak is actually a greater shadow, bound to the shape of a cloak by magic. Once per day, the wearer can command the shadow to come forth, and it does the wearer's bidding until slain, or until the wearer commands it to return to its cloak form. If the shadow is slain, it reverts to cloak form and can't be brought forth again for seven days (the cloak functions normally, but the shadow can't be activated during this time). If the cloak is destroyed, the shadow is destroyed forever. Should the wearer enter the Plane of Shadow, the greater shadow is free to act on its own-and may well attempt to slay its former master.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VIII, ethereal jaunt; Price 75,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Deck of Illusions, Planar

This set of parchment cards is usually found in an ivory, leather, or wooden box, A full deck consists of thirty-four cards. A planar deck of illusions appears identical to a regular deck of illusions. As with a regular deck, when a card is drawn at random and thrown to the ground, a major image of a creature is formed. The figment lasts until dispelled. The illusory creature cannot move more than 30 feet away from where the card landed, but otherwise moves and acts as if is were real. At all times, it obeys the desires of the character who drew the card. When the illusion is dispelled she card becomes blank and cannot be used again. If the card is picked up, the illusion is automatically and instantly dispelled. A regular deck of illusions produces illusions of creatures suitable to the environment of the Material Plane. The images of the creatures conjured with a planar deck of illusions have a significantly otherworldly focus. The cards in deck and the illusions they bring forth are summarized in Deck of Illusions. A randomly generated deck is usually complete (roll of 11-100 on d100), but maybe discovered (01-10) with 1d20 of its cards missing. If cards are missing, reduce the price by a corresponding amount.
Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Price 8,100 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Gate Compass

This item looks like an ordinary compass. Instead of pointing to true north, a gate compass points to an area envisioned by the holder (or to the nearest portal leading to the area). It has the same chance of being on target or off target as if it were casting a teleport spell. Once the compass points to an area (either correctly or incorrectly), it will continue to point consistently to the area until it reaches the area or goes to another plane.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, divination; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Gate Compass, Greater

As a gate compass, except that it always points correctly to the desired destination.
Moderate divination; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, find the path; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Ring Gates, Planar

Similar to ring gates, these items always come in pairs - two silver-etched iron rings, each about 5 feet in diameter. The rings must be on different planes of existence to function. Whatever is put through one ring comes our the other, and up to 10,000 pounds of material can be transferred each day. (Objects only partially pushed through and then retracted do not count.) This useful device allows for instantaneous transport of items or creatures. A character can reach through to grab items near the other ring or even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a character could stick his head through to look around. A spellcaster can cast a spell through a planar ring gate. Creatures of Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Small, or Medium size can pass through easily. A large creature can make a DC 15 Escape Artist check to slip through. Each ring has an 'entry side' and an 'exit side,' both marked with appropriate symbols.
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Price 200,000 gp; Weight 20 lb. each.
Source: Player's Handbook

Rope of Crossing

This seemingly ordinary rope enables planar travel across the layers of an Outer Plane. While holding one end of the rope, the bearer can hurl the other end up into the air, where it remains magically suspended, or drop the other end down from a height, such as a cliff or a tree. By moving up the rope, climbers can ascend to higher layers on their current plane; by moving down the rope, climbers can descend to lower layers of the plane. The rope magically lengthens or shortens, depending on how many layers the plane has.
Crossing from one layer to the next is accomplished by climbing 10 feet on the rope. When the climber reaches his destination, he merely steps off the rope, and he is on the new layer of the plane. The rope remains in place until the last climber steps off, at which point the bearer can recoil the rope.
If the plane restricts exit or entry via plane shift or similar magic, this item fails to function.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift; Price 90,000 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Sextant of the Planes

A sextant of the planes analyzes the environment to give the user a planar bearing. In essence, it determines what planar traits the plane exhibits.
When not in use, the sextant appears robe a brass sphere about 4 inches across, nestled into a round brass box about 8 inches in diameter, with designs inscribed over every surface. When the brass sphere is pulled upward, the device 'unfolds' to reveal the inner workings, including a series of crystal lenses and a myriad of control knobs and levers. This unfolding process takes 1 full round; restoring the sextant to its portable form takes the same amount of time.
Using a sextant of the planes takes 1 minute and reveals the following information.

  • Whether the gravity is normal, heavy, light, objective ('down' is always a specific direction), subjective ('down' is defined by each individual), or nonexistent.
  • Whether time passes at the normal rare, faster, slower, or erratically (randomly speeding up or slowing down), or whether time has any noticeable effect on the plane at all.
  • Whether the plane is infinite, finite, or self-contained (the edges of the plane wrap around).
  • Whether the plane's basic nature is alterable morphic (you can make changes by physical effort), static (the plane never changes), highly morphic (changing as a reaction to various stimuli), magically morphic (you can make changes by casting spells), divinely morphic (deities can change the plane), or sentient (the plane effects its own changes).
  • Whether the element of air, earth, fire, or water is dominant on the plane, or whether the plane is dominated positive or negative energy.
  • Whether the plane is aligned with good or evil, law or chaos, or neutrality, and whether the alignment is mild or strong.
  • Whether magic works normally on the plane, or is dead (nonexistent), wild (unpredictable in effect), impeded (spells are more difficult to cast), enhanced (cast as though with metamagic effects), or limited (only spells of certain schools, subschools, descriptors, or levels work).
  • The location of any portals within 60 feet of the sextant. A sextant does not reveal the name of the plane it is on, though its user can attempt a DC 18 Knowledge (the planes) check to determine which plane or planes this information corresponds to. When used within 30 feet of a portal, a sextant of the plane can be instructed to provide the same information about the plane on the far side of the portal, as well as whether the portal is one-way or two-way.

Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, analyze portal; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 12 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Vestments of Steadfast Spellcasting

Versions of this item can vary greatly in appearance, depending on the race of the garment's creator and the plane upon which it was made. Its appearance ranges from snowy white celestial robes to leaf-adorned, dirt-colored clothing suitable to the Beastlands. Vestments of steadfast spellcasting enable the wearer to ignore the magic trait of a plane (except for dead magic planes) and cast spells normally. Depending on the plane visited, the owner of the garment might find it to be of unparalleled utility or might choose to take it off to experience the enhanced spellcasting opportunities certain places afford.
Strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish or miracle; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Yeth Horn

This strangely shaped device is a musical instrument concocted of twisted tubes and miniature bellows. When sounded properly (requiring a DC 15 Perform (wind instruments) check), it replicates a yeth hound's bay. All creatures except evil outsiders within a 60-foot spread must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or become panicked for 2d6 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting feat effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature cannot be affected by the same yeth horn's sound for 24 hours.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear, creator must have 5 ranks in Perform (wind instruments); Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Player's Handbook

Shadow Magic

Collar Of Umbral Metamorphosis

This collar temporarily transforms you into a creature of shadow. A collar of umbral metamorphosis is a thick collar of black leather studded with onyx spikes and closed with a tarnished silver clasp. When activated, it seems to disappear into your shadowy flesh. A command word, such as 'fade' or 'darken,' both activates and deactivates the collar. This requires a standard action. A collar functions for up to 10 minutes per day, divided up as you see fit (but each use counts as 1 minute, minimum).
This item transforms you into a being of shadow bestowing the dark creature template.
Moderate transmutation. CL 11th. Craft Wondrous Item, shadow investiture; 5,400 gp, 432 XP, 11 days.
Variants: While some mystery users appreciate the cost savings associated with a command word item, others prefer a continuous collar of umbral metamorphosis. These items have a market price of 22,000 gp. Weight: 1 lb; Price: 10,800 gp.
Source: Tome of Magic

Dark Lantern

Designed by shadowcasters, a dark lantern sheds a mystical light in the form of shadowy illumination. This item is a hooded lantern, constructed of black iron with mithral filigree. Its crystalline panels are tinted bright gold. When lit, the lantern radiates shadowy illumination out to 60 feet. The light flickers more slowly than normal fire, and the crackle of the flames sounds more like plodding footsteps. You strike a light within, just as if it were a normal lantern. The lantern must have oil or other fuel. You also speak a command word, such as 'shadows' or 'darkness'. The activating process requires a full-round action. You can deactivate the lantern by opening it and blowing out the flame within (altogether a standard action).
A dark lantern sheds a mystic light that creates shadowy illumination, modifying the brightness of ambient light as well as spells of equal or lower level with the light or darkness descriptor.
Moderate evocation. CL 9th. Craft Wondrous Item, dusk and dawn, 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days. Weight: 2 lb. Price: 2,000 gp.
Source: Tome of Magic

Gem of Night

A gem of night is essentially a piece of solid shadow that can grow into a shadow elemental. The item appears to be a reflective black gemstone. It is a rough globe, covered in hundreds of tiny facets. It is vaguely cold to the touch and seems to absorb rather than reflect light. Anyone can benefit from a gem of night. To activate it, the gem must be crushed, smashed, or broken (a standard action).
The gem conjures a large shadow elemental under the control of the creature that broke the gem. The elemental is banished back to the Plane of Shadow after 13 rounds.
Moderate conjuration. CL 13th. Craft Wondrous Item, summon umbral servant, caster must begin with a gem mined or found on the Plane of Shadow, 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days. Weight: -; Price:1,500 gp.
Source: Tome of Magic

Orb of Shadow

Mystery users prize orbs of shadow as wizards do pearls of power. An orb of shadow appears to be a black pearl of average size and unusual luster. Once per day, you can speak a command word as a standard action to activate an orb. You must have the orb in your hand; drawing it out is a move action.
Like a pearl of power, this item allows a single extra use of a mystery, regardless of whether that mystery functions as a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. The mystery must be of a particular level, depending on the orb. Different orbs exist for recalling one mystery per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two mysteries per day (each of a different level, 6th or lower).
Strong transmutation; CL 17th. Craft Wondrous Item; creator must be able to cast mysteries of the mystery level to be recalled; 500 gp, 40 XP, 1 day (1st) 2,000 gp, 160 XP, 4 days (2nd); 4,500 gp, 360 XP, 9 days (3rd); 8,000 gp, 640 XP, 16 days (4th); 12,500 gp, 1,000 XP, 25 days (5th); 18,000 gp, 1,440 XP, 36 days (6th); 24,500 gp 1,960 XP, 49 days (7th); 32,000 gp, 2,560 XP, 64 days (8th); 40,500 gp, 3,240 XP, 81 days (9th); or 35,000 gp, 2,800 XP, 70 days (two mysteries).
Variants: Some mystery users prefer to set an orb of shadow into a ring. In this case. you need never draw out the orb, but it occupies space on your body as a ring. Weight: - ; Price:1,000 gp (1st), 4,000 gp (2nd), 9,000 gp (3rd), 16,000 gp (4th), 25,000 gp (5th), 36,000 gp (6th), 49,000 gp (7th), 64,000 gp (8th), 81,000 gp (9th), or 70,000 gp (two mysteries).
Source: Tome of Magic

Shroud of Night

A shroud of night grants you a number of shadow-oriented defenses. A shroud of night is a very lightweight cloth, made of a thin, gossamer material. It is always black or dark gray. When worn, it ripples slightly even in the absence of any wind or movement. The shroud wraps about the shoulders but occupies space on the body as a vest, not as a cloak. The deflection bonus is active constantly while the shroud is worn. Using dancing shadows or shadow skin requires a command word, such as 'nightfall' or 'obfuscate.'
A shroud of night grants you a +2 deflection bonus to AC. It can also cast the mysteries dancing shadows and shadow skin each once per day, on you only.
Faint abjuration, illusion. CL 5th. Greater shroud: Moderate abjuration, illusion (shadow), CL 11th. Craft Wondrous Item, dancing shadows, shadow skin, caul of shadow, 5,080 gp, 407 XP, 11 days. Greater shroud: Craft Wondrous Item, dancing shadows, shadow skin, caul of shadow, voyage into shadow, 18,315 gp, 1,466 XP, 37 days.
Variants: A greater shroud of night grants a +3 deflection bonus, and also enables you to use voyage into shadow once per day (self only). To do so, you must titter a command word (such as 'vanish') and wrap the shroud about yourself. Weight: 1 lb.; Price: 10,160 gp; Greater shroud: 36,630 gp.
Source: Tome of Magic

Truename Wondrous Items

Every truenamer with the resources to do so purchases an amulet of the silver tongue. Since making a Truespeak checks is so vitally important to the truenamer, the item is an absolute must-have.

Amulet Of The Silver Tongue

An amulet of the silver tongue makes its wearer better able to pronounce words clearly and correctly - a key aspect of the art of the truenamer. An amulet of the silver tongue depicts a grinning face with an open mouth. Naturally, most are fashioned from silver. Many have a pin on the back and are used as a cloak-clasp. An amulet's functions are subtle, although wearers seem to enunciate their words more clearly, whether they're uttering truenames or conversing normally. This item functions for any creature, but only those with the Truespeak skill benefit from wearing it. An amulet of the silver tongue provides its bonus as long as it's worn.
The lesser version of the amulet grants a +5 enhancement bonus on Truespeak checks. A greater amulet of the silver tongue grants a +10 enhancement.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, glibness, Truespeak 5 ranks (lesser) or Truespeak 10 ranks (greater), 1,250 gp lesser) or 5,000 gp (greater), 100 XP (lesser) or 400 XP (greater), 3 days (lesser) or 10 days (greater).
Variants: Divine spellcasters sometimes use vestments of the silver tongue (+625 gp for lesser and +5,000 gp for greater). Amulets are problematic for clerics and druids because so many wear periapts of Wisdom. Weight -. Price: 2,500 gp (lesser), 10,000 gp (greater).
Source: Tome of Magic


The native races of the Underdark range from almost human to alien monstrosities. Their wondrous items display a similar variety in form and function.

Amulet of Dark Blessing

Made from an iridescent black gemstone found in the Underdark, these amulets are identical in function to the devices surface dwellers know as amulets of Laeral's tears. These drow devices bestow 24 temporary hit points on the wearer. When those temporary hit points have been expended, the amulet crumbles into worthless dust.
12th; Craft Wondrous Item, aid, shield other; Market Price: 1,200 gp.
Source: City of the Spider Queen

Antimagic Torc

By speaking a command word, the wearer of this necklace can create an antimagic field, as the spell, centered on himself. This function is usable once per day.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field; Price 25,000 gp.
Source: Underdark

Assassin's Cloak

This long gray cloak has a black lining..
Three times per day, whenever you speak the command word, the assassin's cloak diminishes your presence, making you seem insignificant and unimportant. You gain a +10 competence bonus on Hide checks, and creatures must succeed on a DC 17 Will save to attack you. Those who succeed can attack you normally. This effect lasts 10 rounds or until you make an attack (as invisibility), whichever comes first.
9th; Craft Wondrous Item, heightened (5th) sanctuary. Market Price: 10,000 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) abjuration; Cost to Create: 5,000 gp, 400 XP, 10 days; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Belt Of The Reinforced Form

This wide belt is made of orange scaly leather. Despite its appearance, it is soft and pliable. The adamantine buckle is set with a strange teardrop gemstone that changes color in the light.

While you wear a belt of the reinforced form, whenever you are the target of a transmutation spell or spell-like effect, or some other transformative effect such as an aboleth's slime or a basilisk's petrifying gaze, you gain a +4 bonus on your saving throw.
In addition, once per day, when casting a transmutation spell with a casting time of 1 standard action on yourself, you can cast that spell as a swift action instead.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, haste; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) transmutation; Weight: 1 lb; Cost to Create: 2,700 gp, 216 XP, 6 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Boots of Tremorsense

The wearer can automatically sense the location of any creature or object within 30 feet that is in contact with the ground.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, tremorsense; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Underdark

Bottled Night

Inky black liquid swirls inside this fragile glass vial.
You can throw bottled night by making a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Upon impact, it instantly fills the area with magical darkness, granting concealment to all creatures in a 20-foot radius. The darkness lasts for 10 rounds.
Bottled night dispels any light spell of 2nd level or lower.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness. Market Price: 200 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 16) evocation; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 100 gp, 8 XP, 1 day.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Bracers Of Murder

Each of these burnished metal bracers is adorned with grinning skull set with onyx stones in its eye sockets.
Bracers of murder grant you a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against flat-footed targets.
If you have the death attack ability, the save DC to resist your death attack increases by 2.
If you have sneak attack or sudden strike, reroll any result of 1 on the dice.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor, creator must be evil; Market Price: 8,000 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 17) evocation; Weight: 3 lb.; Cost to Create: 4,000 gp, 200 XP, 8 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Cephalometer (Illithid)

This psionically empowered caliper measures a creature's head size via two inwardly curved, iron projections. These projections are connected at one end with a bolt that allows them to open or close. In addition, the caliper wielder can use dominate person and feeblemind (DC 17) each once per day on any willing or subdued creature whose head is between the projections. Fitting the calipers to a subject's head provokes an attack of opportunity.
In addition to the two powers noted above, a cephalometer applied to the head of a willing or subdued subject can conduct a mind probe once per day for up to 10 minutes. All the subject's memories and knowledge are accessible, from memories deep below the surface to those that are easily called to mind. The wielder can telepathically pose one question, and the caliper extracts the answer from the subject's brain and relays it directly to the wielder's mind. These answers are to the best of the subject's knowledge. The wielder and the subject do not need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield only appropriate visual images in answer to questions. The cephalometer may be used to probe a sleeping subject, though the subject may attempt a DC 17 Will save to wake after each question. Creatures protected by mind blank or those that are not affected by mind-affecting effects are immune to this mind probing.
Moderate enchantment and divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Universal Item, dominate person, feeblemind; Price 36,450 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Underdark

Circlet Of Spiderkind Command

Eight tiny silver spiders with ruby chips for eyes adorn this delicate circlet.
Three times per day, a circlet of spiderkind command allows you to issue psychic commands to spiderkind creatures. As a standard action, you can target a single spiderkind creature within 30 feet. The target is entitled to a DC 14 Will save to resist the command. If it fails, you can direct it to perform simple commands such as 'attack,' 'run,' and 'fetch.' If the spiderkind creature has the mindless special quality, you can order it to make suicidal or self-destructive commands.
Once you establish control, you can direct it with silent mental commands as long as you can see the affected creature. Changing a command is a move action.
As a daily use of this item, you can also cast giant vermin on any single spider within range.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dominate vermin, giant vermin. Market Price: 8,400 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) transmutation; Weight: 1 lb.; Cost to Create: 4,200 gp, 336 XP, 9 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Cloak of Stone

This mottled gray cloak grants the wearer a +5 circumstance bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. In addition, by speaking a command word, the wearer can merge with stone as though using the meld into stone spell twice a day.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, meld into stone; Price 20,800 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Underdark

Daylight Pellet

Within a thick black pouch, you see a handful of tiny ceramic beads. Thin veins of light shine through cracks in each bead.
This implement was devised by drow for use against other drow, but it is equally useful against any light-sensitive creature. A daylight pellet can be thrown up to 50 feet; when it lands, it shatters and creates illumination equivalent to a daylight spell, but with a duration of 10 rounds. These small stones are usually found in pouches containing 3d4 pellets. Using a pellet destroys it.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight. Market Price: 150 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 17) evocation; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 75 gp, 6 XP, 1 day.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Daylight Pellet

This nasty weapon was devised by drow for use against other drow, but it is equally useful against any light-sensitive creature. Daylight pellets are simply small pieces of glass, rock crystal, or igneous rock coated with grease and covered with clay, then baked until hard. When thrown (a standard action), a daylight pellet shatters on impact and activates a daylight spell.
Daylight pellets are usually found in pouches in quantities of 3d4 pellets.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight; Price 750 gp per pellet.
Source: Underdark


Drow matrons and other prominent drow use animated, 6-foot-diameter stone disks to travel in state for important ceremonies or occasions. Every so often an eccentric drow may even use a driftdisc as a bed. The disc can carry up to 300 pounds and fly at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability. Unattended driftdiscs customarily float 3 feet above a horizontal surface.
Each driftdisc is activated by a different command word. If he device is within voice range, the command word activates it, whether the speaker is on the disk or not. The disk can then be controlled telepathically by the creature that spoke the command word. Mentally commanding the disk is a free action, and the user can do so at a range of up to 120 feet. The user retains control of the disc until he uses another command word to deactivate it. At that point, another creature could speak the activating command word and take control of the driftdisc.
Once per day, the user can animate the driftdisc as though with an animate objects spell. The animated disc is a Large animated object with a fly speed of 90 feet and perfect maneuverability. As an animated object, it fights and moves as directed by its user.
Moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, detect thoughts, overland flight; Price: 113,760 gp; Weight: 1,500 lb.
Source: Underdark

Drow House Insignia

This metal token is normally worn on a chain or in a pouch tied around the neck, occupying the same space as a necklace. Each bears a symbol of a noble house from a particular drow city and requires a secret command word to activate. An insignia has a single minor magical ability that can be used once per day, usually a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-level spell. Those belonging to powerful drow often have multiple abilities of various power levels. Typical spells for a house insignia are blur, cat's grace, cloak of dark power, comprehend languages, feather fall, jump, levitate, read magic, scatterspray, shield, spider climb, unseen servant, and water breathing.
Each insignia is slightly different, even those from the same noble house, so a person aware of the unique shape of a person's insignia can magically locate that person.
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate spell; Market Price: 360 gp (1st-level ability), 2,160 (2nd-level ability), or 5,400 (3rd-level ability); Weight. -.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Drow House Insignia (Spell)

This small unusually shaped amulet bears a strange symbol.
Each drow house insignia (spell) is keyed to a specific noble house of a particular drow city, and is wrought to reflect the house that created it. Some might be stylized versions of crossbows, javelins, maces, or even just spiders.
A drow house insignia (spell) contains a single minor magical effect that can be used once per day, usually a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell, with the more powerful spells reserved for drow of significant station or influence.

These insignia typically contain one of the following spells: blur, cat's grace, comprehend languages, feather fall, jump, levitate, shield, spider climb, unseen servant, and water breathing. The aura of this item is of the same school as the spell it contains.
Since each insignia is slightly different - even those from the same noble house - a person aware of the unique shape of an individual insignia can magically locate that amulet with a scrying or similar spell.
Lore: A DC 15 Knowledge (local), or a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering) or bardic knowledge check reveals the house to which an insignia is keyed. Drow gain a +4 circumstance bonus on these checks.
CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate spell, creator must be a drow. Price (Item level): See table; Aura: Faint; (DC 17) see text; Weight: -; Cost to Create: See table.

(Item Level)
Cost to Create
1st620 gp (3rd)310 gp, 25 XP, 1 day
2nd3,300 gp (8th)1,650 gp, 132 XP, 4 days
3rd8,200 gp (12th)4,100 gp, 382 XP, 9 days

Source: Drow of the Underdark

Drow House Insignia (Transmitting)

This small, unusually shaped adamantine amulet bears a strange symbol.
Each drow house insignia (transmitting) is keyed to a specific noble house of a particular drow city, and is wrought to reflect the house that created it.
Three times per day, by speaking the command word, you can utter a short message into the item, which transmits it up to 1 mile away to another character wearing an insignia of the same house. The recipient hears the message in its mind.
To transmit the message, you must name the intended target as part of the command word. Should the target not be wearing its drow house insignia, the message is lost, but you have no way of knowing whether it successfully transmits or not.
Since each insignia is slightly different, even those from the same noble house, a person aware of the unique shape of an individual insignia can magically locate that amulet with a scrying or similar spell.
Lore: A DC 15 Knowledge (local), or a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering) or bardic knowledge check reveals the house to which this insignia is keyed. Drow gain a +4 circumstance bonus on these checks.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, whispering wind, creator must be a drow. Market Price: 500 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 16) transmutation; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 250 gp, 20 XP, 1 day.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Elixir Of The Unfailing Servant

Inside this bone flask is a noxious black fluid that stinks of rot. The flask itself resembles a screaming face, with a fat stopper in its mouth.
An elixir of the unfailing servant ensures that minions keep fighting, even in death. If you consume this vile concoction, any time within the next 8 hours that your hit points are reduced to O or lower, you are instantly slain. On the following round, you rise as a zombie with the instructions to attack any non-drow you encounter.
CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, death knell, creator must be evil. Market Price: 750 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) necromancy; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 375 gp, 30 XP, 1 day.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Eyes of the Spider

This device fits on the head in such a way that it covers the wearer's left eye. Eight rubies are set into its silver surface, starting directly over the covered eye and rising in a line toward the top of the head. The jagged shape of the item is reminiscent of a spider's legs. A character wearing eyes of the spider cannot also wear a pair of eye lenses or goggles (though he or she can wear a single eye lens, such as a single eye of charming or eye of doom) or a headband, hat, or helmet.
When the eyes of the spider are first put on, the device extends a protrusion into the wearer's left eye socket. This causes excruciating pain and deals 2d6 points of damage. Once this occurs, the device cannot be removed until the wearer is dead.
Three times per day, the wearer of the eyes of the spider may use a standard action to make a gaze attack identical to the corrupting gaze ability of some ghosts. The range of the attack is 30 feet, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or take 2d10 points of damage plus 1d4 points of Charisma drain.
The character gains the benefits of a continual true seeing spell (the divine version) to a range of 120 feet. Because the device also grants all-around vision, the wearer cannot be flanked and gains a +4 bonus on Spot and Search checks.
Finally, the eyes of the spider make the wearer immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
CL 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, eyebite, circle of death, prying eyes; Market Price: 212,000 gp; Weight: -.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Fang Scarab

A fang-shaped crystal dangles from a loop of finely wrought silver chain in the center of this spiderweb medallion. When the chain is used to wrap the fang scarab around a monstrous spider's waist (the juncture of its cephalothorax and its abdomen), the creature can hear Lolth's dark whispers in its subconscious. This gives it an instinctive knowledge of what the next moment will bring, which manifests as a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls. (This ability does not function during Lolth's silence.)
Because the fang scarab is designed for spiders, it's not useful to most adventurers. A nonspider can make a fang scarab function with a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 25), but doing so also fuses it permanently to its user's neck, near the Adam's apple. Nothing short of the wearer's death can then remove it.
Though the fang scarab grants its wearer the same attack bonus that it would to a spider, it also initiates a metamorphosis that can change the wearer into a half-spider abomination over time. When the scarab first attaches itself, the wearer's canine teeth enlarge and coarse black hairs appear on the back of his or her neck. No further changes occur until the character attains levels in the fang of Lolth prestige class.
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, divination; Market Price: 3,500 gp; Weight. -.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Figurines of Illusory Escort

In the Underdark, looking too tough to challenge is often the best way to win a fight. Each of these figurines appears to be a miniature humanoid about 1 inch high. To activate it, the user must speak the correct command word and specify a humanoid or monstrous humanoid race and a gender of each figurine, as well as whether it should appear to be a slave in leg chains or a guard with armor and weapons typical for the race. The figurine then produces a major image of the specified creature, which cannot move more than 30 feet away from the figurine. The figment lasts for 8 hours, after which the figurine cannot be used again for 1 day.
Slave figures can be commanded to march, do chores, or mine. Guard figures can be commanded to either march or stand guard. The illusion cloaking these figures randomizes and varies their movements, so that each figure appears to act as an individual.
These figures act in their programmed manner, regardless of circumstance, so they are usable only as a preventive measure. The ruse can work well enough in a calm situation, but if a combat does occur, the figures continue to do their chores or stand guard - inappropriate actions under the circumstances.
Moderate illusion; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Price 6,500 gp per figurine.
Source: Underdark

Figurines of Wondrous Power

Each figurine of wondrous power appears to be a miniature statuette of a creature an inch or so high (with one exception). When the figurine is tossed down and the correct command word spoken, it becomes a living creature of normal size (except when noted otherwise below). The creature obeys and serves its owner. Unless stated otherwise, the creature understands Common but does not speak.
If a figurine of wondrous power is broken or destroyed in its statuette form, it is forever ruined. All magic is lost; its power departed. If slain in animal form, the figurine simply reverts to a statuette that can be used again at a later time.

  • Jasper Spider: When animated, a jasper spider has all the statistics of a Large monstrous spider (Hit Dice, AC, carrying capacity, speed, and so on). It can make no attacks, but a Medium or smaller creature can ride it. The spider remains for up to 12 hours per use. After 12 hours have passed, or when the command word is spoken, the jasper spider again becomes a statuette and cannot be activated again for 24 hours.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Price 5,000 gp.
  • Sardonyx Stone Flyer: This statuette becomes a normal adult stone flyer that can be used as a mount when the command word is spoken. It can make no attacks, but a Medium or smaller creature can ride it. If slain in combat, the stone flyer cannot be brought back from statuette form for one full tenday. Otherwise, it can be used once per day for up to 1 hour at a time.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects; Price 16,500 gp.
  • Porphyry Snake: This dark, purplish-red stone winged snake is coiled as if ready to strike. When activated, the porphyry snake becomes a normal winged viper who obeys your every command. The item can be used twice per week for up to 6 hours per use. When 6 hours have passed, when you speak the command word again, or if the winged viper is reduced to 0 hit points, the porphyry snake once again becomes a tiny statue.
    Faint transmutation, CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, summon monster III; 8,000 gp, 640 XP, 16 days. Weight: 2 lb. Price 16,000 gp.

Source: Underdark

Fire Elemental Gem

This red or orange gem contains a conjuration spell attuned to the Elemental Plane of Fire. When the gem is crushed, smashed, or broken (a standard action), a fire elemental (Small, Medium-size, Large, Huge, greater, or elder) appears as if summoned by a summon monster spell. The elemental is under the control of the creature that broke the gem.
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster III (Small), V (Medium-size), VI (Large), VII (Huge), VIII (greater), or IX (elder); Market Price: 750 gp (Small), 2,250 gp (Medium-size), 3,300 gp (Large), 4,550 gp (Huge), 6,000 gp (greater), 7,650 gp (elder); Weight. -.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Gauntlet of Disintegration

The simple appearance of this single leather glove belies its power. Once per day, it can affect a target as though with the disintegrate spell (DC 19). In addition, a +2 luck bonus applies to any saving throw the wearer makes against a disintegration spell or effect.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate; Price 27,650 gp.
Source: Underdark

Gloom Mask

This black mask seems to absorb the light around it. It is cool to the touch.
Three times per day, you gain the ability to see in darkness out to 30 feet. This sight penetrates all forms of darkness, even that created by a deeper darkness spell; the effect lasts for 5 rounds.
In addition, three times per day, any spell or spell-like ability up to 3rd level with the darkness descriptor that you cast functions as if you had cast it with the Widen Spell metamagic feat.
CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, darkvision, deeper darkness. Market Price: 3,000 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) evocation; Weight: - ; Cost to Create: 1,500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Gloves of Burrowing

These gloves appear ordinary, but when the correct command word is spoken, they stiffen and allow the wearer to burrow as if affected by a burrow spell. This effect lasts for up to 10 minutes each day.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, burrow; Price 14,400 gp.
Source: Underdark

Glove of Venom

The wielder of this snakeskin or spiderfur glove can speak a command word to envenom it, as though with the poison spell, up to three times per day. A successful touch attack with the envenomed glove delivers the poison (Fort DC 16). The initial and secondary damage is 1d10 points of Constitution damage.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Price 31,500 gp.
Source: Underdark

Hand of Kiaransalee's Glory

Very similar to the hand of glory, this item is a mummified drow hand with a silver ring on each finger. As with the hand of glory, a magic ring placed on one of the fingers (as a replacement for one of the silver rings) functions normally for the character who wears the hand.
In addition, each of the five silver rings allows the wearer of the hand to use a specific spell effect. Each ring can produce one of the following effects once per day: deeper darkness, see invisibility, ray of enfeeblement, chill touch, and spectral hand. If the wearer replaces one of the five silver rings with another magic ring, he or she must sacrifice one of these spell effects in order to replace it with the magic ring's power. If removed from the hand, the silver rings have no magical power.
CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, chill touch, deeper darkness, ray of enfeeblement, see invisibility, spectral hand; Market Price: 19,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Lenses of Clarity

The wearer of these lenses gains a +4 insight bonus on saving throws against all spells with the charm, compulsion, or glamer descriptors. The lenses also reduce any miss chance the target might have when attacking an opponent with concealment from a glamer spell (such as blur and displacement) by 10%. For example, a creature wearing lenses of clarity that attacks an opponent protected by a displacement spell suffers only a 40% miss chance instead of the customary 50%.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clarity of mind; Price 12,000 gp; Weight -.
Source: Underdark

Lurker Cloak

This mottled gray cloak strongly resembles stone. Upon speaking the correct command word, the wearer is transformed into a lurker as though with the polymorph spell, for 7 minutes. The cloak can be used twice per day.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Underdark

Mantle of Energy Resistance

This garment is made of silky, smooth cloth woven through with strands of colored thread. The color of the thread corresponds to the type of energy the cloak resists: green for acid, white or blue for cold, yellow for electricity, red for fire, and black or iridescent for sonic. The cloak grants the wearer energy resistance 10 against the indicated type of energy. A basic mantle of energy resistance protects against only one type of energy, but more expensive ones that protect against multiple energy types are also popular.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy; Price 18,000 gp (one energy type), -4,000 gp (two energy types), 90,000 gp (three energy types), 126,000 gp (four energy types), 162,000 gp (all five energy types); Weight 1 lb.
Source: Underdark

Mask Of The Matriarch

This obsidian mask has been fashioned into the likeness of a drow female. Framing the face are eight straps that hold the mask in place on the wearer's head.
Three times per day, you can make a gaze attack (DMG 294) against all creatures that can clearly see you and are within 30 feet. Those who fail a DC 20 Will save cower in fear for 1 round and are shaken on the following round. Your gaze remains effective for 1 round.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, imperious glare. Market Price: 9,000 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 20) necromancy; Weight: 5 lb.; Cost to Create: 4,500 gp, 360 XP, 9 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Messenger Medallion

A messenger medallion resembles a small metal cone on a slender chain and can be worn as a necklace. Once per day, the wearer can speak a command word to send a message and receive a brief reply, as though with the ending spell.
Moderate evocation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, sending; Price 10,000 gp.
Source: Underdark

Mother's Corset

Woven into this black corset is purple thread suggestive of webbing.
Up to 20 minutes each day (which you can split up as you choose), you can cause the mother's corset to sprout eight spider legs from your body. You gain a climb speed of 30 feet and a +8 bonus on Climb checks. While under this effect, you can take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, spiderform, creator must be a drow. Market Price: 7,200 gp; Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) transmutation; Weight: 1 lb.; Cost to Create: 3,600 gp, 288 XP, 8 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Piwafwi, Lesser or Greater

The dark-colored greater piwafwi is a cloak that has all the abilities of a cloak of elvenkind, and it also provides the benefit of endure elements (fire), negating 5 points of fire damage per round. (Lesser piwafwi are simply cloaks of elvenkind.)
CL 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, invisibility, creator must be a drow; Market Price: 6,100 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Robe of Gentle Repose

This simple garment is favored by intelligent corporeal undead, particularly liches. It surrounds the wearer with a constant gentle repose effect, preventing all decay of his or her corporeal form.
CL 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Rope of Climbing, Superior

This item functions exactly like a rope of climbing, except that it also grants the climber a +5 enhancement bonus on Climb checks.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope; Price 5,500 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source: Underdark

Shadow Cloak

This black cloak writhes as if it were alive.
A shadow cloak grants a +1 deflection bonus to AC.
If you are attacked, you can use the cloak three times per day to produce one or the other of the following effects. You can gain concealment for 1 round, or you can teleport to a space you can see clearly up to 10 feet in any direction.
CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, dimension hop, mage armor. Market Price: 5,500 gp; Aura: Strong; (DC 21) conjuration, illusion; Weight: 1 lb.; Cost to Create: 2,750 gp, 220 XP, 6 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Skullcap Of Eyes

This iron skullcap is wrought to appear as if it were covered in eyes.
As long as you wear a skullcap of eyes, you gain a +5 competence bonus on Spot checks. In addition, opponents gain no bonus on attacks when they flank you. If you have Improved Uncanny Dodge, the level your opponent needs to flank you increases by 2.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, combat readiness. Market Price: 5,500 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 16) divination; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 2,750 gp, 220 XP, 6 days.
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Spider Mask

Four spiderlike, jointed, wire legs protrude from either side of this black velvet mask. The wearer of a spider mask gains darkvision out to 60 feet and a +5 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against any sort of spiderkind poison. The wearer is also immune to entrapment by web spells or webs of any sort in fact; she can actually move in webs at one-half her normal speed.
Faint conjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, neutralize poison; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. -
Source: Underdark

Sun Flash Pellet

Like daylight pellets, sun flash pellets are simply small pieces of glass, rock crystal, or igneous rock coated with grease and covered with clay, then baked until hard. When thrown (a standard action), a sun flash pellet shatters on impact and activates a sunburst spell. These items are especially useful against creatures vulnerable to sunlight, such as vampires.
Due to the high cost of these items, it is rare to find more than a single pellet at a time.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, sunburst; Price 6,000 gp per pellet.
Source: Underdark

Tentacle Extension (Illithid)

This item is designed for use by illithids, though any tentacled creature may use one. A single tentacle extension appears as a flexible, 5-foot length of iron composed of many thin iron threads. A razor-sharp blade is attached to the end, and a small duct runs throughout the length of the extension to convey an illithid's natural flesh-dissolving enzymes to the tip.
A tentacle extension grants a tentacled wearer a +2 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls made for that tentacle and increases its base damage die by one step. For illithids, this means that a tentacle attack with a tentacle extension deals base damage of 1d6 instead of 1d4 points. A tentacle extension increases its wearer's reach by 6 feet. A creature with multiple tentacles can wear multiple extensions, if desired.
Strong evocation and transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, tentacled creature; Price 32,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Underdark

Trackless Boots

These boots look rather ordinary, though of fine make.
While you wear trackless boots, Survival checks made to follow your trail have a -5 circumstance penalty. In addition, creatures with scent cannot use this ability to detect you.
CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, camouflage. Market Price: 1,000 gp; Aura: Faint; (DC 16) transmutation; Weight: -; Cost to Create: 500 gp, 40 XP, 1 day
Source: Drow of the Underdark

Web Choker (Drow)

Strung of barbs and black webbing, with nine gray spheres depending from it, this choker is considered high fashion for drow priestesses. The wearer (and only the wearer) can detach and hurl the spheres up to 70 feet. When a sphere arrives at the end of its trajectory, it bursts, generating a web effect (DC 14). Once all nine spheres have been used, the web choker is nothing other than a simple choker.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, web; Price 2,700 gp.
Source: Underdark

Wondrous Items of the Martial Adepts

The wondrous items presented here can be used both by martial adepts and by those who have no knowledge of the martial disciplines.

Antimagic Shackles

These adamantine manacles fit any Small to Large creature and create an antimagic field to a radius of 5 feet when they are fastened. The DC to slip out of the shackles is 28, but breaking them is nearly impossible, requiring a DC 40 Strength check.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field; Price 132,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Incense of Consecration

When burned in a censer or thurible, the smoke from this incense creates a consecrate effect in a 20-foot emanation. For the duration of the effect, the censer or thurible can be moved, moving the area of the consecrate as well. The incense burns for 6 hours, after which it loses all magical properties.
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate; Price 300 gp; weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Retributive Amulet

This amulet provides a +2 sacred bonus to AC. In addition, when the wearer takes damage from a melee attack made with a natural or hand-held weapon, the damage is divided equally between the attacker and the target. If the damage is an odd number, the extra point of damage goes to the attacker.
The retributive amulet deals the same types of wounds upon the attacker that the wearer receives, but only damage to hit points. For example, a rogue who uses a poisoned dagger to stab the amulet's wearer would receive an identical gash in the same spot as the wearer, butt would not suffer ability loss from the weapon's poison.
The amulet must be worn to function; it needs no command word for activation.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, shield other; Price 56,000 gp.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds


Shackles of Silence

Box Stalker Weight Lifting Belt

These wrought-iron manacles fit any Small to Large creature. They exude a silence effect in a radius just large enough to contain the creature they hold a 2 1/2-foot radius for a Small or Medium creature, a 5-foot radius for a Large creature. However, if the creature bound by them escapes without opening them - by slipping out of the shackles or breaking them the silence effect ends and the shackles ring for 1 round, as the effect of an alarm spell's audible alarm. The DC to break or slip out of the shackles is 28.
Faint abjuration and illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, silence; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Starmantle Cloak

This draping black cloak turns into a sparkling mantle of tiny, cascading stars when worn. The cloak sheds light as a torch, renders the wearer impervious to nonmagical weapon attacks, and transforms any nonmagical weapon or missile that strikes the wearer into harmless light, destroying it. Contact with the starmantle does not destroy magic weapons or missiles, but the starmantle's wearer is entitled to a DC 15 Reflex save each time he is struck by such a weapon; success indicates that the wearer takes only half damage from the attack.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, starmantle; Price 132,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Thurible of Consecration

Workout Weight Belt

Each of these golden censers is sacred to a particular deity whose symbol appears on it. When a cleric of that deity burns incense of consecration in the thurible and carries it, the effects of the incense are increased as though an altar or similar fixture were in the area of the consecration spell, doubling its effects. If a cleric of a different deity uses the thurible, it has no special effect.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate, creator must be a cleric of the deity to whom the thurible is sacred, Price 5,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Trumpet of Doom

This small brass trumpet is engraved with interwoven patterns of feathers and flames. The trumpet emits a haunting blare that fills evil enemies with a terrible sense of dread. All evil creatures within 100 feet that can hear the trumpet's blare are shaken for 1 minute (DC 14 Will save negates). The trumpet can be blown up to three times per day.
Moderate necromancy; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, doom; Price 7,185 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Trumpet of Healing

This finely wrought trumpet plays beautifully in the hands of any talented trumpeter. Invoking any of its magic, however, requires playing the horn uninterrupted for a full round and making a DC 15 Perform Wind Instruments) check. The trumpeter can employ the trumpet three times per day, selecting from the following powers for each use: remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, cure serious wounds, or neutralize poison. These powers affect all creatures within 360 feet of the horn. In addition, the trumpet can heal a single creature within hearing range of the uplifting song once per day. Evil creatures cannot benefit from these effects; in fact, they hear nothing at all when the horn plays. The trumpeter cannot personally benefit from the trumpet healing powers.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, heal, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, creator must be good; Price 115,440 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Vambraces of Evil's Warding

These golden bracers are engraved with holy runes and fit snugly over the arms of any creature that dons them. Ranged attacks made by evil creatures against the wearer take a -4 penalty.
An evil creature that dons the vambraces of evil's warding takes 2d6 points of damage per round.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from arrows, creator must be good; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Book of Exalted Deeds

Beholder Items

Dimensional Pocket

This item is, in essence, a bag of holding in the form of a pocket. When placed against a surface, whether fabric, skin, or bone, and a command word is spoken, the pocket adheres to the surface and can only be removed by speaking the command word once more. Once attached, the pocket is invisible to the eye, but the wearer is always aware of its location and can reach for it unerringly. A see invisibility or true seeing effect reveals the pocket's presence, and detect magic can reveal its magical aura. However, the auras of items within the pocket cannot be detected with detect magic unless the pocket is open.
Beholders use dimensional pockets to carry important objects and to conceal magic items and weapons from foes. It can hold up to 1,000 pounds and has a volume of 150 cubic feet. The mouth of the pocket can expand to fit items up to 1 foot across.
A dimensional pocket cannot be removed unless the command word is spoken or the wearer dies, but contact with the extradimensional space to which the pocket is connected can be suppressed with a targeted dispel magic or antimagic effect. A favorite tactic of beholders fighting beholder spellcasters is to use their antimagic cones to prevent their enemies from accessing their dimensional pockets.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's secret chest; Price 9,000 gp.
Source: Dragon #313

Eye Tyrant's Lens

This 3-foot-wide glass lens is designed to strengthen and focus the power of a beholder's eye rays. When not in use, it is usually set in a wooden, stone, or ivory stand. As a free action, a beholder can lift a lens with its telekinesis ray, hold it over any other eyestalk it desires, and discharge a single eye ray through it. Use of this lens increases the save DC for the eye ray's effect by +2 and doubles its range. Another, smaller version of this item fits as a cap over one of the beholder's eyestalks. A beholder can potentially wear one of these on each of its available eyestalks. These fitted lens caps cost twice as much as the standard sort.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of force; Price 7,000 gp (standard) or 14,000 gp (fitted).
Source: Dragon #313

Ocular Gems

These fist-sized gems gleam with the shimmering magical energy that boils within them. A beholder can fit one of these items into an eyestalk's place by pulling the stalk slightly back into its body to create a shallow socket in its hide. Wearing an ocular gem grants a beholder the use of a new supernatural ability from the list below that operates just like its other eye rays. In theory, a beholder could use as many as ten ocular gems by retracting all its eyestalks, but few beholders are willing to give up all their racial eye rays. Unless otherwise specified, the ability granted by the gem has a range of 150 feet. Other races cannot use ocular gems.

  • Mind Fog: The target of this ray must make a DC 17 Will save or be affected as though by a mind fog spell when struck by this ghostly white ray.
    Faint enchantment; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, mind fog; Price 63,000.
  • Poison: The beholder shoots forth a sickly greenish-brown ray that delivers an effect identical to a poison spell. The Fortitude save DC for this ray is 16.
    Faint necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Price 39,200 gp.
  • Ray of Exhaustion: The black ray that shoots from this gem tires targets and makes it more difficult for them to flee. This gem is commonly used when a beholder wants to take prisoners. The Fortitude save DC for this ray is 14.
    Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, ray of exhaustion; Price 21,000 gp.
  • Stone to Flesh: Many beholders favor using this ability in conjunction with flesh to stone for the purpose of claiming captives. The Fortitude save DC for this ray is 19.
    Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, stone to flesh; Price 92,400 gp.

Source: Dragon #313

Wondrous Vile Items

Belt of the Dread Emperor

If a willing (or dominated or helpless) humanoid creature is attached to the wearer of this belt by a chain and a manacle (see armor of the Dread Emperor), the wearer can draw energy from that creature to power spells. The belt of the Dread Emperor functions for all spellcasters who prepare spells (including clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and wizards). The belt enables the wearer to recall a prepared spell, even if the spell has already been cast, as long as the spell was among those he most recently prepared. For each spell recalled, the chained creature takes damage equal to the square of the spell's level: A recalled 1st-level spell deals 1 point of damage, a 2nd-level spell deals 4 points, a 3rd-level spell deals 9 points, and so on, up to a 9th-level spell that deals 81 points of damage. If the chained creature does not have enough hit points left to power a desired spell, the spell fails and the creature dies.
CL: 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be able to cast 9th-level spells; Market Price: 120,000 gp; weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Collar of Venom

A creature wearing this heavy iron collar gives all of its natural attacks an additional poison attack (Fort DC 14) that deals 1d10 points of Constitution damage as its initial and secondary damage.
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Market Price: 50,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Collar of Virulent Venom

As a collar of venom, except that this collar's poison is harder to resist (Fort DC 20).
CL: 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, poison; Market_Price: 138,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Dark Altar Stone

This piece of black granite, if used as an altar or part of an altar, can be commanded to absorb the soul of a victim sacrificed upon that altar. The soul is stored as if in a gem as a part of a trap the soul spell. It can be called forth and used in the various ways described in the Souls as Power section of Chapter 2 (Book Of Vile Darkness). A dark altar stone can store only one soul at a time.
CL: 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, trap the soul; Market Price: 150,000 gp; Weight: 100 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Elixir of the Dark Speech

This allows the imbiber to speak and understand the Dark Speech as if he possessed the feat of the same name. This elixir deals 1 point of Strength damage when used. The speech effect lasts for 10 minutes.
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, dread word; Market Price: 750 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Fanatic's Collar

When worn by a willing creature, this spiked iron collar allows the wearer to choose another creature to dominate it, as the spell dominate monster.
CL: 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, dominate monster; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Flesh Ring of Scorn

When this ring is pierced into the flesh of an evil outsider, it allows the outsider to automatically score a critical hit against a non-outsider whenever the threat of a critical hit is indicated.
CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, corrupt weapon; Market Price: 8,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Gem of Psychic Poison

This gem, when in the possession of a creature, poisons that creature so that anyone casting a mind-affecting or divination spell at the creature is affected with a psychic poison (see Chapter 3 Book of Vile Darkness) that deals 1d6 points of Intelligence damage as both initial and secondary damage.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, psychic poison; Market Price: 28,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Heaven's Thorn

Despite its sharp point, this dark green, dagger-sized thorn makes a poor weapon because it is too brittle and fragile. However, when it breaks against the flesh of a good-aligned outsider (requiring a touch attack), it releases terrible energy that stuns the target for 1d4 rounds (no save, but spell resistance applies).
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, power word stun, creator must be evil; Market Price: 4,550 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Hook of Dissolution

This wicked metal hook is about 9 inches long. If thrust into a helpless opponent, that opponent slowly disintegrates over a period of 3 rounds (Fort DC 22 negates). This ability works on organic inanimate objects as well as creatures. It can be used three times per day.
CL: 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, wall of chains; Market Price: 14,400 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Iron Maiden of Preservation

This coffinlike torture device is filled with spikes that pierce the flesh of anyone placed inside. It deals 1d6 points of damage per round to the prisoner within. It also heals 1d6 points of damage per round, however, but only if that damage was dealt by its own spikes. Thus, the prisoner inside is not likely to die soon, despite the constant pain and terrible wounds continually being inflicted and then healed.
CL: 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, heal; Market Price: 7,000 gp; Weight: 550 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Maggot Harvester

This 6-inch Vasharan orb appears to be made from teeth and bones. When held above a rotting, maggot-infested corpse for 1 round, it draws the maggots into itself. The maggots can then be used to allow the wielder to speak and understand the Dark Speech (see Chapter 2 Book of Vile Darkness) for 1 minute.
CL: 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, tongues, creator must be evil; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Necklace of Demons

This necklace has eight small black spheres attached to it that can be easily removed (a move-equivalent action). When removed from the necklace and tossed upon the ground (or any hard surface), the sphere shatters, summoning a demon that remains for 10 rounds. Different spheres summon different kinds of demons. Two of the spheres summon 2d4 dretches, two summon 1 quasit each, one summons 1 succubus, two summon 1 vrock each, and one summons 1 hezrou.
CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IX; Market Price: 28,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Nipple Clamp of Exquisite Pain

The wearer of this ring is immune to debilitating pain effects such as the circle of nausea spell. He is also immune to the wrack spell. He is not immune to actual damage described as pain, such as that found in eyes of the zombie, however. The clamp converts all pain into a pleasurable sensation. This item does not change how or whether the character takes damage, but it does change how he might react to it.
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, masochism; Market Price: 8,000 gp.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Oil of the Lamia

Said to have been created by an evil lamia wizard, this concoction makes magic items more powerful. When applied to a magic item that produces an effect requiring a foe to make a saving throw, the oil increases the DC of the saving throw by +2 if the foe is of good alignment. The oil lasts for 1 hour. The oil is held in a small flask and will coat one item, no matter the size.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dispel evil; Market Price: 2,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Pain Extractor

This strange device consists of a flat metal plate about 6 inches square lined with barbed hooks. A thin, flexible tube extends from the plate to an adjustable nozzle that could attach to a variety of flasks, bottles, or other containers. Over the course of one day this device can extract pain in liquid form from a creature being tortured or otherwise suffering terrible physical torment. This physical manifestation of pain can be used to power magical items or enhance spells (see Pain as Power in Chapter 2 Book of Vile Darkness). It can also be used as a potent drug.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, liquid pain; Market Price: 64,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Piercing Needles of Pain

These three needles must be used together to gain any effect. If all three pierce the flesh of a creature (each dealing 1 point of damage that can't be healed until it is removed), the pained creature can give feelings of intense pain to others by touch. The painful touch produces the effect of a wrack spell (Fort DC 15 negates).
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, wrack; Market Price: 35,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Pipe of Grief

This long smoking pipe, when filled with tobacco and lighted, can create a single 5-foot-radius cloud that remains for 3d8 minutes, once per day. The cloud stays in place for the duration unless acted on by a magical force such as a gust of wind. Anyone within the cloud except the user must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or take a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 10 rounds.
CL: 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, wave of grief; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Psychic Poison Oil

Each type of psychic poison comes in the form of an oil that can be sprinkled upon the creature, object, or 25-foot-radius area to be poisoned.

PoisonTypeInitial DmgSecondary DmgCLMarket Price
Darin-tasithCreature1d6 Int1d6 Int7th1,400 gp
KaradrachCreature1d6 Wis1d6 Wis 7th1400 gp
EstadrachCreature1d8 Wis2d8 Wis9th1,800 gp
StraddaCreature or object1d6 Cha1d6 Cha8th1,600 gp
NishitaObject1d6 Int1d6 lot7th1400 gp
VashitaObject1d6 Wis1d6 Wis7th1,400 gp
LanshitaObject2d6 Cha2d6 Cha11th2,200 gp
Blue unlynArea1d6 Int1d6 Int8th1,600 gp
Red unlynArea1d6 Wis1d6 Wis8th1,600 gp
Amber unlynArea1d6 Cha1d6 Cha8th1,600 gp
Violet unlynArea1d6 Int2d6 Int10th2,000 gp
Black unlynArea1d6 Int,
1d6 Wis,
1d6 Cha
1d6 Int,
1d6 Wis
1d6 Cha
13th2,600 gp

CL: See above; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be at least 13th level; Market Price: See above. Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Quiver of Lies

This 3-inch-long quiver holds no arrows or bolts. It fits around the wrist, like a bracelet. If the wearer holds a bow or crossbow and speaks a lie, an arrow or bolt (whichever is appropriate) appears in the wearer's hand, ready for use. The arrow or bolt only lasts for 10 rounds.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation; Market Price: 12,000 gp. Weight: -
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Rack of Irresistible Torture

This torture device, when used on a victim, provides a +10 bonus on the Intimidate check made by the torturer.
CL: 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 275 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Skull of Fear

This ebony skull is fashioned so it can be mounted on armor, a weapon haft, or a staff or pole. It gives the wearer or wielder an aura of fear, so that anyone coming within 10 feet is affected as if by a fear spell (Will DC 16 negates). The wearer or wielder can raise or lower the aura with a command word.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear; Market Price: 70,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Slime Pot

This small black pot has a removable lid and an iron handle. If the pot is filled with water and some decaying organic matter (a dead rat, a severed hand, or something of similar size) within 24 hours a patch of green slime grows there. By carefully dumping out the contents of the pot (a standard action), the slime pot's owner can place the patch of slime where she wants it. She has no special control over or immunity to the slime, however.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster IV; Market Price: 11,200 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Spiralburst Bottle

This is a sort of magic weapon contained within a glass bottle until it is used. Opening or shattering the bottle (often by throwing it like a flask of acid or alchemist's fire) unleashes the spiralburst. The spiralburst is a portal to the Ethereal Plane that is only about 1/2 inch wide. This portal has an almost limitless amount of pull, sucking a single creature or object through the gate unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 30). If the bottle bursts against something, the object it shatters against is the target. If the bottle is opened, the opener is the target. The spiralburst only pulls up to 10 cubic feet through, so if the object or creature is larger than that, only a portion of it is pulled through.
The weapon gets its name because the target drawn through the portal is sucked through in a spiral pattern. For most living creatures, this is a blood-red spiral as their body is liquefied into a spiral-shaped stream, then drawn through the very small portal in a single round. Objects, unless they are extraordinarily malleable, are destroyed. Creatures die instantly unless they are amorphous (such as oozes). Even objects and creatures that survive are lost on the Ethereal Plane. The spiralburst disappears after a single use.
CL: 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, sympathy, gate; Market Price: 19,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Symbol of Demogorgon

This unholy symbol, dedicated to the Prince of Demons, is worn as an amulet. It provides a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and allows the owner to cast rotting curse of Urfestra with no corruption cost. The caster must still prepare the spell normally; if he does not prepare spells, this aspect of the symbol cannot be used.
CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, rotting curse of Urfestra; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Tongue Studs of Hell Breath

These golden studs, pierced through the tongue, turn normal breath passing over them into a 50-foot line of hellfire three times per day. This hellfire deals 3d6 points of unholy (not fire) damage. There is no saving throw.
CL: 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, hellfire; Market Price: 35,000 gp; Weight: -
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Vasharan Offal Bag

This big burlap sack is filled with dung that always remains fresh and odoriferous. If someone empties the bag, it loses all its power. Otherwise, a nonflying giant cockroach can be called out of the bag once per day to serve the bag holder. The giant cockroach remains for 1 hour or until killed. It obeys all verbal commands of the bag owner, although it will not roam farther than 100 feet from the bag. If it is forcibly moved farther, it responds to no commands, although it will still disappear after its hour is up. Unlike other vermin, a giant cockroach I brought forth from this bag understands Common and has an Intelligence score of 3.
CL: 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster II; Market Price: 3,000 gp. Weight: 10 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Vasharan Worm Pod

This item is a 6-inch-long gray seed pod. To get the Vasharan worm pod to function, is must be forcibly inserted into a helpless character's stomach (a standard action), dealing 3d6 points of damage to the character. For 2d10 days thereafter, gray-white worms grow within the pod, feeding on the character's flesh, dealing 1d4 points of damage each day and creating specialized body parts within the stomach lining. Once the worms are fully grown, the character can mentally command the worms (a full-round action) to snake a long, fleshy tube out of his stomach and up into his nose. Thereafter, until the host of the worm pod retracts the tube (a standard action), he can command a worm to travel up the tube, into the nose, through the nasal passage, and into his mouth. As a standard action, up to three times per day, the character can spit a worm up to 30 feet away, hitting a target with a successful ranged touch attack. If a worm hits a living creature, it burrows into the creature's body and into its vital organs. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or die 1d4 rounds after the worm strikes. Even a target that succeeds at its saving throw take 2d6 points of damage each round for 1d4 rounds, after which the worm dies. A remove disease or heal spell kills the burrowing worm, stopping the damage and the risk of death.
A creature with no discernible anatomy is immune to the worms and cannot be the host of a Vasharasi worm pod.
CL: 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, slay living, fabricate, animal growth; Market Price: 35,000 gp. Weight: 5 lb.
Source: Book of Vile Darkness

Wondrous items of the Seas

Admiral's Bicorne

This elaborately braided headgear made of rich blue felt, embroidered with golden thread. It often has a showy badge called a cockade, proclaiming nationality, faith, family crest, and the like. A humanoid or monstrous humanoid who dons the admiral's bicorne gains a +5 bonus on Profession (sailor) checks and all Charisma-based checks (including Leadership) as long as it is worn. The wearer's voice is magically amplified, so that it can be heard clearly by anyone within 100 feet; class features and effects that depend on hearing the speaker benefit from the increased range. Finally, the admiral's bicorne grants a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks to allies within sound of the wearer's voice (including the wearer).
Strong conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Eagle's Splendor, Heroism, Owl's Wisdom, Ventriloquism. Price 51,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Bag of Teeth

This small sack is made of fish skin and contains a handful of piranha teeth. By opening the bag and scattering its contents in a body of water, the user creates a piranha swarm.
The swarm is average in all regards and remains for 10 minutes. The swarm moves toward and attacks the closest living creature in the water, and the user has no control over its target or direction of travel. If no other creature is available, the swarm remains where it was summoned and attacks the first creature that approaches.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Swarm; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Captain's Lantern

This exquisite brass and green-glass lantern constantly protects the ship to which it is attuned with an alarm effect. The captain of the ship can speak a command word while touching a copper coin to the underside of the lantern to create a lantern token. Those who possess a lantern token do not set off the alarm. The captain can turn the alarm on or off with a command word. The captain can, at any time, negate all the current lantern tokens, turning them back into nonmagical copper coins. Tokens radiate a very minor abjuration effect.
Faint abjuration; Cl 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Alarm; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Everfull Sails

Sails crafted of a sky-blue canvas with strange silver flecking, these magical sails are always filled with a strong wind when fully unfurled. The wind created behind the sails is sufficient to drive the ship forward at its full normal speed, and the sails ignore any other winds that might be blowing contrary to that generated by the sails themselves. The winds stop when the sails are furled or otherwise pulled down.
A ship requires one set of everfull sails per mast, or the magic does not function (although the sails work as normal sails).
Moderate evocation [air]; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Gust of Wind; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 500 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Figurine of Wondrous Power (Pearlsteel Turtle)

This miniature statuette of a sea turtle is about the size of a human hand. Tossing down the figurine and uttering the command word causes it to transform into a giant sea turtle. The creature obeys and serves its owner; it understands Common but does not speak.
The giant sea turtle described here is a Huge version of a common sea turtle and is not aggressive. It serves only as a transport and does not obey orders to attack, although it will defend itself if threatened.

Giant Turtle: CR3; Huge magical beast (aquatic); HD 8d10+32, hp 87; Init +0; Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.; AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 25; Base Atk +8; Grp +23; Atk or Full Ark +13 melee (1d8+3, bite)*; Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft. (bite 10 ft.); SQ darkvision 60 ft., hold breath, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6.
*A giant turtle's bite is treated as a secondary attack and adds only half the creature's Strength bonus to the damage roll.
Skills and Feats: Listen +10, Spot +9, Swim +12; Alertness, Iron Will.
Languages: Common (does not speak).
Hold Breath (Ex): A giant turtle can hold its breath for 1 hour before it risks drowning.
Skills: A giant turtle has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

This creature can be harnessed to pull a boat or raft at up to one half its swim speed. It is possible to ride on the turtle's shell, but doing so requires a harness or rope or improvising handholds. Hanging onto the slick shell while the animal moves is extremely difficult, requiring a DC 20 Ride check each minute of travel.

The pearl steel turtle can be used up to three times per week for up to 6 hours at a time.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Finned Gauntlets

These sharkskin gauntlets are adorned with sweeping fins. The wearer gains a natural swim speed of 30 feet, with a +8 competence bonus on Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. The wearer can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered, and can use the run action while swimming. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Alter Self; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Living Figureheads

Each of the several kinds of living figureheads is carved from fine wood and resembles an ordinary figurehead. When a command word is spoken, the figurehead animates and is able to use special powers as described below. The living figurehead obeys and serves the ship's master (usually the captain). Unless stated otherwise, it can speak Common and communicate telepathically with its master, provided it is within 100 feet.
If a living figurehead is broken or destroyed in its carving form, it is forever ruined. If destroyed while animated, it simply reverts to a wooden carving that can be used again at a later time.
An animated living figurehead is a construct of the same size as the object, but it has the Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores given in its entry. Special abilities whose save DCs depend on Constitution use the animated figurehead's Charisma score instead.

Dragon Head: This Large dragon's head and neck are carved from cedar or spruce and painted as a chromatic or metallic dragon, with gaping mouth and fierce eyes. When animated, this living figurehead gains a breath weapon appropriate to the kind of dragon. It also confers on its ship immunity to a type of energy damage according to the kind of dragon.

Dragon Head: As Large animated object, with the following changes: Speed 0 ft.; Ark or Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+4, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA breath weapon; SQ hardness 5, immunity to energy, telepathy; AL N; SV Will HD/3 + Wis modifier; Int, Wis, Cha as dragon type.
Languages: Common and Draconic.
BreathWeapon (Su): As dragon type; see below. The breath weapon can be used once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Dragon VarietyBreath WeaponDamageSave DC
Black80-foot line of acid10d413
Blue40-foot cone of lightning10d814
Green40-foot cone of corrosive (acid) gas10d614
Red40-foot cone of fire10d1014
White40-foot cone of cold10d412
Brass80-foot line offire10d614
Bronze80-foot line of lightning10d616
Copper80-foot line of acid10d415
Gold40-foot cone of fire10d1016
Silver40-foot cone of cold10d816

Immunity to Energy (Ex): The ship gains immunity to a specific type of energy according to dragon type; see the following table.

Dragon VarietyImmunity

The animated dragon head has the mental statistics of a young adult dragon of its kind. The item can be used once per week for up to 10 minutes at a time.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Protection From Energy, and one of the following: Acid Fog or Water to Acid (acid), Cone of Cold (cold), Lightning Bolt (electricity), Fireball or Scorching Ray (fire); Price 40,000 gp (black or white), 44,000 gp (green, brass, or copper), 49,000 gp (blue or bronze), gp (red or silver), or 56,000 gp (gold); Weight 500 lb.

Ebony Porpoise: This living figurehead is carved from ebony, waxed and polished to a high gloss. When animated, this living figurehead grants its ship swift movement through the water, doubling its ordinary speed. Alternatively, the ebony porpoise can move a becalmed sailing ship as though it were propelled by a strong wind.
The ebony porpoise also allows its ship to clear aquatic hazards, such as reefs, shipwreck debris, and the like, by making long leaps. The ship is briefly airborne, its keel clearing the water by up to 10 feet, for up to 15 rounds per day. The duration of these leaps need not be consecutive rounds.
The animated figurehead is treated as a Large animated object. Its increased speed ability can be used three times per week for up to 6 hours at a time.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, LevitateQuickswim; Price 100,000 gp; Weight 400 lb.

Golden Shedu: This living figure head is carved into a likeness of the forequarters of a shedu, a creature with the head of a bearded man and the body of a winged bull. It is crafted of mahogany and overlaid with gold leaf.
When animated, this living figurehead grants its ship a fly speed of 60 feet with poor maneuverability. In addition, the golden shedu allows its ship and crew to shift briefly from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane as the etherealness spell. The animated figurehead has a Charisma score of 16 but is otherwise treated as a Large animated object. Its flight ability can be used twice per week for up to 1 hour at a time. It can transport the ship to the Ethereal Plane for up 10 minutes each week; the duration of the etherealness effect need not be consecutive periods.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Etherealness,Fly; Price 100,000 gp; Weight 350 lb.

Purpleheart Kraken: This living figurehead is a (much) smaller-than-life rendition of a kraken. It carved from the wood of the amaranth tree, which has a rich purple-brown color, and has tourmaline gems inlaid for its eyes.
When animated, the tentacles of the purpleheart kraken reach out to grab opponents or to hold fast an enemy ship. In addition, the figurehead can produce a control winds effect as a 15th-level caster. The item can be used once per week for up to 10 minutes at a time.
The animated figurehead is treated as a Large animated object, except that instead of a single slam attack, it has 8 slams that each deal 1d8+3 points of damage. It also has the improved grab ability, allowing it to attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. It can constrict, dealing automatic slam damage against a held creature or object. The tentacles can grab creatures of up to Large size and can hold multiple Small or smaller creatures. The tentacles have a reach of 30 feet. While animated, the master's ship gains a +8 bonus on any Profession (sailor) checks made to start a ship-to-ship grapple.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Control Winds, Entangle; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 500 lb.

Source: Stormwrack

Magnificent Captain's Coat

This heavy woolen coat prevents the wearer from becoming wet in rain and sea spray. The wearer also gains the benefit of an endure elements spell against cold (but not hot) extremes of weather.
Additionally, the effects from powerful winds) are reduced by one step on the wearer. Thus, when the wearer of this coat is standing in windstorm-speed winds, she receives only the penalties associated with severe winds; if the wearer is standing in a strong wind, she receives only moderate wind penalties.
Finally, this coat grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on both Profession (sailor) and Balance checks. Treat the coat as a shirt or vestment for determing whether it can be worn with other magic items.
Moderate abjuration, transmutation [air]; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Control Winds, Endure Elements; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Oars of Speed

Carved of lightweight yet durable wood, this pair of oars can befitted on a rowboat or used to paddle a canoe or other small watercraft. They grant an enhancement bonus of +10 feet to the vessel's speed. This bonus does not improve with the addition of more oars of speed. Boats requiring more than two oars can benefit from oars of speed, but all the vessel's oars must be oars of speed to gain the speed bonus.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Quickswim, creator must have 5 ranks in the Craft (boatbuilding) skill; Price 2,500 gp per pair; Weight 15 lb. each.
Source: Stormwrack

Planar Helm

This ship's wheel, crafted of silver and ebony, is made to be mounted at a ship's helm. Once this has been done, the planar helm operates just as any other ship's wheel. Additionally, twice per day anyone who knows the proper phrase can use the helm to produce a planar navigation effect on the ship.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Items, Planar Navigation; Price 65,520 gp; Weight 25 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Sails of Displacement, Minor

Sails of displacement are crafted of a misty gray-blue canvas-like material, the edges of which seem to be slightly blurred in the sea breeze. This grants a 20% miss chance to ship-to-ship attacks against the ship fitted with them, functioning continually.
Moderate illusion; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Displacement; Price 120,000 gp; Weight 500 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Sea-steed's Bridle

Crafted of leather with silver bits shaped as shells, this bridle can transform any animal or magical beast trained to accept riders into an aquatic form, as though it were the target of a steed of the seas spell. Doing so requires the use of a command word to shift into the altered form, and a second use to return to normal form. The item will shrink or enlarge to fit any size creature. Creatures affected by this bridle need not actually be paladin's special mounts.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Steed of the Seas; Price 28,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Secure Lines

This thick, tarred rope comes in 50-foot lengths and weighs twice as much as normal rope. Its magical enhancement grants it hardness 2 and 5 hp, and it requires a DC 25 Strength check to burst. Designated creatures moving over lines and rigging fashioned from this rope gain a +5 enhancement bonus on Balance and Climb checks. In addition, should a crew member fall from the rigging, the lines snake out and grab him in midair, preventing a fall and gently setting the creature to the deck of the ship.
The master of a vessel designates crew members for the secure lines, adding or removing individuals as the ship's complement changes. Adding or removing a crew member requires a command word.
Moderate conjuration and transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Rope, Fabricate; Price 10,800 gp; Weight 20 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Sovereign Sealant

This thick, colorless spread makes ships and watertight containers less susceptible to damage and leaks. One drum of sovereign sealant is sufficient to treat a boat or container of Huge size, or two hull sections of a larger craft.
A treated wooden item gains +2 hardness and is completely waterproof. A ship treated with sovereign sealant can lose one more hull section than normal before sinking.
Moderate conjuration; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Minor Creation; Price 8,000 gp per drum; Weight 60 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Stormrider Cloak

A cloak crafted of water-resistant storm-gray wool and accented with gold lightning-pattern embroidery, the stormrider cloak allows the user to use a fly effect three times per day, for up to 5 minutes each time. Additionally, the user gains resistance to electricity 10.
Moderate abjuration and transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Fly, Resist Energy; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Water Wheels

This set of four wooden wheels fits most wheeled vehicles, allowing one so equipped to float in water, regardless of its size or composition (although a vehicle with large openings will quickly become water logged). A vehicle so equipped has no independent mode of propulsion once afloat but must be rowed or fitted with sails unless it has magical propulsion or dray creatures capable of swimming.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Wave Blessing; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 20 lb each.
Source: Stormwrack

Wind Pipe

A device built for pumping air into submerged or otherwise enclosed spaces, this is a 2-foot-long brass tube, threaded so that additional lengths of ordinary tubing can be attached. The wind pipe has a diameter of 3 inches.
When activated, a flow of air equivalent to a moderate wind blows through the pipe. The intake end must be surrounded by air for the magic to work. Even if the space the air moves into has no outlet, the wind pipe provides circulation of the air magically.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Favorable Wind; Price 7,000 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Source: Stormwrack

Magic in the Realms

Conveyor belts with a smooth carrying surface are useful for conveying of packed and unpacked material up to the angle of inclination 22° as an upper limit.
CHEVRON belts are the right belts to meet your requirements when higher angles of inclination are required.
For this purpose, SAVA has developed high-performance and high-quality Chevron and High-Chevron conveyor belts. Their advantages are long service life and flexibility due to homogeneous Chevron profiles which are vulcanised together with a base belt.

Areas of application:

  • quarries, sandpits
  • cement works, lime works
  • farming: conveying of beets, grains, potatoes, fertilizers, wooden chips
  • coal and coke transport
  • sugar refineries
  • salt mines
  • mobile crushers and screens

Selection of a type and height of profiles depends on the material to be conveyed and the angle of inclination:

Type of material Material example Max. angle of inclination
Height of cleats
h(mm): 16h(mm): 25 h(mm): 32
POWDERY Flour, lime etc. 25° 28° 30°
LOOSE FLOWING Grains: corn, barley, wheat, rye, dray sand 20/25°25/30° 25/30°
LOOSE ROLLING Gravel, ground stone 25° 28° 30°
STICYWet sand, ash, wet loam 30/35°35/40° 40/45°
PACKED Sacks, jute sacks, paper sacks 30/35° 35/40° 35/40°

The values given are just an orientation and depend on the type of goods conveyed, loading conditions and the conveyor belt speed.

The maximum inclination of a smooth conveyor belt reaches from 15° to 22° in dependence of the type of material.
Steep angle conveyor belts with a profiled surface reach an inclination of 30° to over 40°.
In unfavorable loading conditions only the profiled surface may be loaded.
For the rest, the capacity is calculated in the same way as for smooth surface conveyor belts.

Volume flow:
Qv = Qth . k . v m3/h
Mass flow:
Qm = Qv . ρ t/h

Reduction factor k

Angle of inclination 14°16°18°20°22°24°26°28°30°35°40°
Loose rolling and rough material0,910,890,850,810,760,710,660,610,56--
Sticky material10,930,850,580,47

Theoretical volume flow Qth (m3/h) at two-sectioned idlers
at v=1 m/s, trough angle 20°, material static angle of slide 10°, horizontal conveying, smooth belt

Belt width (mm)400500
Qth (m3/h)4070

Theoretical volume flow Qth (m3/h) at three-sectioned idlers
at v=1 m/s, trough angle 20°, material static angle of slide 10°, horizontal conveying, smooth belt

Belt width (mm)50065080010001200
Qth (m3/h)60110172281412


CHEVRON belt with profile height 16 mmEP 250/2EP 400/3
Minimum pulley diameter (mm)Ø 250Ø 315
High-CHEVRON belt with profile height 25 and 32 mmEP 250/2EP 400/3
Minimum pulley diameter (mm)Ø 315Ø 400

Other constructions on request.

MINIMUM TAKE-UP ADJUSTMENT (% of centre distance)

Fixed or automatic take-up at tail


Carrying idler group0,5 meter
Return idler group *<= 0,8 meter

* It should not be a multiple of a spacing between two cleats.


Standard idler groupProfile height 16 mmProfile height 25 and 32 mm
- 3-Roll30°25° (1)
- 2-Roll30°20°

(1) Width < 800 mm: 20°

BELT SPLICING - additional lenght per splice (m) to be ordered

Type of spliceBelt EP 250/2Belt EP 400/3Belt EP 500/4
Hot vulcanised0,65 m0,85 m1,10 m
Cold splicing0,70 m0,90 m1,20 m

Other belt construction on request. CHEVRON belts may also be spliced with mechanical clamps.

Type A - profile height 16 mm
Type AH - profile height 25 mm

Typical belt construction:
EP 250/2 3,5/1
EP 400/3 3,5/1,5
EP 500/4 4/2
Cover type:
• anti-abrasion
• oil and grease resistant
• heat resistant
• fire resistant
• sliding belts
• food grade
Special application:
• Chevron + ripcheck
(steel cord reinforcement)

PatternWidth (B) (mm)Pattern width (A) (mm)Freezone width (C) (mm)Pitch (mm)
A33, AH33*









A44, AH44500












A51, AH51













A54, AH54













A62, AH62













A72, AH72









A83, AH83









A94, AH94









A101, AH101









A112, AH112









A133, AH133









A151, AH151









A156, AH156









A161, AH161









*AH33 available in width 500 mm only.
CHEVRON conveyor belts with A and AH type profiles

Type F - profile height 32 mm

Typical belt construction:
EP 250/2 3,5/1
EP 400/3 3,5/1,5
EP 500/4 4/2
Cover type:
• anti-abrasion
• oil and grease resistant
• heat resistant
• fire resistant
• sliding belts
• food grade
Special application:
• Chevron + ripcheck
(steel cord reinforcement)

PatternWidth (B) (mm)Pattern width (A) (mm)Freezone width (C) (mm)Pitch (mm)
A51, AH51













A72, AH72









A83, AH83









A94, AH94









A101, AH101









A112, AH112









A133, AH133









A151, AH151









A156, AH156









A161, AH161









A156, AH156









Conveyor belts with L type profiles (reversible)


B (mm) PROFILEA (mm) C (mm)EP400/3
500 L 38 380 60only on request only on request
650 L 51 510 70only on request
only on request
800 L 64 640 80only on requestonly on request
1000 L 77 770 115only on request
only on request
1200 L 103 1030 85only on request only on request

Chevron conveyor belts are also available in combination with ripcheck and in different rubber cover types.